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Return to simplicity (for an estimated €3,500,000 - 4,200,000)

>inspired by the success of the Porsche-based Glöckler specials of the early 1950s, Porsche set out to construct the company's first proper racing car. Although stripped out competition versions of the VW based 356 had proven moderately successful, the team in Zuffenhausen agreed that a more specialized machine was required to continue their racing success. Despite the limited funds and time available, two separate programs were initiated at the factory. Ernst Fuhrmann was in charge of designing a competition engine (project 547) and Wilhelm Hild headed the development of a new chassis (project 550).
>There were only a few months available for Hild's team to construct the new racer for its scheduled debut in the 1953 24 Hours of Le Mans. The design was very similar to the mid-engined Glöckler, which was equipped with a modified 356 drivetrain reversed with the engine between the driver and the rear axle. A simple steel tube ladder frame was created with six cross members. The front and rear suspension were similar to the production Porsches with some small revisions to handle the expected higher load. The brakes and wheels were also sourced from the 356 parts bin. Two chassis were constructed, but with Fuhrmann not ready yet, a 356 1500 Super engine was fitted.
this is what the chinese should be making. subjectivly simple tube chassis, power nothing, and like a 150hp motor with vintage styling. they could squirt out a car like this for less than 5k
cute, would hoon, would put pedal to the floor on every liftoff
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Be careful out there, anons.
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