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>advertised price 30k
>out the door price 40k
thatll be 1000 doc fee. non negotiable
>frown and shake head left to right
>say "This is 15k over my budget."
>walk out
>wait a few weeks
They'll call you back.
>as long as it's not a recent model year redesign or ultra luxury
if you're in australia there's also the chance that it'll get slugged with the luxury car tax which exists to prop up our domestic auto industry
That's why you always call ahead and get the OTD price. If they won't give it to you or give you bullshit like "You have to come in for the best deals," skip that dealership entirely.
Not that it fucking worked, you cunts.
Taxes never do. Funny, that.
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>buy dealership car for first time in my entire life
>they want 15k
>talk them down to 14.2k
>total after all is said and done is a tad over 17k
umm janjans?
I called like 10 dealerships none of them would give me a price lol.
Then don't buy from any of them. I drove almost 400mi for my current daily, but it was the cheapest in the state and I got in and out in an hour. Obviously easier, since I didn't need financing.
>our domestic auto industry

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