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And here....we....go....
based. EV shills on suicide watch
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Lmao we're SO BACK
Based as fuck
>inb4 massive pressure and sanctions from gubbermints to hold the EV course
Couldn't they get more interest with the Powerboost hybrid system? Turn more vehicles into mobile generators in the case of blackouts, or for camping and shit.
This is the automakers essentially calling California’s bluff.

And I think people took it way too much for granted that California could just dictate nationwide standards on this. Yes its a big market, but the rest of America minus California is still like 300 million people and if the automakers want to play hardball its the Californian government, ostensibly beholden to its voters who will start making noise at the ballot box, who will blink first.
When will they learn? No legacy car maker can compete with Tesla.

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