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File: pie.jpg (897 KB, 4080x3072)
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>reject modernity
>return to tradition
You can not stop the dog dish cheap tire uprising
You have a full set of those Ford big rivet wheels?
How much you want for em?
Mu bronco was factory optioned with them but I have 2 with damage.
all of your pylons
Olwein sucks hairy nads.
outlaw iis aren't tradition?
get yourself some bleach white and make them bitches look good
i don't know that i've seen dog dish with a 4x4 hub cutout
I'm actually serious.
I'm on multiple (real) truck forums trying to get a set in the sale/trade sections.
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They exist, obviously, but no one bought them in any numbers except for the F250's for some reason. Even then it was common for them to get taken off and just run the steel wheel bare. Pic related was the Ford version up through the mid-Nineties
hello fort madison anon
There's a part out down here in Middleburg FL for an F150 with those wheels. Check your junk yards.

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