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Can you get pussy if you drive a Prius?
Sure, if you rape your uber passenger. Apparently it's an extremely common occurrence.
Does Trans pussy count?
Id give you mine if I had one.
The P in prius stands for bussy
Gonna take that as a no
Any car will get you pussy so long as she can connect her phone to it and play whatever tiktok song is popular that month.
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>no pussy for me
>lots of space
>great fuel economy
04-09 prius FUCKS I'd rock one if I had to pick a jap shitbox (and the 00's insight was off the table for whatever reason)
I just dont want to die trying to merge onto the freeway
I didn't even have a car, driving my moms prius to work when I could, and had a slim tall girlfriend who would cook for me and uh, enjoyed taking it hard all the time.
Was a long time ago she's a social media power mom model now, I just make more money amd enjoy being unchained.

So yes you can laid. I did it without my own car driving my mom's. All I had to do was get to know her at work and ask for a couple rides home. Then I popped the question "hey do you want to go out" and 3 days later we were fucking like rabbits, doing the typical cupcake phase shit, months later she'd tell my friends she's a good girl for me (to her it meant swallowing and taking loads unprotected.)

If my retarded, autistic, quiet dumb ass can bag a fuck doll you can too. You just have to know your targets, when and especially how to be a predator that she wants.
Iunno all my girlfriends have been an opportune moment kind of thing. Your mileage may vary, mine certainly has.
You just keep your foot down to the floor and pretend you're going as fast as everyone else.
t. no car moms prius (way in the past) anon
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Don't work for me br/o/
>flirty woman
>be friendly
>talk for a while
>eventually she starts hating me for ???
>get irritated with her and vocalize it after failed attempts to hint
>she no longer likes me
aaand it's over, every damned time
pretty similar process for guys too, just takes a while longer
>t. zoomer, if that explains anything
>I've just given up on my age bracket, boomers are so much better
I mean, so I have bad teeth (like really bad, like worse than memes about japanese girls teeth bad) but I look OK and i dont know what it is but some types (multiple types?) of chicks just really like how I am.
I've been homeless twice and had short term "girlfriends" where I'd come over when possible, be their little cuddle buddy and fuck them like whores on their family couch (my 100% serbian descended ex gf used to get horny watching Walking Dead with me, she'd get me weed high then I'd pound her on the couch while she opened the living room curtains and moan into the window - crazy serbian bitches) . But a thing like that is so shallow, like mutual drug friends dating, I couldnt stomach it.

Anon the biggest part of finding a girl is knowing instinctively what your "strike zone" is. Not pretending the Princess of France or whatever is YOUR TRULY, no I mean recognizing where your strike zone is and knowing when to ask a girl.

Trying to be on topic for OP:
Car? Hell yeah you can get good pussy drivong a prius. WOMEN, not girls, women don't care what you drive. They're as vulnerable and as looking for someone to trust and share as you are. You just have to have the sense for who/where/when finding someone fits together.
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you'll be fine. if an 86 can floor it to match highway speeds so can you
You can get pussy in a Prius, but it won't be because of the Prius
Flirty women at work usually just want the fun of laid back, low key hitting on each other because they already have someone they want and are just having fun at work.
Don't think too hard about it. Girls compatible with you would give the classic signs of femininity. That is, not being forward, (not being negative about you), not being obvious.
>only have a cd player no aux
she’s gonna be listening to the kinks album and she WILL like it
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What I hate is how my fellow zoomies are just a big fat perpetual bundle of plausible deniability where as soon as you don't fit the fucking preplanned script then suddenly nothing means anything and THEY'RE always right and YOU'RE always wrong
>Ex. it's ok to complain nonstop about fucking trump and fucking israel but nooo how dare you point out how nushit is, well shit
>>And the women are even more so like this
The "olds" ain't like that though they can leave shit at the door and they "get" it; I'd date a 40 year old if they weren't all infertile and married
There is one zoomie girl I know who dares to have complex discussions even if it's new to her; a true open minded zoomer, not a fucking larper. (though she may be lesbian)
Another one probs likes me but... I don't trust her; too much "plausible deniability" vibes
Ok, ok ok okokokok, my friend that is basically human behavior in a nutshell always has been always will be.
>i'd date a 40 yr old
I'm 35 and why in the FUCK would you do that to yourself. I won't do that to myself. I'd rather go through all the pains of remaking the relationship my ex-best-friend's little sister (11 years younger) wanted than date a fucking 40 year old woman.
>i think she's
I have fucked three "lesbians" well ok one was actually a damaged person who ended up "transing" to a "male"
>i dont trust her
I trust no breathing human being but myself. But again...Autistic, quiet, dumbass....

Let me repeat: Successful relationships start with developing your instinctual knowledge of the kind of girl who wants you. Heart fluttering on eye contact is not that. It's the girl you can plan for over (some) time, not dream about. Really hard to describe the feeling with words so I cant give you perfect advice.

Also fuck you Cloudflare this is an honest decent discussion a lot of young 4chan anons should read.
You can get pussy if you're not a pussy, your car does not matter to women as long as it's not a total trashpile. If you want attention from men though you definitely should invest in a cool car
>fucked 3 lesbians
>and apparently many more
Sounds like you're physically attractive but they can't take you mentally
>same desu, been rated 8/10 but also too "intense"
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>>she's a social media power mom model now
absolute fucking voidpill
>nevermind about dating a 40 year old I suppose

>>the kind of girl who wants you
This seems to change, doesn't help that I don't seriously consider most women because I know what awaits me; required perfection in exchange for near-guaranteed rock bottom
>It really doesn't help that I haven't had a healthy friendship since I was 11, something I just realized a year ago
>Something always feels broken and wrong with them; either I want to rip out their throats and execute them via curbstomp on the daily or I feel inadequate and subpar (not the same people in both situations, luckily)
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That girl was always on a course for something else, whether or not I was going to stay. She would have been a perfect teeth (after the three years of Invisalign), slim, tall (5'7 for women tall), fit power mommy no matter who she was with.
I just managed to smell foul after I spent my day off at her place while she was working, and found her "hidden" Firefox install with her Facebook still logged in, and read all her messages....
Thanks Tessa. I mean it was always sort of overt but as adults we could have had the convo not you trying to manipulate me (it pays to pretend you're stupid/ignorant).
In her defense, on randlm chance my friend ordered pizza from the last job Tessa had before she moved and the driver told me how after we broke up she was crazy about how our plan to move back to illinois in her xeceased aunt's house wasnt working. But i found the messages to her ex sho she married after the fact. Women can be dumb and vile at the same time. Like I said sometimes it pays to pretend you're unaware (("quiet"..."autistic"..."dumb ass") well shit maybe its a self fulfilling prophecy))

That Serbian (100% american gen) chick was also a wild piece of shit. Too much to write about.
My 2nd serious GF was a mirror image of her mom, long story short I would have been grinded down and thrown away like her mom did to her dad, making a fractured family and more of herself. Bad.
Not all golden gooses most of those chicks are nothing but warehouse rave useless fucks who end up being annoying stragglers.

>rock bottom
Only way is up :D As a millenial, Fight Club (the movie) got some shit unapologetically right.
>healthy relationship
I do not know anyone who has ANY "healthy relationships"
>the rest
Yeah man welcome to being a Human Being. We are predators to our own because nothing else is left and it hasn't been long enough (tens of thousands of years, more?) to change that.
>fight club is gud but I prefer office space
I've been described as having millennial energy by zoomies; once I even called a guy about hypothetically doing seats on, get this, a 70's buick. He mentioned his divorce and we started talking, this man thought I was in my 40's (kek) despite being... uh... about half that
>>I do not know anyone who has ANY "healthy relationships"
This *is* the general feel I get from zoomies, but somehow they manage to keep it all together and pretend with each other
Perhaps I'm too inquisitive and "dangerous" (unfortunately not in a fun sexo way) hence being "intense"
>The reality is I'm not fucking stupid enough to want vapid sex; I can get that via imagination and a closed hand
>I want a person whom I can fucking relax with
The Prius would be tight as fuck if it came with a full 115v/15amp AC outlet like the Ford Lightning does. They could have done that years ago. It would essentially be a generator with an efficient vehicle for those times you need to move the vehicle, in air conditioned comfort. Toyota really fucked up on that.
I had the original insight anon (2001 model). You really don't want one. I bought it when it was 10 years old and had under 100k miles on the clock. It looked awesome and it handed surprisingly well. But the IMA system just didn't work well. There were constant issues with the battery pack due to problems with the software on the battery control module, and the battery degraded fast due to heat (live in the south). The result is that in the few years I had it, it killed 2 battery packs (bought the first one then the second one was swapped in under warranty because the first died so fast). I then drove it without the IMA system for a while, which does work, but it doesn't have an alternator to charge the 12v battery, that's charged via a dc/dc converter hooked up to the IMA battery. The result, is that I could drive as long as the 12v battery lasted, then it would die. When I parked it I had to plug in a battery charger. I extended my range by disconnecting the stereo and buying a big ass 12v battery for a truck, throwing that in back in the little storage area above the spare tire, and doing some extremely sketchy wiring work. I could drive few couple hours that way, as long as I didn't use my headlights, which was fine because they were burned out anyway. I had a love/hate relationship with that thing and it left me stranded many times. It was fun to drive when it worked properly, having a 5 speed stick in a hybrid is really cool. It was beyond sketchy on the interstate though. It's beyond scary trying to force your way into a lane on i35 when your top speed is 75 with a tailwind and everyone is doing 80+ and you're so tiny nobody can see you. Plus I had to turn the ac off in it to go up hills at highway speed.

Moral of the story is that it was an awesome concept for a car and would make a cool hobby car if you want to k swap it, but do not buy one as a daily driver, you will not have a good time. It's really just a concept car that went to production
I say "voidpill" because you, and likely a few other guys, fucked her brains out and now some poor SOB gave this "power mom" children
Not in the us. Or move to a giga libtard city
I think you got a cooked one an/o/n
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to be fair they did fix 2 out of 3 of those things
The Prius is an expensive car now. The people that can afford to drop 40k on a prius already have generators for their homes
>Smiles everyone, smiles!
>piano black
will they ever stop with this meme SHIT?
most pussy I got was while driving old VW Sharan. It doesn't matter what you drive

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