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What Mercedes models from the 70s-90s are not only luxurious but also reliable?
Pretty much any from before about 1996, that's when things started to get shakey.
Which is more reliable the diesel or petrol models?
Diesel, no question.
In similarly pressing questions, which gets better gas milage, and is an auto or manual an easier drive?
>he is seriously considering an ancient automatic transmission
diesel better mpg, and with that you'll want a manual so the autotorqueslushbox doesn't eat half of your like 80 horsepower
The autobox in my 1985 BMW 5 series is till going strong, so they're not that bad really. Though I can't say how an old Mercedes auto is.
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None. Those are all 30-50yo cars at this point. None of them will be or stay fully functional, without a moderate level of wrenching, unless you have money to burn on those upcharges for both parts and labor due to the allure and prestige of the 3-pointed star.
depends, the 6 cylinder is good but I've seen pics of idiots who used water in the radiator and over time it causes corrosion in the aluminium water passages in the head. 70's had weak rust protection while on the w126 I've seen it not rust even with paint missing in parts and I don't mean hood or boot which can be aluminium. I've seen a few people drive the w123 where I am so must be ok.
Do note that Mercedes manuals from the 80s are absolute fucking junk, their automatics might be ancient slushboxes, but they were built to last and could take just about any kind of abuse within reason.
Manuals didn't even like winter skids and would shear off the syncro rings with spirited driving.
Sex thread?
>reliable 70s Mercedes
I think the engine is the only part of the entire car that may still work correctly
And only if it’s diesel

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