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File: lift.webm (997 KB, 352x262)
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looking to get a small truck for my biz. I want the smallest truck that can tow my foxbody and still be able to go offroad and be fuel efficient. Budget is 3k but I can wrench.

Is there any reason to get an s10 over a ranger? I'll consider others but the parts availability is a big deal for me. Any years/models I should avoid? I also want to build a hydraulic lift for loads like pic, because it would be cool.
S10 is probably cheaper since it's not a meme machine like the Ford Ranger. I'd recommend you just find a 4.0LV6 ranger tho or do whatever engine swap people love for the S10. Probably more rangers out there than S10s anyhow so parts are cheap and abundant. Ford had no issue using a handful of designs across their fleet which is why you can poach mustang parts for f150s.
3k is pocket change in biden's america. trying to find a usable truck for that amount is peak penny wise, pound foolish.
yeah that was basically my plan, I don't know if an engine swap is in the cards but it would be nice because these things are dog slow

I live in detroit
I'm curious why you think overloading a small truck would be a good idea??? A Foxbody on a trailer is going to be 4k+ lbs easy which would not be smart towing with a S10 or a Ranger. S10's don't even exist and you're never getting a Ranger for $3k. Your best bet would be a GMT800 1500 or ideally 2500 to avoid the 4l60e.
>I also want to build a hydraulic lift for loads like pic, because it would be cool.

That's lighter than a liftgate and a very good idea. I have a liftgate but I'll look into fabbing one for my other truck. Thanks for posting.
>I live in detroit
k, that just ensures every 3k truck you find will be falling apart from rust

save up, poorfag.
Since size has so little to do with economy drive south and get an early LS powered Silverado or a F150 with a 4.6. I've owned both for many years and am mechanic. 5.3 gets best mileage. Mine is a 4x4 but I don't need that so I removed the axles (leaving the stubs to hold the front wheel bearings in place) for the mileage improvement but they sell locking front hub/axle kits which I'd buy if I cared.

2500 is basically a 3500 frame and lighter suspension which is good.
I keep an eye out for deals on one since I've too many good trucks already but I can afford the fuel. You can install a 4L80 with or without a 6.0. I reflashed my ECU (software is free, I used the OBDX USB dongle with a self-made bench harness, see Youtube for how) to delete rear O2 sensors and the failure-prone ATS.
Just drive south like others do. Time and fuel cost little if you get what you want.
Buy literally any domestic half ton with an ls from factory.

They are cheap, abundant, parts are infinite, and you have an engine you can build to whatever you like for cheaper than anything else. Plus you can tow comfortably without feeling like you are going to die if the wind picks up
What brand is that lift? SEO pollutes searches so no joy so far.
Why don't you get a "real job" and quit your "biz" retard
>overloading a small truck
its within official capacity for the 4.0 v6, and I just want it to be possible, not comfortable; and if I'm being honest I will probably be putting bikes in the back most of the time instead. I've towed it with an edge with no issues.

no problem anon good luck!

>5.3 gets best mileage
like what? I get 23mpg in my focus ST, so something around there would be nice
I considered a half ton because I know they're quick, but I prefer the usability of the smaller trucks. I'm not going to be towing a lot, just a few weekends to mid ohio mostly

this one is called Ezy lift but another US company called impac makes them too. They aren't very complicated just a few hydraulic pistons and a winch.
>3k for a truck
Lmao it ain't happening brother
>within official capacity
yeah but do you live where there's mountains?

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