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Pic related:

>air conditioning, power steering and radio
>good enough for city and travel if you don't pack it full
>parts available literally anywhere and everyone even in the smallest town in this godforsaken land knows how to fix it
>one of the cheapest to fix
>makes 25 MPG in the cty and at least 35 MPG with ethanol
>no bullshit like electronic assnut unit that connects to whatever and you have to drop $1000 to repair it or it has this 'mechanical quirk' that makes you spend a fuckton of cash every 50,000 kilometers like dirty bmw's

Why spend so much in a luxury car when this (or insert any no-bullshit car like this one) takes you where you want, without drawing attention from thieves and people in general when you can just run unnoticed?
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What's it's compression? 7:1? Sorry but I can't take a donkey fucker seriously.
>20 year old trash that leaves you crying every time you take it to a repair shop, either because the mf doesn't know how to repair or because it costs a fucking lot to repair it


>you have to do it all on your own not because you're trying to save, no one can do it for a reasonable price because they're bad professionals and the good ones overcharge

Nah, anon, keep thinking you're some sort of CEO when you run around with that ridiculous thing.
12,15:1. Why?

>Donkey fucker

I'm not from Bahia thanks lol
it’s a crime that bmw’s can look this fucking good and get paired with the most sensitive little engines imaginable. i almost bought an e30 for $2k back in 2018. thank ALLAH i never went through with it. Old cars are already a pita to get in decent shape after taking them away from neglectful owners.
Three words:
It's slow, ugly, and gay
Does that answer?
exactly why i'm strongly against luxury cars. they're made for the first and second owners who have other cars and can afford take it to a faggy dealership who will charge triple the price for anything and fix the chronical issue that comes back after 3 years or 50,000 kilometers and costs another fuckton of cash to do again, only for it to 'last' other 3 years or 50,000 kilometers.

does it matter if you mainly ride in the city? no one goes around looking at a car and think 'ha, gay'.
the luxury car …or any other “fun” sports car are very attractive to vain and pretentious people that just want to own flashy things. i don’t think these types do it for anyone else, or at least not the MEN. but they’re also not in brazil where they have to worry about getting violently mugged or shot dead in broad daylight. staying under the radar isn’t a concern in most of the u.s.
>no one goes around looking at a car and think 'ha, gay'.
Why would i care what others think of my car?
Even worse, you look at your own car and think it's slow, ugly, and gay, which it is.
>Even worse, you look at your own car and think it's slow, ugly, and gay, which it is.

I do think it's slow, but I can live with that. Better than living with the shadow of having a 'luxury car' and being envied by friends.
Ugly, slow, gay.
>I do think it's slow, but I can live with that.
It's also ugly and gay.
Can you live with that too? I probably couldn't.
Imagine your entire life just driving slow ugly and gay cars and then you come to /o/ to blog about it.
>Better than living with the shadow of having a 'luxury car'
What exactly do you think is a "luxury car," and why do you think it's either this crapbox or a "luxury car"?
Also do you think your friends are going to rape you or something?
Brazil has a demographics problem, the people are monkeys willing to rob and kill each other over bananas. That doesn't make luxury cars bad, it means the people of brazil are bad.
I don't care for luxury cars either, but I also don't care for econoboxes just because they're "fuel efficient" or "cheap to fix" or "cargo space" or some other faggot metric.
>Why would i care what others think of my car?
the only time i care is when someone compliments it
>Imagine your entire life just driving slow ugly and gay cars and then you come to /o/ to blog about it.

If this is all i'll ever get, alright.

>What exactly do you think is a "luxury car," and why do you think it's either this crapbox or a "luxury car"?
ANYTHING made by BMW, Mercedes-benz, Audi, JLR, and other worldwide recognized luxury brands, things that aren't 10 year ol, and specially the brand-new cars. The cheapest Mercedes that you cn buy brand new is a fucking CLA 200 that costs R$295,000. This makes me furious.

>I don't care for luxury cars either, but I also don't care for econoboxes just because they're "fuel efficient" or "cheap to fix" or "cargo space" or some other faggot metric.

Oh i'm so sorry if you don't need to care about the cost of maintenance!
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If you drive pic rel, where does this place you socially in BRBR?
>If this is all i'll ever get, alright.
This is a board for car enthusiasts. I hope that most people here aren't satisfied with slow, ugly, and gay cars.
If you are satisfied with that, and moreover cannot understand why anyone would want something better than that, you aren't a car enthusiast. Every positive thing you mentioned about that car has nothing to do with the fun of driving it.
>ANYTHING made by BMW, Mercedes-benz, Audi, JLR, and other worldwide recognized luxury brands
You have to understand that you live in a shithole.
The average upper class person in america can pretty easily afford an audi, BMW, or merc. Why would they settle for a crapbox when they could have a fast, beautiful, and straight car?
>Oh i'm so sorry if you don't need to care about the cost of maintenance!
Finances aren't the only factor for car enthusiasts.
Everyone likes cheap to maintain cars, that are fuel efficient, and have decent cargo space. But if it offers literally nothing else beyond that, it's not an enthusiast car. Again, this is an auto enthusiast board.
Some people want good sounding cars that are fast and look cool. Big engines making big power. Or maybe good handling. Or maybe it's just really comfortable and luxurious to drive.
All of these are related to driving dynamics. Your car has no real positive qualities with regards to driving dynamics, it's just about the "ownership experience."
You're very rich and you probably own a farm or something related, so this places you very high socially in huehueland.

>and moreover cannot understand why anyone would want something better than that, you aren't a car enthusiast

What i'm saying in here is that people shouldn't praise luxury cars the way they do, or try to daily drive these things. That's all.

>Your car has no real positive qualities with regards to driving dynamics, it's just about the "ownership experience."

Am I forbidden to enjoy the only experience I can get which is to drive an all-around economical car, which by brazilian standards, is already a luxury?

>The average upper class person in america can pretty easily afford an audi, BMW, or merc.

Can they mantain it over the course of, say, five years?
>What i'm saying in here is that people shouldn't praise luxury cars the way they do, or try to daily drive these things. That's all.
If people want to have fun driving and can afford it, there is nothing wrong with that. Not everyone is in the same financial situation as you. Some can afford better. Some view your car as excess and think everyone should just ride donkeys. There's a right car or mode of transport for everyone, and for me personally, I would rather ride the bus and walk than drive what you posted.
>Am I forbidden to enjoy the only experience I can get which is to drive an all-around economical car, which by brazilian standards, is already a luxury?
I don't understand, you think simply driving a car is a luxury experience, but you don't think this experience can be improved upon? You don't think some want to have even more fun driving?
No one is saying you can't enjoy your car, in fact YOU are the one saying that OTHERS cant enjoy THEIR luxury cars.
>Can they mantain it over the course of, say, five years?
If they are upper middle class, then yes.
Failing to maintain cars mainly comes from laziness and ignorance in america, not from cost.
>so this places you very high socially in huehueland.

Intredasting, this is the same situation in USA.
t. F-150 chad
Fuck you.

I'vee never met someone who think cars are excess except if they're delusional. Cars are necessary in Brazil. Anyways, dude, go drive your 2005 C-Class or something while you just THINK you're part of some upper class.
>you just THINK you're part of some upper class.
So this is a poorfag inferiority complex thread all along.
Was kind of expecting it. It's becoming increasingly common on this board.
Said gen z Richie Rich who got rich doing dumb stuff on TikTok lmao
ESL thread too
No one cares just like your CLA that was the cheapest brand new car you could get lmao. Enjoy being one of the same among the really rich.
Uma delicia
Vá se foder você e o câncer. Vou dormir que eu ganho mais. Fogo no k j
It actually has electronic bullshit in it, it actually attracts thieves because it's easy to steal and part, it's unsafe in crashes and isn't comfortable. The dash in particular is very intrusive unless you're a pygmy. The engine is also very underwhelming and so are the driving dynamics. I'd still take it over a Prius which is an even more soulless appliance, the little Uno still has some soul in it.
That BMW doesn't look good, lol. Last good looking BMW was its contemporary 3 series and possibly the 5 series that came after it (the V10 one) if being generous.
>This makes me furious.
Because you can't afford it? You realize the point of "luxury" is that it goes beyond what you need, right? Luxury basically means "excess".
What makes ME furious is that they charge luxury prices for econoboxes with a prestige badge on it. Those new Mercedes you mentioned aren't worthy of the price and in my eyes make the brand itself less desirable. They're built like shit.
>There's a right car or mode of transport for everyone, and for me personally, I would rather ride the bus and walk than drive what you posted.
Anon come on, the Uno is crap but not THAT crap. I will go out on a limb and say it, I'd rather own a Uno than a Hyundai or even a Toyota Etios. I'm not a fan of the Uno but one can do much worse. Hell, I'd even take an Uno over a classic Twingo.
Why would it make better with ethanol if ethanol is less energy dense
Probably related to it being higher octane so it changes the tune when it detects it, idk
>9,4l/100km in the city, in a subcompact
HOW do you even do that kek
My Vito van needs 9l, my automatic E46 a little over 8 (8 and 7,5/100km on the autobahn)
Also, I have owned a Fiat Panda (169 4x4) before and those parts prices were SPICY, even compared to BMW and Mercedes bits
>I'm Brazilian

Stopped right there.
What's up with the wierd fake grill?
Ethanol costs less than gasoline, and has like 70% of the power of gasoline in brazil (which has up to 28% of ethanol mixed up).

Nope, it's 9,4 kilometers per litre.

Design choices.

It makes me furious exactly because it's a luxury. A car like this is all you NEED.

>Those new Mercedes you mentioned aren't worthy of the price and in my eyes make the brand itself less desirable. They're built like shit.

A CLA is built like shit? Oh well, first world problems I guess.
25mpg is 9,4 l/100km and very thirsty
9,4km/l is 10,6l/100km and EVEN WORSE
My guy your car isn't running right, might be stuck in it's cold start phase for some reason. Is your temp gauge showing normal behaviour?
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pelo amor de deus vai arrumar um emprego
>Nope, it's 9,4 kilometers per litre.
My 30 year old V6 Audi has better fuel consumtion than that.

>Design choices.
Looks ass.

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