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Are these things basically gonna keep appreciating and are they really that much better than a 98-12 Ranger or 94-04 S10?

Budget is $10-12k, trying to stay under 100k miles if I can

>Are these things basically gonna keep appreciating
>are they really that much better than a 98-12 Ranger or 94-04 S10
You could fully bulletproof an S10 for less than half what a clapped out Toyota would cost.
Look at the cleanest examples you can get for your budget of each one and the drivetrain you want. Also, there's nothing wrong with choosing based on which one you think is cooler.
This is THE quintessential jeet car where I live lmao
>frame rusts away
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smol trucks of any kind, even "unsafe for highway use" keimobiles, will continue to rise in price as new trucks either get bigger and bigger or lose the frame and become a ute (looking at YOU ford)
>also all these old trucks are old, and with how things are a'goin', it'll be like the fucking soviet union where used shite is more expensive than new shite
S10's are trash.
They were GM's disposable market.
Ranger, Nissan, Toyota are all superior.
Even a Jeep pickup is more reliable.
I'd take an Isuzu pickup found in a field before ANY S10.
Demand goes up and up every year while new supply of these remains a tiny trickle of overseas (often LHD) imports that often get super price gouged for special snowflake buyers. And that trickle is dwarfed by the number of them rusting out, wrecking or just getting too far neglected to keep on the road.

So yeah, they’re gonna keep going up in price forever.

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