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File: slingshot.jpg (243 KB, 1443x962)
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>same power as a Miata but 2/3 the weight
>start at $10k used
Quit bitching about the death of cheap light sports cars if you don't own one of these.
Not trying to wear a helmet every time i want to drive half a mile to pick up cigarettes
>awful cornering
>awful roadfeel
>awful seats
>awful "face"
>2013 youtuber colorscheme
>can't drive unless weather gud
the reality is the cheap sportscar is still alive in the form of the miata and mustang, and of course the used market, which is where every true cheap sportscar "comes from"
unfortunately the low amount of options in nucars, and increasing spyshit/screenmeme/electrogizmos means that the nucars will not be good used cars, at least for the forseeable future
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Not far enough. What you really need is an actual racecar. And go racing with it.
Nobody with a a rational mind would buy that over a motorcycle.
I've seen a crap ton of them when I was in Maui at June, mainly they were just rental cars people can get if they want to experience the wind n sun but I never saw any slingshots driving on the road.
The idea of cheap light sports cars is they often looked really nice too. Pretty important part of the whole conundrum. Just saying.
Took one out for a test drive in daytona. It was a fun lil toy.
Shame it's made by Polaris
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>you should buy this [shitty] sports car
>posts motorcycle
desu I'd be happy with a fucking 4wheeler

kind of bored with cars and i don't need to go over 50 or so anyway
It's a trike. Ya silly goose
Are exocets cheap still?
based kuroha poster
you vill eat ze june bugs
The hypersonic missile? Anon i hate trike drivers too but it isn't that bad.
I literally only see black people driving these.
Explains why they're so popular with niggers.
No thanks, I'll keep my Miata

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