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land of the free
worst part is the delica isn't even in the kei class. it's just a better at doing van things than anything you can get now.
You will buy a kia carnival and you will be happy!
Under the federal 25-year import ruling, cars that are at least 25 years old and weren’t originally sold to the U.S. market are granted dispensation, without regard to whether they comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. But this doesn’t exempt you from state vehicle registration laws. In California, for instance, imported cars still have to pass smog checks. And in Maine, the state now requires imported vehicles to carry an EPA compliance sticker, which, as an import, is an impossibility. So due to its import status, it’s considered an off-road vehicle, thus ineligible for road use. A representative from Maine's Secretary of State office even went so far as to say that the time "Maine considered these vehicles to be ATVs", citing a Maine statute which if you look up doesn't remotely mention EPA and NHTSA compliance. So they're literally just writing new laws and saying they already existed and you need to stop noticing things.

According to the Massachusetts website https://www.mass.gov/info-details/vehicles-that-cannot-be-registeredtitled-in-massachusetts

>These mini trucks and vans are typically imported and are more than 25 years old. Under the 25-year rule, Kei mini trucks and vans can be lawfully imported into the U.S. even if they do not comply with all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS), which these vehicles do not. The Massachusetts RMV, under its authority, does not issue registrations and titles for these mini trucks and vans.

broooooo it's like our authority n shieeeeet it's totally not arbitrary and part of a conspiracy to force you all to buy $60k american megacars
I dunno I see several Kei trucks on the streets, on of my neighbors in Boston has one. Is it just the Delica van?
Why would they do that? Boston is like one of the few cities in all of the country that it would be sensible to have Keis around. it's not like fucking Texas where these would have to merge with 80mph traffic in the slow lane.
they just did it
I hate bureaucrats so fucking much
>politicians saving people from buying mememobiles
All the downsides of lawlessness with none of the upsides
kek everything is gay and retarded.
I normally would be against bans and stuff but weebs are fucking annoying as shit so based honestly
Fuck the autistic fucks who worship gay shit like this
This is what happens when you don't participate in the political system.
You get ruled over by a bunch of retarded faggots who do show up and make laws like this.

The west collectively fell asleep at the wheel and let a bunch of pencil neck nerds filled with resentment and hooknose tribe get to make decisions.
The ban is even worse lol, even a V12 Century counts as a Kei car under their criteria

>every japanese import car is now a kei car
are boomers legitimately retarded
also skylines lol
how much are these people paid by automakers and the UAW
They're not. They're just busybody boomers and karens supporting the UAW for no extra compensation
They have 2 options as I see it. Let the Kei vehicles into the US and we keep Japan happy and a strong trading partner. Or we wait until China fills the demands of smaller cheaper vehicles, they have no problem putting in a factory shipping 100% of parts and just having them assembly on site to sell at a loss or break even.
If we had Kei vehicles here in the US build in the last 5-10 years not just 25 years, then China wouldn't even see an opening to introduce their electric vehicles.
What the fuck do Delicas have in common with kei cars?
>kei vehicles
That's very niche market. You can't even safely drive them on highways
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>picrel is legal in every state
>picrel is essentially a kek truck
>politicians need to be dropped off to jungles of congo
>expecting to have freedom in the democratic peoples republic of massachusetts
Next time some imbecile starts harping on "muh freedoms" remind them that the US has the largest prison population in the world and bans joyous kei cars.
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>politicians need to be dropped off to jungles of congo

Well, you got the "dropped" part right.
we try really hard to lock our niggers up
>the US has the largest prison population in the world
only because china doesn't report how many people they "disappear"
>registration revoked
>keep driving the illegal Japanese Import car
>cops will probably not care
>in the event that they do, throw the tickets away and become a wanted criminal for driving imported Japanese cars
>finally get to live my fantasy life of crime
don't threaten me with a good time state gov'ts
i will not buy a noisy ass polaris
if they could ban Geo Metros or Suzuki Samurais they would.

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