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Does anyone else get inconsistent power out of their car?

2004 Crown vic with the police package. I'm sitting at 192k miles.

Some days it feels super slow to get up to speed and other days the accelerator is super touchy. Ive even had days where I'll go from low power to touchy and vice-versa in the middle of driving.

Transmission was rebuilt at 174k miles, I don't remember whether it's an 4R75W or 4R70W.
Mine does that but reliably the same way every time. When I floor the gas the output is very variable, it's almost like it has a flu
god I love the seatbelt effect
Sounds like the electronic throttle body is getting funky
Try cleaning it (and resetting the ECU)
If that don't work it might be the servo motor, in that case replace it
Lots of variance in intake air temps can have this effect. My geo pretty much loses all its power after 20 minutes stopped in traffic. It will also be sluggish on a hot start if it's parked in the sun. Some highway miles always clears it up
There has never been a female besides my mom in the passenger seat of my car, what's it like?

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