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This was a horrible choice for a daily driver in Ohio, but now I'm driving a Civic Si, and she's great, but I miss my RX-8 every time I start her up.
Just swap engine , if you are not masochist
I am a masochist. Thank you for your reply, kind anon. I think I'm going to buy one of these. Once my crypto game finally hits.
>just swap engine
>just spend $10k
What's the problem?
I lament it so much because it was my second car after a beater Accord, but that's just how it goes, right? I could actually drive a clean RX-8 for barely five figures. Well this was almost ten years ago now. Still miss her. Never even tracked her, I'm just some idiot. Played around on freeway interchanges and steering with the gas pedal. Handled like a fucking go-kart. Awful car. The best car.
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I sort of miss mine, but then I remember it needed a rebuild.
It's crazy how good the RX7 looks and how ugly the RX8 looks
>It's crazy how good the RX7 looks
I know
>and how ugly the RX8 looks
Fuck you
Everything is horrible because of Ohio
I'd die for a 3 rotor swapped r3. That would be my end all be all of cars
Sucks that people want $8k just for a rebuildable 20b core these days.
It's actually a nice car, but if you compare it to its predecessor it's a fucking tragedy
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Get sleeve tattoos and dye your hair green too.
That's sounds pretty based.
No you don't

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