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sell chrysler back to itself
i don't want stupid fr*nch people making my cars
muslim fr*nch c*nad*ens from brampton are bad enough
I actually hope they mercy kill Lancia instead of keeping it on life support
also no fucking wonder everyone's stocks are dropping with the grenade they keep putting in cars
That article was bad and should feel bad. I don't care enough to go listen to an earnings call but that guy was like i dunno maybe maserati and some yro brands i dunno
They'll probably sell Maserati to chyna
>not india
The only semi-dignified way for Lancia to continue existing would be for some billionaire to buy up the company and turn it into yet another hypercar manufacturer, but with a rally aesthetic.
New Stratos, new 037, Delta Integrale Hyper-Hatchback, 2000hp FWD Fulvia, etc.
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This makes sense since mahindra already owns pininfarina

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