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ITT we laugh at bat boomers and their boomer shenanigans
its money laundering. no one actually wants these vehicles that badly.
perhaps boomers are just insane


this thread was funny, boomers complement seller on lack of a radio, see that radio just takes away from you driving enjoyment

boomer mg lovers commiserate at the end about muh classics that no one wants anymore

seller angrily says i'mma keepin it in muh garage if i can't get top dolla!
of course the gauges don't work and it leaks oil and it has dents,

it's STILL worth top dollar

this boomers grandson is driving this mid engine p car a v6 with 130hp! wow

i love it when the boomers tell you who they are buying it for, a lot of times it's the poor single mom waitress who needs a car and the boomer opens his wallet to rescue the roastie
only 60 cars auctioned today that's real low for them

they are pushing to force sellers to lower their reserves and sellers aren't having it

seller just want to spend $100 to go on a fishing expediiton and waste everyones time

This guy spent probably 50k painted it White! Why not? Fuck original patina 400 hp Pontiac rebuilt engine lol why buy a modern engine when you can spend more rebuilding the old one

Ofc no money went for AC
Boomers don't need AC
They love getting sweaty

And they love am radios
They are obsessed with am radios
This boomer installed a modern radio underneath the am radio
Because boomer
$30k isn't touching the cost to build that car. Rarely will you get your money out anyway but $30k isn't enough for the build. Dumb decisions aside.
>Why not? Fuck original patina
yes, absolutely 100% fuck original """""""""patina""""""""" you dick smoking faggot.
>60k mi
>not even manual
What the fuck
At least some of the more obscure cars seem to be priced well on here relative to fb marketplace where every ratted-out ford granada is 15k
>hate negroes
>put negro rims on their muscle car
What is up with that?
Rebuilt pontiac engine is based, LS swap is boring as fuck
It's a British car it had all of those things when it was new desu
lol very nice


v12 10k miles bid to $41k but that's not enough for the "wildlife charity"
>Fuck original patina
Correct. Idk what kike car flipper came up with that shit but it’s hilarious seeing mouthbreathers like you falling for it
>perhaps boomers are just insane
It's this.
Neighbor has a hard-on for "having a Jeep". I warn him, have it looked at before you buy a used one, as they like to rust, and they are usually abused. He knows I used to run a shop that specialized in old Jeeps and military vehicles.
A few weeks later he wants me to "look at the Jeep he bought". It's a YJ, not horrible looking at first glance. I get under the thing, and sure enough, the rear frame where the leaf springs are attached is all but gone, eaten up by rust.
The guy has had the thing maybe 24 hours, paid cash for it and has already ordered bullshit like a winch, bigger wheels and tires, and a couple of styles of soft top.
He's dumped maybe $10,000 in this hunk of shit, all because he HAD to have it NOW.
Seen the same behavior more than once, and it's always some retired or semi retired boomer, who wants his toy, and wants it now.
I thought you stopped being a boy in your 50s 60s and '70s but apparently you become more of a boy at those ages.
It's troubling to me.
10k miles is high for an Aston.
anon... it's not the 90's anymore
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i don't understand cars. does anyone know why this one sold for $2100? it looks like it was recently rebuilt and is in running condition, clean title.

and another car like this one will sell for $30k? why? i am a clever man but i have flaws.
theres still 3 days left on the auction
I love mgs, they are class.
That happens because time is running out so you might as well be silly today because you might not be able to tomorrow
ok i thought it was sold my mistake. anyhow there are many similar examples of the car going for under $10k, while there are also examples over $40k.


i will probably buy a 944 from this website and then jerk off in it while driving top down through los angeles traffic https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1990-porsche-944-s2-cabriolet-98/

No they're desperate because they are overleveraged, have no retirement account, and refinanced their house, with no retirement savings.

All my older relatives have put their homes on reverse mortgages because they have nothing left in their name and are leaving my cousins with nothing except liabilities. My mother only left a house with back taxes and mortgage payments that were behind. I had to cover my mom's payments before she died because even before she got sick she was like "they cant take my house from me"

Boomers literally gave up because they were the first generation that had the american dream taken from them and lost the ability to retire (they do not want to keep working, they have to..) Their kids got fucked and were told to blame their parents for their predicament. Same with gen z.

Not the banks or the rich who are sucking up all the money. Now they get the houses for free too.
>this thread was funny, boomers complement seller on lack of a radio, see that radio just takes away from you driving enjoyment

It does.

First off you have to realize that car audio prior to the 90's SUCKED. Then, a convertible at the best of times is a shitty acoustic environment, so even if you were in a boat it's probably better to listen to the car than crank the radio so loud it drowns out the wind noise.
Then, there's the fact that this isn't a cruiser but a sports car. Sports cars are normally a bit louder/more raw which makes them an even worse acoustic environment, and they're meant for driving engagement which means listening to the the tires for traction and the wind for speed and the engine for shifting and to tell you how much power you have under the go pedal right now. (mashing the pedal at 1500RPM is not the same as 4000RPM.)

The radio in my Z3 coupe doesn't work and I don't plan on fixing it. The one in my roadster works but I'm never going to use it.
If I want to listen to music, that's what the 9 speaker Monsoon + 400W 12" in the Grand Prix is for. But that still gets turned off when I'm throwing the car around.
Can't argue. Those are a gooood looking car for the price.
>we boomers are the REAL victims here!
Lol no. They didn't have the dream "taken from them" they squandered it because they grew up during the time when no high school diploma needed construction jobs were plentiful and paying the inflation and cost of living equivalent of $75/hr. So they carried that mindset through with them their entire lives and now it doesn't work anymore.
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bat happening alert

dealer accidently comments using his shill bidder account, auction canceled

>Hello all,
We appreciate your patience while we extended this auction to give us time to investigate and discuss this with the seller. They have listed a fair number of vehicles with us, and we wanted to ensure we had all the information available to us.

As the seller alluded to earlier, they have a separate account which has been used, errantly or not, to bid on this and one other auction. This bidding practice is prohibited here at Bring a Trailer, and the integrity of our marketplace is more important than allowing this auction to close. One of our top priorities is to ensure a fair and transparent auction process, and we will continue this conversation with the seller before we continue any further.

We apologize for the oversight in not finding the link between the two accounts earlier and appreciate the community’s understanding as we continue to attempt to do our best in these regards. We also appreciate the users that reached out with important information that helped us establish the link. This is the community doing exactly what makes this platform great; ensuring a transparent and truthful auction process.

hahahahha a shill bidder is outed only after he is stupid enough to reply using his shill accoount

how many other shill bidders are neverr found?
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>they have a separate account which has been used, errantly or not, to bid on this and one other auction


It’s inevitable. Embrace it when it gets to you and die smiling. You can’t take any of it with you.

the mgb apocalypse is at hand, every old boomer is selling their garbage british roadsters and nobody wants them

boomers love $13k childrens rides to for their mancaves no doubt
>Boomers literally gave up because they were the first generation that had the american dream taken from them and lost the ability to retire
How fucking so?
>they don't have any savings!
How is that anything but their own fault? How did they expect to retire with no money to do so, fucking magic, dreams and wishes? They could have put 10% of their wages into the S&P 500 and they would be rich as fuck.
>Boomers literally gave up because they were the first generation that had the american dream taken from them and lost the ability to retire

They're going broke because they can't stop spending money on random shit. Cars, RVs, cruises, chef kitchen, motorcycles.
what the actual fuck are you talking about? this isn't true about the generation as a whole, at all.
>nobody wants them
I want one but not at the fucking prices these god damned geriatrics want for them.
>hurr durr no I'm not going to sell it to this younger guy with a family who wants to enjoy it on sunday mornings, i'm going to hold out for an extra $2k so I can buy more whoknowsfuckingwhatdumbshit I want. I know what I got.
They're fucking retarded anon.
what a faggot
Compact/midsize trucks with extended cabs and long beds are so fucking based
Boomers love nigs more than any generation
it's probably the fact that when you're older you realise how futile it is being a prude about everything or getting upset about shit, especially when your croak date gets closer and closer. might as well just say and do shit you'd otherwise never get away with in your younger years. plus life quite literally being too short to get mad about
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>buy the car in 2022 for 600k
>drive 1k km
>apparently spend 200k on fixing/maintenance
>sell for 20k less than you bought it for
I like old MGBs, but $9k is ludicrous for that car. This is a $4k car tops. If it were mine, first thing I would install is a nice radio with some decent sounding speakers.
Another another interesting weird thing about bat
They never have kias or Hyundai for sale
I think there might have been like one or two but that's it which is pretty strange I don't get that

This seller took a $8,000 haircut it's always funny to laugh at them when they do that and only took a year
my experience of boomers is they were always like that.
they're the peak tv-brained generation.
generations before and after them are different.
Another haircut today on a on a BMW guy took $5,000 loss

It's fun to read about the booomer anecdotee here's one for you and l
Made me laugh

Thanks for the info armchair.
Drphlbrt, when my parents bought me the bug in 1978, I was in high school. The bug had the windshield washer container hooked up but my dad took it out because he told me it was not the proper way to clean a windshield
If it had all the fire truck stuff still he would've gotten his price.
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>Another haircut today on a on a BMW guy took $5,000 loss

>The bug had the windshield washer container hooked up but my dad took it out because he told me it was not the proper way to clean a windshield
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30k potential haircut

lol at richy riches losing their ass
$40k is a good price for an E24 M6.
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8.5k haircut lol
it's over
Other than the turbo Dinan all the others in the last 6 months sold for around 40.
Yes, bat is a white man's trading company.
You jealous trash wiggers should stick to faceberg market.

Boy, you can not handle this car with 300 ponys under the hood! 13k won't cut it! It's just gonna be worth more next year.
pro tip, 4K in 2012 has the same buying power as 22K in 2024. That's how far we have fallen and wages have not kept up
this is why I helped my parent get some invetment properties so in thier retirement they had income flow that was tethered to inflation.

It's actually worth $5437.

No shenanigans here, goy.
I'm curious as to how that shitbox was worth 20 grand in 2021. I get covid and all of that but still
You are very very wrong
Bat is designed for boomers to flex on each other so
Whichever Boomer has the most money wins it's also designed so boomers can show off how much they have and they can get complement by other boomers
the ultimate Boomer gladiatorial arena
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I hate Boomers so much
Stimulus checks

Itt boomers are seething because a 355 horsepower bins only gathered 16,000 in bids

Most of the commenters on the auction threads ownthe same car and are just cheerleading up the price because they they own the same car
What happens when these shitboxes simply don't sell? No, dave, your 2002 corvette they only made 37 of in that autistic color combination and dealer option sold by a guy named Tim isn't worth $30,000. Do these cars simply sit in the garages until death, then the adult children either try to hawk the wares for way too much money before selling it to a dealer for below market value?

scroll down to the fucking comments of: Fleche_dOr. This ass writes a wall of text to try to prove his knowledge on CorVeeVee prices. basically simps for the owner for BATtit gold.

BAT is a Boomer Circle jerk.
Day of the Pillow.
I paid £2000 (~$2800) for an MG B earlier this year and it's in rough shape body wise but better mechanical condition than that one
Even here in Blighty you rarely see non-V8s go above about 5 grand
>BAT is a Boomer Circle jerk.
In their defense, its basically an old forum message board to discuss cars, particularly good or rare examples or coveted cars of yesteryear. Where else are you going to go to look at perfect examples of cars you yearned for decades ago, and they're still in (sometimes) perfect condition? A random ass car forum? 4chan? The fuckin VFW halls?
More or less, a old boy freind of mine died recently (relatively young at 68)
He had THREE E Type Jaguars in various states of repair. One quite nice one, one that ran and drove but needed a bit of work and one that was a shell but he had enough spares to build 2 more cars.
Also a full workshop with all the pipe benders and tig welders to make all the stainless exhausts you could ever want
His widow sold all 3 E Types for £30k. The good one alone was probably worth £45k. A buddy of mine bought all the pipe benders and welders for under a grand. I've got 2 of his land rovers lying up a side street as they both need work but I paid £200 each for them.
The ulitmate fate of "I NO WOT IT S WURTH" is your widow/kids getting rid of all your shit on the cheap to clear the space
Yeah, I get it once you inherit your parent's shit, sometimes you just want any amount for it knowing your parents spent way too much on it and you have no interest. Land, houses, cars, china plates, collectible items, anything. I talked to one dude that for some reason still lived with his 80 year old mother, admitted he doesn't give a shit about any of her jewelry, any bit of the house, and he already planned on selling all of it for 50% of its value just to get the cash because he refused to spend the rest of his life selling his mothers antiques. He admitted he took boxes upon boxes of antique tools to a dealer and eventually lathes and other machinery in the barn to an enthusiast that enjoyed old machinery and took the first offer. Shit like $1000 for a massive lathe that is still worth $20k today because nobody had any interest and how the fuck long are you gonna spend selling a $20k lathe that needs a crane to move?

Its shockingly odd how some of these high end cars get sold for 10% of their reasonable market value, but also I get it. If you have zero interest in your parents hobby because they spent more time on it than they spent raising you, who gives a shit about researching it to get a good sale?
I'm still confused how some people always seem to find those deals as a buyer.
Yes, believe the official numbers goy, its really not that bad
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Found the BoomBoom.
Bait...bait never changes.
>I'm still confused how some people always seem to find those deals as a buyer.
In Britain at least it seems to be pikeys that spend every waking moment aggressively refreshing FBM so they can be first on site to slap down cash and have the car gone the same day
Food prices alone have gone up 50-150% in the least 4 years
That's just how auctions are. It's entirely dependent on who sees it and decides to bid on it.
hmm, you may not know much.
>Go to results
>Sort by BaT Alumni
Most of these auctions are losing money except for old Porsches, early 2000s BMW M cars, and some Japanese sports cars.
In spite of this, there are exactly zero (0) auctions that have finished that were truly a "deal" like how BaT was 8 years ago.

This dirt bag seller reniggered on a sale.
Auctions don't always sell things at market/book value anon

That's why auctions are based. If you want to actually flip cars anymore for a living you have to be a fb marketplace Mexican scam artist or have a dealers licence.
>Submit reserve to BaT
>"Nah we swear bro it'll do better with no reserve bro"
Both the seller and BaT are retarded. I'm 90% sure that you can't set a reserve anyways if the expected value is under 20k.
Has BaT become known for comically high prices and a bit of an amusement site and no longer a good site to sell your actually rare and desirable vehicles?

I'm somewhat into motorcycles but for an ancient BMW motorcycle, they're simply a pain in the ass to own. Parts are painfully expensive if any of them break or simply need to be replaced, they're temperamental, and you'd never take them on a 200 mile pleasure cruise around the countryside in fear of the stupid thing breaking down costing you $1000 to tow it back.

The no reserve price too low reneging is consistent; some boomers only list their shit thinking it'll sell for $100k more than they paid for it, but lose their fuckin mind when it sells for $2500 total, and BaT takes $1000 of that for fees. You'd be better off listing it for $1500 on craigslist. Then again, boomers would rather crush a classic car or set a motorcycle on fire than sell it at a loss even if they have terminal cancer.
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400hp for 11k im seething shakin rn
leaf auctions always do poorly because nobody wants to deal with importing to burgerland
$18k haircut.
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didn't meet reserve so it didn't sell. not really a haircut. and are you really so surprised that cars bought during the covid bubble aren't holding that value?
>nobody wants the most reliable truck on the planet
Goddamn millenials were so hot back in their prime. Feel sorry for what muttoid zoomies have to put up with these days
>buy thing
>a few years later attempt to sell thing
>doesn't sell
technically he's taken a 100% haircut on it until it sells for as much as he's spent on it. Going on arguably one of the biggest collector car auction sites and it doesn't meet a reserve is pretty tellling. Either his reserve is way too fuckin high, or he overpaid when he bought it. Maybe some of these covid buyers are taking haircuts trying to get rid of their "0%" loans on these toys now that times are lookin tighter soon.

Either way, fuck em. Stop trying to profit tens of thousands on these toys when they'll sit in your garage for years on end while you wait for the profits to come. Use them as cars, not investment 'vehicles'.

I still can't get over how fugly these rustangs are. They are the absolute worst design.
what does she do when she needs to piss
Not in Canada, toyota won't do the frame deal here. I saw one of these trucks for 3 grand and still wouldn't sell.
>frame rust
Any good haircuts in the past few days?

well i just llooked at few today. here is a car that will never reach 40k again.

If Something Cannot Go on Forever, It Will Stop

Sellers only pay $100 to list it. Buyers are the ones paying the fees, like a normal non-ebay auction.

I like the new edge ones and still wonder what the next redesign would look like if they didn't go for the retro style.
>Buyers are the ones paying the fees
Are the fees some percentage of the total completed auction? If so, thats also stopping sellers. Even if its a flat fee, if its more than a couple hundred bucks fuck that I'll just find another car locally and buy that for the same price as the winning bid.
buyer pays 5% of of the auction with a $5k max (i think). BaT charges your card on file immediately if you are the auction winner. It's truly a (((quality))) business model for a glorified shitty middleman.
>5% tip as the buyer
It makes no fucking sense people paying $100k for a low mileage MR2 or whatever the fuck these retards are buying. But I guess a 5% tip to the website is trivial if you're seriously paying insane money for used cars. Even the gems that were icons for their time are cool, but supercar prices for 90s shitboxes makes less sense than buyer paying auction fees.
The 130-Mile S2000CR is coming to a close and it's only bid up to about half of what it sold for on BaT just over 2 years ago.
Of course, most of the bidding actually happens about an hour away from the actual end date, I wonder if it'll reach the same price as before though.
I don't look at the premium listings supercars are retarded


That car however really triggered me it's quite nice and it's a nice price I wish I had 10 grand to blow that would be nice
The comments are going way too easy on the piece of shit seller. Assholes like him are part of the reason why the used car market is retarded now.
True. Someone posted that they think that the reason car prices are so high is that the people who can't buy a house right now are spending that money instead on cars. It seems like a good observation. You're definitely a lot of money going towards cars right now.
imagine buying it for $200k, putting 7 miles on it in 2 years then selling it for $170k lmao
>putting 7 miles on it
Those miles are probably from delivery honestly. I wonder if the next owner will drive it at all, probably not though.
Aren't S2000's known to be kinda dogshit slow stock? Yeah they're pretty and everything but $200k for any S2k? why? For that price there are prettier, faster, better cars.
>Aren't S2000's known to be kinda dogshit slow stock?
Not really, 240-ish hp is more than enough for a car like that.
>For that price there are prettier, faster, better cars.
For 170k you can get literally anything else. Hondafags are just delusional.
The CRs seem nice though, factory hard top would be the main draw for me.
It makes sense a retarded leaf bought it he probably owns 10,000 acres of pine trees that his daddy gave him turning trees into Hondas

HA! you way overpayed!
I got mine for 600$... Granted I've put about 3k in it and it's still not running.
It will soon though, I swear!
That power lives way up top.
Mgbs are the biggest money sink you'll never get that money back any the worst they're worth less fixed than they are broken even when you fix an mg it's still broken haha should have bought a mini Cooper
Anon, I get what you're saying, but I believe it's always nice to have the option. It doesn't take away from the car at all because you can just turn it off. Granted, in the MG's case, you'd probably need to upgrade the alternator.
It's a visceral feeling to hear the engine roar as you reach that redline, but it's not always as entrancing, especially when you have company. Sometimes I just want to drive down PCH, with the top down listening to some steely Dan. Is that so bad?
I originally wanted a Miata, but I've given up on owning one in this lifetime.
Scrolling through FBM one day though, I saw a cool, red MGB and shot the guy a low-ball (he originally wanted 1,100$).
He said yes and I just went for it.
Mind you, I'd never seen one before this so I was really jumping in blind. I don't regret anything though, I still think it's a really cool car and I can't wait to get it roadworthy.
Minicoops are cool too, but I really just wanted a convertible roadster.
a lot boomers are the most short-sighted, reckless, delusional people out there. i think some of it stems from not having a computer in your pocket 24/7 but some of them are just aggressively ignorant.
i've noticed at least with my stepdad, some are in an infinite feedback loop of trying to "get ahead" so they hire their friends for stuff who in turn rip them off, or do shit for cheap and wonder why they're having issues. my stepdad has a diesel 4-door bmw who he kept taking to a cheap ass place for alignments and wheels, instead of taking it to a euro mechanic up the street
i had to hear him bitching about the bmw for months, and he finally takes it to the euro guys and they pretty much said "whoever has been working on your car has no idea what the fuck they're doing".
i guess what i'm trying to say is, boomers feel entitled to premium service and prestige, all the while being cheap fucks who don't want to spend the money required for said premium
a lot of them were on the verge of "making it" back in the day and becoming new money. instead a lot of them squandered it.
most of them can fuck right off
Brother this car has 90hp how slow do you want it to be.

interesting thread on bats new RNM procedures, before they let sellers sell outside bat in event of rnm now they want their cut
>Boomer immediately bids $15k on a set of Corvette wheels
Could you guys screen grab some of these links? I'm rather disinterested in checking and investigating these links without a pic or some sort of context.
Go f*** yourself. use your bootstraps
you don't own an MGB to go fast, anon. You own one because you enjoy driving. At most it would pull 1hp anyway
>want, but can't afford a 20k truck
ok renters
based smileage enjoyer
How much are people paying for bronze TEs again?
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This, I met one recently that thought you could still find someone with a dump truck to take concrete away for $20 or pay someone a $100 to help shingle their house.
Less than 1/3 of the price. TEs are the trendy wheel too.

An actual good deal shocking most of the good deals are like in the west coast where no one lives or the East Coast they never have any good deals in the midwest seem like
I'm guessing I still shipping because if it's in the middle of the country it's it's as the most has the most market because if you're in the middle it's going to cost less to go either east or west but if you're in the far East or far West and it's going to cost a lot to ship it
>the most reliable truck on the planet
everyone wants the cummins ram, but this is not that.
i just found this website today, whats stopping me from bidding on an 6k on an evo and spending 1k getting it shipped?
The fact that you don't have $7k and won't be winning an evo for $6k?

5k haircut

I have never seen a car go this cheaply. Pretty shocking and it's could be a bellringer
Harbinger lol

Boomers horde these and never drive them. Lol there's more low mile s2000 then any other car methinks
Overrated underpowered wannabe pcar

Don't laugh at this pathetic seller
Listed bid to 16, 000 did a second listing bid to 11
Haha does nobody want your little $138 horsepower cuck mobile
It's so awesome you didn't even drive it
I've been trawling craigslist for years now. Its remarkable seeing the same vehicles listed for months or years at a time with zero price changes, unwilling to negotiate, and refusing to take decent photos sometimes.

Either a LOT of people are taking haircuts or they'll simply wait a few years as interest rates drop and inflation continues hoping to get that exact price "soon". Fuck people flipping stuff solely for profit. And those who are selling because they need money, fuck you for refusing to budge on price at all. That old ford you've had rotting in the field isn't worth $8500, you're late on bills sell it for whatever you fuckin can.
The world's always been full of people trying to get that one sucker for +50% and the people dumb enough to do so.

Neighbor kid I lived next to a long time ago, made enough money to buy a 2011 mustang GT straight cash by the time he was 17, from reselling crates of literally anything he could get his hands on. Free from craigslist, old washer/dryer/ACs,

There's always an idiot to fulfill someone's greed.
It's as old as humans.
>you're late on bills
no consequences for this anymore
Just interest payments and shit. I looked at a 70's dodge truck, told him I wanted to pay $9000. He wouldn't accept anything lower than $14k. I walked. He called me a week later offering a $9k payment, plus $4k paid over an additional 4 months. I told him hard pass on that shit, it wasn't a matter of paying or affording it but rather a reasonable price for your bastardized ancient truck. He ended up selling it online like 3 months later to someone who sent a car transport for $10k, and the buyer paid $2k to ship it.

Blows my fucking mind they'll hold out for 10% more than a reasonable offer.
you guys got that and we zoomers get overwight mexican girls with hairy arms and marketing degrees that think they're too good for us. not fair
I'm frequently amazed when I buy a car from a reasonably wealthy old guy and find the entire thing is held together with store-brand super glue and sticky tape. I can only assume they think that by saving $5 on a genuine part and nigger-rigging it back together with glue and tape they can leverage that extra $5 into another round at the driving range
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$81k pcar

buyer sez

>I’m about to turn 21 in 1 month and this has been my dream car since 18. Can’t believe this day has come.

>I worked so hard to make this dream come true. I’m sure many people will doubt me, call me lucky, assume I took a shortcut to get this car, but I know what I did for this day to come. I am so incredibly grateful and will make sure I treat this car amazingly.

>I've worked so hard to make this dream come true
I want to get an MGB
>please buy this porsche, I've gone completely broke trying to afford insurance, repairs, and maintenance on it
>no, I was totally an adult driver and didn't beat the fuck out of it
>I really need this cash and the loan is still killing me 3 years later.
>Porsche with a broken speedo and unknown mileage
>Bid up by some 20 year old faggot
About right for the Porsche market.
Damn he's wanted one of those cars for two whole years
It's so weird hearing about the shit boomers (almost always white boomers) do to fuck over their kids. I'm literally inheriting two houses and like 20 acres of land because by silent gen grandparents' own freedman grandparents bought some land and told each generation to only pass it down or sell it between relatives. It's been split up and re-consolidated as people move out of the area and now I'm first in line for both.
Your family is based for setting up their future generations. I'm hoping to do the same thing for my kids.
and I'm sure you'll tell everyone how hard you worked and bootstraps etc etc instead of just being born on third base.
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If you're mad about it, just start taking by force :3
Or keep seething, it funny!
i'm indifferent. just using my clairvoyant space brain to flawlessly predict the future is all
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And I'm a white-hot seething ball of envy that stresses about money despite living comfortably and saving over 2/3 of my income, yet obsess 24/7 over things I can't afford to the point it's tanking my mental health. Is there a way to fix this without just zombifying myself with drugs?
you work hard and are being responsible. shave a little money off the top and treat yourself to something nice. eventually you realize that you only feel or care about the money when it's moving and you'll get more comfortable with some moderate spending but your responsible autistic side likely wont let it get out of control.
also a little joint now and then wont kill you

7k haircut

12k hair cut
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shocking good deals on these
im literally shakin rn
Those are pretty good deals. How the fuck is that happening? $7500 for an I6 jeep manual trans in pretty good condition? Maybe the jeep nerds know about some catastrophic problem with that year jeep and thats why its suspiciously cheap. The rust on the undercarriage is a bit of a clue, I assume big pieces of the frame are rotted out or at least known to rot out.
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One trip down a bumpy gravel road and this jeep is popping all its rust bubbles.

Go figure, New Jersey is all theirs world minorities who have no concept of vehicles rusting from salt use
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>boomers hate ns
Why do people say/think this?
I grew up in the midwest and just thought cars rusting away in 5-7 years was normal. Then I discovered the internet and how boomers won't even check for rust, take their freshly purchased classic to a mechanic only for the mechanic to say its a deathtrap because the FRAME was fucking deleted by rust. Then inexplicably boomers will pay tens of thousands for a new frame and the fuckin jalopy still has problems.
"Me" generation. Boomers grew up in the 60s and 70s, which was all about hedonism and selfishness. Then wealth fell into their laps in the 80s. All they've ever known is "live now because tomorrow we could all be dead in a nuclear holocaust"
zoomers and gen A are apparently living like this too but with groceries. they've been priced out of everything else in life so they've settled for buying premium/expensive groceries so they at least have some thing in life to enjoy.
They're pricing themselves out. they have no money because they have 30 subscriptions and doordash every meal. 'Saving money' just doesn't exist in the postmodern vocabulary.
>Modified Jeep with bubbling paint and 140k miles (I know it's the i6 but still)
>First generation BMW mini
>Old car nobody cares about
None of these are good deals considering they would've went for 1/4 of that about 4 years ago.
>boomers complement seller on lack of a radio, see that radio just takes away from you driving enjoyment
Kek. "Wow, it has less features? That's great!" but then they'll bitch about how some other piece of technology can't do literally everything.
Wow this this threads went up for a month I forgot to tell you my number one irritation with the boomers number one on the list is red interiors they boomers they love red interiors and I think they're just disgusting red especially red leather is such a waste and so just gaudy and vile
I still can't believe there's they're making red interiors for boomers this blows my mind
>very unclear what you are seeing as there are no imperfections in the paint anywhere including on the front of the hood
Retard needs a better detailer or a better photographer.

I guarantee that diamond plate is holding the front fenders together. Seems like it's in average condition regarding the rust.
>we zoomers get overwight mexican girls with hairy arms and marketing degrees that think they're too good for us
If they don't want any man on Earth, she can go bag a man when she meets God.
I'm gen-x and have fuck-all retirement because we had to put the ADHD zoom-zooms in private school in a failed bid to keep them from being space-wasters when they graduated.
At least my shit is paid for, but still... guess I'll have to be a burden to you taxpayers.
So what exactly do "premium" auctions entail? Just seems like an extra week for people to wait until they actually bid 2 minutes until the auction closes. A professional photographer maybe, along with an AI generated description?
That only cost him about $4,300 per mile :^)
Don't forget he probably paid to have it detailed, ceramic coated, and has some autistic luxury garage setup, plus the best possible insurance on it.
This goofball buys 4 s2000s in 6months. Boomers are mentally ill.
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momo'd riced shitty fucking datsun

ofc its worth 15K

What are you stupid or something?

check the driving video, rich whitey with his brown helper (((ofc))) driving wearing no shoes ofc he's not wearin shoes hes rich rich whites dont wear shoes, its a sign of their power!!! check out half the driving videos are shoeless rich ass whites flexing their toes on camera, fucking weirdos
This is similar to Balkans

>golf 7
>160000 miles
>17000 dollars
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14k haircut


20k haircut


10k haircut seller is consignment
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>Those seats
>20k haircut
>The five-digit odometer shows 12k miles, approximately 350 of which have been added by the current owner. Total mileage is unknown.
Expensive 350 miles. On its second engine and there's STILL an oil leak.
You're not getting out of there without learning Tim's last night, wife's name, hometown, and current address
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best deals yesterday
This would be an $18,000 truck in Texas. I know, because I'm trawling craigslist for an old truck in good shape right now and have seen shit just like it. That explains some of the postings of "from CA, no rust" and the photos show it still on the fuckin trailer. I assume people are buying these from 1500 miles away, towing them back, and immediately flipping them for $10k profits.
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>JeepsGunsTanks: Having fun with these cars should be priority number one since they are on the green hit list now. Drive them while you can, they will be banned from the roads if the EPA is not put in check. Within a decade in fact, if the GND passes.

>renorealtors (The Seller): Trolls with all the negative comments. If I were not camping and riding this Holliday weekend I would have been able to dispel the guy trying to say that hot rods will be banned. No one will ever ban these cars, they will just price gas so high that junk cars that people drive lots of miles will go away. The way they will reduce ICE cars will be through super high gas prices. Hot rods and classic car owners don’t drive their cars more that a few hundred miles a year so the high fuel prices will not affect them at all.

He didn't seem to care for that EPA comment. I don't think the government will discourage driving by the manipulation of fuel prices.
It's more likely they'll charge a tax based on engine displacement, or implement strict emissions laws like in California.

>Hot rods and classic car owners don’t drive their cars more that a few hundred miles a year
He's basically saying boomers are only interested in driveway ornaments that aren't meant to be used.

>"Ferris, he never drives it! He just rubs it with a diaper!"
It's true people are putting less miles on their car it'll be interesting to see how much this changes the prices of used cars in the future
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The current climate change playbook as in operation in many countries including Canada (until the next election) is literally to tax the fuck out of gas, that was one of the triggers of the honkening.

This is from 2018 before the Canadian carbon tax, but admittedly the Canadian tax was small potatoes compared to euros anyways. Of course notice Europeans have not stopped driving cars even with this onerous tax burden, but the plan has always been to ramp up environmental taxation but only so high as governments and corpos can profit from cap and trade rather than something that would actually really modify behaviour of anyone but broke serfs.
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24k haircut in less than a year LMAO
point and laugh

muh heckin rotary wanker engine totally radial dude!

noooo not a 9k haircut
We're entering a new age of "boomers" aren't we? People thinking their old toys are investment vehicles shocked when they lose big money causing all classic car sales to halt because fuck you I refuse to lose money on this jalopy.
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>Tomesee (The Seller) This author's likes: 37
When I bought this car, TR6 s were going up every day so I went for it thinking I would never have a chance again as prices went up


the PPP loan money has been spent and cash reserves are drying up. most everyone that wanted to buy a niche car has already done it, made the video, and probably sold it. thankfully we should be nearing the end of this nonsense
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nobody even bothered to bid on this automatic lmao

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>I am not playing this game. Fair offer. And i am sure I will have to dump a lot into the car to get it road ready. offer stands. If you find someone to give you more, have at it.

>Ron Abbott

based ron abbott ain't playin this game

>thankfully we should be nearing the end of this nonsense
I'm hoping we're not near the end. I'd like to see gigantic losses on all these assholes buying cars on speculation with free money. Fuck you, you get a $20k haircut. Your classic car is now worth $8k, and your investment is a huge bust! fuck all you assholes! Let people enjoy these cars instead of sitting in your stupid garage for 5 years at a time.

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