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>NoOoOOoOo you can't kick a car enthusiasts car even though he broke road rules
Is this true?
>the Negerlands
lol, he deserves it. negerlands faggs are the most insufferable people on the planet
their language is disgusting to hear, but they are statistically one of the most racist and sexist nations in western europe, plus they gave the world Max Verstappen, so they get a pass
Every single Dutchfag that I've interacted with online (aside from 4chan) has been someone that takes the internet way too seriously and gets genuinely mad if you do something like "steal" members from his discord server
>Kicking some guys nice car because he didn't respect his fake "authority"
lmao tranny jannies filtered worldwide
>discord mentioned
opinion discarded
>defends dutchfags because they are LE heckin based racist and sexist
Benelux countries should be nuked and flooded under the sea
>drive to Paris from UK
>French drivers are usually OK with occasional person who just doesn't give a shit
>NL drivers stand out as the worst, unaware, non-caring, shit drivers of all the other country plates
nevermind can we make 'zellig unreal again
UK plates drivers are kind of OK here in France.
Driving in Paris is shit, Parisians are shit.
NL plate drivers are mostly OK, but they of course have exceptions.
Also, why does like half the Netherlands decides to go to France in the summer?
I swear every other car has NL plates
kneecap privledges revoked
what it is it with rentacops at car shows taking it so personally? nigga you arent even getting paid
Flat black overspray. Based.
What rule did they break?
>nice car
It's a fucking go cart

That guy was endangering many lives that day he deserved a kick to his go kart bumper
>endangering many lives that day
How is that any different from any other car show?
Someone post video, not all of us are terminally online.
lmao tranny janny got triggered. Go kick your own ca- oh.
That's what happens when everyone is a bicyclefag or drugged 24/7
Cope, youre a fucking disgusting gross mixed amerimutt talking about literally the most beautiful men and women in the world
So can we all agree that people from Netherlands suck?
i will never forgive switzerland for having aggressive speeding law enforcement, it's a victimless crime and they are oppressing us.
Sure, but fuck the Dutch.
i cant tell them apart
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>So can we all agree that people from Netherlands suck?
Even if he broke rules, you're not allowed to damage private property without an explicit warrant.
I don't care for the sexism or racism but the Verstappens are faggots, like the rest of the Dutch. Krijg balkanker en sterf.
>SIR SIR SIR do you have a warrant to kick my rear bumper?
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>Krijg balkanker en sterf.
Ingen fattar vad du säger
>if you do something like "steal" members from his discord server
I think they are more mad about how you aren't even paying them a Tikkie for such an act.
The fuck is a tikkie?
What, are the bones from your hand exploding going to damage his kneecaps?
it's rust hardened nerd.
>he doesn't know
your little american brain couldn't handle the truth
He violated the NAP. He should be shot.
I just looked it up, and it's just Dutch Venmo. Is there some sort of cultural significance to it?
every boomer thinks they are Judge Dredd
What is that.
His kneecaps? I really don't get how he to could be threatened
Like most things, it's *European*, so it's better (it's worse) and you are obligated to act incredibly smug and conceited about it

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