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>builds great engines
>builds great cars
>double bones on everything
>great reliability
>great interiors
>every user loves their car

>almost exclusively fwd
if honda built exclusively rwd cars like bmw they would be the absolute gold standard for all car enthusiasts, german cars could not compete
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so what I'm hearing is BMW only has to improve reliability and then weebs literally could not compete?
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You can buy an rwd honda.
bmw will never have good interiors or good reliability, you buy a bmw either as a status symbol like a chink bug person drooling over the "big grirre" or you buy one for the performance, knowing full well that it could shit the bed at any moment after the warranty expires, or possibly before that
they are not good cars, they are fun cars, buying a bmw as a daily and your only car is like marrying a porn star to have children with
that's not a car anonymous poster that's a bike
besides you CAN buy a rwd honda automobile, it just doesnt have a roof and that's annoying
Wait, there are roofless NSXs?
>builds great engines
>builds great cars
>double bones on everything
>great reliability
This version of Honda died in the mid 00s.
awd done right > rwd
xdrive chads WW@?
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>awd done right > rwd
lol, lmao even
t. summerchild
This is because they want you to buy more buttons to replace them
LOL dude awd is GAY as FUCK
They literally already can't compete as a just an E39 > anything gay honda makes
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>no technological advancements in tires have been made in 20 years!!
Kek fucking weeblet fwdlets are so delusional.
Also, post interior.
And lol that picture really exemplifies how fucking ugly civics and other weeblet cars are. Kek goddamn
>if honda built exclusively rwd cars like bmw they would be the absolute gold standard for all car enthusiasts
Been saying this for years. That's why Mazda is better. Their new SUVs are RWD and they've been making the most popular RWD roadster for decades.
>a tiny ricermobile is faster than a luxobarge from 25 years ago
wow, did not expect that at all
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There is no benefit to a rwd car at all. What so ever. Even speed wise FWD is faster, to the point it had to be banned in F1 lmao
Not that anon but RWD is objectively more fun. That’s just a fact.
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>refuses to make good looking cars
BMW's are 100 times sexier looks wise. Well, at least they used to be.
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>build a V5 race engine
>make a bike with oval pistons and 8 valves per cylinder
>make legendary V12, V10, V8 race cars
>develop a unique VTECK system for a single model of motorbike
>sell I4 shitboxs and V6 minivans with auto-cannibalistic CVTs
F1 vehicles don't make a point here given there construction differs so greatly from consumer grade vehicles.
like I said, a child of the summer.
up here in the norf awd is peak fun
oh no no no no no lmao
don’t act like you’re doing actual awd things with your car.
babby powerslides don’t count as these can be done just as good with xdrive
Lmao your cars rust to shit after a few years, fuck your road salt and your AWD

>T. Californian master race
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>commie master race
i just like having the rear wheels do something besides holding the car up
That was 4WD, stupid Civic driver
based civicGOD
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i was talking about the s2k lmao, the nsx is unobtainium
that much is true, but i refuse to litter my mind with "cars" built after the 2010s and i refuse to talk about them
newest mazdas have good interiors but absolute poverty specs, the miatas are great but honda's first attempt to get into the same market, the s2k, blew it out of the water
in terms of legacy, honda is just a much better brand
i still hope mazda follows through with that inline 6 rwd sedan they were talking about
>Double bones on everything
Is this recent because my Honda has McDonald's struts
Honda got their reputation primarily because they built great cars on a budget, unfortunately that means they had to be mostly FWD. If you want RWD japscrap there are options though. Nissan, Toyota though obviously neither can compete with BMW
like i said, i was talking about before everything went to shit in the 2000s-2010s, older hondas always had double bones
All of that is pointless because Nippon 1000x folded steel rots too easily
Seeming though as Toyota are making a new MR2 and Celica both with 2.0 turbo 4 pots making 400bhp!
It isn't hard to imagine Honda will follow suite with a S2000 replacement using the CTR K20 turbo.
Go actually look at the laptimes and cope at how fast the CTR is.
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These cars are great. Probably the best trannie I've used. May buy my coworkers when he's done with it.
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Ive never wanted a sports car until this holy sexy
post interior pikachu ass fwdlet kek
lol no it isn't you're just a pussy
slow as shit
>great engines
umm… K20C1‘s explode on the regular, chuddie
i dont fuck with the c1 since the top part is plastic but youre not blowing up a stock k. got any tools or are you larping here like the rest?
You forgot
>failing as a company
>unprofitable and stale lineup
>stock price is 3x higher than fords

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