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Car payment
Gross Annual Income
nice try FBI
01 Mercedes s430
$0 with 0%apr for 96 months
Typical /o/ poster
1999 Honda Civic 4dr
like, $500
You think the fbi gives a shit you post in a car forum with a bunch of teenage bench racers calling everything McDonalds and Pigfat they don't like?
>Car payment
$0, payed $5k cash
>Gross Annual Income
165k base, ~20k bonus + stock. ~200k TC
22 years old
2016 Camaro 2SS
$0/mo, Paid in cash ~$29k w/ 67k miles, ~$2000/yr insurance
>not larping BTW
No, no, I believe it, you're making bad decisions
2005 Honda Civic
>calling everything McDonalds
seethe kek, good luck with the sale too
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>You think the fbi gives a shit you post in a car forum with a bunch of teenage bench racers calling everything McDonalds and Pigfat they don't like?
>bad decisions
I worked three internships in college for each of the three summers
I made $12k in the first, $35k in the second, and $30k in the third lel. So yes, I did graduate and buy a car relatively quickly, but I was sitting on some good amount of internship money PLUS ~$25k sign on/relocation bonus.
If I can't afford a $29k car, then no one in this country can.
>Car payment
>Gross annual income
Pretty clean actuality
Did you pay off your student loans?
assuming you went to uni straight out of high school at 18, and did a 4 year degree in stem, how the fuck could you be making that kind of money without nepotism of some kind? surely your parents already had the biggest dicks in whatever industry they worked and just handed you a position.

you're basically making senior level income of any industry you could be working in, whilst not having had nearly enough time to get the experience needed to get that promotion.
2000 Accord wagon
$0, paid $6k many years back
$150k-ish AUD but depends on how much OT I get

Literally can not afford anything nicer as every spare cent of my income has to go toward saving a deposit for a home, that in the USA would be large enough to buy a modest house outright. Fuck this faggot country and its retard housing market.
24 Tesla Y

20 F-250 6.7L
My parents paid for my college (>>27954851)
Computer science degree and software engineering job in CA.
Both of my parents are engineers so it definitely motivated me, not that i work at their companies though.
Honestly its more than it sounds, because I lose ~40% of my income to taxes here.
Not sure entirely what you mean by senior level, but with around ~10 years of experience and hard work, you can expect to clear half a mil a year easily in this industry.
Unironically while some of my friends were drinking and partying every night of college like it was a social event, i made sure i had everything i needed on my resume by the time i graduated. It's all about who you surround yourself with. Every single person i know who actually "cared" about career in college got $150k+ offers right out of graduation.
2018 Camaro SS - owned
2024 Ioniq5 - leased for $250/month all-in
take the EV pill /o/ bros. Lease payment is less than the gas I used to put in DD'ing the camaro. Charging is like $30 a month
CA fags literally can't suffer
fuck you
2009 Hyundai Sonata
$90k/year before taxes
2015 Honder
90k wit some bonuses for other work
Which one?
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>CA fags literally can't suffer
I'm looking for validation from anonymous people on 4chins, who says i am not suffering
So basically your parents gave you money and you spent it on a car instead of squirreling it away for a rainy day
2010 Corolla(Bought New in 2009)
2020 Corolla(Bought New in 2019). Used for longer drives,will be main once 2010 shits itself in a big way.)

Debt:Only cc bills paid monthly. Fuck (The Banks)
If that's what you need to tell yourself to feel superior to me, then sure, I guess.
Japanese kid living at home with his parents, you can find the recent oil stains in his garage pics he posts.
Trips but invest in stocks, if not property
Cars are fun but fleeting unless you stumble across some Japanese shitbox that goes 300,000 miles
You can get more fun out of a bike if that's what you're after, for less
1. 2008 mitsubishi outlander
2. $0 - I bought it from a friend and paid for it in cash all at once
3. fuck you
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Brother he spent 29k on a fucking cumarrow, it's not exactly breaking the bank when the average new car price is around 47k. I don't get why /biz/raelis insist on shitting up hobby boards. I'd rather live and save a little now than save every last penny, scrape by with food bank handouts and ramen and live like a king at 59.5 when I'm old and busted. One of my grandfathers died at 55.
bikes will lead to your life span fleeting. they're for low IQ thrill seekers.
2019 Infiniti Q60 RS
Life is good
Fair enough
I do appreciate a good shitbox, though, they've hauled my ass through more problems than my Alfa Romeo ever could imagine
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I want to be a SWE, what language and/or direction should I start in? Someone recommended me web dev languages (html, css, js, and then react) but that seems like a pajeet route
I haven't technically got it yet because of supply issues but next year I'm planning on getting a new Plaid with the new™ round steering wheel
It'll be 1200 of the 6800 i make a month
I also appreciate a good shitbox, I own a souped up beetle which I've heard is a terrible turd but I cope. Rice rockets seem like a way to speedrun your life, a comfy coupe putting power to the rear wheels means you'll either avoid or survive a t-boning imotbh. $2,000 a year for car insurance though on one car is brutal but I guess he is 22. I spend less on 3 vehicles where I live and their total value is approximately $120,000 wholesale.
IT shit is so saturated i'm honestly surprised he got a job so fast out of college, let alone such a high paying one. thousands of jeets move to cali every year to do what he just did. how the fuck do you even find a job that thousands of other applicants are already applying for.
Bikes dont have 8 cylinder engines and i dont want to die to grass clippings... anyways I dont think camaros are particularly unreliable, and i dont put too many miles on it anyway.
>invest in stocks, if not property
Lel you're gonna need a $400k down payment for a shack here in CA, Im not sure how many years it'll take to save that up. Maybe 8-10 years if I really tried. Home ownership or even just investing in property in general is looking real fucken grim here.
I dont trade stocks either, but obviously all my money sits in retirement accounts, savings accounts, etfs etc... Though i should probably be a bit more aggressive with my money considering i am young...
RWD or awd? I always thought they are highly underrated
I mean probably the best thing to do is just get a computer science degree, i dont know how far qualifications or knowledge alone will take you to get a job. A CS degree will give you a broad understanding of things like compilers, operating systems, databases, networks, etc.
But for whats actually realistically needed at 99% of SWE roles: you should be familiar with web dev, like what you describe, with object oriented programming languages like java, with some scripting language like python for things like data processing... To pass interviews, you should be able to solve programming challenges like those found on leetcode, if you know what that is. Good luck
'13 RS5
$258/mo (I pay $400/mo, no early repayment fee)
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>I mean probably the best thing to do is just get a computer science degree
It's over for me... I have 0/4 years of college done
But I will stay on this path then since it seems to align with what you suggest. I'll learn python next I suppose. I've been suggested by someone in the field to learn C# over Java but we'll see when it comes to that point. Thanks anon
That's really not very informative OP. The question includes neither the term of loan nor the down payment, extra warranty purchase or what options the car has. It doesn't really tell you if it's a good deal or not.

>Crosstrek Wilderness
Fuck that shit, self-study and if you're serious do research on a good boot camp program in your area, the kind that won't ask for repayment until you get a tech job starting at 60k a year.
>i'm honestly surprised he got a job so fast out of college
Like I said, EVERY single person i know who ACTUALLY TRIED and ACTUALLY CARED got a well paying job (those in computer science i mean) out of college.
You are right, the market right now is not as good as it was a few years ago pre/during covid, but it's not only possible, it is probable to get a good job if set your mind to it.
Im not sure, though i feel like certain, more prestigious places might just auto-reject you without looking at your resume if it shows no college degree... There are just so many applicants, that companies will put any set of filters even if it seems unreasonable to limit the candidate pool. Perhaps at a less prestigious company a bootcamp will do, like the other anon suggests. Without a degree, you need some good personal projects to compensate. Something has to go on your resume after all.
Technical interview performance matters a lot, you should really grind leetcode. A lot of even the technical skills and programming languages you can just pick up on the job (if youre a somewhat sharp person), but being able to solve all the coding challenges at the interview stage at a faang company is what will push you over the edge (for that matter behavioral interview performance matters too)
2022 Corolla 6MT hatch;1990 300CE; 1994 E320 wagon

>Though i should probably be a bit more aggressive with my money considering i am young...
That's all I'm saying, man
My grandparents told me to be more aggressive saving money because shit's not getting cheaper and they were right and then some
If you do a semi-decent job of preserving that car it'll probably break even in a few years, anyway, just don't fuck it up
Do everything Scotty Kilmer tells you to do and you'll get your money back
Buy seat covers this weekend
Alternatively abuse the hell out of it and learn how to wrench because AI is coming after all of us who don't work with our hands
Me and my BILs are looking at pivoting from digital stuff to opening up a liquor store
They're Korean and I love guns so I think we can pull it all off
Both of his parents are engineers, potentially with past histories at the company he currently works for and they could put a good word in for him. Tech companies are highly incestuous, I work at one.
>Tech companies are highly incestuous
All companies are, more or less.
Chrysler 300C SRT8
>Car payment
>Gross Annual Income
idk probably on track to hit 100k if I can keep things up
Could not be further from the truth. I got my internships/job by going onto the companies' websites and filling out the application form, like anyone else could have done.
For context Im from NY. The software engineering roles (which my parents have) on that side of the country are all in the financial sector -- which is to say they have no real connection to the tech industry at all.
trust me guys I make 240k fresh out of college
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2015 Subaru Outback / 2006 Pontiac Vibe / 2006 Ford E350 / 1997 Chebby K1500 / 1984 Camaro / 1988 Trans Am / 1998 Camaro
>RWD or awd? I always thought they are highly underrated
AWD cause the open diff sounds terrible with RWD. Also, I appreciate less wheel spin too. Technically, I could also buy a RWD and install an LSD but I would void warranty and didn't want to start modifying right away too (will get one down the line tho). I appreciate the dealer installed Axle back exhaust cause stock sounds underwhelming
I just notice they have the kind of wages and benefits that practically guarantee it's going to lead to an entire family tree working for them. It's not like dooming your son to the coal mines, it's blessing your son with six figs out of college and 15% employer match 401k.

Cousins, aunts and in-laws could be used as references if from a similar working background. I'm not trying to dog on your accomplishments just provide some context from working in the industry myself to the fine people of /o/.
go fuck yourself
nice. i wish my parents cared about me like that.
So you're one of the fuckers that buys a fleet of shitboxes
You know you could get something half decent if you just sold them and bought a single car instead
4 cars, totalling about 60k in current market value
0 payment, debt is jewish, as is asset minmaxing
HH gross (getting married and starting a family is a required milestone of life) is about 230k, with about 40k in raises slated for next 12 months.
>2005 NJ Transit
>1984 Camaro
>1988 Trans Am
>1998 Camaro
Why do you need 3 camaros?
The list just kept getting more based as it went on
>Gross Annual Income
kek imagine having a job
As I expected, most of you are teenagers.
'22 BRZ
Depends. Outta work right now. Was doing solar contract work, paid well but it dried up and they were POSes anyway.hoping job market improves wen trump is back in office
Speak for yourself, dipshit.
Most people I'm reading in this thread are high performers who enjoy cars as a hobby.
>NB miata
>35k yurobux

There are no more bad decisions past the $200k mark.
> Gross Annual Income
You pay taxes?
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why would I do something like that? I have a vibe
fomo syndrome when i see good deals
i like the light blue firebird. i wish i could buy it off you.
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is by far the slowest most laid-back to drive of them all but my favorite too, it has been the perfect daily driver since I got it. I also get way more joy out of spending time wrenching on it than I have anything else in a long time. The color is my favorite of them all too.
3 opel omegas
>Car payment
400 for the 1st one, 1200 for the second one and 500 for the third one
>Gross Annual Income
i help my dad every now and then, don't have a single honest day of work

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