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Welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussion of racing and driving games. Join the series. It's free*.

Previous thread >>27946622

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>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info, we'll be racing GT3 in VKOVGT3E, the premiere GT3 simulator for PC on Saturdays!!
*free-to-play, possibly-free-to-win, grind free
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First for big sniffer
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that fucking simcopter-ass traffic animation
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im pretty sure you could play both offline but they were indeed early live service games that were fully intended to be played online with other people and only worked in standalone partially.
for me TDU1 PC had a patch that always broke the game on my machine and required a full reinstallation, but without the patch you couldn't play online, so I never played online. TDU2 can partially be played offline but some features like the casino don't work which means some cars are impossible to acquire. Also DLC cars cannot be bought if you are not online, even if you own the DLC.
So now that the dust has settled...is now the best time to pick up a regular PS5/PS5 Slim and a copy of GT7?
soon. people will flood the used market very soon causing prices to drop nice and low
this is madness
I think it's still so funny how progression in TDU1 is tied to Xbox Live achievements like your entire profile rank depends on popping cheevos.

Both work offline and both do a retarded thing where if you created a profile when the servers were online it will not work offline without modifications which is so goddamn stupid.
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Who SEB12ING-ing it this Saturday
last one to green park is an undercooked daytona tendie
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I fixed the uv edge issue. Well, it's better at least.
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Set tiling method to clamp
the crew 2 is a dollaridoo on steam. worth the cop or nah?
Earlygame is a fucking slog but Summits are basically free platinum now
"Story" is maximum cringe but beyond the intro largely stays out of the way, physics are serviceable if you turn the assists off, map is huge and pretty fun to drive around but there's fuck all incentive to freely explore
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Changed filtering to nearest. Now we're talking.
>forgetting about based noob-deleter PRO SETTINGS MENU
more games should have journalist filters like hidden tuning menus

yeah its pure kino as long as you completely ignore the stupid neutered running man game show "story" and just use the race events as coffee breaks for the real gameplay which is aimlessly tearing around the map for hours, taking cool pics, and harassing people with the helicopter once you unlock it (very easy).
my tip is to buy a drift car, dirt bike, or monster truck as quickly as possible and take it to one of the monster truck stunt arenas with a halfpipe. by tony hawking yourself off the halfpipe with a drift or backflip you can very quickly grind player level (called icon level) and unlock the full suite of pro tuning settings as well as very high level parts extremely fast.
ignore people who say the cars are "too grippy" or "don't roll" or don't behave realistically or whatever, they did not find the pro settings menu with which you can make any car drive pretty much however the fuck you want. absolutely the game's best feature and adds a lot of replay value.
Yeah I probably should have mentioned that the assists are in the "why is this hidden behind this hyper-specific keybind" pro settings menu
Having to grind to Icon just so the game lets you tweak roll bar settings is pretty bullshit though
FACT: racing games should have compelling, deep, and well written stories that make you think
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by doing this you can set up an infinite drift-jump-drift-jump combo that will give you absolutely retarded amounts of icon level in like half an hour and you can do cool tricks like noseplants and spins. really should have been a gamemode all its own.
Don't forget that holding the handbrake button in a monster truck or bike while airborne makes you rotate much quicker so you can get more flips in
>does this game have ultrawide support? i wont play it if it doesnt have ultrawide support.
hell yeah it do son
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oh man, changed filtering to nearest in the track editor too and it's beautiful
looks like I have some things backwards though when I switched the way the textures are loaded around, will have to fix that tomorrow
You're overestimate how many people will sell their PS5 for a PS5 Pro
you underestimate the Sony cult
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Update. Turns out, Kylotonn/KT Racing might be going on strike.
>Strike at French video game studios Kylotonn and Spiders, owned by Nacon
>Employees from both companies have denounced their working conditions and the "glaring lack of transparency" of their respective management and the group to which they belong.
Things are going to get worse for TDU SC.
old news. they were going on strike days before early access hit
you don't really have to grind icon level, you receive it for all chained driving feats, that's why the drift car on a halfpipe works so well. normally if you just drift around in a circle or do the same trick over and over the game will MAX your points for that feat type, and you will receive no more points until you do a different stunt, like a jump, or a roll instead of a flip. with the tony hawk drift car however, drifts of a length that would normally be maxed out in icon points are interrupted by a jump, which resets the max point but does not end the drift combo, so when you land you're still drifting at full speed and continuing to accrue icon points for as long as you can remain sliding sideways, until you hit the other side of the halfpipe, jump, and reset the max point again. it's actually even better than bike or mt stunts because those you have to make sure you land right-side up to keep your points going, the drift car doesn't need to flip or spin, so it's easy to land.

really though you can "grind" the icon level for full pro settings by by simply driving around, mx bikes are my favorite for this, because they can go anywhere and i mean fucking anywhere. if something looks like you can drive up it or in or it through it, you probably can.
>Both work offline and both do a retarded thing where if you created a profile when the servers were online it will not work offline without modifications which is so goddamn stupid.
Also other way around
>be me as a kid
>do almost all offline content
>want to finally play online and get the online cheevos
>need to make a new profile and start anew
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>compelling, deep, and well written stories that make you think
is rre's story actually good
yeah i figured
imagine if you took ace combat and replaced all the philosophical musings on the nature of war and replaced it with the incredibly mundane and quite true idea that racing teams can be run by people with bad intentions, awkward midgame bossfight with your rival, then throw in every shounen anime cliche to fill space at the end during the rally segment and leave it on a cliffhanger where everyone loses their fucking jobs.

thats r
also the most stupid shit is that the main character starts off as an ambulance driver.
maybe it's different in japan but in the us where the game seems to take place, ambulance drivers make as much or more than top level indycar and imsa drivers. she would have been a fucking idiot to take that job, the story is totally retarded.
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>start winning

>fags leave immediately

I hate it.
happy birthday to norv
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Got it. Apparently Unreal Engine halves the UV map quality for optimization. Not a problem generally but for super low res stuff it fucks up the pixel precision. In the editor for the mesh itself gotta toggle "Use Full Precision UVs".
Race Driver 3 had a better story
That sounds pretty fun, honestly.
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>Carbon and ProStreet - each car feels very unique with own loose or stiff handling, grippy or bouncy etc
>Undercover - all cars drive same like on rails
What went so wrong there? This feels like half assed Burnout with Fast and Furious 4/5/6/ etc touch. Driving is so boring there. Races are laughably easy and seemingly exciting highway battles suck.
>ace combat
>all the philosophical musings on the nature of war
But every game is a power fantasy where we always fight in a rightous, defensive war
Intended as a F&F tie-in title but that got scrapped at the last minute so it was quickly retooled into an NFS game and rushed out the door
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port to 2D UV map so we can print and make papercut
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anon don't be retarded
half the fun of ac is when enemy aces spend half their screen time on mgs-esque monologues about how they do or don't enjoy all the killing
r sort of goes into philosophical directions but the story isn't fleshed out enough or long enough for any of it to make sense and there aren't any "aces" in races to glean story details from. you're racing the same stupid ai with the same handful of voice lines, the same pressure mechanics, and the same idiotic freak out reactions to having their bars depleted all game. There is absolutely no variance in the ability or personalities of enemy racers and that's partly what makes it so boring.
you find out your racing team is run by an alleged "bad company" called GVI but no real indication what they do that's so terrible other than fixing races. you have to throw a race. then you go rallying a bit and from there the team's mechanic (who was never mentioned or shown once up to this point) has a plan to get you and the crew chief out of GVI and start their own team, which they do, and the game ends abruptly without any further story details.
it could be good but it's very disjointed and lacks the cinematic soul of an ac game.
play ride 5 with me
I'm not the type of person that guzzles gallons of cum on the daily, so I can't. Sorry.
find me someone who is
Is there a built-in way to do that already with blender or ue5? I barely know how to use these applications, it would be easier for me to generate it with math in C++. Latest version of Track Editor includes a command line FbxExporter application that converts all Whiplash assets to FBX format if you want to give it a go yourself.
Ask for Kira itt or join the mattermost and ask form pastor, rbdk, test, or gent. These are your guys.

Tes* or also known as low test.
ESL lurker can't spell. Kys
I still remember the marketing for Undercover. They called it the hero driving engine or whatever and the purpose was to let you pull off action movie driving, so that's why it felt incredibly stupid.
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Figured out how to disable all post processing. Now it is truly perfect.
Posting again. What the fuck even happened to this? This was an almost fully finished DLC and they just tossed it. Are they just never going to touch Ukraine and Russia?
War won't be going on for more than a year or two, probably just shelved until then
this shit is why i dislike the late tuner era nfs games
they somehow got the idea that skillful driving should be accessible and accomplished this by dumbing down the physics to the point where you can't even drive normally, you have to mentally comprehend alternate physical properties all because little timmy who tragically lost all his limbs in a cozy coupe accident needs to be able to play with his nose.
Yeah, handling in Undercover is awful.
Handle this bussy
Guys, is she /ovg/ approved?

No she’s not
>tranny arms
yeah he chcks out
IIRC they initially wanted to release it and donate the earnings to Ukraine but they got massive backlash for it so it was just "delayed"
2 weeks
>imagine the RP potential
>trucking weapons and supplies to the front and cubes on the return
>imagine the RP potential
>trucking weapons and supplies to the front and cubes on the return
>mfw when i was delivering explosives to tel aviv with friends on promods
>tdu sc releases today
>everyone playing fh5 to get the evo 3 instead
Wasn't this confirmed a man by our resident scientists a few years back?
Because TDUSC is garbage
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try this and let me know if it's ok
remember this is a work in progress, you'll need to add tabs yourself
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Will ETS2 go on discout in upcoming automobile sale on steam? I pirated it to try it out first and i like it.
Probably. It always ends up in related sales, and heavily discounted, too.
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I gave it an attempt but I think someone better than me at papercraft needs to make this.
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car of the week
do you think it would be better on a thicker, stiffer paper, or should i make inside supports for it?
Thicker stiffer paper would definitely help. Some kind of card paper would be nice. Support isn't really the issue, it's just being small, fiddly, and made of paper that makes it difficult. I bet the guy who asked for a paper cutout can do it a lot better than me.
>newer hardware revision
>somehow LOUDER than the original PS5
what a joke

also gt7 singleplayer sucks balls and doing sport mode with mexicans playing over dialup tier internet is 0 fun
>play racing game
>enter race
>0 people
awesome sauce
also the accuracy to real life HK is amazing where everybody is driving Mustangs and slammed Raptors for whatever reason
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>check Forza sale on Steam
>FM8 price
>identical price in MS store
eat shit reddit governor
why do they even bother selling FM still? the only thing that game deserves is a Concord-tier memoryholing
new TDU good?
oh :(
I just want 1(one)(uno)(ein)(ichi) good new racing game, is that too much to ask?
it's in the hands. and they're fucking tiny
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new TXR
Inb4 car gacha
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Is this an SRP reference?
I can't even dick around in GT7 because my PS5 is boxed up waiting for a new hack
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gt7 reference?
>arcadetards getting filtered by solar crown
you're supposed to be on strike retard
doesn’t get more arcadey than tdusc
forza exists
forza is kino
my leon's engine asploded
games for this feel?
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mopar or no car baby
dodge avenger it is then
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based pentastar galant enjoyer
Not sure why you're roleplaying as me, but if you want to know so bad, I redid my entire cooling system yesterday and today I left it at the shop to get my brakes and handling fixed because that's too complicated for me. Gonna install an s2000 air filter soon too.
kek you will never be me
toca race driver 2
I'm not a redgovernor so I never say cringe newfaggot shit like "kek".
mfw still no FL5 in FH5
chimpy wimpy kino
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this is a emily jones board
le mans ultimate
is motorfest good? thinking of buying it in the bundle with the crew 2 since its on sale on steam rn
T-GT/T-GT II is the only good Gran Turismo wheelbase
have tried a PS4 licensed Direct drive and it feels worse compared to a T300 or T-GT
yes its very good
FH5 is on sale
How shortly will FH6 be released?
Who cares? 50 ft wide roads, wide open vistas yoy can just bounce across, a bunch of supercars I don't give a shit about and shotboxes all tuned to 1200hp awd same spec crap.
Just play 2,3,4 and 5, same garbage.
yeah just don't play 1 it's shit
im practicing all the initial d maps on assetto corsa (mostly enna skyline and happogahara in a civic)
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Which Lancer Evo is the coolest?
i like the looks of evo3
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I drove on Haruna (Akina) irl, get on my level
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tail of the dragon >>>>>>> haruna
the 8.5
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based kita NCfag opinion
damn murrishits really can't drive
stick to turnleft fatsos
>sportbike, sportbike, sportbike, sportbike, hd, cruiser, slingshot
/dbt/ sisters not like this
i wish there was a hawks nest track on ac 2bh
>female, off road
didnt even need to describe the vehicle lmao
Play the free trial. It’s shit.
Ok just tried both crews, even though motorfest is prettier, the crew 2 classics cars actually has soft bouncy suspensions while motorfest removed it, why???
because it’s bad. I told you
you can get some of the good ol wobble back by reducing springs and arbs in pro settings
ohh didnt know that, just tried it and i quite liked it i see, maybe i'll get motorfest when it gets cheaper in the future
>boomers having heart attacks on their gay ass trikes is like 1/3rd of deaths
lmao the burger isle of man tt is crazy
Gave the automation campaign mode a try. Its basically a glorified spreadsheet which calculates so much I can hear my computer change its resonance while it loads by the month and has so much going on that affects so much, and which I have mostly no clue whats going on.
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Week 2 skinpack is out, includes a software update for the BOSCH ABS and TCS units so they actually work
guys srp v0.9.3 is out
yeah i know cuz i got the stupid NIGGER ping, UUUUGH
Dat wang.
It's hilarious how many people you can beat by just not being a complete shitter who crashes all the time
Going fast is entirely optional
>hides his name on the list
>doesn't hide his nickname
>uses his real name on the internet
come on now
I'm a shitter and even without crashing I'd not be this fast.
yeah that is very true especially in rally
What kind of name is Reto?
Never been to the US so can't compare
>I'm a shitter and even without crashing I'd not be this fast.
I wasn't going fast, not even by Grp4 standards
Whoops (Reto is a very common Swiss name if you're wondering.)
Bring back Nearly Summer Stages
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Anyone else not able to connect to mumble out of nowhere?
Works on my machine
nvm had to update it
>updating mumble
That's a yikes from me. 1.3.4 is the last acceptable version.
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anyone know who makes the best fuji speedway and baku city circuit for assetto corsa? haha
pre-race wank starto
low test
not gonna happen but i too would enjoy if it did
>thrustmaster t300rs
is this good?
overheating piece of shit with shitty pedals
>didn't turn the fan on
it overheats and drops ffb after 30 minutes of racism even with fan permamently turned on
>haven't touched rbr in months
>open it up
>rallysimfans updates on startup
>game doesn't launch anymore
>disable some scripts
>game finally fires up
>only 1 car available
>most stages disappeared
how do i fix this shit without re-downloading and reinstalling all of it
if you didn't delete the rsf_installer_files folder than just download the newest installer and reinstall the game
you dont even need to reinstall just download the newest installer from the site and update your game lol, afaik it doesn't update itself from the launcher
>if you didn't delete the rsf_installer_files folder
i sure did
>download the newest installer from the site and update your game lol
well... how?
when it asks me for the location and i choose the already existing rbr directory it tells me "the selected folder is not correct" and won't continue, it also still asks for the installation packages
>afaik it doesn't update itself from the launcher
when i launched the game a window popped up saying downloading update or some shit like that and then it fucked itself, i didn't go through the launcher at all
you need the installer files for updates
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wat gam is that
rfactor hungarian rally edition
works on my machine
6 or 9
STD rally
Fanatec Clubsport CSW v2.5 is better and cheaper nowadays but the leap from G27 to T300 is larger
I wonder if the creator is salty that his game is now basically just a car creator for BeamNG and that no one cares about the campaign.
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Why do the spectators use the flash outdoors?
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Holy fucking shit Forza Hide & Seek is the worst piece of shit I have ever played who the fuck thought this was going to be fun FUCK YOU
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>nfs heat UNITE
worth it?
some comments are complaining about cops being OP from the start of the game
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idk I play my games vanilla
First of all why are you playing baby games instead of playing grown up man games like AC or iRacing?
What campaign?
if you play iracing your wallet is playing hide and iracing is playing seek
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Cru 2's servers down? There's a shit ton of new players so they could be overloading the servers.
>cops being OP from the start of the game
Can confirm, anything above heat 1 is cheap and unfair with any starter car and on heat 1 the cops won't leave your ass either. I've heard Heat Remix is much more balanced but I haven't tried it.
yes that's exactly what's happening
unite is made by gay fags and if you install it, it locks you out of multiplayer
it doesn't change enough to be worth it imo
the cops are not that difficult
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Gent's vape
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I genuinely miss Motorstorm
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>download NFS: Porsche Unleashed for PS1 emulator
>still "car has 95% grip every time" game I remember
>Classic era was fun, cars light enough to throw around and the 550 was the most fun I've had driving a car in a game in a long time
>get to Golden Era
>almost incomprehensible difficulty spike
>go from 110 MPH 550 to the 190+ MPH 917K with no adjustment or anything
>crash and flip on first turn
>even the Weekend Races are almost impossible
>all guides are for the PC version which I never had as a kid
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Have you dirtbags tried AC rally yet?
Unironically this. The 70's cars are supposed to be shit
>rallying on kunos suspension physics
ew, no thanks
I thought it had some suspension mods.
if it's not by tunari it's guaranteed shit
Is there anything AC doesn't have mods?Ship of Theseus ass game
ac was never good. it was always missing critical major features other sims had for years, and by the time it caught up it was behind elsewhere. the devs bitched and moaned for years that simply adding a real day night cycle like rF1 and GTR had 8 years before would require a reworking of the entire game engine.
meanwhile, literally the only reason anyone plays AC today at all is because of csp and sol adding advanced features like that while the actual devs sat around with their thumbs up their butts and stefano likened such in-depth mods to watching his child be raped. the only reason popular shit like SRP or nohesi works at all is ENTIRELY because of features modders have added, the game was literally never intended to be anything other than a daytime solo hotlap simulator with open wheel formulas and now you can fucking shoot each other with paintball guns in vr or drive a trophy truck offroad without falling thru the ground.
yes but ac evo will have daynight cycles, rain, cruise mode with traffic and street racing, endurance races with driverswaps, gravel physics and a codriver, piss easy modding, an irenting style multiplayer system, the best single player career mode of all time with great ai and r2k thermodynamics
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>release date: eeeey bopiti boopi
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The 'tycoon' half of the game is just so weak.
Even as bland as game dev tycoon at least shows in-game reactions with reviews
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it's happening
>buy the original 928
>lighter and easier to drive compared to the GTS which gained 400 lbs for no good reason
>buy used 944
>better to drive in every way
The only problem now is the weekend races, and neither the 917K nor the 959 are easy to drive.
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ats is on sale (sadly its not for 1.99 like last time when i missed out on it)
ats = american truck simulator
damn still no more than 30% off the states I don't have
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File deleted.
you know what fucking time it is?
its cru time
i wish everysaar at microsoft a very pleasant benchod bich
Is it though?
hell yeah brother
Need recommendations for an h pattern + sequential shifter that feels very good and mechanical and is extremely durable+strong

I was going to print and build an SRT 9.1 but I'm questioning how strong it is, even with Nylon printed parts

I need it for.... something.....
Nothing like this exists except the old white Simvertex shifter from aliexpress and next giant downstep from this is the Fanatec one
going by the comments under any ac evo content people genuinely think like this
Like this one? Because $600 is some serious heft, probably made of solid steel or something

It is that V5 one but apparently they updated it to V7 SQ2. At that price it's kind of a gamble as to whether it'll last but its the closest feeling mechanically to a manual transmission. I don't think it has a sequential mode like the $250 Fanatec one tho which also has to be modded to be reliable

Your best bet is to get the Simvertex and pair it with a second Aiologs sequential shifter granted they are in stock/no lead time.
This isn't the latest revision but watch this review to see if its worth the money.
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my hard drive has gigabytes of shit like this now
idea: choro-q but it's whiplash
Infinitely moddable open sores whiplash eventually.
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put that gun in your mouth solar crown
you ain't the real #3
>unreal slop
inject into my veins
why tehre's a yellow line in the air?

is that a kids game?
The handling look like shit even on video
>the slightest turn makes you slide
lmao amerishart handling
The 917K turned out to be breddy gud, but FUCK Circuit B and all its configurations. The 944, on the other hand...
I see Motorfest still does that pseudo-brake to drift that I disliked in the beta
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>can't even be arsed to pretend to make a new game yearly let's slap a reskin on our dogshit game and call it an expansion
codies fell off so hard it's comical
Just EA things, remember this is the publisher that also holds the FIFA license
Would rather have 5 years of support for one game with an option to buy a discounted complete edition after few years, than 5 separate games which are all basically updates
if the base game weren't so shit I'd be fine with it
I thought they no longer have the FIFA license which is why it's now EA FC
You're right, apparently they got dropped after 2022 and now there's rumors of it going to 2K instead
codies didnt fell off, no one calls it falling off when your peak was as high as a speed bump
they merely stepped down from a height so small it would be clipped smooth in counter strike
anyone still plays gran turismo 4 on ps2?
going from making genre defining masterpieces to ea slop is falling off in my book
apk when
Struggling to crack 2:10.0s at Elkhart lake
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no that's me manually flicking the analog stick to drift
i'm just so good it looks like something you need computer assistance to do.
i have all the controller assists and helpers turned off except for dynamic steering lock. there is no auto-drift or brake-drift or any kind of stability helpers. this is the rawest, most sim-like cru game ever.

the new tail-happiness of crumo is not fake or an animation, it is a real simulated oversteer that you have to counter or you will spin. turn off all the assists and see.
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Never. This is the game you want.
bad things about crumo:
-for some reason will only run smooth if run in Admin mode which consequently disables all overlays and makes recording the game smoothly somewhat of a challenge (this was a 60 fps mkv from windows' built-in game recorder, boram decided it was 59.998 fps and halved it), previous webms were done with OBS and sheer luck that it hooked
-no fullscreen mode also compounding the above problem
-extremely annoying obvious AI voice acting
-several bugs from cru 2 not fixed such as not being able to rebind plane rudder or gear shift without inexplicably changing the other function
-vehicles no longer visually display camber set in pro settings

+more controller and vehicle assist options, can turn off all input filters completely for pure sim experience
+significantly better and more realistic driving physics with less janky arcade hypergrip or weird drifting
+better weather effects like lightning, zero vis pea soup fog and heavy rain
+actual pitch black nighttime especially out in the countryside
+pro settings more detailed, now explain what they do
+ai smarter, reacts to your presence (mostly)
+prize boxes now give out tons of money in addition to parts and are hidden in more creative places
+tons of rando unlockables and activities
+same great kino visuals
+absolute top tier soundtrack with lots of surf rock and island trance

>map is full of AI "replayers", ghosts of players that appear to be doing races and running around the map similar to drivatars in forza, even though they are AI you can't collide with them, however you can collide with the actual human players.
>usual modern racing game WOW DID YOU KNOW CARS LIKE, EXIST? patronization
>all events must first be run with an unupgraded loaned vehicle, creates a situation that the second highest diff is too easy and full diff is literally impossible, you don't have to win to progress and you can rerun the event with your own vehicles as long as you have completed it.

i give it 8/10
You don't, you start with Wipeout 2097 (Wipeout XL)
Me too. I had the idea for a new one that is one giant race across the continental US, introducing boats to the vehicle roster. Like NFS The Run but good
Better than the Kylotonn games
>I'm just so good
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>filtered by realistic drift physics

crewbros won
get over it
so....crew 1 but with boats?
Not open world. I was thinking dedicated point-to-point races along with circuit events. Like, you'd load into a point to point race, then go through the menus to a circuit event. Same sort of enclosed focus the past games had.
you can disable replayers, and every event in the game is winnable on 5/5 with the rental car (except maybe that gay togue race in weeb playlist because the rx7 drives like a bag of dicks idk if they fixed it)

try running obs as admin maybe it will hook?
that's gay it should be open-ish world but with free menu selection of unlocked races similar to UG2 and the choice to either drive there or be teleported.
i'm thinking Fuel but with better physics and a smaller more interesting and setpiece-filled map kinda like Monster Jam Steel Titans 2 that has several different biomes you can freely move between without loading screens.
also it needs to be made by rainbow studios for kino offroad physics, terrain deformation, secret vr support, and the edge-of-map cannon.

one thing i didn't like about motorstorm is the menu. it's really boring.
it's a motorsports festival thing isn't it? at least give me a dirt 2 menu where it looks like i'm in it.
>and every event in the game is winnable on 5/5 with the rental car
no it isn't unless you cheat, one ai often disappears into the distance and you have no hope of catching it with a stock car.
several classes have at least 1 much faster vehicle than you, especially boats, mx bikes (aka yamaha cup), and raid.
the supercar events you can get totally fucked on if you pick the wrong car
mx events are only winnable by avoiding jumps like in cru2
drift events are pretty tough without being able to adjust pro settings

street race events are fine however didn't have any issue with those at all, because it goes out of its way to give you cars with good stock performance. other disciplines are like lmao get fucked.
i don't think replayers should be disabled, i just think it's weird that they're ghosts when theyr'e ai and actual human players are not ghosted. they're cool to chase, i just wish they'd react to traffic instead of driving through them.

seems like something someone got frustrated with forza horizon over as drivatards often cause annoying head-on collisions.
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I started working on some game dev shit a few months ago but realized I was underselling my own abilities and can actually do quite a lot more than I thought. So it's given me time to reevaluate if I should bother with making a 3D metroidvania, ChoroQ HG spiritual successor, or this other driving game.

Is there a market for a primarily driving game where you can get out of your car in a somewhat low poly style set in a free roaming miniature pastiche of a US state or country focused on 1960s-1970s automotive culture? Best I can describe it is that + a heavily streamlined version of My Summer Car/My Winter Car, with elements of BeamNG, The Long Drive, and Gran Turismo 2. Mainly for want a fairly chill driving game you could host multiplayer lobbies on... I miss comfy social games with no moderation and a tight-knit community.
So none of the classic NFS games. Got it.
>Is there a market for a primarily driving game where you can get out of your car in a somewhat low poly style set in a free roaming miniature pastiche of a US state or country focused on 1960s-1970s automotive culture?

absolutely as long as that's actually what it's focused on and not some dumb tumblr tranny-ass walking simulator about driving into the middle of nowhere trying to reconnect with dead grandma through procedurally generated fetch quests or some other stupid shit that all those games seem to do
>mommy mommy i want cyberpunk 2077 quadra turbo like forza has
>not now son, we have quadra turbo at home
I was thinking more along the lines of the player customizing their can primarily and more that to serve buying parts, a Project Zomboid-esque mechanics system, moonshining, qnd fetching parts... And just enjoying the scenery I guess. That was a worry of mine so I've been trying to figure out how I can cut out anything that doesn't actually serve restoring, customization, upgrading, and racing other than downtime between if you choose to enjoy the scenery and chat with other players.
>started working on some game dev shit a few months ago but realized I was underselling my own abilities
me 10 years ago
>is there a market for a driving game where [...] lowpoly environment
no. sunrise GP released like 2 weeks ago with 1000 wishlists and it fell flat with a 20(?) user peak. (yea it looks shit but that is besides the point) not to mention every other twitterslop lowpoly game that exists.
>host multiplayer lobbies in
have you made netcode before? it is hell to develop alone, especially for the first time.
Let me refine the second statement: it's more or less slightly higher poly N64 graphics with more graphical effects applied to give it a bit more of an updated look without much of the associated jank. As far as I'm aware this has not been done. I don't mean the low poly slop flat shaded look.
>Have you done before
I've experimented with it.
That's not what Motorstorm is about. Motorstorm is basically a mix of the Baja 1000 and Burning Man, just a big dumb festival of cars and music and destruction (Forza Horizon basically ripped it off, lel). Letting players wander off and do whatever in a big open world is kinda antithetical to that focus. Maybe replacing the sterile menu with an over world 'bivouac' you can drive around in and have to go to certain points of this little map to do stuff like go to your garage or move on to the next race would work, but it has to be focused around the festival itself. Sort of like the area around the festival in the FH games but with some more outlandish stuff like a test track and loop de loops or whatever.
>more or less slightly higher poly N64 graphics with more graphical effects
thats better but it needs a very talented artist or else it will end up looking like some 2000s bargain bin game like maxxed out racing.

personally id be interested in the choroQ HG game idea
lol I had the idea for a My Summer Car-type game set in rural Alabama. You're on probation for moonshining or something and can't leave the county. can build up and fix your car (El Camino), try to make money by running more shine (and avoid getting caught by the sheriff). Win the game by getting your cousin to agree to marry you
Thats why I'm asking here. I've gotten three ideas I like the sound of but can't decide on which to pursue.
Kek. Mine is more that it's the 1990s but because OPEC happened earlier and resulted in the middle east glassing itself isolationism, prolonged economic depression, and depleted oil reserves forcing synthetic gasoline has kept cars and society at a mostly 1960s era with stuff similar in concept to the Dodge Demon Sizzler as Plymouth Duster Twister (as well as Argentine Dodge GTX, Mexican Dodge Valiant Super Bee, or Brazilian Chevy Impala SS) type "budget muscle cars" built on compact car bodies still being produced and marketing to young drivers- hence why the player has some beat up 60s car and why every car has 60s aesthetics. It's horribly convoluted and excuse plot tier but it's the only way I could see it working.
if ur making that choroQ game thou, theres a game very similar to the HG being developed called kaido genkai. only difference is instead of sentient blobjects its proper sized cars with anime avatars and cartoon graphics. so there is competition in that market too
>sunrise GP
this game was doomed to fail
retro game aesthetic for no reason just screams lazy and none of the car designs are appealing. the design direction seems confused whether it wants to be retro or nuwave and it's clearly just unity/ue slop underneath the pastel shades and lens flare

ok so you want baja edge of control but but with more party atmosphere?
an offroad game needs a test area or some kind of natural way to dial in your setup and practice going off jumps and landing so freroaming ability is natural. in baja EOC they just let you fuck about on any of the maps as you wanted, but they were massive, easily huge enough to fit multiple layouts in plus the main baja trail.

this would be fun but set in the '20s or '30s when moonshining was actually a crime
by the '70s the only thing illegal about making your own booze was not paying the state taxes on it. actually that could be fun too, more relaxed delivery (don't break the bottles!) and you get chased back home by increasingly pissed off feds in slow malaise era shitpiles.
I'm aware, I just didn't really find the concept particularly interesting. I think the abstraction and toy-like nature lends itself better to the genre but that's just m opinion. Kaido Genkai gives me weird tonal whiplash. Could just be me.
i take it back the proto flashback is cool
thank you based ridge racer autists
Mississippi was a dry state until 1966 wasn't it? You could also just have some dumb justification of "Oh well the US in this timeline never repealed prohibition on a federal level and left it to states and most states kept it because ????"
>Mississippi was a dry state
yeah but mississippi is visually fucking boring its mostly swamp and river floodplain
also has a very unique culture and accent that might be hard to authentically replicate.
southern tip of the appalachians is where the big operations were, as a bonus there are great roads, views, and lots of old racing tracks.
No, it's Motorstorm with more track variety.
>test setups
Motorstorm doesn't have setups, it's pure arcade.

>when moonshining was a crime
It still is, you know. You need a license to sell liquor, and need to pay taxes on it too. A lot of southern counties were dry counties until really recently. Half of Arkansas' counties are dry to this very day, and something like 20 Alabama counties were dry until a decade ago. Are you forgetting that this was the entire premise of the Dukes of Hazzard? They are on probation for rumrunning, in 70s Georgia. And they go right back to doing it afterwards and spend every episode ducking the law and trying to not violate the letter of their probation if not the spirit.
its not a federal crime like it was back in the '20s
the duke brothers wouldn't have had a chance to make probation in al capone's day, theyda just been shot.

higher stakes = more fun
maybe just handwave it and pretend prohibition was never repealed that way you have a nice train of escalation from state cops (who can be bribed) to feds (who shoot on sight)
oh even better don't even say when or where the game takes place just let people figure it out through vehicle selection and map design. lots of stuff out in the southern boonies hasn't been changed for decades, a '30s ford being chased by the county sherrifs in dodge monacos is not out of the question
Doesn't matter, considering 99% of law enforcement is done by local sheriffs anyway. Getting arrested is getting arrested, you're forgetting that My Summer Car isn't a high-stakes game either. The majority of game time in MSC is spent drinking vodka, staffing a convenience store, and wrangling the fiddly controls whilst rebuilding some old Datsun. It's not a GTA clone
if you don't have some kind of vehicle handling customization i'm simply not playing your game
sorry but you game dev fags never ever know what a car is actually supposed to drive like.
you're games gonna get real boring if roscoe p. lawman can just be bribed or outgunned
you making a moonshine running game or a taxi simulator?
Have you ever played Motorstorm? The games are so outlandish and wild that tuning really doesn't matter. You're jumping hundreds of feet off cliffs and through waterfalls and crunching bikers with semi trucks. No amount of suspension twiddling is gonna change anything. They're basically off road Burnout.

My idea was to let people customise and build their own cars which is something you couldn't do in the old games (save for minor cosmetics in 3 and Arctic Edge). Like, you can buy a basic Beetle knockoff and turn it into a buggy or a monster truck or whatever.
Redneck simulator. Again, just My Summer Car but set in Alabama instead of Finland.
I'm not the Alabama Summer Car guy, but the guy trying to decide on a Choro Q HG spiritual successor, a 3D metroidvania hack n slash, or a 60s muscle car driving game... As far as handling is concerned that's my biggest gripe with most games, however I own a 60s pony car I've driven extensively and have a fairly good idea on how I could make the handling freely correct.
Like, I also have ideas for more grounded off road racing games where tuning would actually matter, but in the case of Motorstorm it just isn't that sort of game.
yes i did and the entire time i wished there was a tuning menu so i could make the cars not drive like absolute shit, some of the late game races are not fun at all.

>No amount of suspension twiddling is gonna change anything.
absolutely disgusting busrider opinion
stay away from racing gamedev forever
tuning is absolutely the most relevant and important feature of any racing game.
even if you don't give the player sliders to mess with YOU will be the one who has to carefully tweak and tune each individual car to drive perfectly on every track in your game, so you better have fucking tuning or you will not have a working game.

>They're basically off road Burnout.
motorstorm is much closer to a sim than burnout, it's really sad how shallow your experience with it was. did you even complete it or just play the demo?
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The issue with late game Motorstorm races is that the rubberbanding gets so strong that the AI actively breaks WR lap times and it comes down to sheer luck whether you win or not.

>did you play the games
Mate I went so far as to import a copy of 3 from Hong Kong because of the Tohoku earthquake delaying the release stateside for like six months.
rubberbanding wouldnt be as big of an issue if your car could be upgraded or even its stock settings modified so you can outhandle the cheating ai. it feels bad to play a game where you just get randomly fucked for no reason. that's not fun, especially when you need to win to progress. redoing the same circuit over and over and over just for that one race where you don't get dicked up the ass sucks.
lots of tracks in og motorstorm would be more fun if you could simply pick tires better suited to the terrain. in real offroad racing you don't use the same kind of tire for mud as you do for gravel or sand and the differences in performance are enormous.
Rubberbanding explicitly ignores upgrades and player performance. Do you even know what it is? It's the game adjusting the AI speed so that they always keep up no matter how good you do. If you suck, they slow down so you still have a chance to catch and pass. If you're good, they turn into ICBMs on the road. It's the bane of all classic arcade racing games, which luckily has mostly died out. No amount of tuning your car will fix that, because the AI will just go faster to compensate. And the handling model in Motorstorm isn't complex enough for it to matter regardless; it's an ARCADE racer. Not a sim.
>if you could just change tyres
The entire point of the vehicle class system in those games is for that purpose. If you can modify and tune your car for different surfaces then the classes become purely cosmetic. You don't understand the appeal of Motorstorm. Imagine playing TF2 and saying "we should be able to run a sniper or rockets on any class".
>The entire point of the vehicle class system in those games is for that purpose.
except it doesn't work right because anything smaller or larger than a trophy truck is either too low and skittish or too heavy and slow and you just get btfo by niggerlicious boosted ai no matter what so you're forced to stick with the best allrounder. can't pick a bike or quad either because you just get run down.

if the AI can tune, why can't you? shit game. stop trying to defend what was clearly a rushed and ill-considered gameplay element. if it was the right way to do things the series wouldn't have been killed off.
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>imagine playing TF2 and saying "we should be able to run a sniper or rockets on any class".

i do believe that is called battlefield 4 my guy and that game absolutely fuckin' slaps ya mama
>Rubberbanding explicitly ignores upgrades and player performance.
no it doesnt
even ai cars have physical limits, they can only go so fast before they start hitting things, or the baked in racing line becomes non-optimal, so rubber banding only works up to that point.
human players are more tactful, take better racing lines and shortcuts, for the ai to be competitive at all they need to be boosted.
however the way motorstorm accomplishes this doesn't allow you to do anything about it, you just have to restart over and over and hope you win the roulette this time, it's very shallow and boring.
>even AI has physical limits
Lol no they don't. You don't know what you're talking about and clearly have never played an old-school arcade racer.

AI can't tune.
>defend a rushed and ill-considered gameplay element
Ah, you're just trolling, should've realised sooner

BF4 isn't a class-based arena shooter. Completely different type of game
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>even AI has physical limits
>Lol no they don't.
>clearly have never played an old-school arcade racer.
rubberband your way out of this, cocksucker
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>ai has to go off jumps and navigate tight hairpins and chicanes made of rocks
>make them faster
>they crash more because they still brake and turn at the same spots which are now too late
>the racing is more challenging and action packed but not actually impossible
that's how it should work
ai generally follows game physics especially newer games where realistic collisions are expected, rubberbanding or boosting fails at the point where they start running into things. see whiplash, on impossible difficulty some races are really hard because reise or global will always win, but on death mode enough chaos occurs to even the field out, and the races are much easier despite longer lapcounts and higher damage.

motorstorm 1 is just broken and unfun, it feels half done like even the devs didn't bother playing long enough to realize something was wrong
>If you can modify and tune your car for different surfaces then the classes become purely cosmetic. You don't understand the appeal of Motorstorm.
absolute brainlet take
you cant tune out mass, weight distribution, and aspect ratio which is really the only things that set all cars apart from each other
>ai generally follows game physics
in NFS UG2 if you play on hard mode you can literally watch with your own 2 dam eyes as the AI go WARP SPEED not even exaggerating. its a bug in the rubberband system where, especially in URL races, they would teleport into walls.
>especially newer games
the forza AI progressively degenerates each iteration of the title, to the point where in fh3 the AI would do WHEELIES in historics due to their physics-defying soft suspension and impossible amount of grip. well documented. in fh4 this become even worse as you could find AI grip rolling. FH5 they did something to lobotomize the AI its just shit.
cruu motorsneed you can often times see AI do corners at speed impossible to do by a human. impossible braking distances and infinite nitro (was a bug on difficulty level 5 and would make few events next to impossible to beat
i didnt say the ai couldn't ride the limits of the game physics but if they went any faster than they already do the cars would just fly off the road, and they often do. that's half the problem with them driving stupid, they're designed to catch up with the king retard and nothing else
It isn't, which is why every Motorstorm was structured the same way, and any hypothetical continuation would as well. The mudplugger class loses all purpose if you can just put mud tyres on a trophy truck. The entire point of them is that they're the best at going through mud. The entire point of the rallye cars is that they're lightning fast but have terrible cross country ability to compensate because otherwise they'd be objectively OP. You don't understand game balance or design in the slightest.
Reinstalled Assetto Corsa the other day
cute fishe blub blub
balancefags ruin everything, you ruined battlefield, you ruined tribes, you ruined helldivers. not everything needs to be fair or even or be delineated into your autistic little gameplay trope boxes. all that matters that it is fun, and motorstorm is objectively not fun.
I just remember that the beta felt like it was trying to throw the car into a drift every other corner even with all the assists off, I know how to pro settings dw
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it feels very natural to me unlike crew 2 where drifting scrubbed a ton of speed, this lets you power oversteer and carry momentum through the corner even with street and supercars. it still does some odd things but it's significantly more realistic.

also railgrinds and halfpipe drifts are actual stunts now but there's no halfpipes! fuck the french.
People who want realistic handling in arcade games ruined arcade games
mitsuoka orochi my beloved
Make sure to get new pure.
cars are fun because of the way they move
the only way to make a car in a video game behave like a car at all is to simulate an actual car. there's simply no way around that. it's not like an fps or tps game where you don't really need to physically simulate the way a person moves at all, a car in a video game needs to roll on wheels, shift gears, flop about on its suspension and interact with a surface in an elastic way that becomes more like liquid as the difference in speed between the tire and surface increases. you literally can't fake it.
I went in for the first time in a few years and i swear they changed a bunch of shit to be as anti casual as possible just for this reason.

Also didnt the devs fly out the furfag to drive their shitbox?

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