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DUDE! The left lane is the fast lane. You'll get in trouble and tick people off if you drive the speed limit while in that lane. It's for people who want to speed! Even though speeding is illegal! Well actually, it's the passing lane and nobody should be using that lane at all except to pass slower traffic that's abiding by the speed limit! HUH?
Being this clinically retarded should be illegal.
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Anybody who is confused about this in CURRENT YEAR is a fucking faggot gorilla retard nigger. Rightmost lanes are speed of traffic, whatever speed of traffic is. Leftmost lanes are higher speed and/or HOV. Outside of like Vermont, nobody fucking cares what the speed limit sign is on a multi lane freeway, not even cops.
PLEASE, don't fall for this. You're easy pickings for the Highway Patrol. They'll swoop down and give you speeding tickets all day long. I'd LOVE to hear you say this in front of a judge while contesting your speeding ticket.

"Your honor, I'm ALLOWED to speed in the left lane!"

Get the fuck out of left lane when you see the angel eyes and roundel, faggot.
Middle lane is the cruising lane for slow cars because it's the safest lane, CHUDS.
it's pottery
>i'll drive in the left lane, they can just go around me, don't @ me faggot
Posted speed limit is 65 in Southern California. Everybody does 75 minimum, 80 is common. We all know that's the "real" speed limit. I'm on a motorcycle so I scoot over to the HOV lane and peg it at 85-88 mph to avoid having to rely on my shitty mirrors constantly. Never been pulled over for even a warning. A driver doing more than 10mph below speed of traffic is honestly a bigger danger, even if YOUR peabrain somehow thinks big number = scarier.
You'll see. Sooner or later you'll drive through a city where the highway patrol is ravenous. They just collect revenue from people in the fast lane all day long. You're either in trouble for speeding or for driving the speed limit. They can pull you over for any reason while in that lane. The only winning move is to stay out of that lane.
You are literally such a cocksucker, I don't even care if you're trolling
>driving home on freeway
>semis in the middle and right lane
>get over to pass
>guy is sitting even with the semis at 65mph with a chain of 8-10 cars closely following behind
>get sick of it, speed up and pass on the right when there is space in the right lane
>there is no traffic, no accident, road is open for miles after, it was just ONE GUY who created an entire traffic shockwave

Is left lane discipline not taught in driving school in most states? Do these people not realize how unpleasant at best, dangerous at worst, they are making other people's commute? Fuck you OP
OH, I'm the bad guy with my cruise control set to the speed limit. I'm such an awful guy not allowing you to break the law! Somehow "I" am making the road more dangerous because you want to go faster.
I always used the left lane to cruise not sure why anyone would get mad at that, just go around. Whenever I'm behind someone slower I just change lanes and pass them. Not sure what's so controversial
yes, you are more dangerous
yes, you are an awful jackass.
i know you're trolling, but still -- fuck you.
I'm glad you understand, this thread is over now.
Then, one day you're driving when I'm not around. Highway Patrol pulls you over for speeding. You're completely surprised that this is happening. You've sped hundreds, maybe thousands of times before, and didn't think this could happen.

>"Judge, when I pulled this guy and over for speeding, he told me that he was going with the 'flow of traffic'."
It's funny how the same troll that clearly sees the signs posting a speed limit consistently misses the signs stating "slower traffic keep right".
>Highway Patrol pulls you over for speeding
Let them. But we both know they aren't pulling people over for driving a safe speed, even when that speed numerically exceeds the number on the sign.
If everyone around you is going 70-75 in a 60 or 65, why the fuck do you think also going 70-75 is so dangerous? Are you a woman who thinks going 2mph faster than the speed limit = extreme risk of loss of control?
back to back to back, I saw THREE people pulled over by highway patrol today. I doubt any of them were doing anything crazy. They were just being plucked out of the fast lane. The city needs money and it was their turn to pay.
Why would I say anything to the cop or be in the room while he's talking to the judge, that's what my lawyer is for. You already explained how you understand you're a menace, no need to elaborate.
>back to back to back, I saw THREE people pulled over by highway patrol today.
Was it for speeding? Did you stop and ask?
Answer my fucking question. If everyone around you is going 70-75 in a 60 or 65, why the fuck do you think also going 70-75 is so dangerous?
This post also directly contradicts some other posts you have made, indicating that you DO understand the concept of slower traffic keep right. Any particular reason you're being an inconsistent faggot?
What else do you think it could be? They're road pirates who collect revenue for the state
It isn't for me to decide. I'm going the speed limit. I've heard about people getting ticketed for driving the speed limit while in the left lane. It hasn't happened to me yet. When it's a "two lanes on both sides"-thing my like my OP pic, I cruise at the speed limit in the left lane, but when it opens up to four three lanes or more, I stay out of there because that's when the road pirates are most prevalent.

I want the rules to be straightened out so you aren't fucked either way being in the left lane. I think it's bullshit that they're damned if you do and damned if you don't just being in the left lane.
You dodged the question and didn't answer it. Why are you so scared of going the speed of traffic? Why are you flip flopping back and forth on understanding the concept of keep right? On average, drivers have a worse blindspot on their passenger side. By forcing someone to overtake you on the right, not only is it less expected, they are exposed to greater danger of you merging into them to prepare for an exit.
>What else do you think it could be?
Seeing how more than one law exists, I have reason to suspect it could be something other than just the one thing you want it to be.
Fact is, I'm not in a hurry. I just drive the speed limit because I should just be able to do that without having to look over my shoulder. When I'm in the city, I'm 100% going at those listed 25/35/45mph speed limits. I won't get pulled over for that. However, there's this huge discrepancy when on the freeway/highway regarding the left lane. It says 65 and if I go 65, I'm now the one who's in the wrong. That's bullshit. Meanwhile, you're STILL in the wrong going over 65 in that 65mph zone and, sooner or later, you WILL be ticketed for it. It happens all the time.
>you're STILL in the wrong going over 65 in that 65mph zone and, sooner or later, you WILL be ticketed for it.
>Let them. But we both know they aren't pulling people over for driving a safe speed, even when that speed numerically exceeds the number on the sign.
Why do you pretend to not understand the concept of keep right, for reasons listed previously?
Keeping right would quite literally solve you having to "look over your shoulder".
>I want to drive slow
Ok, but why are you insistent on doing it in the left lane? Are you like an 80 year old afraid of merging with cars getting on the freeway?
>cruising in the right lane, 5 above the speed limit
>coming up on a group of four cars going 3 under
>get in the left lane and slowly start passing them
>group of 5 people who want to do 15+ over end up riding my ass, flashing their lights
>I’m still passing the group that’s in the right lane
>if I get over to let the faster traffic pass, I’ll have to slow down so they can all make it before I end up running I to the slower traffic on the right
For some reason no one understands this situation, yet everyone has been in it.
Why not just briefly also speed up to 15ish over to complete the pass, then coast back down to 5 over after re joining the right lane?
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>i heavily speed in the right lane and only use the left to pass cars going the speed limit, how could you tell?
You must he ESL because the road signs clealy state "Keep Right Except to Pass"
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>For some reason no one understands this situation,
It's easy to understand, you want to be a burden on society. If we endure higher taxes to make another passing lane, you will block that lane too. People who use the freeway at speeds higher than the posted speed suggestion are on the freeway for a shorter amount of time. This reduces the need for additional taxation for otherwise unnecessary lanes. You can't tolerate this, you must be a burden. This suggests that you were born after ww2 but were alive during the 1960's. A boomer. The worst thing to happen to our country.
>yet everyone has been in it.
That is a lie you tell yourself to justify your horrible boomer behavior. You just like being a burden. Your poor grand kids.
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Get out of the way nigger and stop making everyone's daily committed Hell on earth.
My area has been flooded with old cunts going 15 under in the passing lane.
Get out of the fucking way faggot.
No you aren't special, you're an obnoxious little tattle tale that wants to ruin everyone's day and act like a victim while you do it, like a bitch, a fat dumb bpd bitch.
wow all of you guys are massive fags. I guess i dont have to feel so bad the next time i scrape one of you off the highway.
Why should I alter my behavior to accommodate others’ impatience?
You're also exposing yourself to more risk with a glacially paced overtake, one of the conga line members might not see you and randomly decide they also want to overtake and merge left without indicating or looking. Moving at a faster pace will create a more dynamic change in their mirror and increase the likelihood that they will see you (within a reasonable speed differential). Also, I dunno, it's polite? If I'm in a crosswalk and I see a car waiting to turn right on red, I will hurry my gait to avoid inconveniencing them. You don't get to brighten someone's day just by acknowledging them like that super often. Same principle with the brief speed increase.
>get in the left lane and slowly start passing them
Get cancer and die you stupid motherfucker. If you're going to pass fucking pass. Stop pussyfooting.
>Is left lane discipline not taught in driving school in most states?
As long as no cop is present, there is no penalty for driving slow in the left lane, shoplifting, or flash mob looting. These three activities occur due to a breakdown of ethics. The USA has long passed the time of boomers driving as most of them have already died. What you see are the Millenials and Zoomers with their "modern" or "liberal" driving ethics and hit-and-run attitudes.
Speedniggers seething cruise GODs FTW.
>The USA has long passed the time of boomers driving as most of them have already died.
Gen x here, I have an easier time spotting people my parents age than kids who just see everyone older than them as "old". The fucktards that cut off traffic to get to the left lane just to cut off the same cars three seconds later to barely make their exit are my parents age. The shitheels that gun it to get in front of traffic and slow down aren't younger than my parents age They are my parents age. The attention whores that absolutely must snarl traffic at all costs are.... you guessed it... my parents age. Fucking boomers.
I can't wait for them to finally be in the retirement homes that they packed with illegal immigrants to torture the best generation. It's their turn already.
The speed limit is the speed limit and I'm doing God's work by slowing you down preventing you from killing a family.
>But I'll just go around
And I'll "courteously" move over at the same time you do. Your welcome for my service.
Come to Ontario, where a posted 80km/h highway (infinite construction) has people going 140km/h in the left lane and anywhere from 70-160km/h in the rest of them. Left lane is for passing, the rest is free for all of people too scared to be on the highway and people zig zagging through.

There are never cops on the highways at least in my area.
It should be law that anyone over 65 has to take a mental and health exam every three years if they want to keep driving. I'm sick and tired of boomers driving 10 under the speed minimum only to be blasted by highbeams as I pass them.
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Why not both?
And every boomers car should be fitted with dash cams because boomers lie left and right. God I hate boomers so fucking much.
you have to know your area. im also socal and cops on the i10 won't do anything if you're going 80 or even 85. the radar gun cops don't do anything and the ones on the road will drive with you at those speeds. if they are looking to catch speeders they know they can wait to find people going even faster. it helps to not drive anything sporty looking or that looks like a nigger drives it.
>It should be law that anyone over 65 has to take a mental and health exam every three years
The parents of boomers didn't drive like boomers. It isn't a getting old thing. Boomers have always been... different.
Bro, there's tens of millions of people on the roads that shouldn't even be in the States. I'm gonna VROOOOOM
Uh trucks are often unable to drive the speed limit though.
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See you in the next thread, you entitled sack of shit.
Imagine being a proud road janny lmao
Lots of takeover culture nigger zoomers in this thread.
The speed limit isn't some arbitrary number, it was selected for specific reasons by someone more educated than you. It is the maximum speed you are not supposed to exceed.
Reading all the bullshit in here makes me want to left lane cruise at 2 under just to make your blood boil.
>Road Rash UE5.webm
>The speed limit isn't some arbitrary number, it was selected for specific reasons by someone more educated than you.
More educated than you, likely. You seem to think a formula exists where all car designs and configurations can be summed up with one (1) number. And that number magically happens to be divisible by five in most cases. And roads have the same number today as when vehicles didn't have power assisted brakes. Engineers who know the posted speed limit is too low can't just go out and paint a new number on the sign, you know. This is why cops are tasked with enforcement, not you. There is a reason you are not legally allowed to enforce traffic laws. Mainly because you (specifically you) are stupid.

Because you are unsafe when you pull that shit. Not the traffic that is going the same speed but happens to not match the number on the sign. Not them. You. You cause accidents with your aggressive and confrontational lane blocking. Stop using the freeway to pick fights. You are the problem. You aren't "helping" people against their will. You're being a bully. Stop booming so hard, elderly idiot.
The oldest boomer is 78 years old, wtf are you talking about?
Kek. "Based." Parlance.
Kek cry pussy
Lol fags like you get the rockspray.
nah we never go above 149 km/h unless actually entering boyracing mode. you in your slowfaglet car hogging the centerlane are not in are radar as we double overtake you and re-enter the left lane.
t. boyracer
>leftmost lanes are for higher speed
Left lanes are for passing ONLY you stupid fuck. Once you’re done passing gtfo.
Based motochad
If you can't pass while going the speed limit, then you can't pass at all.
You dumb gorilla nigger.
Do you think power assisted brakes can improve Stacy's reaction time when wildlife crosses the road or Paco's unsecured plywood flies off his trailer?

Do you think a roadway is damaged more by traffic doing 65 or 90? 18 wheelers hitting bumps do exponentially more damage when they are going faster.

You don't know everything, you ape.
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based skirting streetracing laws, but if you drive around Toronto and you're doing 120kmh cops don't give a shit. i've only had one run in with OPP and it was late at night when they were bored, I was doing 115 and they tried to claim i was doing 142kmh. no lidar record of it though, no way to prove it so it got thrown out when i took it to court. they were just hoping i'd plead it down to a lesser ticket instead of fighting it outright.

these captchas are gettin kinda sus too
>quite literally
Go back and stay back
> What you see are the Millenials and Zoomers with their "modern" or "liberal" driving ethics and hit-and-run attitudes.
Like 95% of time there’s someone
hogging the left lane it’s a boomer.
I can't speak for all the whiners ITT, and I know this makes me a well-adjusted normie worthy of scorn, but I for one don't care at all what anybody else does on the road. I will happily move from the left to the center to the right lane and back, whatever it takes to get around the obstacle (You) in the fast lane. And I won't spare a second thought. You are a tire scrap. A tree branch. A patch of ugly weather. An inanimate obstacle, nothing more. Nothing to get angry over. And I know that to some drivers, I am the obstacle. Whatever. Nothing personal. Have a nice day.
How do you feel about rolling roadblocks where there's a conga line in the left lane and semis in the right lane.
They actually kind of do, because better brakes and tires = stopping faster. Also, again, you fail to understand the concept that a large speed differential creates a dangerous situation constantly, vs your rather rare hypotheticals. Why can't you wrap your peabrain around the concept of slower traffic keep right, at least? Don't dodge this, answer me straight up. For someone who claims to be so smart AND wants to follow the law and not get tickets, why are you breaking one deliberately?
I'll keep that in mind next time I drive an 18-wheeler
How do I i feel? Same way I feel when there's a heavy downpour I guess. More alert, more active, more engaged. I rise to the challenge and navigate through the traffic obstacle no sweat, using my perfectly normal driving skills, as always. Ultimately I may be delayed a minute or 2. Whatever.
So you just join the conga line, you're saying.
They are expected to keep up with the 'flow of traffic' you muppets keep jabbering about, so yes, it's important.
Why did you strawman 70-75 into 90mph? Also, many trucks are governed and incapable of going much faster than 70. Because the drivers know this, they KEEP RIGHT to facilitate flow of traffic around them. Truck driving is a lower-IQ job, yet they understand the rules of the road much better than you.
You're the exact same retard who's been BTFO about this in threads before.

>muh speed differential
The differential between a speeding vehicle and a vehicle obeying traffic laws is maybe 15 mph.
The differential between a speeding vehicle and a deer is 85 mph.

Driving laws aren't about the 99% of the time nothing happens, it's about being prepared and mitigating the 1% you can't plan for.

Sit down and shut up you broccoli headed fuck.
Who's noticed that the cops are back in raise revenue mode?
They let everyone run amok in the batflu days but now they're back with a vengeance.
Here in Sac I'm seeing moto cops posting up at residential stop signs that everyone has been rolling for years. They can't write the ticket fast enough, the second they turn Tyrone loose Shaneequa rolls through it and they're writing another. I watched them write six tickets in an hour near my house and the other moto cop (they work in pairs) was doing the same thing down the street.
Keep your eyes peeled my negritos.
In my state, a fair amount of highway driving is 75mph. Muppets in your camp think this means the 'flow of traffic' is 90, because they are climbing all over my ass trying to pass when I'm doing 80.
Kek what a naive slowfaglet you are
Well I'm not going to pass on the shoulder. I'll toggle lanes to advance up the line if it's a long one. Usually people will move to make room if you signal politely. But generally things clear up organically within a minute at most. Maybe I just have neurotypical privilege though.
You shouldn't be rolling stop signs, especially if visibility is poor enough that someone can hide there. It's possible there was a more serious accident there recently and now they have officers deployed to reinforce a culture of actually stopping to try and reduce further accidents.
Why do you fail to understand the incredibly basic concept of keep right? Flow of traffic is whatever speed the majority of traffic is moving. Holy fuck you might be the dumbest motherfucker on this board. Answer my fucking question. Keeping right would solve all of your fucking problems. Why do you continue to not do it?
>I'm not going to pass on the shoulder
Well there's your problem
I'm a simple man: I see that the other lanes are too busy, I go to the left lane; I hear the gubment tell me I'll get screwed for going 20 over the limit, I go 10 over the limit.
Don't like it? Change the rules, or pick a time when the roads are less busy.
No I haven't, you just always dodge the question. I'm not talking about cars literally running into each other at 15mph, I'm talking about having to weave around uncooperative traffic (You) and manage different speeds to the left and/or right of them. Unnecessary risk. Deer are much more typically seen on two lane 55mph rural highways and not fucking interstates or other four lane highways. Even if there was such a section that deer frequented, massive improvements in lighting technology to see them sooner, massive improvements in rubber technology to grip the road better, and the increasing quality of the average brakes on a car more than compensate for the relatively low percentage of increased speed. Anybody driving 85 in a 55 on a two lane rural blacktop likely isn't aware of deer, but you are now attempting to shift the argument to some ridiculous niche scenario rather than what this thread has been about, a scenario of retards hogging the interstate left lane.
No problem. Just rush hour.
I am passing. I thought that was clear, as I stated it bluntly.
>Also, I dunno, it's polite?
So is waiting patiently.
Go ahead and fixate on one specific scenario that you think you can win rather than understanding the simple concepts being presented with these examples. You have got to be autistic to not get this.
This is the DEFINITION of fucking projection. You are creating constant danger of 5-15mph collisions and accuse ME of being stupid/autistic, meanwhile YOUR DUMB ASS has the hyperfixation of driving well below speed of traffic in the left lane?
>pass someone
>a minute later they pass me
>a minute later I have to pass them
>A while later they pass me again

>I'm going the speed of traffic
>I'm going the speed limit
Pick one.
I did like 93 in a 55 right in front of a cop on my motorcycle once in the fast lane. I thought for sure I would have gotten pulled over but nothing happened. This was on route 2 Acton, MA.
Wrong. The speeders are creating the constant speed differential. There are big signs on the side of the road that tell you how fast to go. SPEED LIMIT. Maybe you've seen them before. Whats a limit? The maximum you're supposed to go. There is no implied 'but everyone actually goes faster!'
It literally tells you how fast you are not to exceed and you can't competent that
Ok, sure, and nobody jaywalks ever. You're always supposed to give exact change and not short the business a penny when paying cash. You always write down the full price you paid for a used vehicle so you can pay the correct amount of sales tax. No, no, and no. Everybody commits little harmless rule bends. You are that lardass nobody liked in school trying to play hall monitor as an adult. Furthermore, by staying in the LEFT LANE you are DIRECTLY violating your own code of perfect rule following. You have ZERO argument that is valid. Stay in the fucking right lane behind a speed governed semi and nobody will fucking care.
>It literally tells you
Like the signs that tell slower traffic to keep right? Like those signs? Is that how signs work? Do you notice those other signs?
Asking for a friend.
I deliberately slow down traffic and police the roads by getting in people’s way. The cops won’t do their jobs, I’ll do it. Idgaf how much seethe it generates (it generates enough to power a small city, fyi)
>Winpoors computer
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>just want to go 70 in a 65
>coming up on two cars going a bit slower in the right lane
>move to left far ahead of time
>front guy moves out and gets in front of me
>neither decides to change speed
>this dude sniveling to himself in the left lane, thinking he's saving the earth or some shit
why bro
based, fuck em
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I hope some road rage tard shoots you.
That's a phone. Breakfast on engine. Right now.
i need to stop commuting. watching this just makes me slowly seethe more and more. some retard tried to do this to me but didn't quite fit and started flashing his lights like a faggot. i just went into the shoulder and gave him my lane. i don't know why he didn't just go in the shoulder himself. ten seconds later he swerves across four lanes of heavy traffic to take his exit at he last second, going outside the lines. i want to grab these people's necks as hard as i can and feel it crush in my hands and watch them choke to death.
If muricans had proper lane discipline or would just use the damn passing lane to pass and move over -- novel concept for muricans, i know -- then we wouldn't have to go around you.
> i just went into the shoulder and gave him my lane
there is your error. should have maneuvered his precious bumper instead.
Changing lanes is dangerous. Staying put is safe.
Changing lanes is stressful. Staying put is comfy.
Changing lanes puts me right back behind the next slowpoke for 5 seconds before passing again. Staying put means I'm passing multiple cars a minute without ever touching my cruise control.
People like you would rather I weave around chaotically like the madman in >>27972648 than just go my speed in my lane. Sorry, it's not happening. The highway is unpredictable enough already without all the back and forth. Just relax man, I see you back there. I know you want to pass me. If you're nice (no tailgating, no trying to blind me with your brights, no doing the antsy pantsy peepee dance) I might even move out of your way once I'm safely past this semi. But if you're a jerk, I'll probably just keep locked in and let you find your own way.
How very boomer of this thread to go from
>I'm just trying to help you not get tickets
>I'm an asshole who wants to control the road so I alone can find comfort.
What the fuck happened in the 60's to make these monsters? What drove the humanity out of the boomer? How soon before the day of the pillow?
That affected many generations but only one generation booms like a boomer.
1. No such thing as a fast lane. It's the passing lane.
2. In multiple states it is actually illegal to be in the lane if you are not actively passing. I know people that got tickets for it.
3. Most problems with highway traffic are the result of people cruising in the passing lane.
4. If you're in the passing lane, not actively passing and there is somebody behind you with nobody in front of you, then you are the worst person on the road, period.
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I'm not a boomer. I just like to cause a little butthurt.
>I'm not a boomer. I'm a teen- uhh- ager who listens to Zep like other children with proper taste in music. Saw them in '63, man they throw a hell of a show! This drunk chick was so drunk, I might have grand kids I don't know about. But yeah, I am totally not a distinguished "boomer", though they are really awesome and their grand kids really should call me more often.

>El camino for sale. $500,000, no wheel kickers. Ran when parked. A/C ice cold.
>Proudly served in the Salvation Army 1968-1972.
>Kids these days don't even use their bootstraps. I did everything with just a modest $1M loan from my parents.

What would a real person gain by acting boomish? There are no lolz to be had by acting day of the pillow retarded. Your actions reveal your age.
Kek retards like you get the rockspray. Pass and move over ya dumbass
If you were going the speed limit like you should have in the first place then you wouldn't be needing to pass people all the time.
>If I was keeping right except to pass, I wouldn't be a problem in the first place
>There are no lolz to be had
For you.
Lol not reading this whole thread but it's funny to acknolwedge how schizophrenic road law is
Ooh waddaya gonna do? Flash your lights at me? Maybe if you stopped leaving your purse at home you wouldn't be in a hurry everywhere.
>i.... i.... was only pretending....
No lolz, just failure. You need to go full chris chan to make your attempts less sad.
i'll either spray your gay ass pikachu car with rocks or follow you with high beams on. depends what you're doing
>Maybe if you stopped leaving your purse at home
My house purse stays at home, my driving purse stays in my car, my hooker purse goes everywhere with me. See how your boomer insults hurt me? Oh no, I'm going to clutch my pearls. My driving pearls. Not my home pearls. You're old enough to know what clutching your pearls means, you old fuck.
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>slows down to speed minimum
I got all night, kiddo I'm in no hurry.

>I-Im not mad! YOU'RE MAD! AND LE OLD!
Oh no he's going to scratch my shitbox! Now I'll have to buy a whole can of spray paint to fix this! How will I ever recover from such a travesty?
>>I-Im not a boomer! YOU HAVE A PURSE LOLOLOL

Grandpa is just jealous that I look good dressed like Minnie Pearl. See how I keep you in this conversation by talking about things as old as you?
Irrelevant but consider this. If there is some person, stressed out, in a hurry or just wanting to get away, what is actually best for you? The best thing for you is for them to go away. How do they go away? They pass by in the left lane. The alternative is people swerving between lanes, passing on the wrong side, squeezing in where they shouldn't and creating stress their entire drive. Let them go by. Most likely, they'll eventually just relax and fall in line with everyone else. This is the smart path.
Have you ever noticed the standing wave traffic jams that happen in heavy traffic? Those are caused by 2 things, tail gating (protecting the gap) and people cutting other people off. Both of these problems go away when the passing lane is open for passing.
The person who blocks the passing lane, is in fact the problem and it has nothing to do with how fast or slow they're going.
LOL only minimum speed? I got some dumbass prius driver with his high beams on to pull over completely on the freeway. I just pulled over right behind him with my high beams still on.
kek yeah you'd get the high beams. my car is faster than yours and brakes better than yours. have fun
Oh no! Not the high beam! Ooooh
>turns mirror
>anticipates your brake check and "coutrously" moves over at the same time you do

Call me old but you're still behind me seething lel
>Call me old but you're still behind me seething lel
That's what the braille lane is for, gramps. Getting past the boomer blockade.
Be my guest! I don't move for road bullies.
>Be my guest! I am a road bully.
You are the problem. Without your bullying, there is no problem.
No. I am the one keeping the nice white family of 8 safe from low IQ wannabe Paul Walkers like you.
10 over is Paul Walker? You must have really terrible car control if you're that scared of a minor speed increase in a straight line.
What the fuck is a coutrously you fucking retard
>No. I am the one keeping the nice white family of 8 safe
The snarl in traffic your rampant booming causes slows down everyone, even the ambulance trying to get to that house where the nice white family of 8 live.
Oh you're one of the faggots that sits in the passing lane at the speed limit? Kek yeah you don't get highbeams, I just get in front of you and slow down until you get out of said passing lane.
I know damn well you aren't going 10 over dont lie to me.

>He misspelled something! I got him now!
Still behind me.
Lol i'm literally laying in bed how delusional are you
I move for ambulances. Not road bullies. Nice try, though.

>slow down until you get out of said passing lane.
So if I stay in the lane you will move slower and take longer to where you need to be? Good. I got you hook, line, and stinker.

You know, now that I think about it, all this time you guys spent seething you could have just went around. But you are such a stubborn hypocrite that you would rather sit there and seethe and lecture me about laws but you believe you don't have to follow even the posted speed limit. What makes you so special that it doesn't apply to you? Nothing. Now sit behind me and cope, slowpoke.
>taking it literal
Yes, I will force you out of the lane so you aren't inconveniencing others anymore. I'll make sure you stay out of the lane too. I got all night.
>You know, now that I think about it, all this time you guys spent seething you could have just went around.
We aren't driving right now though. How fucking retarded are you? Stop posting while driving, you faggot
I will not move
I will not capitulate
I will not abide
I will not stand aside
I will not falter
Simple as.
>gets in front and slows down more
Now who's the problem?
> I will force you out of the lane
How ya gonna do that Nancy?
Then we're both stopping in the damn passing lane for no reason kek. You sure love to be a nuisance, huh?
Kek my car is definitely faster than yours. I'd love to see you try it.
I'm gonna do that Nancy right in her pussy!
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You got that backwards, dummy. By him getting in front of me as some pathetic retaliation he is now the problem on the road.
>muh high beam
It's the quickest way to show the faggots going slow in the passing lane how retarded they are
That makes you the slow faggot now because I ain't getting outta this lane.
See >>27976189
Why are black or indigenous types like this?
Meh, I'm gonna take a shit then make some eggs benedict with bacon again. Damn that shit was good. Gotta get some smoked salmon
Kek that reply was also to me. I have been arguing with all of you.

Also ask your mom.
that's what you're supposed to do
This is the exact opposite of >>27972648, but equally infuriating.
I like to drizzle a small amount of honey and cinnamon over my bacon after cooking.
Never done cinnamon but them Elvis sandwiches need honey
>my car is faster than yours and brakes better than yours. have fun
My car is tougher than yours.
>I move for ambulances. Not road bullies. Nice try, though.
You can't even see the "slower traffic keep right" sign, how are you supposed to see the emergency vehicle behind your boomer blockade?
Answer: You can't.
And you're too much of a boomer to care about the impact you still have on our society.
People still suffer because non humans still drive. What the fuck happened to your generation to make all of you this shitty and inhuman?
Answer: Nothing. Boomers just suck.

there are the reasons i WILL drive on the left lane and you WILL endure it:

>in the city, even if its a highway, the left lane is for the ones that will GO and the right lane for the ones that will EXIT. if i aint gonna exit on the next exit, im entitled to use and STICK to the left lane until its time to hit my exit, as long as i am at the speed limit ofc. when somebody flashes their beams at me, i gladly turn my blinkers to the left saying a big fat NO i wont let you pass, no matter how much you flash me.
>plus the right lane is where buses and delivery trucks like to be. so NO i wont be behing a bus or a truck whistlin diesel fumes all over my face and no i wont drive sandwiched between 2 buses because you feel entitled to have the left lane all for yourself. also no i wont constantly stop and go behind a bus because buses are slower than the speed limit. and no i wont turn my ac on.
>on the country highways, i may let you pass if you dont act as an entitled asshole because i also go over the speed limit outside the city and sometimes your car is faster than mine. but no i will NOT drive on the right lane still. because semis like to drive on the right lane, that lane is all bumpy and garbage to ride on compared to the left lane that is still pretty intact. so no i WONT wear out my tires and suspension and bushings so you can have the left lane free. but i will let you oass then go BACK to the left lane. if youre a suv/truck/van i will seize the opportunity to draft behind you to save fuel though, so usually i will always lay the red carpet for you and let you pass me.
>there are the reasons i WILL drive on the left lane and you WILL endure it:

>!) I am an asshole boomer
>2) There is no two. See #1.
I fixed your tl/dr speech. You can just say that you're a boomer and it all makes sense.
Or you can say it in the next million threads you make with this same exact topic where you brag about booming.
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>something something I’m gay due to my low T count
That's literally slower than the 120km/h we have here, holy shit mudskins are retarded
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Bait thread but alas

Coworker notorious left lane hogger
Won't get over either
Discussing it with him doesn't belive its the law to stay out of the passing lane
Not a second later start passing brand new signs
500$ fine for staying in a pass lane

Good on you Alabama for getting those signs in place if only Florida and Georgia would follow suit.
Fag in Florida need to learn to drive.
Just to remind people I'll pass on the right
Slide into the left lane
Click off CC coast till they get in right
Click back on CC and return to right lane
It's a combination of beaurocratic laziness and accepted culture. If real speed limit is sign +10-15, changing the signs would just increase the overall speed of traffic rather than accurately reflect the real speed, so we just leave it and accept that everyone "speeds".
>And I'll "courteously" move over at the same time you do. Your welcome for my service.

Wouldn't it be better to start speeding just to force them to go back the right lane?
Of course, you'd break the speed limit law and etiquette but you're doing it to prevent a loser from harming others & themselves.
Only whites should be allowed to drive.
>I'm a simple man: I see that the other lanes are too busy, I go to the left lane; I hear the gubment tell me I'll get screwed for going 20 over the limit, I go 10 over the limit.

In Europe, we don't have this haggle. Once you speed over the limit, you're liable, no “20 is the max but 19 I'm under is okay for you to do on the left lane”.
Why? You're just going to break down anyway.
This is the answer.
>But we both know they aren't pulling people over for driving a safe speed, even when that speed numerically exceeds the number on the sign
Yes they fucking are lmao.
>It's for people who want to speed!
Yes. The right lane is for slow vehicles like trucks, the middle lane is for going the recommended speed of 130 and the left lane is for going as fast as you want.
i say we TRIPLE road jannie's salary!
>Yes they fucking are lmao.
Not where I live, and they haven't been for years.
Even though California has more than it's fair share of boomers booming like the idiot OP, traveling 20 over the posted speed limit right past a cop is no big deal. When I see the occasional driver getting ticketed, I notice the wrong color tags or no license plate at all. If there is no rubbernecking boomer, traffic passes the cop at speeds slightly above the numbers on the sign.
You know, I was about to move right, but then you flashed your high beams at me. Now I think I'll stay here until I pass just one more car. And probably one or two after that. And then... Whoa, careful back there buddy! Why are you swerving in the lane like that? You better slow down and cool your jets before you hurt somebody!

>>!) I am an asshole boomer
>>2) There is no two. See #1.
Women don't like pansy nancy rule-followers. This *clap* is *clap* why *clap* you're *clap* an *clap* incel *clap*
As long as you're aware that it is rude, dangerous, and illegal to flash your brights at other drivers, especially me
>no, no officer I wasn't speeding. See the right lane is the speed limit, the one to the right of that is +5 and so on so yes I was going 50 over but that's because I'm in the left lane
rude i can understand, but dangerous is kinda stretching it
>rude, dangerous, and illegal to flash your brights at other drivers
Wait until you find out how that makes emergency vehicles dangerous in your fantasy delusion.
City of Warrensville Heights v. Wason (1976)
Jury found a motorist guilty of flashing high beams. Overturned because the driver's actions were found to be protected speech under the First Amendment. This decision citing the First Amendment has been upheld since then in other court cases.
Yes, there are state laws still on the books in a few select states restricting the use of high beams. No, state law doesn't overrule enumerated civil rights held on the federal level.
In comparison, interracial marriage was "illegal" in South Carolina under state law until fairly recently even though it hasn't legally been enforced since the Federal government passed laws in the 60's (hey, that's when you were young!) prohibiting that enforcement.

Your legal advice is as bad as your driving, old boomer.
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>dozens of lanes
>everyone just picks one at random and stays there
you don't realize how comfy ze Autobahn with its nonexistent speed limited and socially reinforced "keep right" rule is until you see shit like this
kill yourself
Drive safe
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I usually will cruise at about 5 over in the left lane on the highway. I check my mirrors frequently and if I notice a car approaching from behind, I'll oblige them by moving over, if it's safe to do so. I'll return to the leftmost lane again if it's clear.
Just commit you pussy. Live a little and be a nuisance to society.
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Of course you can act like a monumental nigger in California, because you don't have to worry about people rightly sending some lead your way.
In my town, there is a particular intersection of a state highway and another state road that has a very long red light. People usually pull out phones during this time, since the light takes about 3 minutes total to cycle each direction/ all the protected turns. There is a small hill in one corner, with a parking lot for some businesses. The highway patrol has started camping there with 4-6 motorcycles, since you can see into cars when they are at the light but drivers don't really notice motorcycles up on the hill. As soon as the light changes, half of them turn on the blue lights and pull someone over for hands-free law violations. They do this all day long. They got me, and I asked the trooper who stopped me how many they were getting there. He said the team he was on expected to issue 1000-1500 citations that week, or 200-300 a day. Basically 15-20 a day per officer. The tickets are $100 each for a first offense, so his team was, at minimum, expected to pull in $100k that week. And that was just a small team in a small town. I can only imagine the revenue a program like that in a big city would bring in.
this is a bait post, but there is nothing much interesting about LEFT lane in US
americans really believe that overtaking other cars on the RIGHT lane is against the law, it's pretty funny

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