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Official The Grand Tour finale thread.
Torrents are up edition.

I remember ever since I started coming here 15-odd years ago, whenever a new Top Gear episode came out, we'd all head on over to FinalGear and torrent the newest episode in 360p, then have a good long thread about it, but eventually everyone stopped and we never really made a big deal of new episodes of Top Gear or The Grand Tour any more.

Well what's say we do it one last time for old times sake?
Is it out already? I thought there was still a day left
>Is it out already?

>I thought there was still a day left
i dunno, timezones or summin
it's out if you live in the third world, otherwise you have to wait until tomorrow to watch what is most definitely going to be a disappointment like "Sand Job"
>otherwise you have to wait until tomorrow
Literally second line of OP.
Don't you know how to torrent?
Pretty solid special. Ending was very bittersweet.
The lads will be back, some way, some how.

I believe.
Sand job wasn't their best, but still better TV than most
I'm sick of shows in Africa. Fuck niggers, sand and mud huts suck
Nah. Break the cycle of reboots/revisits/reunions/etc.

Learn to let things end while they're still decent.
That would've been 10 years ago, then. Top Gear had a noticeable and steep decline starting around 2011-2012, and was already to the point they should've hung up the hat by the time Clarkson punched that intern. Grand Tour was really shaky from the off, and only had the occasional decent episode.
Surely they'll do some random videos on Youtube every now and then, but with a production that takes just days to work on, not something as grand in scale as TGT specials.
Something akin to these new car channels that are popping up from people who left Donut et al.
i thought he punched a producer.

also, i'm glad these three are able to end it on their own terms. top gear was great, the grand tour was solid, and i enjoy their youtube stuff.
watched it up to S2 ep3 and got bored. Did final season get better?
Watched it, was pretty good imo. It felt like the early top gear specials where the conflict came more from the environment instead of having ridiculous stunts happen. Everything was very lowkey. Also they didn't ruin the cars like they usually do in these specials. The send off at the end was great, it felt like a proper finale for these 3.
Was honestly surprised the BBC let them use footage and sound from Top Gear considering how stringent they were on certain shit when they were first starting TGT, then again now that Top Gear is dead I guess they really didn't have anything to lose.
I enjoyed sand job (niggers notwithstanding). But yeah, a russia special or somewhere new would be nice.
They’re all sort of doing their own separate things now. Clarkson’s Farm is great and what you should watch if you want a piece of old Top Gear back.
James has some interesting serious bits on cars on youtube. Hammond, I dunno.
He has his own restoration garage that he does a show about.
The drivetribe stuff is really hit and miss. Hammond isn't playing his typical role, he's now like the quietly annoyed boss, not the cheeky young one of the trio

Ben Collins is excellent, though, I enjoyed the video they did on wrx vs evo around the track

I'm open to more similar recommendations
I'm already sad bros been doing top gear adventures with my mum best Mates and dog around aus
This is kind of sad to watch - 1 because of how great Clarkeson, Hammond and May are. 2 because of how beautiful and bountiful Zimbabwe is. However, left to Africans, it is a third world country. Under the Boers, all the infrastructure was built and a beautiful country was made - Rhodesia
i cried manly tears at the end bros
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I've just finished watching it, and I'm teary eyed right now
For a moment I forgot where Oliver was.
I loved the then and now cut shots in Botswana.
That was a nice way to end the show.
rip top gear 2002-2024
I wonder if anyone thought to get a supply of those newspapers for the rest of the world to own?
>russia special
Am I wrong, or did they film one a few years back and just never release it?
Like, I could swear I remember reading something about them filming a special, or atleast planning and scheduling a special in one of the super cold parts, like Siberia or something, around about the time the latest war and coof started.
I was under the impression in that one episode where at the end they drove onto a plane and it took off towards Russia, that was the precursor to all of it.
there was one where they went to crimea and chernobyl and shit, not quite russia
The thing I hate about modern TG/GT was just how fake and scripted and manufactured everything was, even when it didn't need to be. I mean it's obvious and all that, they need funny thing to happen, but stuff like those guys driving up and Clarkson doing the knobhead gesture because he thought they were the crew, at this stage I don't even believe that was real, like to me, even something which seems so "casual" and "natural" like that HAS to be scripted because of the way I know how they operate. I get real "boy who cried wolf" with everything they do. And the gigantic 50 man crew kind of sucks the SOUL of out it.

The only thing that I cannot for the life of me figure out, is the Falklands thing. From everything I've seen that was that Porsches genuine, original number plate, but it was just too perfect. I'm at the point now where I think they purposely sought out a car with a plate like that. Like whoever buys the cars spent months, if not years, searching for a car (with original plates so they couldn't be blamed for it) with "82" and a letter combination abbreviation that could be interpreted as "Falklands", it's the only logical conclusion I can come to when I consider how they operate.
They planned to film one, but then Ukraine shit kicked off and they did that Eurocrash Poland to Slovenia one instead.
>he's now like the quietly annoyed boss, not the cheeky young one of the trio
That's what happens when you get older, anon. It'll happen to you.
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In regards to the falklands number plate, I'm pretty sure it was a coincidence. Based on what pretty much everyone who worked on the show at the time said it goes like this:
>They decide to do special about V8 cars
>Jeremy wants a Porsche 928 GT with a manual gearbox (rare spec)
>They find two in the UK
>They sent a mechanic to inspect both
>The one with H982 FKL was chosen because it was in better condition
>Additionally in the advert for the car, the license plate was blurred out

I think a good point on whether or not it was intentional was that it's the sort of thing someone else has to point out. Hell, some people tried to make claims that the Esprit and Mustang also had license plates that were references to the war, with similar logic.

The other thing was, if it was intentional, it's really subtle and lowkey. Remember this was Top Gear. Top Gear who would put "Peniston Oil" and "Larsen Biscuits" on the doors of a car so that when opened it said "Penis" and "Arse Biscuit". Or when they had a banner rip in half on a train so it said "Eat English Muff", they weren't subtle about that kind of thing.

And all that stuff about them deliberately buying the car for just the number plate, I think is borderline tin foil hat. I think the reality was quite simply, that the Argentinians hate the British, and they found a reason to throw a fit about it.
They had planned to do a special in Western Russia, but between Covid and then Ukraine they'd had to scrap the idea. They ended up recycling parts of that special into Scandi Flick and Eurocrash.

Would've loved for them to do another "keep one car working and complete a trip as a three" special like Mongolia, but I'm happy we got as much stuff as we did from GT.
The only thing they filmed in Russia, if I remember rightly, was the "hover van episode" where Hammond was racing on a bike, James in a car, Stig on public transport and Jezza in the van.

pay attention to producer on the right and his reactions

the way it works is they discuss the challenge, location and what cars they could use. team of people do research, contact local fixers etc. and make a decision where to get the cars from (cost/time of shipping vs buying local and what's available). they narrow cars to the type or theme and pick from the available list, then send someone to inspect the cars, local fixer or mechanic. they get the feedback and make decision from there.
it wont take a genius to realise there's that falkland's war link made by the first owner who either was affected or took part in it and wanted to commemorate it as most bongs do - by making private number plate
everyone realised this would be a funny gag, just like that car writing when passing through alabama and it backfired. but arguably, alabama writing was way worse and reaction was sort of similar (stones thrown, death treats etc) but for some reason argentinians blew it out of proportion. plate didn't even sounded negative, it was just referring to the war and that's it, not like it was "fuck you we won" sort of thing.
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It's a shame lads. I've watched Top Gear for 22 years now (pretty much my entire life,) and even though some of the newer GT episodes were a bit crap, I still always had that kiddy feeling when watching one for the first time.
It was nice the way this new one ended, just a shame that nothing will ever come close to what that show brang to me and that there will never really be another show like it as the government will probably ban all ICE cars within the next 7-8 years.
Good show lads RIP
James May said in a recent video that he thinks ICE cars will just be a weekend hobby in the future, which probably pissed the V8-loving Clarkson off no end.
Rhodesia looked beautiful, shame what happened to it
my 1999 toyota avalon has like 132,300-something miles on it and will still probably outlast 50% minimum of electroslop vehicles with literally nothing but oil changes
I agree.
But I think an issue with the trio is that they finally became too divergant with the views on the car industry.
Yeah may is definitely right and even Clarkson knows that he is. The problem is that in ten years time no petrol stations will sell any fuel and there will probably be some kind of pay per Mile bullshit or just an outright ICE car ban imposed by the wonderful government.
>in ten years time no petrol stations will sell any fuel
Imagine actually believing this
Bro I'm a 30 year boomer, I already hate kids on my lawn and niggers (see my lamentation on the state of Zimbabwe)

I really wish they'd focus more on the breakdowns, how they fixed it, rather than the staged set pieces that got a bit stale.

Ie if wilman made a rule that they had to stop and help each other for each breakdown, and they filmed it. They are all actually adept mechanically, even Clarkeson

Agree. Nothing will fill the void. Every other car show is globo homo or a straight up advertisement/product placement. All the hosts are mulatto mutts who have no charisma and are too PC to say something funny.
Travel shows are over, because the whole world is slowly starting to look like India
At least automotive YouTube is great

What could have been... Actually, it WAS great, and all it took was African rule to bring it back into the dirt

Disagree. You realise that 15 years ago, France banned petrol cars in favour for the "more sustainable" diesels, which was a disaster and they had to reverse it?
These are the same people that said all polar ice will have melted in 2020. They keep predicting Armageddon in 15 years time, it's fear mongering.
Our whole society is underpinned by fossil fuels. It's literally either fossil fuels, or subsistence living.

James May is an openly uncool, ivory tower old codger. He knows nothing of the common man. However, the banter between the trio in the last special was as good as ever. The riffing on calling Hammond buttons made me lol
In europe I can see that happening. But down here in south american 3rdworldland... nah.
We'll enjoy proper cars with simple builds (no gay computer shit controlling everything) for a good while.
>I remember ever since I started coming here 15-odd years ago, whenever a new Top Gear episode came out, we'd all head on over to FinalGear and torrent the newest episode in 360p, then have a good long thread about i
Fuck that takes me back. I'd totally forgotten about FInalGear until you mentioned it.
You know I haven't even watched the last few specials, I didn't think the TGT ones were that good (especially near when covid hit). But watching the finale hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm an old man now, with a really sad and miserable existence. Somehow, the lack of finality on TGT, knowing that these three were clowning around somehow, somewhere just helped a tiny bit.

The last scene where they go their separate ways was a real gut punch.
i thought the crying was over after funeral for a ford.
I was wrong.
in my house i would put top gear reruns on a loop on the living room tv
i didnt like anything else.
I used to occasionally search jezza dick and jim up to keep up with them hoping they havent up and died in an wreck or wound up deathly ill.
I really cared about these three dickends and ill never forget them when theyre gone.
the wonder and spirit in my soul is crushed knowing that they will no longer adventure together
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as soon as I heard the begging of brothers in arms a few tears did appear. dire straits wrote so many good songs. one of my favorite episodes is the cross channel car-boat challenge. may's triumph herald sail boat was really cool. news segments and bants were also bretty gud
Never heard that song before so it was a nice introduction. Was perfect.
But yeah, they definitely helped me laugh when things were shitty. I think they generally showed a good side to Zimbabwe, but the scenes of Mordor as they drove through the coal mines was excellent as well. Sad finding out ther bridge is over a hundred years old and will probably never be rebuilt once it fails, and that the dam for that lake is failing and will probably suffer a similar fate (poor crocs).
yeah the last 15 minutes were pretty nice.
Jeremy's said on his farm show he is too old to do TG/TGT now. Maybe May and Hammond might make an appearance on his new show but probably wont be more than that. He did a Q&A at his farm screening of the TGT final and said Amazon want to continue with the show with new hosts but they'll probably fuck it up (like BBC did with TG after they left)
TGT was never very good. They pivoted to doing only specials at the end and they are pretty decent.
The final ep felt like a 'best of' moments from TG and TGT. Most of the stuff they did, they've done before in different specials.
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I don't think this will happen. European governments are car companies are beginning to backpedal on their commitments. Between the low popularity of EVs, the infrastructure issues (ie electricity generation) and handing basically the entire automotive industry to the chinks, they're realising that they're pretty much stuck with petrol.
That and people are realising that the whole thing is bullshit anyway. If the goal really is to reduce CO2 emissions, they're doing everything wrong.
anything past like 2009 has been awful. tried to watch their newer stuff from time to time, but left disappointed to say the least.
>these mist-covered mountains...
Sometimes bongs are alright
It'll be awhile before i can sit down and watch this...
i really wish they would release the b-roll footage of the specials and long trips, even if it was raw or ruined setups for jokes ect
just so I could watch them drive for hours, I would give you every dollar I had to actually witness the uncut botswana special
Yeah, seriously I doubt this formula could work with anyone else aside from them. Better let it to rest as it should. But I'm still thankful for this 22 years of these 3 old blokes being blokes with cars.
Clarkson basically said "don't go for people who just 'like' cars, if you want the show to succeed you need people who live and breathe cars, preferably little-known or nobodies who are car journalists."
I marathoned TG a few years back, watching a few episodes a day. Watching them age years in a few months gave me existential dread.
Sad it’s over.
Lol what a shit show for faggots, Quentin Wilson was a fucking legend the rest were twink cunts
I’m gonna miss them br/o/s… sad weekend for me.
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>that bridge scene with the track from hereditary
Perfect trio would be Chris Harris, Henry Catchpole and JayEmm. It would be the most autistic car focused show on Earth but it's what we want.
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Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened!

Tell me what you liked about the last one!

Tell me your favorite scenes from over the years!
>that one brief moment with the 924 ambulance hooning to dont fear the reaper
Songs choices were great, lots of classic British songs, which makes a great change from the African pop crap we mostly hear.
My favourites were Bargain by The Who, and one of my all time favourite songs, Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division. May was even wearing the band shirt

And yes, all African infrastructure is crumbling as it was built by whites 80 years ago, and the Africans can't maintain it. Ironically, most of the West is in not in a dissimilar position!

Hopefully politicians realise that this might actually end up with their heads on pikes if they don't back off.

Great song also

Had to marathon Season 3 as I'd not got around to watching it, but I managed it before the final episode aired. Enjoyed it, but I'm still parsing the fact 2 decades of a show I enjoyed is over, and Clarkson/May/Hammond won't be cocking about in cars any more.

I've never heard Brothers In Arms before last night, and I've listened to nothing else for the last day. Have watched the last part of the show (from the final day's breakfast table onwards) several times today.

Gonna miss them.
>no goodbye to the top gear test track
>no goodbye to the stig
Fucking Clarkson.
hey guys james may here
loving my EV!
buy my gin!
stay tuned for more updoot worthy content fellow gentlesirs :)
Anyone got a good torrent for the full grand tour run?
when clarkson drove the monaro and there was the joke about the car calling him a poofter for turning on the traction control
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the beeb has the rights to TG basically
In 2012-4 (I think?) Jezza sold the creative rights to them at the advice of his then wife (who was his manager), they then spent the next couple of years hounding him for every mistake or slip up that was un-pc, they set the paprazzi on him as well.
His mum passed and he was going through a divorce at the time of the punched intern/producer. Their job was to make sure there was catering for the crew after a 12+ hour shoot and they got sandwiches and he had just had it.
They wanted the show thinking the brand was its success.
When he left and got the deal with Amazon he poached a lot of the crew as well.
Just fyi, I followed it at the time.

Does anyone have a torrent of the original HD broadcasts from S13/14 onwards with the original music as well as the earlier SD ones??
I used to have them but lost them when a HDD dieded
by sandwiches I mean like UK gas station style sandwiches in the little boxes. Worst shit ever
man. no wonder he punched him
>*james starts laughing his ass off*
I read Richard Porter's (TG/GT script editor) book that came out a couple of years after TG ended. He mentions that JC sat around for hours getting drunk by himself before boarding the helicopter that took him to the other location where the shit catering was. He says he'd never seen Clarkson like that before and it was very uncharacteristic of him.

Since reading that I've always believe that Clarkson already knew he was getting fired that night. I think the BBC told him he was getting "let go" over the Argentina debacle and the leaked "catch a nigger by the toe" fiasco. They just used the producer incident as a pretense to kick him to the curb.
They were definitely looking for something, that leaked "catch a nigger by the toe" was a hitjob
Fuck those communists at BBC.

They'll gang up on Clarkeson for saying rude words, but they'll cover up the Pakistani Rutherford rape and grooming gangs for 20 years

Feel bad for my man jc, glad he's found solace at his farm. He's doing a great service showing how difficult it is for a common man to profitably provide YOU with food. His local council takes every opportunity to shit on him, as well.
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the world will be a sad place.
They covered for Jimmy Saville, they knew he was a pedo and they kept him employed for decades. If Jezza was a child molester he'd still have a job at the BBC
A joke I really like was after the slope """controversy""" they did an episode where they drove on a ski slope or something, and he goes "We're ready to hit the... incline" or something like that, while the camera focuses on a shit saying "SLOPE AHEAD" or whatever.
Haven't laughed that hard since the Curb your Enthusiasm episode with Michael Richards post nigger incident.
I like that sort of stuff, making fun of your own "controversies".
Chris Harris always struck me as a kind of pretentious douche. Maybe it's just me, I dunno.
I started watching Top Gear in the late 00’s, after a friend showed me a YouTube clip of James May driving the Bugatti Veyron.
I’d hate to see them ending this, but I fully understand they can’t do this forever.
Thank you Jeremy, James, and Richard for the entertainment you have given us.
Me too. Can’t stand watching him because of that. What’s his name from friends was a lot better (genuinely liked cars, just seemed like a cool guy but not a dick).
Im pretty sad about it guys. Its hard to say goodbye. Even if they got more contrived in their later years there is really nothing that scratches the same itch of watching three friends have an adventure together.

Its all so fleeting.
i cried
Don't forget this one. Too bad this special was ruined by the whiny argies.
I used to listen to the BBC World Service pretty regularly back when I had satellite radio. The moment I realized how fucked they'd become was when, on the same show where I'd heard total softball interviews with people like Robert Mugabe, they had Trevor Noah on and spent the entire time lambasting him and treating him like a monster for daring to talk and joke about the racism he'd received from black people as a half-white guy growing up in South Africa. They didn't even deny it had happened, it was just "how dare you talk about this and undermine our narrative."

It's a shame because they used to be alright and were the only thing you could get on the radio in the US that actually covered a variety of international stuff rather than just repeating one domestic story endlessly for days on end like the American stations.
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I was surprised the staged bit they did with the Beetle was actually pretty funny instead of the normal comedy sketches they try to do, I think the whole special really benefitted from the overt no fucks given attitude the three of them had this time around.
You're just overreacting over argentinians being uppity negros
Isn't them getting piss drunk on road trips heavily implied?
What was the one bit where they did a challenge and when they were tallying it up they kept giving Hammond -1000 in every category?
Got sick from laughing so much from this episode as a kid .
>I always knew that my wife was cheating on me
>I just hate how much more obvious it has become
Season 16 Episode 4, the convertible coupe challenge where they all bought the same car
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The Grand Tour
Top Gear Two
Thanks m8
>the amount of times their tongues slipped and refered to this program as top gear
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I have to re watch all those old episodes.
>The lads will be back, some way, some how.

I'd watch them paint a fence. Their bants and back and forth make anything entertaining.
Luckily for me, I already have every Top Gear episode, before Jeremy got sacked, on my hard drive.
But first, the Botswana Special. After seeing the finale, I’ve got to watch that again.
Fuck, I just pulled the special and I can’t do it without tearing up.
Obviously the rediscovery of the old cars was staged and fake and gay, but they could have made it kino by keeping it a secret from Clarkson and May, and them having genuine reactions to seeing them again.
Those were the genuine reactions - obviously the producers staged it so that they'd run across it, but Jeremy and James had no idea it was coming. If it was fully staged then Hammond would've been included too.
>but Jeremy and James had no idea it was coming
Of course they did. It's obvious just watching that scene.
i did so many epic road trips, bought so many shit boxes and fixed them cause these guys made it look fun. i feel so old now watching the trio come to an end. just like the episode im ok now with just not trying that hard. i guess thats life
It couldn't really have included Hammond, he brought his car home and has had it in the UK the whole time,.
Well what the fuck do I watch now?
I think Hammond knew.
>"oh no my car suddenly won't work"
>clarkson casually confirmed that the 3rd stig is phil keen
When did he say that?
Great episode, wonderful close to such an amazing series and I will sincerely miss the Trio, wish everyone involved in the making of TG the very best
Man I was sad too as soon as I saw Kubu island. Fuck man. All good things must come to an end. RIP Top Gear. Sweet well old boy.
Was it staged? It’s fucking Africa, is it really that hard to believe only the frame remains? Both cars were mostly gutted and not running, nigs aren’t going to put in that much work into scrapping the frame.
Start over from the beginning.
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>Was it staged?
Nah they just happened to come across these 2 particular cars from 17 years ago, on the side of this particular road they were driving down in this part of the entire country. Also for whatever reason both cars were kept together as a pair.
It's Rhodesia, not Nigbabwe
>The drivetribe stuff is really hit and miss
I don't like Hammond's shaved head Irish number 2 presenter on Drivetribe. Izzy is charming tho, he should have her take over
Is it okay to have cried
Whoa, the capital city of 'Zimbabwe' is a shithole
I’m just saying it’s fucking Africa. Shit gets picked clean and the remains are the only thing left. Both cars were gutted on the inside. I don’t remember the original special but it’s not like the boys to gut the entire interior.
>Black kid
Hopefully he's their guide.
I did but I don’t know if it’s okay.
Not gonna happen, they are too integrated into the world, even if EVs were a success (they arent) it would take decades to replace all ICE, not even including commercial vehicles
>the teen car challenge
“they’re hot for james may right now”
>james standing there with his arm in a sling
“which arm have you broken?”
>in a demon only one seat comes as standard
“which seat do they put in as standard?”
>the episode where they make their own caravans out of cars
>the cheap italian supercar episode
>the GT tribute to the O37
"You have to start with hello!"
s2e4 "Unscripted" where jeremy shits on the fans by purposefully sabotaging/being an ass about filming and whining about his effort thereby making it actually scripted because fuck your opinion
>no reaction because nobody knows who he is
Yes, and they invented the best possible way to cross a tressle bridge
>, it was just referring to the war and that's it, not like it was "fuck you we won" sort of thing.
argentinians don't call the islands falklands, they call them islas malvinas. so by calling them by the british placename you are in fact saying "fuck you we won."
>Tell me what you liked about the last one!
A lot of attention is rightfully being paid to the closing segment, but the scene where they stumble across their Botswana Special cars was what really hit me. Seeing May get emotional was especially affecting.

>Tell me your favorite scenes from over the years!
James May complaining about how shitty of a job Jeremy did cutting off a piece of his Bonnet stands out to me.
>"The thing is it's not going away! It's still there!" - Richard on Jeremy's £100 Volvo's hot lap
no american threw a stone for the twenty times they reminded us about how vietnam played out,
now hillary for pres hick attack was kindof justified up untill the point that they actually explained to them that it was a gag.
The only part I didn't like was the
>haha what if we cast some objects in silver
because it was just so obviously blatantly a scripted bit, they didn't put any effort into making it not seem like a scripted bit. It's almost like it was a meta self-satire of scripted bits.
I thought the tiny spoiler and hot steering wheel were fine punchlines, at least.
The skull was dumb, though
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is this why hes a bachelor
i actually really liked the skull
The American stuff was faked too. All it was was that one woman yelling at them, then a shot of an unrelated pickup truck with guys in it pulling up, then the camera running away while pointed down and stone throwing sound effects added it. It's babby's first manufactured in editing shot and frankly I'm disappointed so many gullible idiots fall for it.

Like just THINK for a minute here, the woman is reading what's on the cars, then Clarkson says in voice over "she said she was going to call the boys", so why didn't they show her saying that? It's like watching a fuckin a current affairs """news""" type program.
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"Hey Faggots,
My name is James, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass car pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures of chinese cartoons.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain Slow, and owner of a pub. What cars do you own, other than "rusted out Miata with cum stains"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitches"
The Botswana special had them go across the Makgadikgadi. The cars were just too heavy to cross without getting stuck. They made a big deal about how much they took off those cars - and how much Hammond didn't. Those cars were GUTTED.
People actually found the exact Lancia and Benz they used in Botswana years ago. Plus, 'this car was owned by James May' is, for some reason, something to be proud of, even in Africa, which makes the rust buckets worth far more in the state they were abandoned in than as scrap metal.
My guess is, they were transported into the path of Clarkson and May. Probably also contacted Noah the bush mechanic to get the doors back on, since he was the one they gave all the discarded components to.
>now hillary for pres hick attack was kind of justified

It straight up was justified. The three idiots traveled to a region with culture that's hostile to cosmopolitan liberalism, and they proceeded to provoke the local population's ire

How about they grow some real stones and go driving around Skid row and Compton until they run out of gas with Bad boys whatcha gonna do blaring on the radio and see how long until Tyrese guns them all down.
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I loved it, what's you favorite episode?
Anyway any other songs with cars names in it?
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I always loved every episode, even the lesser ones were a great watch. I just feel that they wasted the opportunity to make a truly epic season. they should done a race around the world in 80 days or something, where they have to visit each content. get new cars every continent or adjust their starter car to be suitable for the content they are at that time. make it a season, multiple season if needed.
I also think this is the only way Amazon is going to be able to continue TGT, by making it so large that you have to watch it, because they can't rely on the personality's to carry it anymore.
>ruining your upholstery because the seats are soaked in pusy juices
raw move James, rule 1 NEVER allow a female in the car
I did a bit of a double-take because he looks an awful lot like my grandma when she was young in this picture.
And this man said May was "born an old lady", talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
BBC would rape Amazon with their (((lawyers))) if any of that was mentioned.

A part of me was really hoping the Stig would be driving the backup beetle, would’ve been a nice and funny touch.
in funeral for a ford they forked over some footage from top gear, I don't think they're that uncooperative.
Still feeling it lads - even though the episodes were intermittent they were always something to look forward to. These days it feels like there are fewer and fewer things that keep me looking forward, and more and more that have me looking backwards.
I miss May’s duck laughter.
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They wouldn't dare because they know they'd get fucking murdered. They provoked the rednecks for the same reason political activists do: they're a "safe" target.
Euros actually want a carless future. They jerk off to Holland's Bike Only highways and mass transit schemes. Maybe Germans/Poles/Italians will push back because a significant percentage of their populations work in the automotive sector, but Belgians? Swedes? British? Fat chance.
Look up Salisbury Rhodesia.
He has a girlfriend and they've been together for 20 years, just not married and no kids.
I love how buttmad Brits are over Vietnam. Reminder that they were so salty over Suez and the WW2 debt payments that they sided with the VC out of spite
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Oh nooo
the last 10 minutes is one of the most kino things ever on tv
Sadly cars as a cult are dying the boring dull ev future has no room for ice fun
it was also mostly the fact that nobody in america, especially lazy, affable southerners, would ever waste that much time chasing down idiots with dumb shit painted on their cars, especially when they're white.
i think a producer found some folks at a gas station on the route, said they would be on TV and gave them a bit of direction. then when the TG boys pull up they just adlibbed the whole event. it's possible that clarkson, hammond, and may were not informed this would be happening in order to get genuine reactions out of them, but it was all clearly staged.
if it had been real there would have been actual gunfire and probably a death or two.
Just watched it, what a way to send these boys off. Fantastic adventure. I'll miss the what fun these three always were.
>We don’t all have to go to the same old folks home do we?
Death to sides.
>The problem is that in ten years time no petrol stations will sell any fuel
it took roughly one hundred years for petrol and diesel infrastructure to get to where it's at and you think they're gonna replace all of it with electricity in one-tenth of that time?
Internal combustion in the year 2256.
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The flashing between that special and now was nice.
I don't really like Matt on drive tribe. His accent isn't the 'cool british' accent that Clarkson Hammond and May have.
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>Tell me your favorite scenes from over the years!
i remember watching the america special when it came out with my dad, i must have been around 4 or 5 at the time
when jeremy comes out with the cow on the top of his Camaro i laughed so hard that i puked
good times
We can just use ethanol like the brazilian monkeymen. That's what Henry Ford first envisioned anyway.
I think I was sad not because the trio is no longer working together - it really feels like the world as we know it is over. The passion, liberty, honesty in motoring is being replaced by soulless chink cars designed around legislation made by slimey Jews and you can only drive it around stinky Brown people.

Top gear and grand tour was the world of the boomers and gen x. Millenials only got a glimpse. We now have to do what we can in the dystopia that is real life

And yes, most everything on TV now not only is poor quality, but is outright propaganda and demoralisation
>Leaving apartment yesterday
>Kia Niro is backing into a spot
>It's beeping like a clown car would in a dystopian version of Wall-E
>Not only is this regulated by the gov on all EVs...KIA has to go and make it a humiliation ritual in the sake of "safety".

The world top gear showed on tv is ending, anon. Clarkson nodded to this in the episode.
It's anyway, not anyways.
Oh no

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Same say he was a faggot others say he's op all I know is he's skibidi
Hydrogen Ic engine powered by nuclear
I mean, most of it is scripted when you think about it a bit.
They probably improvize a lot of the jokes because they are legit funny. But stuff like the races where they take wildly different routes and then end up at the finish within minutes or seconds of each other has to be fake (Japan race or race to the mexican border). Also during those races they have obvious set up shots with static cams with them driving by.

A lot of it is scripted but is still enjoyable unless you are autistic. Now the newer stuff is way too obvious for sure. The GT winter special where they literally added CGI exhaust flames for a dumb gag was lame boomer tier stuff.
Music was 1/3 of what made the show great, especially the specials. BBC probably also has rights to shitload of music (they also used movie soundtracks).
Yes, fully agree. I think Clarkeson only mentioned the EV but he really meant Jewish regulations and kalergi people. We know on Clarkeson farm that he's gone head to head with the administrative state (and lost).

I don't mind driving aids, but why are they mandatory and non programmable? Why do my front parking sensors beep when I'm in reverse?

Meanwhile, they haven't even gotten Android auto right, which is literally the number one car technological ask

Can't recall the music on top gear or older grand tour, but I really loved the classic British rock they played on the final episode. I hate all the niggery music present in most productions. I didn't like the Monte Carlo song they used, it was incongruous with the show
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>dump 3 tons of garbage on the side of the road and fuck off
>come back 20 years later
>it's still exactly where you left it
Just finished it. In terms of humor for some reason it didnt land for me. It had all the elements but I didnt laugh much.
However, I liked that they returned to the formula that should have been used more - just old cars and getting from a to b. And the ending with the flashbacks and them going their separate ways was exceptionally well done. Made me tear up a bit.
On TG they often played british rock and generally good and fitting music
White people made the metal they used to pile those houses together
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>last show for a show for a white males interest
>it's set in Rhodesia
they knew what they were doing
Lads anyone got a torrent for all grand toyr episodes?
cmon anon, any public torrent has them
Just finished it. Great stuff. The boats and railway sections were particularly good. The Beetle set-up was hilarious.

The closing scene on Kubu Island switching between the BBC footage and the Amazon footage nearly made me cry. Same with the rediscovery of the Lancia and Mercedes from 2007.
>The A-Team bit just showing the trio dicking about with legos and models because there's no point in keeping up appearances for the last ep
10/10 bit
Original Top Gear declined after S10 and was unwatchable past S15
>the music on top gear
They used lots of mogwai songs, especially for the artsy shots of cars. Mogwai are awesome and I highly recommend anyone into post rock listen to them. They're from Glasgow and have like a dozen albums
I feel like that was a gag they always wanted to do, but never got the chance. I can picture them in a writing room laughing about the idea of that bit. The special feels like there are a few things in there that are exclusively for the cast and crew to do something they wanted to do or do again.

I also feel that casting the objects in silver was so they could get some nice souvenirs and they just happened to film it and put it in.
Y e s
Also CSA based
Vietnam special was still the absolute peak of it all.
Rhodesian reenactment
Probably he's an argie nigger himself
The Beetle accident was peak British humor
SOVL (viet subtitles)
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What was Rhodesia like?
Marketing thread, buy an ad. Kill yourselves pajeet marketing fags.
>always watch top gear with my dad
>he dies unexpectedly way too young almost a decade ago
>literally played brothers in arms at his funeral myself

man i bawled like a fucking kid at the end that wasn't fair
I actually remember that band - they had a few songs in spec ops the line which was a great game with a great soundtrack
Good night, sir
can't you just watch that on iPlayer?
You need a TV Licence for that.
Fuck bros, it's been a week I'm still sad about it all. I think it was the last Clarkson bit where he was talking about the younger generation. I'm really sad. Should I go back and start from S1:E1?
Hire super blondie-san
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I grew up watching top gear, pretty much learned english from it, but stopped watching it when I got my license and started driving cars, so like 8 years ago
I watched a little of the grand tour, but never really got it
this final was kinda meh as well, nothing that really stands out, them going back to starting place was kino
ofc they had to go to africa cus everything is cheap there
Q&A with Clarkson after a private showing of the episode.
>phonigger vertical video
Instantly closed
>Should I go back and start from S1:E1?
Probably, or just cherry-pick episodes where they talk about cars you're interested in. They shit all over the 350z as boring, lol.
I feel like more normal shows like in the early days mixed with specials would've worked better than 100% special type shows. I always enjoyed their lambasting of new car models.
I did the same, what a colossal retard.
yes I have a license why do you ask
Dutch public transport service experience sucks donkey dicks
the news section is always good, I watch TG/TGT for their banter
Doesn't matter, they all proudly brag about how hostile the country is to private car ownership. Euros were propagandised into hating cars due to their weird reverse snobbery. Where everyone tries to act like a 'working class proletariat' and force everyone down to that level.
>cars are aristocratic, that is why we must ban them. If you as a non-aristocrat can afford one, you must be punished for being Petit Bourgeoise
Same mindset they have with guns and private property.
It's funny when they kept shitting all over the Bugatti "Veryon" and kept saying it's impossible, ect.

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