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>diesel engines last longer because they need to be built stronger to withstand the higher compression ratio
>gasoline engines are objectively under less stress
>they could last longer than diesel but it is just viable to cut corners on their design
now diesels dont even last longer because they choke on their own EGR crud before 200k
lol my barras intechs and ancient i6's outlasted all my v6 v8 and dieincel crud
Diesel engined last longer , because they have lower revs
Everyone knows that it is entirely possible to design engines with less failure points that last longer. It was already done multiple times, mostly around the 90s with things like the Mercedes E Class diesels.

But they don't get as much money this way + jewish "environment" regulations targeted at Europeans and Americans (the only two regions in the world that DON'T actively pollute and have an environmentally conscious populace) because jews hate Christ.
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Diesels are also more mechanically sound in most cases. They don't have spark plugs, they run cylinder liners, they control throttle off of fuel alone, and they can't rev as fast and instead derive horsepower through the higher torque numbers. Basically gas engines will wear through themselves faster and have more mechanical weakpoints and spin at a higher speed. Friction and rotational wear is always harder on components than the force of compression. Also Diesels are only running around double the compression ratio of gas engines, which is still not close to the mechanical limits of modern steel components. The surface area distributes the force everywhere pretty well. The weakest link is the head gasket. Gas engines do have the capacity to run a while though. But to really take advantage of that you need larger displacement engines, which at every level are going to be worse than a diesel except in their weight, which is irrelevant to a discussion on longevity
>yeah but modern gasoline engines are more efficient so that means they're better like they might only last 150k miles but they get 10% better fuel mileage so that's a GOOD THING okay yeah maybe they could build those more efficient engines to last longer but then they would weigh more and that 10% efficiency advantage would only be 6% and theyd also be more expensive which is bad because BIPOC and other minority groups couldnt afford them as easily so its really in our best interest to make engines cheap (and efficient) youre starting to sound like a chud who cares about any of this??? walkable cities are the future anyways
The diesel engines which you believe to last longer are probably the ones which are 9001kg industrial plants
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>cummins trugg engines never reach megamile status, trust me! only diesel gensets last!
>they can't rev as fast and instead don't derive horsepower
I'm not sure you understand what MASS production is.

Its not an artesanal craft to make invidiual products of highest quality absolutely. The winner is the one that can make a tolerable product as lowest cost. You might hate it, but cost cutting everything everywhere at all times is why 95% of working population in U.S can afford to own a car.
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>a cummins trugg engine isn't a 9001kg industrial plant
>"industrial plant"
>is sold to random hicks who swap it into go karts
goalposts moved lmao
>weighs 9001kg
Gas engines do have more points of failure, but spark plugs are easily replaceable and can be thought of as consumables in the very long term, unlike a blown gasket
...you don't do regular maintenance on your car anon?
>Glazes over def, egr, and any other litany of emissions equipment specifically for diesel

Enjoy pulling a cab off everytime a gasket shits or need to replace a coolant line
DPF, SCR are even worse for engine lifespan, reliability.
the bigger factor is the refining. you can only get X percent diesel out of Y crude oil. to my understanding the crude used in the US yields much more gasoline than diesel whereas the crude that Europeans use doesn't produce so much gasoline as opposed to diesel, hence why diesel is more popular there.
>waah waah im a coping europoor
>cut corners
Let's stop cutting corners and make every 4-cyl gasoline engine weigh 900 lbs.
Diesels also rev less.
Unironically yes. Make 4800 pound sedans again
>p-please make unsafe pieces of shit again
neo-Petrol = ethanol flex or synthetic
neo-Diesel = biomass or renewable
Do you know anything about average vehicle weight? That's HEAVY as fuck for a sedan due to overbuilding.
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This is why the 2.slow is so based, it's the same block as the diesel which is stupidly overbuilt for a basic bitch NA 4cyl.
Renault K and F engines also use the same blocks between diesel and petrol variants.
Freezer temp IQ post
How is it unsafe? Just make them 21 feet long with huge crumple zones, they'll be safe as fuck. I want to be able to fit my entire person between the grille and radiator
>when you see a VW engine and there's no injection pump hanging off the side
sad face
>That's HEAVY as fuck for a sedan due to overbuilding.
yes and now you have a 900 lbs engine that will crush you or the other person. not to mention understeer city from having 70% of the weight on the front.
This is diesel country, it has its ups and downs.
I remember in early covid lockdowns there was a massive shortage of DEF because the main licensed AdBlue factory was in goddamn Turkey and exports were fucked.
It was counterfeited to shit (it's just urea and water with Brussels stamp) and I assume they got instructions not to fine anyone over it because I never heard anyone getting into trouble for selling bootleg DEF
You're stupid
RIP Nissan Titan
You can totally mass manufacture quality goods though. It is a choice to cheap out.
Is this how dieselfags cope after losing 'but muh torque' as an argument last time?
>taking the entire top end apart to scrape the carbon crud off
>paying some wagie $700 to ballsack blast it or whatever
>feeding the engine 0-octane intake cleaners and hoping it removes anything
>"regular maintenance"
fuel injected 460s went about as far as the best consumer deisels (everything below shit used in 18 wheeler tractor trucks) and they werent gutless like the na deisels like fag cummins, durafaggs and crayon eater 7.3s
It might be slow, heavy and sound like shit but at least is reliable after I did an EGR delete, DPF delete and cleaned all the carbon from the intake. No, it's not passing emissions or any form of inspection, yes it does smoke under acceleration, no it's not more fuel efficient unless I hypermile the fuck out of it, yes I will need to replace the turbo and injectors at 200k miles.
>Get a diesel car
>Wow, The maintenance is different than the other petrol cars???
>I can't believe this, diesels are the worst!!
congrats on realising boomer logic is bs
Just pour some diesel anti smoke and you are good to go
Pulled EGR/DPF on my Golf TDI, with tuning it gets about 50 on the highway cruising at 70. I love it.
That was a fake Cummins plagued with issues.
aren't diesel techs really expensive for a reason? I thought the big block gassers were the most reliable and bulletproof
What car would Doomguy drive
a tessie because he understands that after hell being unleashed upon mankind, climate change is the number 2 threat to humanity :^)
And replacing apex seals is also maintenance, right?
No its taxation. Diesel is taxed around 50%(depending on the country) less than gasoline mostly because businesses that use commercial vehicles, that predominantly burn diesel, get some tax returns on fuel.
Probably because they produce more diesel with their crude and thus don't tax it as much to encourage people to use it up.
Diesels are antisemitic
He sounds based
Elon Musk etc a kike lobbyist
Yep, that is why emmission regulations pushed small diesel engines for passenger vehicles out of the market. So people would use more diesel.
>emmission regulations pushed small diesel engines for passenger vehicles out of the market
>false fined Volkswagen
Which very stupid as greenerenewable diesel exist
Obviously. Green policies have nothing to do with the environment.
Vegan possibly ride biodiesel
>write out a rant written by an imaginary enemy in your head to seethe about
Anon are you alright?
diesel built pony car?
the imaginary enemy is the average nigger cattle USA consoomer which is why diesel engine options outside of 3/4 ton trucks are basically unheard of.
Leyland L60 was a great multifuel engine, it just took a day or so to change between fuels and never really worked properly on any of them.
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>Europeans and Americans (the only two regions in the world that DON'T actively pollute and have an environmentally conscious populace)
What kind of subhuman are you I truly wonder.
This post made by evfags
PetrolCHAD actually
Certain goblin banker behind diesel engine inventor mystery death?
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>Love the smell of flexibility corn
It fine
But they have higher compressions to withstand.
Not when they fly out through the hood ripping the threads out with them
Looking at you, 5.4 Triton
My diesels don't got none of them fancy green pieces. One day I'll buy an excavator and you bet I'll delete that too.
>diesel engines last longer because they need to be built stronger
Diesel cars have a much much higher failure ratio than gasoline cars, which have much higher failure ratio than hybrid cars.
If you want your car to last longer and be able to do thousands of kilometers with one gas tank, buy a hybrid.
Where you're from, do people find EVs so desirable there's extra taxes on them instead of gibs?
There's gibs, but you have to wait at least 2 years after buying the car to receive them, and you're not even guaranteed that by the time you should get your money there's even money left on the coffers.
And if you want the full amount that they give, you have to give and old car you've had for at least 6 months or a year to get destroyed or else they only give you 4500€, and the car can't exceed 45k before taxes.
Hybrid too expensive
My hybrid renault clio eTech was only 24k€
>diesel engines last longer
Imma stop you right there, chief
Alway intended decompress burn
>Renault hybrid
>literally worse than chink tech
I 'd say you got bamboozled. Its going to lose €10k in value in less than 5 years. In 3 most likely.
>>literally worse than chink tech
The chink alternatives are objectively worse and literal ticking bombs under you're ass.
But for now the car is running great and I've got no complaints with it, besides one time that it started flashing me an alert to stop the car when there was no risk of hitting anything, but that was one single thing in a whole year of owning it.
You know what burn my car engine, Grease cook oil from China takeout
The old engine will stay
They're built sturdier, but that means they're heavier. And more weight equals worse handling and balance.
It's why german cars never ever win drift competitions, they're just heavy as shit.

Oh, and also more weight of course means worse mileage. But it'd have to be a really big weight difference to bring a lighter gasoline engine up to par with diesel mileage.
Mitsubishi 4N1 engines
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I had a 250 crossflow efi in my first car (ZK Fairlane) with 500,000km on it before I wrecked the car doing skids
/vr/anny are shit
My 2009 diesel Jetta never has any issues, just before DPFs too. I have to pay £200 to the nanny state because of emissions but I get 60mpg driving to work all the time, might get a newer diesel idk.

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