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>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions.
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.
>Do NOT buy a classic and plan to pay someone to work on it. You need to be able to do 90% or more of the work or you will go broke.
>You will spend twice your budget, unless you have years of experience. If the salty old hands agree, it's true.
>No one cares about your MPG
>If you can't tune a carb you might literally be retarded
>Nothing is as easy as it seems

Previous thread >>27933719
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>inner rocker
>outer rocker
>cab corner
>cab support
all welded in. need to clean it up, prime it, seam seal it, undercoat it. Put the door and fender back on. Then I should be well over half-way done because the second side should go way quicker.
What’s the best engine one could drop into a first gen mustang without much trouble? Would like to stick to a carbureted, NA setup. Looking to make at least 400hp, ideally with potential for more.
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rust repairers stay winning
A Chevy
The Jimmy gods have spoken
>frequently look at classic cars on Craigslist
>already own 3 cars
>been daily driving a crown vic for 7 years. Mechanically sound and not even bored of driving it
>sometimes wish I would get rear ended so I'd have an excuse to buy a new car
Is there a name for this feeling?
shut up, fag
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I have to admit the ford probably won't start right now. At least most the bolts are the same size this time.

Why stop there? Go for a 557bbf stroker
>Why stop there? Go for a 557bbf stroker
Whoops, I thought he mentioned just 64-66, so I was looking at what would fit between the shock towers.
Fuck them shock towers
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Went to change the oil on the V8 Pilot, and much to my surprise and disappointment, tiny flakes of metal and debris were included. This is exacerbated by the fact that whoever installed a screw on oil filter conversion did so by cross threading and brazing one of the brass fittings. So not only do we need to do and oil flush, but we can't do it until we buy new fittings for the oil filter adaptor. I'm glad we caught this now and didn't delay any further, but considering I still have shit to do with the Vanden Plas, this could not have come at a worse time.
Looks like my buddy might back out on selling me his 67 javelin, it needed a fender anyways. I might just start looking at pre 75 Camaros to swap all my shit into with minimal fab
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Whats the deal with shrinking manifolds? My engine block doesnt shrink over time
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i figured out how to halfway use the harbor freight purple gun, put a quart of primer over the front half again
>harbor freight purple gun
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iconic unit
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Factory built fiberglass replica seems an odd image for classic car general.
i did not find any defects in the intake gaskets, they actually looked new and werent brittle. i cut the egr tube to slide the upper through it and it snapped at the lower fitting on the first attempt. someone had already welded it and did a piss poor job to boot. i imagine this is both my vacuum and exhaust leak, if the truck doesn't grow a pair after fixing this i may take the lifter cover off or just park it. the tube has to be custom made which ill deal with next week.
Because fuck niggers, that's why.
hell yeah brother
me on the left, right, and in the driver's and passenger seats
i ordered the cavity wax
Any bros had experience with w123 transmissions? Mine is shifting way too early, like into 4th at 30mph and not downshifting till I come to damn near a complete stop. Checked the modulator and it holds vacuum, adjusted the bowden cable
this guy might
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There's an irony in that the car is a 1923 (((Dodge Brothers)))
Let’s roll br/o/
kek, watch the KBS marketing intern wonder in here after this
>"Cool, this Honda guy found out about us from this weird website I've never heard of. What? Fuck Niggers? Oh God, where am I?"
hey kbs intern
have a good day
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>bowden cable
Shiiiiiiiit haven’t heard that in almost 3 years
these cars are just waking up at 150mph, what the hell are you doing piddling along at 30?
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Changed the oil on Diana, and discovered that the transmission is essentially porous. Oil is leaking from the speedo cable, reverse light switch, and maybe the rear input shaft? Hard to tell, but it's quite sight to behold. Diff leaks too, though not nearly as bad. Guess I'll be ordering some gear oil. On the plus side, I'm pretty confident the gearbox is a "close ratio" model out of a 280zx, so that's nice I guess.
Don't name your car, you colossal faggot
>Classics made from 1979 or older
LOL, the line millennials use because they can't cope with the fact that they are older than dirt.
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Always name your car. For me, its "Bernadine"
Local schizo, pay it no mind.
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Exactly. Here's my Maude
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So is Coastival actually dead?
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Buddy just hit me up! Checkin out the car tomorrow (old pick before parked for years)
If it's still that clean you got yourself a nice score.
I doubt it, he said it needed a fender and also it hasn’t been started in a while. It’s been sitting years so I guess we’ll see.
Im shelving my next spreadsheet on engine efficiencies, i ran into a problem where my maths supported something i already knew was true; engines are more efficient under load. this turns the efficiency value into a sigmoid function that there arent enough data points to make accurate for 99% of the entries, given that each engine has a unique function. I could make a linear trendline given stuff like GM cars are all the same but i dont really give a fuck if a 307 swirl port olds is really edging out a tbi 305, and just like the old spreadsheet its all out the window once you drop a cam in something or touch the carb

filling the rings on the 302 tomorrow, trying to get someone to send me low temp dish detergent to wash the heads, no one has a cam bearing tool in stock, let alone a degree wheel... the world is all moving too slow
i know there's a sigma joke somewhere in there...
also wtf is low temp dish detergent? never heard of that stuff
commercial grade dish soap, supposed to turn your dishwasher into a hot tank, its hella not doing that for me
>turn your dishwasher into a hot tank,

Just go get a 55 gallon drum, some plumbing pipe that you drill holes in and then plumb an air hose to the piping then add a submersible heating element and get the commercial hot tank solution and you have a hot tank of your own for a fraction of the price.
>get the commercial hot tank solution
that seems to be the problem, i specifically asked the local commercial products supplier for low temp detergent and they sent me pussy ass liquid detergent that did worse than dawn, the shit doesnt even clean actual dishes
Went to go check out that javelin, it was fairly clean inside and out minus the left front fender being bent. Couldnt really get any pictures because the car was tucked in behind a dozen other cars and tarped up awkwardly beneath a scaffolding, but I did get to look it all over and underneath. It pretty much looked exactly like the photograph except for the fender. No real good angle to take pictures where I wasn’t just looking at 90% tarps. Everything underneath the fender was straight though. My buddy said he hit a partially swung open gate that just went into the fender at an angle and bent it up. Bumper and everything was intact. He drove it like that for another 2 years before he parked it for 10 years.
It’s a 290 automatic, drums all around. Has what appears to be an Edelbrock performer intake manifold and a Holley carb on it, some headers on there too and dual exhaust. Interior was complete minus dash bezel trim.
I’m super tempted, my original plan was to basically just find a pre-smog mule rig for all the go-fast shit off my Camaro and splice something together, but damn this thing has me wanting to rebuild/restoration and just have it as a cruiser. I’d probably have to just sell my Camaro as is and focus on the javelin. He told me he was gonna list for 8k but would take half if I want it.
Go or it br/o/. Will be a cool ride.
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Right side rocker isn't actually rotted, so this will go much easier. Won't have to pull the fender or even the door. Got the body mounts replaced.
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any advice for filling the cracks and painting a dash?
Jb weld and sandpaper
The Poop That Took A Pee
Padded or not? If not it's a simple as slathering some JB weld on and sanding before paint. If it's padded it's a bigger pain in the ass.
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I've redone one similar and it came out beautifully but its not a quick project.

I basically rebuilt the padding and then wrapped it in vinyl.
You can't get just any vinyl so ordering online probably won't work.
You have to find one that stretches in all directions (some only stretch in one direction).
It takes some gluing and a lot of tugging. You wrap around the exposed edge and staple it down out of sight.
Glad to see it's going well.
I know we've discussed the cab but what condition is the bed in?
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A bored out ford small block (302, 351). I Just did a 302 swap. I pray you didn't get a 6 cylinder or you will be swapping out the whole driveline in no time.
there's some retard local to me turbo-ing the 200's but he doesnt build them himself which is faggotry and he hasnt reached 400 yet
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There's not a straight panel on this truck.
One of the bed fenders has taken a hit and been "farm repaired", which rusted. picrel
The panels of the bed are mostly OK though.
the bed wood has completely disintegrated. I'm going to have to learn some carpentry.
Once I get the cab sealed up, I'm going to throw a sheet of plywood in the bed so at least I can drive it. I just need to find someone with a radiator for a reasonable price.
To our resident Limey, there's a Classic Car show in Porthmadog at the Welsh Highlands Railway this Sunday.

You been pleased with your BluePoint rebuild so far?
is that a longbed stepside?
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thats really freaky lookin, ive only ever seen shortbed stepsides i guess
I had never seen one either. Made me want it even more.
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>To our resident Limey
Aren't there a couple of us? Obviously you have myself, but isn't the guy who wasn't sure about keeping the original colour of the two tone 30's or 40's... Buick, was it? Might have been a straight 8? Either way, wasn't he from Limey Land, too?

As for the show, it's nearly 200 miles away from me, so a bit too far. Shame though, most shows at railways tend to be quite good, for some reason. Thanks for sharing though.
Some are really weird looking.
But it was the era of "real" trucks so it was 8 foot bed vs 6.5 foot beds.
I just know about you and maybe the guy that is in the gun club, but I think that's you? Also, that Irish lad from Dublin who had the MGB GT6 with cancerous rocker panels/frame rails.
i think the later bodystyle adds to it
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Alas, I am not the gun club anon. Maybe the Irish lad is the one with the gun club?
That would be our other resident Limey then. Irish bro hasn’t posted in a while
Fair 'nuff.
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Is a Holley efi kit worth it for increased reliability / ease of use?

Also thinking of looking into manual swap sometime in the future, current 3 speed auto that these Grand Prix’s came with is abysmal
no, ive seen a lot of DOA and holley support being problematic, just learn how to wrench
Not exactly a Sniper, but I’ve been running an MSD Atomic EFI and 6a box on my Camaro for 6 years now with zero issues. It’s been great for my little blower setup
What does a 6A do that a duraspark/hei doesn't? Curious
Not familiar with duraspark, but going from the HEI to the 6a in my car, I gained the 3 ignition events per cylinder that they’re known for (multiple spark discharge), capacitive discharge resulting in much higher primary ignition voltage and secondary ignition voltage when combined with my blaster coil, and probably the most important part is it works with my atomic efi and automatically pulls timing when my MAP sensor is seeing boost in the manifold from the blower, and adds timing under vacuum to simulate a normal vacuum advance. It also let me set a custom ignition curve easier than playing with spring and weights in my distributor like my old HEI. My current distributor is locked in and has no vacuum canister
so there's absolutely no reason for freiburger to slap one of these $300 boxes on every plane jane NA street car he sees?
Precisely. That's called a marketing gimmick( I know you're aware lol)
Man I got to watch a couple generic hot rod shows on my laptop sporadically the last couple of months and I was fucking shocked how prevalent sniper efi and mad box install was. Just like you’re talking about, it’d be like a clapped out old el Camino with a tired 350 in it probably 75 psi per cylinder compression test 1977 2 bolt LM1 and they’re just like “first things first, she’s getting a Holley sniper 2 efi and an MSD6al”
Jews gotta market their latest product.
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Holley is HUGE into sponsoring people on YouTube, etc. if they put EFI on cars. One guy I know who did some welding on my DeLorean threw a Sniper on his '65 Riviera and it was just DUMPING fuel nonstop. He made a detailed video showing how the problem was a defective Sniper and they sent him a replacement and a FREE unit for his third gen Camaro if he agreed to do an update and show that it was reliable.

That's what kills it for me with channels like VGG or Roadkill. 99% of us can't afford fuel systems that cost more than the cars we're putting them on and a crate motor/LS swap is not something feasible for the average guy who wants to wrench and drive. Hell; a fuel tank and a driveshaft for this '71 Cadillac cost half of what I paid for the car. The car itself was less than a Sniper setup as well.

I could also go into a tangent about how I hate seeing these guts who do "budget" builds having to rush to get to a show on time when most of their target audience couldn't miss enough work to attend.
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The brake booster is no longer boosting. Pressing the brakes results in it feeling fine at first, but then it goes extremely firm and engine rpm jumps up as as if there is a vacuum leak. Fun. A reconditioned booster is like £560 + £160 surcharge, which I'd rather not have to pay. Do you guys reckon a remote booster and master cylinder for an MGB would do the trick? No idea what the ratio/bore on the master cylinder would be vs this, but seeing as the servo for this is already the remote type, I figure it should be fine. Not like I'm worried about originality.
damn. i was thinking of going tbi before but i bought an avs2 after riding in a mate's wagon that had one on a 540 stroker. throttle response was wonderful, it really is the closest thing to fuel injection without actually going efi
its pretty shocking to me how just about everyone who has had a sniper has had major issues with it that necessitated replacing it, and ofc if their channel wasnt big enough holley fought them every step of the way
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Okay, so after comparing a couple pictures and referencing casting marks, I've discovered that this "original" booster is in fact a PBR VH44 Booster, and not the original BMC/Lockheed one. I have mixed feelings about this. The good part of this is that I can find plenty of Chinese clones for around £60 that come with a 2 year warranty, but the bad side is that they're obviously Chinese clones and will no doubt fail after said 2 year warranty. There's also the fact that they're listed as being for vehicles "with drum brakes on the front and rear axle". Diana has drums in the rear, but fixed 2 piston calipers in the front... What are the implications of this? She's been running and braking fine so far, so is it just a ratio thing? Or do boosters made for disc brakes operate at a lower/ higher pressure or something?
dunno what it's like for bong cars but old mopar drum/drum cylinders will have residual pressure valves on both the front and rear circuit ports, while disc/drum only has them on the rear circuit.
disc/drum masters will also typically have a larger front circuit reservoir than the rear one, since disc brakes require more brake fluid than drums.
disc boosters may also apply more pressure than drum boosters.
the brake pedal may even be different between drum and disc models, since disc brakes require more pressure than drums and as such the pedals may have been designed from the factory for different amounts of leverage.
>That's what kills it for me with channels like VGG or Roadkill. 99% of us can't afford fuel systems that cost more than the cars we're putting them on and a crate motor/LS swap is not something feasible for the average guy who wants to wrench and drive. Hell; a fuel tank and a driveshaft for this '71 Cadillac cost half of what I paid for the car. The car itself was less than a Sniper setup as well.

The engine is solid so far, the torque is comical and it sounds great. I also bought a TCI Street Fighter C4 trans and that thing is giving me a fucking headache, less than 100 miles and it's leaking somehwere....
Hmm. The original Lockheed Master Cylinder is only single circuit, same as this PBR unit, and I can't see a residual pressure valve anywhere in pictures of unmodified 4 Litre R's (unless it's closer to or even on the rear axle). Maybe there's a chance that BMC just... didn't care? At least not enough to worry about pedal feel? This is turning out to be quite the rabbit hole.
Is there a product I can use to coat aluminum components like the alternator to keep that white corrosive shit from forming again?
I would have liked to give my money to a local business with this dpfe line, called them up and they said they could do 3/4" stainless with flared fittings. Get there, guys gone on lunch so they take my number. No call so i head back this morning, got no idea who i am or where their pipe guy is. After half an hour the dude comes out with a comical amount of pipe fittings and is telling me how he wants to re use the rusty ass pipe and if the fittings will be accessible. Whittle away at all the bullshit and ask if they can just re make the line and get the dpfe brazed in somewhere else, comes back and says it will be a soft line with this crazy ass fitting on the end, why? They cant crimp fittings on rubber line and cant flare hard line. Ok so why is it now a soft line? They dont sell any hard line. Holy fuck dude...

Im giving my money to china, americans fucking deserve their fate...
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having to modify these aluminum drum brakes to fit what i have, just needs a different bolt pattern on the backer plate and it will fit perfect.
made the mistake of grinding the steel with a carbude burr, now im covered in steel splinters
Find a business in the next county? Or if big enough city, someone else? Make China your last resort.
Clarksville fasteners did the ac lines on my r134 converted 323, but theyre two hours away now, im pretty sure everyone in kentucky is just incompetent. Theres no one else in BG and no one closer to where i live that i know of.
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the residual pressure valve would be in the outlet port on the master, where the flare fitting sits. easiest way to tell is to gently stick a paperclip or something that can fit in the hole, if you feel something in there that pushes back with some resistance then there's a valve.
Ah, I got ya. Most pictures I've seen online showed a sperate inline piece. Thanks.
Geo is pissing me off, ever since i put an o2 sensor in it, it will randomly have no power and run dead lean. I just hosed out the egr and i know its clear now because i hydrolocked the engine on brake clean, and it still violently bucks if you cruise too slow. I pulled an obd2 setup but then was told the crank trigger is diffurent, if i need the whole crank im simply not proceeding, it will be a while if i simply need the balancer. I already priced out a vacuum advance distributor, ive been told these came with carbs but i can only find people putting webers on them which i might do, but id rather scavenge than spend. Does our resident metro hoarder have info on this?
Don't get me wrong; those bolt-on EFI setups are nice when they work, but they're nowhere nearly as plug and play as a carburetor is.

They also have a LOT of problems and nearly 50% of the Gen 1 Snipers would constantly dump excess fuel. Allegedly, they fixed it; but, there was no recall or public acknowledgement.

I've considered running one on my '66 LeBaron, but it's hard to beat the reliability of points and a carb.
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AnsI want to get this 70s Celica because I think it'll be fun to learn how to wrench on it. Previous owners have done a bunch to it but it still needs some work. Assuming I can find a replacement part that isn't too big, how hard is it to upgrade a differential?
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>, if i need the whole crank
There's no way. Surely it's just the crank trigger wheel that can be swapped onto your current set up.
If you know your way around a dial indicator and micrometers, it shouldnt be too hard of a swap. Some diffs have more aftermarket support than others, obviously.
8sr40 >>27984717
Yeah I've taken a couple machining courses for fun. What kind of resources should I be searching for to see what'll fit?
>but they're nowhere nearly as plug and play as a carburetor is
heh, saw on a boomer forum thread discussing EFI conversions and one of them basically said that a lot of issues arise from users not taking the time to tune it, and that you'd have difficulty if you struggled with basic computer skills like dragging and dropping files etc.
not sure how i feel about points though. got an electronic dizzy for mine as part of an electronic ignition kit. supposedly made by the same factory that mopar contracted to build for them too so i guess you can't really go wrong with that.
On mine it was pretty straightforward
>install unit and msd box following wiring diagram in box, rout controller into passenger compartment
>install inline lift pump, feed line, regulator and return with provided fittings and hoses.
>remove HEI distributor, lockout advance on new msd distributor and phase the rotor to -15 degrees iirc and install back in car
>walk over to laptop, download latest firmware and maps and stuff from MSD website to micro SD card and then pop that into my controller
>key on engine off, go through initial setup parameters (number of cylinders, cam specs, desired air fuel mixtures, timing control turned ON and set initial timing, advance and all in by, advance when manifold under vacuum, boost retard, boost enrich %, fan turn on/off temps)
>fire up and let reach operating temp, monitor throttle IAC stepper motor counts and turn set screw till counts are within range
>drive around a couple days and it “self-learns”

After that I made a couple tweaks here and there, installed an in line tank pump setup, no access to a dyno so I just did a couple highway pulls while my buddy monitored the data on the controller and recorded on his cell phone, then added some timing under boost a half a degree at a time until I got to where I felt it pulled the best and was still safe. Zero issues In 6 years. I know I’m the exception not the rule though, LM7 bird literally got a bad one right out the box like Dracula is talking about.
If I do get that javelin I’m gonna have a lot of fun playing with the Holley and a points distributor, cuz even the old distributors I had fun re-curving and whatnot where HEIs
buy an ad holley
>not sure how i feel about points though
points were used on cars for like 60 years, they're fine
i dunno, i just found a smogless G13 carb for $65, im a lot more confident in slapping a carb on it than re pinning part of the harness and hoping a later ECU is happy with it
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trying to get this new pattern centered on the brake drum backing plate. how much slop do you reckon I have for being out of center? my thought is that as long as the drum and back plate don't rub, the shoes themselves will just bed and any eccentricity will be ground out of them
I wish I worked at Holley lol, but nah man when I sell the Camaro I’m gonna sell it with all the msd stuff on there and my next car will be carb and points
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forged through it, both sides are a bit off in the up/down, but i think thats best case for bedding the shoes symmetrically. getting those unsprung weight numbers down. next for this is figuring out if i can delete the internal torsion anti-roll bar...i think if i run a big external bar i can just gut the axle
yeah i know but i just like not having to mess around with them every 10k miles or whatever. especially since over here replacement parts are just annoying to get
If they were that easy, they'd be on all my cars; cost be damned.

Unfortunately, I've seen everything from bad software, bricked updates, distributors with bad curves, O2 sensors that didn't provide feedback, units that dump fuel, etc. It's about 50-50 on whether or not you'll get a GOOD unit and, of that 50%, 50% of them STILL don't work; meaning you have a 75% chance that it won't work.

My experience with points has been relatively fine in that you really don't need to mess with them but once a decade if the car is used frequently.
>It just werks, man!
i know people who do, they hated it more than magna and magna is notoriously shitte
What code reader should I get for my 91 mustang. I know it's eec iv obd1 or whatever but what's the best one 2 get. Thx
I got a job offer at magnaflow when I got my welding certs and shit but my (at the time) boss’ wife was the HR manager or some shit so that pretty much torpedoed that offer. Either way it was a huge pay cut and longer commute
>you really don't need to mess with them but once a decade if the car is used frequently
mopar or something else? maybe it's a bit of FUD but reading up mopar boomer posts i bought the electronic ignition kit as a preventative sort of thing while i was busy making the shopping list for a 2 bbl > 4 bbl conversion. oh well, guess it'll run well for a long time at least.
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>nowhere nearly as plug and play as a carburetor is.
out of the box i have to jet up, flip the pump cam, vaccum refrence the pv and fuck with the secondarys a bit, thankfully the 2 brawlers i have got the qft secondary pot so i dont have to take it off.
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Hi. /o/ /CCG/

I need some suggestions, I have an engine block and transfer case attached it weights 300+ kg's

It's sat on a pallet next to a tree on rough terrain.

It was delivered by another guy who delivered in a 3x3 trailer with pallet and then we lifted it off trailer with engine crane and placed pallet on ground then lowered engine onto that.

I'd like to move it now to shed from rough terrain.



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Maybe bribe a guy driving a pic related?
ratchet strap it up a tree and onto something with wheels
What, you can't DL 650? Go ask two friends to help you lift it
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we strapped an engine crane to the front of a zero turn mower and two of us sat on the back of the mower

go find someone in your shithole europoor neighborhood with a tractor
get a carburetor and forget eec-iv exists
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Rental. 3 ton so ought to be available to all car owners subject to any restrictions (auto) you may have.
dare I say, quadrajet?
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don't be a sissy faggot
give it a nice hug and move it yourself
Yeah but isn't that a PITA? I also want to keep it original, it's in bretty nice shape save for some slight clearcoat fade on the hood and roof
I got two I was rebuilding earlier in the year, won’t let me attach the pic. Before my meme efi I was running a quadrajet and HEI
unless its BAT condition, forget it, eec-iv is very limited as to troubleshooting, replacement parts, and making more power, all of the tools you will be looking at to work with it will be 30+ years old and unsupported, when you go to the forums for help most people will tell you to ditch it. Few people know how it works and there's a lot of bad information. If you want to keep fuel injection and its not a museum quality piece, look at running a 96+ explorer setup on CDAN4, otherwise its pretty simple to make an AOD/T5 and all of the factory goodies work with a carburetor, and you'll gain some power

carbs are a very supported and documented swap on these cars, you could probably even find what a specific combination runs in the quarter
you dont need a code reader, you jump 2 pins in the troubleshooting connector and read the number of flashes on the gauge cluster


there is a snapon tool that does live data but its only for a few late model years and i dont remember more

like >>27988515 said if its not spitting out a trouble code you're just guessing whats wrong with it which happens pretty often at this age
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undercoat grinding day
This is the most balls deep project anyone has posted on /ccg/ in a while.
that photo made my arms tired
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feels like this, but they say you need a decade of it for it to become permanent. having to take breaks from hand tingling lol
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here's the before if you didn't see it
An interesting idea it's on a pallet afterall.
Another fine idea only thing close is a pine tree, it may do the job. Just finding something to move it on that can move on rough terrain.
It's a bold suggestion. 300 dollars.
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Wow. I cant recall the last time i saw a 2nd gen dash that wasnt caving in
>no clutch pedal
the trans is toast, though
tranny fluid is fresh which made me happy, radiator cap was half attached and there's a stain on the hood where coolant hit it, though. its a 5.9 and its part of my latest estate. i get the keys and title tomorrow, dont know if it runs or anything
I HAVE A QUESTION. I'm making a mount for my transmission cooler. Should the transmission cooler sit right up against the radiator, or should there be an airgap?
Is there any way to help you do this?
leave a gap - will make it easier for air to move around; air gets pulled through by the radiator fan, creating a low pressure zone and thus sucking more air through both the cooler and radiator. quick google search also seems to confirm this, all the manufacturers recommend having some spacing between radiators, coolers, condensers etc.
another issue would be the cooler being made of different metal to the radiator - if they touch there's the possibility of corrosion due to the dissimilar metals. good idea to use rubber pads to not only insulate any contact, but also for vibration damping.
EXCELLENT because I already made it, and that's what I did. :3
thank you, anon.
Put a maf on every engine ever produced and record hp produced per cfm, basically

Fuel economy per curb weight does not produce enough data points for a accurate trendline
>Put a maf on every engine ever produced and record hp produced per cfm, basically

my trendline makes 8100 powered kodiaks look really really good
Look at the video of my new '71 Cadillac; it's been off the road since '88 and it only took a little sandpaper to the points to get it to spark and start to idle.
Do you do the voice in the video?
Nope. Never done a formal intro; people are mistaking me for Jennings Motor Sports
Sexo honestly. Looks like something out of red faction guerilla
Just rounded off 2/2 brake line fittings with a flare nut wrench. Should I kill myself?
I was working on my FIL’s truck a week ago and held up my gear wrench 10mm flarenut wrench superimposed over my NuCraftsman flare nut wrench and there was visibly way more space in my NuCraftsman despite being “the same size”. Point being, what kind of tool are you using? Maybe it’s wallowed out?
China craftsman I bought a few hours ago
That might be why man. Granted, I worked at two shops and used my gearwrench professionally M-F 40 hours a week, I used my craftsman every weekend two at my second job. It mighta just worn out or something idk, but it had way more play than my queerwrench and they were the same age
Well then I’m pissed that I paid for shitty flare nut wrenches and I’m pissed I rounded the fittings.
What I’ve done in the past when I feel like I’m gonna round a bleeder is have someone (or a stick) hold the brake pedal down and then use a 6 point deep socket, quarter inch ratchet, and a rag over it to quickly just break it loose and and close it juuuuust past finger tight again with the ratchet. Makes a little bit of a mess but then after that you can use a flare nut wrench no problem.
you might have better luck hammering the wrench while it's over the nut. force delivered as a sudden shock is much less likely to round fasteners than constant force
today we got this here caddylack, she been sittin for about seventy eighty years an today we're gonna git her runnin, now she has been sittin upside down in a creek there is nuttin left of the entire car but we can fix that and git her on the road later
yeah, it's vice grip time
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smells like falafel in here
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Pass side is actually going to be more work than just cutting out the rocker because I have to cut every single one of the spot welds on the inner rocker. So. Many. Spotwelds.
Chop chop grasshopper they ain’t gonna cut themselves! Looking good though.
If I can get the floor and cab support done before winter hits then I achieved my goal.
Then it's just
>install gas tank
>install carpet and seat
>find a decent radiator and install
>replace accel pump in carb
>replace windshield (that will be interesting)
>re-seal rear glass
Right on. I’m almost finished 7 weeks working away from home. Gotta get back at my square body next week. Four link and frame fabrication, paint the frame then I can mount the cab and body again. Start assembling the engine and interior is going to be a bitch. Looking good man.
Might swing a trade plus cash with my buddy for the Camaro. He was asking about buying my power train and possibly brakes setup out of it for his c10 and I floated the idea of just selling him the car
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got it out. can't believe how much grinding it was.
it's a miracle it wasn't rotted because it was filled with mud/silt. that 80s dust hits your lungs different.
top of the rocker where the door seal attaches is more crunchy than I expected so I'll have to repair it a bit.
mine is staying as near stock as I can.
I've had a couple classic vehicles that have unobtainable/ridiculously expensive parts - this square body is a dream in that regard
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i cant even fathom all the shit left to do
godspeed anon
Why are you black?
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im a peckerwood, escaping detoilet next year. buying this shithole house from dr. ben carson (HUD) has turned out to be a great investment actually, taking my x3 and running to a non-salt state
based. how the fuck did the windshield not shatter kek
based gentrifier making the niggers and their liberal masters seethe
the ztard rebuilt his 5th 700r4 and keeps fucking it up more each time. this time it was bound up in reverse, forward clutch was stuck engaged, didnt even leave the house and told him it needed to come out again, he ignored me and proceeded to floor it a few miles from the house and it lost all forward gears, so i drove it back home in reverse. Dodge is sold, if there's a title im trading it for said shitty camaro, he's beyond tired of it, i dont like chryslers, and im ready to clown his stupid ass.
His accent is as thick as my wife's. His videos are great, too. I love that it's about the car and not him.

My wife's third favorite car. I've got free pass to build her a performance example that we can throw through the curves like she used to do with my C4. That'll be a fun project.
i overlooked the vortec sbc because LS stuff, didn't know a stock long block was a cam away from 400hp, that is my plan with it now, its never going to handle like a C4 though
Don't get me wrong; I don't expect it to handle like a C4. What I intend to do is build an engine for "her" car and simultaneously pull the 350 from the '77 Jaguar and give it a rattle-can rebuild while the new motor goes into the Jag instead.

The Vortecs are surprisingly good for swaps, but a LS in a Camaro makes sense and works well. It's a tough call, but anything beats the 302.
Dumb idea, I replaced my idiot lights with actual gauges I still have the wires there for an idiot light. I'm wondering if there's some sort of zener diode that I can install that will only light the idiot light once the gauge gets to a certain resistance. Does this exist or is it dumb
I do believe you can, but I'm electronic dumb
mabye a question for /ohm/ on /diy/
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bros, help.
I was installing a brand-new Rochester carburetor on my Chevy and saw a couple of leaks, it was already installed, and I dismounted it all over again like 2 times to check on it, the third time I installed it I noticed that this little choke door was feeling super stiff, so the manual choke wasn't working properly anymore. When I push the choke staff in, I feel it makes a little jump and gets softer but as soon as I stop putting pressure on it, it goes backwards and gets all stiff again.
Have any of you encountered an issue like this? How do I soften the carburetor staff again, sometimes think I bend some piece by mistake one of the times I disassembled the choke. Even tho I never use the choke I don't want to leave my car without one, did I fucked my own carburetor?
Looks like a hongkodial knock off. post pic of the linkage side. By the way you type you sound like some Mumbai SukDeep?
Also what kind of Chevy is it?
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Repaired the door seal lip on the rocker. Those welds get covered by the seal so I'm not even going to grind em
I'm thinking of getting an International Harvester Loadstar for my car hauling needs since I got so fed up with the '93 Ford 250 that I had.

Either that, or build a classic IH into a wrecker rig.
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Yeah I just purchased the same carburetor my car has from some ebay, probably chinese, choke valve got super stiff suddenly, almost as if something bent out of place or something, so I noticed every time I put pressure like the pic shows it gets softer. Been considering pouring wd40 till it gets better or something, but it's weird it got like this suddenly. Thing was working just fine when I took it out of the box 2 days ago.
It's a Chevrolet Belair 1956 btw.
No way your wife sounds like that.
Especially being a latina
There's the 4chan I remember; the disbelief at even the simplest things and the inaccurate statements.

My wife is white as fuck; and, here's a video with her talking. You can even see a hand...

>$40,000 car
>$50 chinkshit carburetor
>why does this not work

this shit writes itself
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got another cab chassis at auction, 04 138" with the 5.4, newish reman tranny, runs on 5 or 6 cylinders, huge vacuum leak. $150. debating what cab to put on it. I saw a '64 F100 at nashville pull a part and it legitimately made me angry it was there. I could pull it, but then i thought about how the dolphin toyotas/nissan duallys look absolutely sick when turned into regular trucks. would need a body lift and some serious bashing to fit the 5.4 in the engine bay though.

dracs wife almost looks like that girl whos brother was fucking her with the rusted out dodge truck, she is white as hell nigga
is his wife his sister? I remember him having a shitty red dodge
Joe Dirt????
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*might* be going to look at another Vanden Plas, but this time a 3 Litre. I think my dad, after seeing my 4 Litre R, has become somewhat envious, so he's been looking at a couple and found one for sale somewhat nearby. It doesn't look *quite* as clean as mine in the pictures, but might be a good 20 footer.
qjet > kjet
Honestly, good for you bro. She seems like a keeper
continuous jetronic is garbage, theres no reason not to run a carburetor if applicable now-a-days
$40.000 car
What? is the chevrolet belair a $4000$ car in murica? I thought you guys produced thousands of these cars wtf. I bought mine for $2000, it had the original carburetor and it was shit, had a bunch of leaks and malfunctions, and I don't have the time or the money to burn in lost fuel and mechanics to check on it. I instead bought a brand new carburetor without issues, I know it works, the choke valve is doing weird shit but there are no more leaks, the car runs great now, and I've never needed a choke in my other car (plymouth cricket), also I want my car to be able to drive out of my garage. Imagine storing it forever in the garage until I figure out what's wrong with its old and fucked up carburetor, at least I want to drive and enjoy my car while I fix all the other issues it has, paint, rust wiring stuff etc.
Also what else am I supposed to do? Like roll into a chevrolet parts dealer and ask for a brand new american made rochester carburetor from 1956?
Most DeLorean owners spend half their time adjusting it or trying to keep it working, yet stigmatize anyone who gets rid of it.
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>driving home for lunch
>go 100% throttle
>cable jumps off ball stud for the third time since I've put the car together
>drill a hole through the cable end and build this contraption
hopefully now it cannot fall off.
forgot to mention basically what i did was chuck a 5mm bolt into a drill and rock wheel 3 nuts down to a 7mm shoulder to fit the cable end and bolt it in place.
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Tap water enthusiasts... I would kill the guy, but he's already dead.
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>he's already dead.
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So. I offered to trade this truck for the clapped Camaro on tranny #5 and blown up 305 before I knew anything about it. Ztard helped me pick it up, burns and leaks nothing, stops, goes, and has ac. Washed it today and let him drive it, he's stoked. Got a text from him a bit ago that he doesn't wanna give up on fixing the Camaro and asked if I would just give him the truck for free. Some people are just beyond help...
I hate the entitlement of this generation so much. I can't imagine the gall of asking for a FREE truck that isn't from family and a shitheap.

Asking an uncle for a truck that has sat on the family farm unused for 20 years or as payment for work are the only ways in which that is acceptable.
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>Tap water enthusiasts
My dad insists that tap water is fine, and it frustrates me to no end. "We used tap water all the time, and it never hurt anything".
Depends on the source of the tap water. In the city it is reclaimed wastewater, i wouldn't drink that. But in my childhood town (village technically?) there was a town well the water was pumped from, it tasted pretty good to me.
Found this in my neck of the woods. Thought this might be a little late for your tastes, but...

Nah, he's referring to using tap water as coolant. Shit fucks everything up
it wont hurt anything to use it but you need to flush that shit for antifreeze for the winter.
most people don't change it so shit builds up and clogs heater cores etc.
pulled a steel heater valve that crumbled like a cookie, it was completely clogged with silt from the previous owner that apparently never changed the coolant. somehow the heater core didnt leak though.
>it wont hurt anything
Tap water from areas with "hard water" will eventually build up with limescale and mineral deposits, even if changed regularly. Our area has is a hard water area, but he doesn't see to care. No doubt it'll cause some fun issues later on down the road.
Wrong, coolant has anti corrosion properties and is a lubricant. Coolant should be changed regularly
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In curiosity of if a 360 magnum was worth building, I looked up what it, a 351w , and a vortec 350 make with similar 220/230 duration, ~.500 lift cams, and I have to wonder why there are mopar enthusiasts at all, and why gt40 heads bring $350 a pop on ebay, shits garbage.
God I hate this fucking phone
Mopar prices suck, mopar people suck, and it's a fucking curse. I say this as someone who's favorite (affordable) car of all time is a '66 LeBaron...
$2400 for the cheapest 408 Mopar stroker kit, where as an ls and Windsor are obtainable below $1600
I want to build the 440 in that car to run EFI, chainless timing set, and reinforced to hell and back for daily use, but the cost is somewhere around $10k and that's nuts. For that, I can (and will) just buy another car as a spare.
why would it need to be reinforced for daily driving use?
>tfw when you find out FAGULA is a wrenchlet who hasn't finished ANY project
An updated cooling system and a dual chamber master cylinder would help for traffic. Airflow was always an issue since the radiator is set about 2' inboard of the bumper.

I have; I've rebuilt several engines, including a 440. I happen to enjoy getting cars running and driving more than making a car perfect. I've done it before, but it costs too much and makes you hesitant to drive the car. I prefer a driver where a door ding isn't going to ruin my week and where I can have fun just taking the wife for ice cream.

Pic related is a Bricklin I got to 100% and then stopped driving.
Here's a 440 I rebuilt and sold off.
Here's a previous DeLorean I've done and the level I'm bringing my current one to.
Here's a Fiero I did. Shitboxes are just more fun.
bout to pick up a 83 caprice. any suggestions?
>mopar people suck
>lincoln people suck
>delorean people suck
really makes you think
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You forgot Corvette people with "one of one built on a Tuesday by Manuel with lingering factory taco farts"

But, yes, Mopar people suck because they price every car like it's a 440-six-pack car when most were 318s. It also has the most delusional of boomer sellers.

Remember this guy? https://www.carscoops.com/2019/10/owner-crushes-his-rare-1970-dodge-charger-to-teach-lowballers-a-lesson/

Let's not forget that Jeep people who put rubber ducks on cars consider themselves Mopar people...

Lincoln people who want to put an LS in a suicide door Continental suck. Same with idiots who shave the door handles.

The DeLorean owner base has now become reddit. There's a reason those of us are divided by "got a car before 2015" and after. The latter view the car as a massive Funko Pop...
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but muh benistar chally wally
>the last true 100% mopar engine
>in one of the best chassis ever sold under the pentastar logo
seethe chevy heavy
those are some pretty low bars
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i showed your mom my low bar if you know what i mean
Whoa there, chief, you’re gonna have to eggsplain
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i put my penistar 3.sex in your mom's p/n 5318008AF and ugga dugga'd that ho till i <P0300: Random Or Multiple Misfire Detected>
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New (used) driveshaft is in the Cadillac.
i...have an old school mopar...fixing it up but man im kinda worried i might end up being like one of them lol. ahh fuck it if i ever sell it i might sell it through here to be honest if it's gonna go to someone that wants to drive the shit out of it. unless i can sucker some boomer into overpaying for it.
Nothing wrong with enjoying it; the key is being realistic. Just because it costs 4x as much to build a 360 vs a 350 does not mean that it's 4x as good. The 440 is great, but so is a 454, 460, and 455. The key is being realistic. Chrysler quality is like a sine wave; the cars were either great or shit, with very little in-between.

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