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>did you know my car only cost three thousand dollars?!?
>did you know i don't care if my car gets scratched? at least small ones
>my car is a shitbox and only cost me three thousand btw. did you know that?
>why did you buy a car thats newer than 2005? you could get a car for $2000 like me
I dont look like that and I dont say that
It's their entire personality isn't it.
Then make up some story about how every multi billionaire they know actually drives the same shitbox they do
I look like that but i don't say that
Your the idiot that went on poorchan to say that $3k shitboxes dont work or you regret making payments on your $20k new shitbox, or "im too poor to buy a car why are cars so expensive" or whatever.

You're like a damn woman who hates the fact that theres a solution to your problem other than some Nigerian prince giving you a G wagon, Lamborghini, mansion and rough sex. Those guys arent interested in you
Thats a fucken PT cruiser, i'd rather walk.
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Underage busrider detected.
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>some Nigerian prince giving you a G wagon, Lamborghini, mansion and rough sex
>i'd rather walk
Sure buddy, keep telling yourself that.
Found the Pt loser driver
Enjoy pushing off other life choices and being locked to your job because you see cars as social status symbols.
>My motorcycle? $30,000. Yes it’s faster than god.
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I don't have a pt cruiser. I Just screen shot Craigslist for examples of affordable cars for poorfags
I love cheap shit. Cheap bikes, motorcycles and cars. I love fixing up stuff and using it again.
this but i bought my car for $500
I have a 3 year old truck I bought new but I still drive my 19 year old sedan I also bought new 90% of the time. If I impale a deer or get dinged in the parking lot I just don't care.I'm using the Sirius and adaptive cruise in the new truck when I drive it but I don't really miss it in the shitbox. Drive the sick dog to the vet and it has explosive diarrhea in shit box? Get the shamppoer out and go on my way. Don't lock it at work, leave the windows down. Gonna steal my souvenir tea cup and $1.27 change in my console? I'll leave the window down so you don't break it.OP might be on to something.
Would you take cock for your dream car?
Be honest
no that's gay
If you are of age and driving that shitbox you have no authority over anything
Can I choose who is giving the cock
This but unironically.
‘99 Jewkon reporting in. $1000 purchase price, $900 over four years maintenance and that was basically one shot for all ball joints, tie rods and idler/pitman arm replace, brakes and alignment. It’s nasty as gold (hence the jewkon) and PO put some nigger rims on that are probably worth more than I paid all in. It gross but cheap and I can do truck stuff and tow my boat. Cope and sneed payment cucks.
I prefer that to the alternative of people willingly engaging in interest rape when it comes to loans
Yes but in that case the cock must be 7"+
i thought this was supposed to be a punishment? you gotta make it some 3.5" hairy micropenis attached to some fat 65 year old unshowered alcoholic smoker.
That looks like a small boat. I could tow it with the subaru. But good deal none the less
My shitbike cost me 600 bucks and has only left me stranded in the desert once
I really don't understand why poor people buy $3000 20 year old cars when you can get an almost new bike for that price.
Every other country in the world, poorfags ride motorcycles and scooters, and then there's the USA where you buy some garbage car with your welfare check, don't register or insure it or maintain it at all, and drive it till it dies or gets towed and repeat
He is
The most luxurious car is the one that doesn't stress you out trying to keep it mint.
because American drivers are fucking retarded and drive unnecessarily large vehicles on top of it. the reason I started considering (and wound up getting) a motorcycle was because I was already having to drive very defensively because even a midsize sedan is too small for soccer moms in suburbans to see.
Mah boi, this automobile is what all true enthusiasts strive for
For some they don't care about flaunting anything, it's all about the feel of motoring.
Why would I buy only a niggercycle and enslave myself to having everything delivered all the time?
I just trailered home a full stack of lumber today and I'm building a shed tomorrow, if I needed it delivered it would cost $800 extra and I'd have to wait a month and a half for an opening in the schedule.
They cant see suburbans 100% of the time either. Ive found that the horn works very well, though its rare to hear them here in the pnw. Apparently im the only one to use the horn but it works.
Being a certified rape victim car? My buddy had one of those and was raped in it on two separate occasions at cars and coffee events. One in Florida and one in Georgia.
mass castration 2024
buying one rn
Poorfags are the only ones who post their cars here because they are the only ones WITH cars
Oh damn pedantic nice car owners seething rn
Kevin Nash?
i say this but dont look like this albeit
Heh, I got a real car at shit box prices tho. The magic of being able to wrench lads.
My first car was a beanered out mk2 GTI with a fart can for 900.
Skoda fabia

sorry but I'm white and not poor
supposedly a "car guy"
would rather by a $60000 car and pay it off over 10 years than get a new $3000 shitbox every 6 months.
The middle ground seems like the best option; a ~$25k car and pay it off in a year. Yeah I know the math is wrong.

It’s also not just a matter of money. These poorfags never drive very far from home and it shows. Let their 15yo $300 shit box they pulled from a ditch behind an old lady’s house leave them stranded on the interstate in the middle of no where and see if their philosophy changes. Or the middle ground (again): forced to work on your car for the second time in a month on a Tuesday afternoon when it’s 101° degrees outside just so you can drive to work the next day.
I paid 1200 for my 28 year old shitbox and I treat it just as nice as my mom's new Mercedes. Shitboxes have been punished enough, give them a break.
You're supposed to have a $3000 beater and a nice one
Multicar solves for the shitbox problem time crunch case
you can trailer lumber home with a motorcycle
>It's their entire personality isn't it.
Then make up some story about how every multi billionaire they know actually drives the same shitbox they do
This always makes me laugh and it happens daily on /o/, as if these retarded poorfags wouldn’t instantly trade in their shitbox for a 911 Turbo S if they could. Peak poorfag cope.
Some of us live where there's winter
>being unable to do roadside repairs
>calls himself auto enthusiast
many such cases
>did you know my car only cost three thousand dollars?!?
>why did you buy a car thats newer than 2005? you could get a car for $2000 like me
So was it 2 or 3000?
I say that but don't look like that
your a pussie if you cant ride in the winter go back yto your little cage babycuck
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>buy shitbox daily with the intent of it being thrashed and abused
>eventually fall in love with it and cherish it more than my car that is 5x the price
>These poorfags never drive very far from home and it shows
That's because I can afford to fly, poorfag.
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wrong pic, op.
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try saying desu more
Perhaps you will even become japanese
Based and chaospilled
Its just a hunk of metal like who cares
>3k usd
that's like 6 time more than paid for my last shitbox
>This always makes me laugh and it happens daily on /o/, as if these retarded poorfags wouldn’t instantly trade in their shitbox for a 911 Turbo S if they could. Peak poorfag cope.
Actually, real rich people drive 100k mile corollas, it's only all those fake rich people driving around in Lambos and Ferraris. This is 100% true and not something I tell myself to cope with my own poverty
correct it changes you philosophy and makes you a better more capable person.
Theree thousand dollars Mr big bucks over here oy vey I only spent 600 bong on my van. Schmuck selling it thought the head gasket had blown when there was literally nothing wrong with it expect a misfire caused by dead ignition coils
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>You're like a damn woman who hates the fact that theres a solution to your problem other than some Nigerian prince giving you a G wagon, Lamborghini, mansion and rough sex. Those guys arent interested in you
Ripped him a new one.
I really liked commuting with a scooter until some niggers stole it. Then I got another one but a white nigger stole it six months later. Can't have shit without a garage.
what's wrong with small dent on your car?
If you live in an apartment you shouldn't drive a car that cost more than $3000.
Yeah, I’m 137 miles from the nearest town but let me go ahead and pull a spare hose out of my ass and replace the busted one on my “97 Corolla. I said it shows and you proved it.
This, no one who actually has places to be and things to do finds themselves on the side of the road attempting to fix their car, because they don't get in that position in the first place.
some guy in an apartment down the street has a fucking aston martin with a big wing on it

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