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Looking at buying a Honda? Post here and discuss.

Need help identifying a chassis?

Old: >>27931906

Honda Kings and Acura Gods
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am I the only Rover driver in this board?
My p2646 code went away on my tsx after i unplugged the connector, tested the solenoid, and plugged it back. Must have been a bad connection to the vtc oil control solenoid?
So thrilled currently
Getting my timing belt done today. What should I do to celebrate?
Go sit at a restaurant with your car parked in front front and just look at it, I do it.
i never liked the d series
Same, it worked, but distributor-less ignition system and a timing chain was the way to go.
How do you make 7th gen Civic sedans less gay?
You could swap in a higher end k engine like a k20a/a2 or k24a2 and a six speed
Or slap an ebay turbo kit and pray
You should probably just drive it and save for a better platform to rice out and have fun with
>You should probably just drive it
This, you'd be surprised how much you can mog people with clout cars with your good fuel economy, comfortable ride because it's not slammed on the floor, and reliability.

Meet you car on its terms and you do have the best car.
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Fairly certain that I stripped the bolt for this thing that holds the coil pack in place while I was putting it back in. It was almost fully in then I felt some light pressure, when I tried backing it out it wouldn't budge without some serious effort. I just tightened it the rest of the way and left it. It'll be a bitch to get out. How fucked am I?
If the bolt is fucked that's not a big deal to replace it, it could even be drilled out for removal and a new bolt put in, it's not a huge issue Anon, destroying the threads on the oil pan would ruin your day worse, and even still you didn't destroy the car, just needs an oil pan replaced.
Eventually you can remove it and then retap the threads if those are ruined. Just depends on whether the bolt or the hole was ruined.
Ricing my gd fit. This is a blast, why did I leave it stock so long?
i have a 6th gen (1999) accord, the speedo sometimes stops working for a few seconds and then comes back on, what's going on?

very nice
the 5th gen euro accords had beautiful exteriors and interiors. brits just know how to make good interiors, and the exterior styling was very similar to the EG civic but only on the euro accords for some reason
Vehicle speed sensor is broken, cheap fix.
Okay thx, fingers crossed that it'll only be the bolt that's fucked. Won't find out for a long time since I won't be changing spark plugs again any time soon. Car runs great and I'm getting even better gas mileage now with the new ones
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>manual mode with traction control off in his V6
Based digits and driving
Want Ridgeline. Barely any of them on the market here. New are out of my price range. I will continue to suffer. Thanks for reading my blog.
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It's the only way I drive. Got my timing belt and drive belt done and installed 6 Ruthenium spark plugs and new front brakes today.
Jesus dude you could have probably saved 1500 dollars if you did plugs, brakes, and drive belt yourself
How much did it cost you?
Those rotors look fuckin awesome and rice, definitely getting that kit on my 2004 Accord next set when I wear em out, glad you got your shit taken care off, expect to drive this thing on simple engine oil and transmission fluid services for the next while, maybe it'll need some suspension work in the future as the miles go on, but the timing belt is set for a very long time, it's a nice car.
I actually couldn't because I'm a wrenchlet with no tools. I provided the plugs and brakes and rotors from rockauto but did pay for the timing belt job and labor. But it's preventative maintenence, I couldn't just not do it. I may do the tranny fluid myself though because that seems manageable for me.
Don't feel guilty Anon, driving a Crosstour long term as your only car, and doing the maintenance is how you save money, even if it hurts doing some of the 100,000 mile stuff Crosstour V6s need, but it's worth it because it's such a great car
I figured, but plugs and brakes are super easy places to start and don't make a mess like fluids do lol.
Probably 200 dollars in tools and youtube and you can do basic shit to save thousands.
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brits definitely know that. thank God they don't smile when inspiring for it.

the 620 has the finest body lines, so bulky for a stock that almost widebody on itself but weirdly not.

Although I wonder what could have happened if they were not reluctant for production costs. Even at this point it's extremely durable and straight.
Looks almost like the midsection of a panther body car with a honda ass glued on.
Thanks. Kind of tempted to get new calipers too but not in the budget now.
If the calipers are working and not leaking, keep em, I've got OEM calipers from 21 years ago and there's still no problems, just fix the Crosstour as it breaks or leaks, do the fluids, and you'll have a reliable car until the end of time, it's really not that hard, it's just your average normie doesn't have the nut to pay for the timing belt job, these are the people financing $36,000 Accords at the dealer because they just got quoted $1500 to make their current car get a new cooling system and run for another decade, it just doesn't make any sense.
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The original plastic front grille on my GE8 is starting to fade and warp and look ugly. Anybody know where the fuck I could find one of these oem sport grilles (part# 08F21-TK6-100)? I know they're long out of production but jesus fucking christ they're unreasonably hard to locate. Only place I've ever seen any for sale is hardtopguy and I'm pretty sure that site is abandoned.
The OEM parts are unexpectedly out of production just like the grille on my 2004, but aftermarket companies make them perfect and you can buy the OEM Honda emblem, have it 3M taped in there like factory and it's like brand new.
Plastidip it
>car (d17) stutters/jerks accelerating in 2nd gear
>turns off in neutral after exiting the freeway

what could it be now?
if buying a crx, eg, ek, would it be better to keep it stock and clean or mod it?
Stupid question
Do you want it stock or do you want it modded? Clean stock is going to be worth more but it won't be nearly as fun. These cars aren't fast at all stock even if you can hit corners quickly.
imo, a clean unmolested example will always be more interesting than a stripped out death sled that revs to 9k. Don't get me wrong the dethsled is neat but seeing one in semi rough to restored condition is a glance to the past. It was better.
if youre autistic. youd buy 2 and have one completely stock and the other riced the fuck out
vacuum leak? bad fuel delivery?
no codes?
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I’m too new to these cars to know what it could be. I had my own issues, which seemed to have been resolved by replacing the coolant temperature sensor to prevent a faulty temperature reading and potentially keeping the car from entering limp mode due to the computer believing the engine was about to overheat.
well thats one thing Im not sure I replaced
no it just does it whenever it feels like it with no check engine light
Ya ignition system sounds dun goofed.
Or maybe the cam/crank sensors that were new to this engine are going out.
Keep it stock. It's easy to keep them running stock. Plenty of aftermarket parts support that you can still buy decent parts on CockAuto. Plenty of turds modding their civics that you can buy replacement engines and transmissions on the cheap. (I recommend the JDM D15B Non-VTEC that can be had for about $1K as a replacement in a D15 car, any engine originating from a north-american car will have egged cylinders at this point, no one sells sleeves for D-series)
Also no one will want to buy your hacked together race car, there's always a market for these things in stock form.
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maybe, Ive already replaced aftermarket crap multiple times
time to go hunting. especially if you have 0 codes
strictly oem for honda sensors
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I’m fucking confused about the 7th gen Honda Civic…
The automatic transmission fluid is brown, so obviously that means it needs to be changed, but looking up information about the filter location is difficult because while I’m able to pull the part in the catalog, the internet searches seem to imply that the filter is non-serviceable – how the fuck is a transmission filter non-serviceable? Afaik it’s a required replacement when doing a fluid change!
They're saying you need to drop the transmission oil pan to swap the filter, "serviceable" means it's right there in the engine bay, on top of the transmission like on a 2.4L Accord automatic.
Now that my crosstour has had new sparkplugs and a timing belt I'm pretty free on my car saving budget for a while. Biggest thing I need to look out for is some fluids and oil changes for the foreseeable future.
What kind of upgrades/improvements should I make to it? I've been told that sway bars are a nice upgrade but I'm not sure exactly what those do. Any wise, subtle mods I should invest in?
Do nothing Anon, if you're into having the most performance, keep clean air filters in the stock airbox, do it every oil change if you want the most out of that engine, save money, if it needs suspension work do it, if something is wearing out or leaking, do it, that's how you make these cars the best they can be.
Why are you trying to put performance mods on a gay station wagon crossover abortion thing
Get headers, high flow cat, lightweight wheels and a tune
Not performance mods, I'm thinking along the lines of a replacement fuel filter...
Thanks, my filters have been replaced by me already and suspension is fine after I replaced a tie rod last February. And I think I'm going to stick to a 3k mile oil change interval.
>Not performance mods
You were talking about swaybars and "upgrades/improvements" dingdong
Well I read this thread when I first bought it and this does seem like a worthwhile upgrade, no?
>3k mile oil change interval.
Based, engine should last a really long time, and don't feel bad about dumping money into a Crosstour, those guys who took care of old Acuras and Hondas were weirdos too, and now they've got classic cars, and I could definitely see a Crosstour being displayed at Japanese classic car shows with stuff like the Element, because it's so unusual.
putting lipstick on a pig
you appear to be lost. don't you have a bmw thread to be in faggot?
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I work at the top of a steep hill and winters are rough. I drive a FWD car right now and was looking into buying an Acura TLS for the AWD. How are they?
"Unreliable cars could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this service center before. There could be unreliability anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her satin silver metallic paint. "I HATE FUEL CONSUMPTION" She thought. The Reason reverberated the entire car, making it pulsate even as the $25 jug of Mobil 1 circulated through her powerful thick oil galleries and washed away her (merited) fear of troublesome BMWs after dark. "When you're a car, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.
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I like honda cars
Not gay ass crossovers
the crosstour is a fat assed/wagon accord you slackjawed freak
Wtf is wrong with boomers
Dude probably drove 7 miles realized S2000s don't drive like 200K lol, I love my 2000s Hondas, but I wouldn't pay the 28K-47K you could pay to get a K24 car after so much time has passed and better stuff has come out.
2008 ridgeline with 57k miles. should i still change the transmission fluid? never been done.
60K is when Honda says you should start doing it every 30K miles from there on.
Fuck, why are there so many parking brake cable options in the O’Reilly catalog? I had to cross-reference with RockAuto and used interchange to get the cables I needed for my Civic.
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whats the going rate on these nowadays?
the automatic transmission is not a traditional automatic. it is an automated manual with a torque converter. there is no "pan", the transmission fluid sits in the bottom of the case.
there is no filter besides some mesh screens inside of the transmission. these mesh screens require complete disassembly of the transmission to access. there may be an in-line filter in the trans cooler hoses that honda added as an afterthought, you can change that if you have one.
the way to change the ATF on these is to do 3 drain and fills, with a drive after each fill to mix the fluid with what's in the converter.
More than you want to pay for a clean example
Looking at used Ridgelines. Is 130k miles on a Gen 2 enough to hold off? The price is pretty good and it seems in good shape besides the mileage.
That's cope
It's a crossover, sorry mate.
>6 speed auto 278HP
>Literally Honda taking the double wishbone Accord we like and lifting it
It's kind based for a stupid crossover lel, I wish they would've sold it with a 2.0T 10AT, but I think that's what the MDX is now, I like that Honda is making Acura exist
God damn, the 7th gen Civic may be the worst Civic, but it’s still a Civic.
It’s comfier and more agile than my Prizm.
Or perhaps they’re just as agile but the Civic doesn’t drive like a dinghy.
>USG&FWD general
Hi Muhhomad are you seething at your broken shitbox again?
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not quite
t. Civic equivalent owner
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>previous owner used wiper blades that aren’t factory length on Civic
europoor here looking at crvs for a mini camper conversion. tell me something about the ac failure on the second gen. I found picrel on a local site with 45k miles (2003 limited edition). Pretty expensive and hasn't been babied but I'm considering it for the low milage. I'm just worried that my ac is gonna blow up sometime soon. is there any data on this? just a meme horror storiy?
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Anyone own a TLX and had paint chipping issues? Not from rocks but the pain falling off near the back roof lining and under the hood? Pic related showed what I mean. Would I need to get this professionally repainted or can I touch this up at home?

but still no legit Rover users around
Took me a quick Google search to figure out why there’s a Rover owner posting in a Honda thread.
I find joint ventures interesting.
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how do I increase my first gear ratio... It ends up so short that it feels humiliating each time
If your car has got an absurdly short 1st gear ratio, you could probably take off in second, the 1st gear to 2nd gear shift in my Accord is kinda jarring because you're going from a short as fuck 1st gear to make the car move, to a 2nd gear that actually has legs.
it looks bulky and I love it
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Anyone know how many miles the batteries on a Honda E last? Cant find shit about when i will feel them going worse. Got about 18.000 miles on it now
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Post maintenance records
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This is them
Autism is a hell of a drug
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
>the poor goyim sells a bit of his soul to the debt god
Looking to buy a second hand Civic. Which year are worth looking into?
List the mods. Mine is gk.
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The fl5 is finally registered, took a fucking month to get the paperwork, and the tag is moved over from the fk8. The rice lives on /hg/
based. now do some actual ricing
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>spending literal millions on a fwd „performance“ car with rattling interior
How do you rice a car that’s been pre-riced in the factory?
rays wheels
prl intercooler
its ads module
>stock spoiler actually tall enough to act as a spoiler and not just block your view
FL5 pretty fuckin based
the FL5's have grown on me. I love my FK8 but man look how clean and simple the bumpers are on that thing. And no stupid fucking lip that is expensive to buy now.
do u find the front bumper scrapes less? and how is being on 19's? sheeeeeeeit
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Ay I know those rotors, on my Jazz
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Is DW-1 absolutely necessary for Honda transmissions?
>Is DW-1 absolutely necessary for Honda transmissions?
No, I've had my entire CM Accord transmission drained via the lines and Valvoline ATF poured in to clear the transmission out, I take it to the dealer now for DW-1 drain and fills because DW-1 is good stuff, but you're not doing your car a disservice by using regular ATF when regularly servicing the transmission, and keeping a a transmission filter in there that doesn't have a million miles on it.
Bros do I want a fl5 or mach1 mustang?
both are rare where I live
The Civic
will I get tired of it being wrong wheel drive in the long run?
Not if you’re into Hondas.
I’m into driving fun cars. I don’t care about brands
So, why are you posting in a Honda thread?
because I’m interested in the FL5?
Then get the FL5.
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>roll the window down on my accord to enjoy the nice rainy weather
>doesnt roll back up
>change the fuse
>still doesnt roll back up
>its rainy
not a fun car
why not? everyone seem to love driving these
Was the fuse blown?
>inb4 idk
If you don’t know, then why would you think it’s the fuse if you’re not going to check to see if it’s blown?
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it wasnt blown but it had burn marks at its roots, i'm thinking the fuse failed to do its job, which ended up with the motor getting fried
That sucks anon. Fortunately, replacing the window regulator/motor isn’t difficult.
It’s nice to finally be able to drive with the driver window down.
Same, I love the A/C in my CM but it's the slowest motherfucker with the compressor clicked on in city driving where I really need that torque to get moving.

Weather's fucking nice.
How do I make 95 accord compressor werk again? I think it does not respond to my electrical signals
If the A/C compressor relay under the hood isn't blown, you need a new compressor or the system has leaked out the R134A and refuses to turn on, so have it inspected by a shop, don't fire the parts canon or start dumping expensive cans of R134A from the parts store at an A/C system in an old car that may or may not be leaking somewhere.
My cm is telling me to check the fuel cap. The fuel cap is new and the purge valve works. No check engine light yet but I’m sure it will show up the day before smog check. Mpg is normal, but there’s a smell of fuel in the mornings. How fucked am I br/o/s?
CMs always run really rich and smell like gas when you cold start it, but if you are getting P0456/P0457/P0459, your CM may need the EVAP purge replaced like mine did, because the purge can work fine most of the time, but intermittently fuck up, which makes it throw code long after you reset the codes, unfortunately it is what it is, the CMs are getting really old, anything electronically can and will die and need replacement and it sucks having to reach into your pocket to fix something that is so stupid when the car works fine otherwise.
Bit of a stretch, anyone know of a forum or place where folks are working on getting CAN access in the 11th gen civics? Apparently it changed and ktuner can't pull it now.
I assume you should be able to touch that up at home.
obviously a shop is gonna want more but at least they will warranty their work
I'd try some of those paint code matching touch- up paints either directly from honda/acura or another reputable source
93,200 should be 12/9/2023
>having a basic maintenance record is autism
u wot
just drop by a dealership and buy some quarts in person
oh you meant that binder lol
>The fuel cap is new
new doesnt always mean th eright part or good.
>No check engine light yet
oh alright then.
>but there’s a smell of fuel in the mornings. How fucked am I br/o/s?
v6 or 4?
if its not throwing a code you're probably fine. some venting is normal
DW-1 is repackaged Idemitsu Type-H.
The idemitsu stuff is usually more expensive than the stuff at the dealer.
You can get away with generic ATF but I do not recommend it. They shift noticeably better with DW-1, but I won't hesitate to use MaxLife ATF in a pinch if it's low and starts acting weird or a cooler line starts to leak or whatever and I just need to get home.
Remember these are not planetary autos, and fluid for a planetary auto shouldn't really be in there. It's like dumping generic ATF in an Allison automatic transmission that's mated to a Cummins engine.
If you can feel the air temperature oscillating a lot between compressor cycles, you might need to move the evaporator temperature probe further down the evaporator towards the end of it. The temperature probes seem to go out of spec over time and if the evaporator warms up too much, the compressor will have to initially work harder when cycled back on then if the evaporator probe had cycled the compressor on when it was supposed to (36F). Moving the probe towards the warmer side of the evaporator seems to cause the switch to trigger sooner. You can also switch to a refrigerant with lower head pressures (r152a), but I won't get into that, as I've only used it in R12 conversion systems).
Check continuity between the compressor clutch electrical connector and body ground (compressor body if off of the car), if it is open circuit, you need a new clutch. They are easy to replace on Denso compressors, no special tools needed besides snapring pliers.
check for pending codes
there may be some sort of canister vent system that's stuck open (or closed, and causing excess pressure to vent thru the cap)
a smoke test is the easiest and quickest way to find EVAP leaks besides flicking a lighter around the smell until it explodes the car, you can buy chinesium smoke machines on Amazon on the cheap.
>If you can feel the air temperature oscillating a lot between compressor cycles
My CM's A/C is icy chill on both sides of the vents even when I'm blasting the fan speed in between cycles, It's not so slow that it's undriveable as I'm making it seem, I'm just so into getting the most performance that the drag of an A/C compressor clutch being clicked on is noticeable to me.
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I see. The V6's usually do a good job at not making the compressor too noticeable during normal driving. Compared to the D15s and torqueless B18s I've been dealing with, when that compressor comes on you can feel it, and when it turns off it feels like you've hit VTEC.
V6 cars are so based for driving around with the A/C on, and once my CM goes above 2400 rpm and has 16 valves running, the A/C compressor losses aren't noticeable, but accelerating from 700 rpm idle to 2400 rpm with the compressor going and people in the car feels like the car is struggling to move, the increase in power once it hits the 2400 rpm VTEC is insane though, it kicks like a Type S does at 6000 rpm, it's like the car is coming to life
When I drove around in a V6 CG Accord (J30A1 IIRC), I never felt like having the A/C and people in it made it harder to get going, but I don't know your driving style, and that Accord had a different transmission with different ratios. You should do a valve adjustment if you haven't done one in some time to see if you can get some low-end back.
The economic VTEC that these things have isn't supposed to have a super noticeable crossover either, but I don't know how you're driving it. If you're really getting on it you'll really feel the torque start to take control as you get past around 3K RPM in any Honda V6, no VTEC needed.
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It's actually 2" taller and 3" farther back due to the PRL risers I put on. Still even at factory height it wasn't really in the view. I could barely see the bottom of it.

Lol I'm gonna likely put APR lips all around. I never scrape really, I exclusively back into spots so I can see exactly where the block is, and years of conditioning from driving a company vehicle I was required to back into spaces exclusively. As far as the 19s, I was running 18s with a 40 profile tire on my fk8. Shit feels super stiff compared to that, but the wheels don't feel like they're gonna explode on any imperfection like the OEM 20s on the fk8.
>but I don't know how you're driving it
I try to keep my foot lightly on the gas whenever to save fuel (getting 23-24 mpg overall with inefficient conditions), and the CM zips around town just fine, even breaks traction at low rpm if you give it too much gas, but the problem is you have to be heavy footed to drive a 4 cylinder CM in stop and go with A/C on, I have no doubt the car could do a massive burnout with the A/C compressor on, and it does accelerate really hard if you go WOT with the car loaded down, but driving to be efficient while being cooled by A/C means you will by going very slowly, which I guess is alright.
The A/C should be fairly efficient after it's initially cooled the cabin to a comfortable temperature and you've turned the blower motor down, as long as it's operating correctly, so don't worry too much about MPG with the A/C going. I get around the same MPG in my Integra with or without A/C going. My Legend is a little iffy because the ignition timing is way too advanced, the evaporator needs to be cleaned, and the probe needs to be moved, it's not operating efficiently at all but I don't see more than a 1-3 MPG difference at the most.
I say to turn the blower down after getting the cabin temp down because the reduced airflow will reduce the duty cycle of the compressor, if you're leaving the blower on max like I see a lot of people doing and just pointing the vents away from you when you get too cold, you're not using the system as efficiently as you could be.
I used to be extremely guilty of blasting the A/C away from me when I first got the CM, but then I found out you're better off blasting it to cool the car down, and then doing minimum fan speed and lowest temp pointed at me, I did notice it has the effect of ECON mode, the car was barely slower, it's really on only the hottest and most humid days is she really fighting because I'm having to crank the fan up.
Yep that's the correct way to do it. Nothing you can do about those peak summer days except use a better refrigerant. R134a starts to struggle when it gets past 90f or so with high humidity. The owner of the 3rd gen Accord I work on reported that even on a 95f day here in the south, the system I charged with R152a stayed icy cold and cycled how it normally does while my truck charged with R134a was struggling to maintain a vent temperature below 40f that day.
>4banger problems
>You should do a valve adjustment if you haven't done one in some time
It's got those mpgeees though

I'll probably just leave this thing alone at 169K the top end of the engine is still amazingly quiet for something that's so old, and I've already spent enough making it not leak and have nice suspension, plus the car is fast as shit in sweeping canyons, so it's a healthy motor that pulls when I step on it.
Would you consider a 200k mile 2007 Civic for 2000?

Only thing I'm suspicious is rusting and the fact that it's an automatic
Anon, I just purchased a 2001 Civic with 280k miles from a good friend for a good price not too long ago, but that’s the thing – I got it from a friend. If it was some stranger selling the car then I would have avoided it, even if they were upfront about the issues it had because I would assume they would withhold information about any other issues the car had, and they would probably sell the car for twice the amount I paid for it.
Got my tires rotated. Dropped it off at 8 and didn't get a call so came back at 11 to pick my car up anyway and go to my preferred place. Guy says that they did it first and I'm done, but nobody called me.
Aren’t literally all Hondas wrong wheel drive?
Why did they even become popular?
It gets good fuel economy, works everyday, and is reasonably nice to drive, what more do you want from life?
FWD is better for day to day driving around the city, especially if it rains a lot. Really the only things FWD sucks for are drifting and towing
uuuh something called „fun“
and why should I buy a FWD car instead of these fancy xdrive AWD ones?
Less drivetrain loss, I mean if you're driving in snow and shitty conditions, get an AWD car, but it doesn't get any more fuel efficient than a FWD car, the less drivetrain less helps when you've got an automatic transmission too, you can get a comfy cruising car that doesn't suffer with economy
Because fuck spending extra money on something you don't need and fuck replacing all four tires at once
Also this, you've got transfer cases, CV axles coming out of the transfer case, your fuel economy is worse, etc.

A FWD will literally drive just fine with a mismatched set of chink tires and something resembling oil in the crankcase, and that's what the normies and sensible car buyers want.
How to say you've never driven or ridden in a well set up Civic
xDrive is GAY as FUCK
>well set up Civic
Kek stock Honda Civic kicks ass if you know what you're doing, there's stock Honda Fit drivers in the canyons faster than my double wishbone multilink setup, and I don't know how they do it
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>Handbrake light doesn't turn off at lowest position
>With the same fuel from the same station, the gauge shows just over half after only 95 km, as opposed to the 480 km range of the last fill-up
>Some electrical cable (ABS?) behind the left front tire is somehow grinded by the tire showing copper
> Brake fluid suddenly at minimum level with no visible leaks underneath
>in a desolate countryside

I think aliens
>yellow dipstick

found the auto fag
super sexy
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Civics are cheap and easy as fuck to fix.
Based shitbox Civics, I love Accords but you can spend Acura levels of money when that piece of shit needs suspension work, is leak, or something broke
based. I'll probably buy some 18's or 19's in the future.
Um like how much is it to like replace an engine and make this Honda I inherited work
Depends on the engine. If it’s a K-series or older, the engine should be relatively cheap.
idk never owned a car before
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>It's got those mpgeees though
sheeeeeeeeit ya got me there
>Brake fluid suddenly at minimum level with no visible leaks underneath
make sure its not leaking out the back the master cylinders seal and into the booster itself.

>>car (d17) stutters/jerks accelerating in 2nd gear
>>turns off in neutral after exiting the freeway
would be great to hook up some cam sensor + crank sensor signals to a scope and capture it when its happening.
I did my J30 at 170K and its been quieter, quite a few of them were on the tight side
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When tracking the car’s driving range, how many miles do you end up driving by the time you’ve used up half a tank?
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What do I need to replace when rebuilding teh engine; other than inspected potentially bad internals?

I know to have a full gasket set and valve guides. But nothing else (also a tiny brain)
People say replace rather than rebuild because it’s easier.
im about to chekck out and by an 02 civic lx with 134k miles, what are some things i should check our for?
>get CM's trip odo to 202 miles at half tank of inefficient driving and driving in the canyons with A/C
>tfw still on par with the 24 mpg city claimed 21 years ago in even in worn out shitbox mode
Based K24 engine, damn things never even had the valvetrain touched or anything like the dealer would recommend to make it tip top
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Oil leaks
Owner’s skin color
Oh yeah, the transmission is a common issue for this generation, so check to see if it’s shifting properly.
>Owner’s skin color
>tfw look like a wetback and it's the best maintained car ever
I would look past that and buy from someone who has a lot of service records for shit done to it, if someone's Caucasian and they're just a scumbag about their Honda, you're several steps back from having a nice car that isn't gonna need everything.
Racism can be based but It's not gonna help you get a good car pham.
Wish the new Civic Hybrid came in manual they have the tech the crz did it.
Holy based bros. I just drove a FL5 and it’s so much nicer than RWD boats. I need one now
FK7 anon from here >>27964334, turns out I got insanely lucky. Took the front bumper off to reinstall the OEM grill and the only other damage to it was a trans cooler bracket being bent slightly. Everything else is perfectly intact.
They have two different hybrid systems, one that uses an eCVT with two motor generators, similar to Toyota's system, and one with an IMA motor in the flywheel which uses a regular transmission. The IMA system was used in the insight and the crz, and it is cool but doesn't get all that much better gas mileage than just a gas engine, it just makes the car a bit quicker for having a tiny engine. The eCVT system is much more efficient, but it can't be manual because it doesn't even have gears
Did you take your Honda for a drive today anons? I went to see an old bridge on a gravel county road
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and the OEM grill reinstalled
Rockauto has this for $8.15 a bottle.
yeh people ssay a lot of dumb shit
Shipping will probably put it higher than my employee discount ($12).
the main reason for preferring a replacement over a rebuild is if the bores are egged. this was really common with D15 engines. The bores go out of round, causing perpetual oil loss and low average compression. Oversized pistons could get expensive, some engines have aftermarket performance sleeves available, but that's expensive in itself too.
Sometimes it just ends up being more cost effective, or even cheaper, to install a low-mileage japanese engine.
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Based FK7 Civic, my CM could've probably gotten destroyed, it almost has been destroyed by deer


I'm mirin those big 70 sidewalls Element Anon, need to get 205 tires myself to make my sidewall a little bigger but I drive it everyday
>mirin those big 70 sidewalls Element Anon,
Thanks man, I love a nice chonky tire. Was flying down gravel blasting obituary today, was a good day

My nightmare
>Based FK7 Civic, my CM could've probably gotten destroyed, it almost has been destroyed by deer
For how hard the hit was I'm surprised that there wasn't more damage.
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It's the weekend
Firing up that J35 motor hits different on that Friday off work

is it dumb to pay about $4k for a stock eg or ek?
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pay 2k more for a slightly modified rusted up eg or ek in NY
$2k more that's buying into someone engine swap project car territory. i don't wanna deal with that.
you are correct, there are reasons for that.
my appologies for beign a sarcastic twat earlier
congrats on moving out of kangaroo island.
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Timing belt needed replacing, so I’m glad I’m replacing it.
Kek that's not even the worst timing belt I've seen despite technically being shot, I've seen some heinous timing belts on high mileage cars that people let go.
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Whoever worked on this engine is a piece of shit.
how come when i turn on cruise control it feels like it accelerates crazy fast compared to pressing the pedal?
No clue. I’ve had that issue with my Civic.
I don’t recall my CB7 or CM5 accelerating aggressively with cruise control.

I just asked my Honda buddy this and he said it’s normal for newer (00’s) Hondas.
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Timing belt replacement was a success.
Replacing the universal coolant with the proper blue coolant was a success.
The preventative maintenance for replacing the alternator for a reman that the previous owner gave me was not a success. Battery started discharging while I was waiting for the cooling fans to kick on, so the old alternator needed to be put back on.
Next week will be changing the oil and transmission fluid, after payday. Unless something new rears its ugly head, then I think I’ll be able to focus on some low-priority issues, like working on the rear speakers.
Nice Anon, you'd be surprised how many old Hondas aren't running the proper blue coolant in them, it's almost a litmus test you can use when looking at a used Honda to see how good the owner was, a rad full of blue coolant is like a nice set of tires, it speaks a lot about the car's ownership.
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I posted this in the stupid questions general but no one's responding so ill post it here:
I have a 2024 civic sport with the 2 liter engine.
Does driving it in eco mode actually do anything?
Despite it accelerating slower im still doing 80 on the freeway. I heard it doesn't really do anything just supposed to encourage you to drive slower and in addition an anon in the other thread said his car got worse milage when driving in eco mode.
>Does driving it in eco mode actually do anything?
lower RPM limit, probably messes with throttle sensitivity. I DONT KNOW the only guy i know who drives in eco mode has a '19 1.5t.
driving slower improves fuel economy
>probably messes with throttle sensitivity
This, with the drive by wire throttle map in ECO mode, the pedal press is EXTREMELY long in order to make the car accelerate, it just encourages slow ass, low rpm driving, and it's gonna work because my Accord is pretty inefficient when the revs are above 2400 rpm and it's going 100 mph in the freeway, but back the speed down to 72 mph and below or however fast it's going in 5th gear below 2400 rpm, the car is just a fuel sipper, but you must put effort into nannying the throttle to keep the revs down because it's a sensitive cable.
I want to buy a Crv and I love the new 2023+ body. Do you recommend buying Hybrid or that shit is going to cost a lot more in repairs?
A hybrid battery might be thousands of dollars many years on, but so is the potential turbo and cylinder head issues that 1.5T Accords and CR-Vs are looking at already, the ideal setup is that port injected K20C engine with no turbo and no hyrbrid, but I don't think CR-V comes with that, only the base Civics, so get one of those if you're looking for a pretty simple and bulletproof ride.
I had one as my first car in 2000. But I need the space a SUV offers because I have 2 kids now (newborn and 2 y/o). Any SUV recs other than the CRV? I like volvo cx40 but am clueless about the long term
The Honda Pilot and Oddysey 3.5L V6 are absolutely amazing family haulers for the Honda civic owner who has grown up
why? the gouges? yeah, but you'll probably be fine

yeah remans are shit half the time

there is a bellcurve of sorts to that
Thanks anon
I guess ill just keep it on then
I want to build a b16a or b18c for my project car. Is 200 hp feasible on these engines na? Don't really want to over bore or anything crazy, maybe just upgrade pistons, rods, valvetrain as far as internals go. Will probably get whatever aftermarket intake and header is cheap and available. Not really interested in making crazy power i mostly just want to build a soulful engine for my old hoonda that I can rev to a bajillion rpm.
200hp n/a is possible but the car will barely be streetable nor will it pass emissions (if applicable). If you're looking for reliable streetable 200+hp, start looking at turbos or superchargers
Eh, 150 - 170 is fine, although there is no emissions testing where I live. I could use an f20b or h22 but I worry about ground clearance as they are much taller than a b series and my car has a very low hoodline.
google more about it and search around
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Yeah, it should be fine, but there’s no excuse for scratching the valve cover like that. Removing the tube seals doesn’t require going underneath them to pry them off, which is what I’m assuming whoever caused those gouges were trying to work on.
someone buy my ep3
I was actually considering getting this one EP3 on Craigslist, after losing my CM5, but it was being sold for $3500 and I only had $800 from the insurance settlement.
Ended up with a shitty ‘04 Kia Optima.
Bro you can have mine for 2500 if you come get it. somethings wrong with the brakes that i cant figure out. sick of working on it.
No thanks.
I recently got an ES2 and I’m not planning on getting another car until after I get a trucking job.
The front lip is why its a HUGE pain in the ass to lift my FK8. Can't reach the front jack point even with a low profile jack
Use ramps then jacko from theyre
Thats what I was able to do with my old FK7. Still scrapes on the ramps with the angle of the concrete lot I park in since its not flat
chipfag report. you guys dont care but anyways.

figured out how the fuel injection and spark works. Fuel has a bunch of cut-off cases where it won't fire the injectors, i'm tempted to remove them all to defeat immo but that'd also remove the rev limit sooooo... 8krpm K24A8? I'm tempted.
>you guys dont care
Shit, I do... I would love it if there was a tune to load onto CMs so it would bang the full 6500 rev limit on regular automatic shifting without having to hold gears and accidentally bounce the rev limiter if you're not quick enough.
I haven't lifted up my FL5 yet, I assume it's the same. My process on my FK8 was jack front from the pinch weld, remove wheel, place jackstand under control arm, remove jack, jack up other side from the pinch weld. Not the easiest process, but it worked. The car is so stiff you can jack one corner and 3 wheels lift.
>I would love it if there was a tune to load onto CMs so it would bang the full 6500 rev limit on regular automatic shifting without having to hold gears
i can possibly make D3 or 1 be a sport mode that holds gears.
problem with aggressive shifting on the automatic before 2006 is that you can't blip the (cable) throttle electronically, so if the driver doesn't give it any gas the downshift is ALL clutch. bad for transmission life desu. but i'll see what i can do
I just looked into long reach low profile jacks so when black friday rolls around I will probably pick one up. I guess the issue is my Jack isnt long reach. I just want convenience
>you can't blip the (cable) throttle electronically, so if the driver doesn't give it any gas the downshift is ALL clutch
Oh thank god I haven't just been clicking it down to 2 to brake into a corner in the mountain, what I do is drive in D3, slam on the gas towards a corner which looks retarded, the car does a revmatch downshift, and then I lock it in 2nd, feels very healthy compared to that slippy lurchy shit a cable throttle car does when you slam the shifter into lower gears without gassing it.
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So I'm still trying to figure out code p2647
I tested my vtec spool oil switch and it had continuity
Next i turned on the accessory and tested the connector for the switch and only measured ~4.7 volts when i was expecting battery voltage
Should the car have been running?
I wonder if this means I'll have to rewire it
I guess my next step is to check the connections at the ecu are secure
>> New battery
>> Not DIY

Brother ughhhhhhh
Guys I feel like the CTR is pushing FWD to the limit. Will I regret aiming for 400hp?
315HP on 265 tires is pretty ridiculous for a FWD car, I'd be a menace to society myself if I owned the old 252HP Accord 2.0T with all the VSA disabled burnouts that would be happening.
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does anyone know where the SIM card in the 9th gen civic is stored?
Imagine trying to stay safe in your Oddysey and some retarded boomers with no brakes almost kill your ass
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im looking at a 1996 ek hb and seller said stock exhaust fell off. is it expensive to replace? i prefer to keep it stock. also is it a common thing?
Fell off ? Possibly, could happen especially if you live in the land of road salt. Also very possible they fucked things up while trying to go rock crawling in their civvy and it got torn off
he said the rest of the exhaust is still there. just need to replace the muffler. do it for $3.5k? rest of the car looks clean except for the roof with clear coat coming off.
Got followed by a CM8 for once, they're actually pretty fucking intimidating. They follow you so effortlessly, even on tight corners and long straightaways. I want one, or just a K24A for my busted CM5.
CM8 is low key a pretty sick car, the 70% of CMs that are 4 cyl 5 speed auto are awesome at what they do, but a CM8 with the 6 speed manual that Honda just ripped from their Acura is really cool.
definitely ham fisted by whoever fucking did it.
the bright side is its not gonn acasue an problems, and cosemetically, dobody will ever see it :^]

you only got 800 for a cm5?
wtf? why so low
whats the problem with the brakes? how did come about to being a problem?
>wtf? why so low
I believe he owed money on the car and was only $800 positive after the CM got totaled and paid off, I'm just glad the man wasn't stuck with debt on a CM that he no longer had, that shit happens sometimes if they owe more than the car is worth.

This happened in 2017 btw and it was really sad to see the 2005 white CM5 go.
if possible, buy some service info, even if it $80 for 3 days access or whatever, you can save info.
detailed diagrams will make checking grounds and powers easy

whate vehicle is it?

make sure connector connections are clean too
depending on the vehicle(the odyssey for example) a software update may be available too
good luck, hope you get it all sorted
ahh well that explains it.
its a sad day whenever CM's get totalled or sent to the scrapper
This >>27997443
It is a first gen tsx
I do have a pdf of the shop manual that i was going through, but i don't have an HDS and the first step of troubleshooting was to run the vtc self check in HDS. I'm doing the other steps after that currently.
I have some deoxit on order and I'll try to clean the connector/pins when it arrives.
Fortunately, this car didn’t get scrapped and someone bought it from the auction, a year after it got towed off to Copart. I’m certain I saw it back on the road, in 2019, with something covering the roof, and two weeks ago was the last time I may have seen it again – the day I got my Civic.
Seems like whenever I get a new car, it pops back up… either beckoning me to take her back or haunting me.
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Final picture of the CM5 a couple days before that tree fell on it.
bumping because some faggot is spamming porn threads
I was hoping that was over, which is why I left this board for a while.
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Does it matter which of these things i buy to use the honda diagnostic software with?
Obviously i want to spend less. They all seem to come with the software and the cable but the more expensive ones have a serial cable and one or two others.
Is it true that nuHonda is garbo?
I would personally own a 1.5T Accord daily if I had 36 grand to get a brand new LX desu, the performance and ride quality destroy my old one even with the suspension in like new condition and engine running strong.
Any OBD-II scanner would suffice, but it would be beneficial if you get one that can also read ABS and SRS codes.
I can't run the vtec systems check and various other HDS specific tests with a normal scantool or with my hondata.
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finally got my GS-R back together, 42 days from when I bent all the valves. I also learned, my timing belt tensioner threads were totally fine and I just didn't torque the bolt enough lmao. torqued it this time with a 700$ torque wrench and brand new OEM bolt washer and tensioner for my mental health.

only cost me like 500$ and a month of togues
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got a good supercharger pic while I had the hood and strut bar off
Looks so good with the ignition coils, never thought I'd see the day where B18 could ditch that distributor to be like K series
Nice glad it's back on the road. Hopefully no other issues from here
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im debating if I want to hide them, I recently learned I can get D17 coils and cut the mounting ear off and they'll fit under the plug wire cover. it's nice to show off the COP but I think i'd like an even cleaner look with a cnc billet cover or maybe kevlar

fingers crossed, I had it out for like 3 hours yesterday and another 3-4 today and it's been running even better than before. I was a little worried about the e85 absorbing moisture while sitting over a month but it doesn't seem to have mattered
2022 FL1 EX Civic
1.5L turbo, CVT
34k miles
19 grand
1 owner, bought/maintained/now being sold in the same Honda dealer.

>1.5L turbo, CVT
I wouldn't for both of these reasons. Look for a NA 2.0 and a manual
I like it, a brand new Accord with an L15B7 is like 36 grand and 34K miles means nothing if you really want a 1.5T automatic car
The 1.5T wasnt bad on the Fk7. But the only thing that made it ok was having a manual
Can't be a manual, gf will be driving it as well. It's going to be our daily driver and weekend long drives on expressways.

Yeah, I guess this is the one.
>I guess this is the one.
I think you're gonna be very happy Anon, try to protect the car from gf, wax the paint every few months, change the fluids and you should be fine for a really long time to make your payments and do what you gotta do.
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Went all the way to Baton Rouge junkyard to finally get a clean-ish door to replace my rust hole'd one. I didn't think it would be difficult to load but I made it work.
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Luckily for me someone else already removed the door card and window. I'll get this on the car probably this weekend. The EG8 just started making a front left wheel bearing noise too. Things love to happen all at once.
>gf will be driving it as well
Make her learn manual
I agree with this. If its YOUR car IE your credit hit and your money pit then you should get to decide on everything. She aint your wife bro. Your gf should have her own car that she drives but thats my 2c on this blogpost

Get what you want
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>but I made it work.
Based, CL/CM Chassis can haul if you're willing to open the trunk, I've done big TVs with the trunk closed and seat down and a 14,000 btu air conditioner when I moved all my worldly possessions with the check engine light on, CM did not care, even did a set of falken tires in the trunk that year for being best car
I hate that not all cars have folding rear seats for cargo, and I missed having them, when I got the Prizm.
I’m glad my ES2 has them.
Just shows that Honda is a superior brand.
Honda really is based as shit when it comes to space use, even on a really short wheelbase car like the Fit, Honda will lower the headrests into the seat so you don't have to fuck around removing them
The fit is a really well thought out car, amazing space use in such a small body. I just wish they sold it with a k20, would be really fun
Fit with K series or at least an independent rear suspension is the car we need
They always seem to all happen at once. Never healthy for the wallet
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I just bumped my old car and the screw from the other license plate busted a hole in my bumper
Pure suicide fuel
Fug, sorry Anon.
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I’m glad I got a repair manual for the ES2 because figuring out the rear speakers would be a fucking nightmare.
I guess the previous owner tried to use new speaker wire, but gave up on installing it. Fortunately, the original wires are still there, so I’ll be able to figure this out quicker.
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Does honda still make small coupes/sedans/hatches? They kinda abandoned the european market and all I can see on their site are
>Civic hatchback
>Some company cars/trucks
I really wanted a 6th/7th gen civic hatch or something the size of a CRX. But its either completely ran into the ground with 0 care or 20k because boomers/flippers bought up all "jdm"s after watching fast and furious.
They made the crz but that flopped because they made it a hybrid. I think they gave up on the sub compact market in europe and the US after that. They still have JDM sub compacts
Thanks for the answer, but this a shame. I'm just looking for a small, and light fun car that is <7k from before the 2000s. Or something made later that isnt 15k. Because at that price I might as well just get a ND miata.
I hate how cars are becoming bigger and heavier.
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I may have got it
I cleaned the oil switch and connector with some wd40 contact cleaner and the p2647 hasn't come back yet.
If only its that simple
Feels good to have no orange light
>m just looking for a small, and light fun car that is <7k from before the 2000s.
I feel your pain
I am very very tempted to buy a best up CR-Z and try to K swap it. Supposed the K20 was supposed to be a factory option, so it should fit perfectly
is a stock eg still fun to drive without the urge of upgrading it?
Anything is fun to drive if you hoon it hard enough
mfw a fl5 is 60k eurobux
Shit's fuckin worth it lmao
CRZ isnt fun, shitty wagon axle rear suspension desu.

some thing just can't be hooned without crashing horribly. try eating corners with a manual CR-V bro lol
Anything can be hooned hard if you believe in yourself
>shitty wagon axle rear suspension desu.
There's nothing wrong with torsion bar suspension in back, in front it sucks but in back it really is perfectly fine
>rolls in SUV

i've heard it handles poorly.
If you're afraid to roll over it just means your BAC is deficient
As long as you keep scrub radius close to factory, the dual axis suspension is amazing. My FK8 had 410 to the wheels when I traded it in. Torque steer wasn't bad
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what do you guys know about the f20b5 engine? its a sohc f20 with 147hp found on the 6th gen US spec but made in japan accords that was sold in asia and the middle east i think, and also the 6th gen euro accords. do these things have balance shafts? my car has one and the engine is unbelievably smooth, zero vibrations even at near-stall rpms which actually kinda makes driving a manual a bit harder since i have no idea what the engine is doing (the exhaust is also dead quiet)
do these engines have chain driven oil pumps? there seems to be just a little bit of chain whine coming from the engine, but i can't be sure if its that or the accessory belts squeaking, i'm not too experienced with hondas
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here's what the front of the engine looks like, the wide bottom of the timing cover seems to suggest the existence of balance shafts
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another pull video


also cropped and mirrored so can read the boost and IAT gauges. it's crazy how hot the intake air gets without a supercharger, jumps from like 137 to 193f in 2-3 gears
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Want Civic Hybrid hatch.
Has no spare tire.
What do
Honda heatsoak is something crazy, I have a stock K24 and even windows down you can feel heat coming through the firewall because it's so ridiculous when you're dumping fuel into it

Gonna have to buy either a steel wheel and tire for cheap, or another full size wheel like you've got and a tire, luckily the new Hondas still have a spare tire well, you can just remove that Styrofoam and tire repair/inflator nonsense and put your proper spare there.
>luckily the new Hondas still have a spare tire well
Only the sedan. The piece of shit hatchback doesn't have one!
Wtf, you might just have to keep the spare wheel you buy in the hatchback and secure it somehow, because I wouldn't travel any significant distance without a spare wheel in the back.

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