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Did you cruise in the left lane today, as is your right?
Explain this tailgaters: If I'm going slower than you, then why are you behind me?
Why couldn't you keep to your previous shitty thread? Still up and isn't even at 200 replies.
>can't secrete insulin and adrenaline at the same time
>truckold on truckold violence
i was at your mums and now im late, faggot
Men who wear pink are the lowest of the low. Absolute interior scum.
Nice pit maneuver, fatso
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I recognize that bridge. It’s the Causeway over Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana, the longest bridge over water in the world (24 miles).

Louisiana is a comparative fault state. When an accident happens, both drivers can be held responsible for their own actions. It’s not always a case of someone being 100% at fault.

Fatso in pink could have probably lied if it weren’t for the camera recording the entire thing. “Well he just merged into me before I could even react.” Then the black truck would be at fault, ticketed, and his insurance would have to pay for everything.

But we can clearly see that Fatso has plenty of time to react. He could have slowed down and let the guy over so as to avoid an accident. If he’s in a company owned work truck (it looks like a van so it probably is) then he probably got fired. “Why didn’t you just slow down and let the other drive merge” is the first thing the cops, his employer, and the insurance company will ask.

This isn’t to say that the black truck isn’t just as much at fault. It’s serious small dick energy to try to squeeze in like that. He wouldn’t be saving much time; people camping in the left lane are actually ticketed on the Causeway (by the Causeway Police; the bridge has its own cops).
no it's a power move
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>Absolute interior scum.
Not really, comparative fault/negligence only applies when both parties do something wrong. If Fatso was speeding, or if there was a state law requiring you to allow people into gaps (and there should be) then sure, Black Truck would be guilty of probably reckless endangerment among other things, Fatso would be at fault for not letting him in, there's be a proportion of fault laid on each of them. But Fatso does nothing wrong per the law whatsoever.
Blah blah blah
If the truck didn't want to get into a accident, he would have stopped trying to change lanes after checking his mirrors.
pretty sure actively steering into someones rear end to PIT them is against the law
He's trying (and succeeding) to get out of the lane that some inconsiderate person has just dropped a truck into

Louisiana, like just about every other state, has a “last clear chance” doctrine. If you can avoid an accident but fail to do so, you’re held liable for damages.
Last clear chance lies with the black truck, he was the last one to make any contribution before the incident
I had an insurance company ask me why I didn’t just drive off the road to avoid an accident that the other person was legally liable for (last chance doctrine is tort law, just like comparative fault). It applies to both parties. If you can avoid an accident, you have to do so.
If you are in the left lane and not passing, you are creating a problem.
And I guess you said "Yeah sure OK" instead of "There's nothing that could legally require me to put myself in a potentially unsafe situation like driving off-road at speed into unknown terrain".
We were only going maybe 10mph. There was a high curb and a fence to the right, so I couldn’t do anything but slam on my brakes/stop (and she still just merged right into me). That was in a comparative fault state (I was found 0% at fault) with a last chance doctrine (I did everything I could).
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I'm sure this response will go well with the judge watching the dashcam
nuffin' ah coulda of done yer honor
He sees the guy backing into him instead of going back into his lane and tries to switch out, perfectly reasonable response. Take a close look at the sequence of events around 1s, he moves his hand to steer after the black truck starts dropping back into him
All pinkie had to do was lay on the horn and the nig truck would likely ack itself off the opposite railing
>tries to switch out, perfectly reasonable response
just keep pretending that pink shirt had no knowledge of black trucks rear position relative to his own bumper
How does having knowledge of someone hitting your car make you at fault?
>intruding rear bumper is closing in on your front bumper
>option A: press the brake to get your front bumper away from the rear bumper
>option B: steer sharply right without braking, pushing your front bumper into the rear bumper
gee anon, it's a fucking mistery to me how you could be held atleast partially at fault for any of this!
truly nuffin' yer coulda of done
lmaoing@the title
Option C: (and best option) try to avoid idiot by moving to the side.
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so you have the spatial recognition of a woman and thus can't see the rear bumper already being in the path of your front bumper if you were to move to the side (by sharply steering right as pink shirt demonstrates)
Pink shirt only had a duty to try to avoid contact.
>steer sharply right without braking
But he did brake. There's a speedo right there in the top right corner.
>pink shirt
>eating while driving
I have to pink shirts. They're my favorites. You're a faggot.
The irony is in some circumstances it's the safest thing to do for the guy being merged into. Where the fuck is he going to go in case of contact? No hard shoulder, could be cars behind him tailgating / close enough to not want to slam on the brakes. Yes I can see from the video that wasn't really the case and he just went full send, but PIT manuevers give you a pretty good chance of being perfectly fine when alternatives don't exist.
>Men who wear pink are the lowest of the low. Absolute interior scum.
Every woman LOVES my pink striped shirt but I'm a big strong guy so the contrast is striking. I also have a solid pink I wear with a dark blue tie that drives bitches wild.
No he didn’t. Speed remains 71-72 the entire time the black truck is trying to merge. It drops from 75 well before the truck doesn’t anything.
Yeah. Got pulled over for doing 71 mph on cruise control in a 55mph. He dropped it to 5 over and didn't say anything about my 3 year old expired tags.
That's actually a blue shirt.
The alternative was using his brakes to slow down. Truck pulls out from behind the guy in the beginning of the clip, so there's at least a cars length between pink guy and the car behind. So yes, easily the best thing to do was brake.
Pink shirt only had to brake a tiny bit and both people would not have any damage to their cuckhicles
Fucking lmao
You've never driven once in your life if you think that gap persisted for more time than it took for the trugg to leave the lane
But blackie learned a life long lesson in not fucking around
And fatso learned that there’s a higher authority than him, and self righteousness means nothing at the end of the day. He was likely fired, and there’s a chance his insurance deemed his actions intentional and didn’t cover any damages.

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