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>almost 25 year old car
>$10k with dealer fee bullshit
Car market crash when?
Lol just get an E39 already
tbf its pretty low mileage and bhph dealers are always gonna rip you off.
i dont want something ugly gay and slow, thanks
yoder... million mile car.. sonny boy get a job and stop complaining damn sissy geneartion
lol, ive been driving a $650 car for 2 years and only put wheel bearings and a set of used tires on it, sucks to suck dealercuck
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camrys are USG as fuck lol E39 > any goyota kek
>retard looks at shitboxes on over priced dealer sites
>is surprised theyre overpriced
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Old lady only used it to go to church and doctor's appointment.
carbon buildup R us
> And your rulers will remain safe and sound, in their ivory towers while the outsiders argue about ICE versus EV and FWD versus RWD and that a V6 turbo is just as good as a NA V8.

It's happening bros!
Carbon built up, all rubber tubbing is rotted and about to burst, tires rotted, all fluids either dryed up or never replaced, last oil change 2 years ago, all metal in frame rusted, suspension about to collapse, interior electronics busted, battery needed to be changed 5 years ago and now has corroded to the point where it is welded into the car
Bc muh reliable yota meme started to make zoomer brainlets trust fundies and omeganormie materialists pay thousands more for LS400s and Tacoma/T100s than they’re actually worth and it made the market for all Toyotas save for MAYBE corollas skyrocket and on top of that the newer ones are being gouged a bit more than they used to, to be fair same can be said for most cars

Fortunately, it makes people like me with one of those gens in a rare manual option happy to part ways for more than we paid for it so fug it

If you care to not be a poorfag and get a dealers license or find some way to use a proxy for an auction to there is actually a lot of correction pricing going on esp for Mercedes
Bc muh reliable yota meme started to make zoomer brainlets trust fundies and omeganormie materialists pay thousands more for LS400s and Tacoma/T100s than they’re actually worth and it made the market for all Toyotas save for MAYBE corollas skyrocket and on top of that the newer ones are being gouged a bit more than they used to, to be fair same can be said for most cars

Fortunately, it makes people like me with one of those gens in a rare manual option happy to part ways for more than we paid for it so fug it

If you care to not be a poorfag and get a dealers license or find some way to use a proxy for an auction to there is actually a lot of correction pricing going on esp for Mercedes
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>buying from the dealership when facebook marketplace exists
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>overpriced chain dealers, at that
Normies learn how to shop for cars when?
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Yes and no. Plenty of sleazy shitters gouging the fuck out of the market there too like picrel

I’ve seen things like picrel with even more miles be like “I’ve turned down offers of $9k so if you don’t have at least that don’t even bother” meanwhile the same as said seller and picrel go for 4-$5k. Also considering you can get even newer models for picrel price with similar miles is just more testimonial
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>camrys are USG as fuck lol E39 > any goyota kek
looks like a great way to get robbed or become an organ donor desu
It’s dumb to seethe about OP’s picrel but he’s not wrong for thinking it’s retarded. However I agree you just have to accept the homosexuality and sift through it. The market is semi fixing itself bc fags are poor and not as willing to blow money on cars as omeganormalfaggot 6 figure chuds
yeah everything is all fucked up
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you just have to sift through the shit and you'll find good deals, i cant say the same about dealerships. They're all preying on desperate people
rwd v6 with nice interior is not bad for 5k sticker
hell yeah
> i'm a feudal serf since an used toyota camry costs 2 months net wage
6-series are always pretty cheap, even M6's, I guess it's because of nig-depreciation and BMW costs that nobody wants them
lol 4 real
This is just "getting older." Part of getting older is realizing that aging sucks. Your brain gets comfortable with all the concepts and ideas it captures and processes when you are young, until gradually it just gets tired of new concepts and things. New prices, new occupational fields, new music/movies, new ways of living. So then how does the brain respond to this newfound "trauma?" It begins emitting toxic levels of nostalgia, as a reflex. Everything new bad. Everything old good. Remember when? Everything was good before I started remembering memories I already memoried. Maybe the very idea of learning, and maintaining intellectual curiosity is the secret to remaining young, or reversing aging. Knowledge is the true Fountain of Youth.
>thank you for coming to my tedtalk
This is your brain on leasing base model shitboxes every 4 years. Your parents will engrave your real name on your tombstone.
people are starting to sell grand marquis for like 6-7 grand now. it's truly over
this one guy has one listed for about 5 grand and he literally knows nothing about the service history, he's a mobile mechanic and it was given to him as payment from a customer
Marketplace is basically dealers/flippers
I took the private seller pill and found several good 2000s cars around 4 to 5k. Worse vehicles would've cost twice that at the local shady dealer.
i got an old toyota for 5500 from a used dealer, but it was probably worth like 3 grand, or 3500 at most. i had to put more than i bought the car for into replacing basically everything
>saving text as a jpeg
You are truly retarded
I’ve been looking for these cars, but the engine in this car has horrible problems and is only marginally easier to work on than its borg cube successor because it doesn’t have two turbos in the valley. Also
>accident reported
>/o/tists are unironically shopping for Camrys and Accords now
why would there be a market crash? the market has adjusted accordingly to the new cars being built like SHIT and GAY
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It took me like 6 weeks to sell my 1999 XLE V6 with 150k for 2.8k USD back in 2018. Crazy that it's basically tripled in price since then.
what if, hypothetically, groups of masked men around the country went out one night with spark plugs and just smashed a bunch of the window of cars on dealer's lots? Surely they'd be forced to sell some of them off cheap to cover the repair costs.
That just shows you how much money has been devalued. It's not the car market, it's everything.
A dozen eggs where I live is $9 (free range, but still...)
don't they have busineds insurance or something for that?
the buddha said this a long time ago. everything is decay. flowers die. it doesn't get better. so what are you going to do about it?
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>Bullet proof era Camry
>Entering classic tax
>Why is it so expensive?

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