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Learn this ONE SIMPLE TRICK to LEGALLY avoid all red lights!

Traffic jannies seething!
Those two seconds he saved were so worth it!
since it went green so fast he probably wasted time in the chicane instead of just beating a semi off the line like a normal person.
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I've never done it, but I've seen it plenty.
There's a T intersection with a light nearby, and I see people turn right and pull a U-turn several times a month, picrel.
There are worse things, but I'm not for it.
He pulled up in a right turn only lane to purposefully beat the semi by pulling that straight up niggerlicious move. He never had any intent of waiting for the light.
Just did this on my way from work kek
Depends. Some red lights take forever to turn green.
>2 seconds saved beating the green (which would've been more if not for random chance)
>minute and a half saved not being stuck behind seminigger waiting for him to get up to 35
>not just safely running the red light and ignoring turn lanes
Who's going to tell on you? Yeah it could've literally got caught on dashcam, but what's the trugger going to do? Waste his valuable time bringing his SD card in to the local police station? It boggles my mind how much valuable time of their lives people are willing to waste at empty intersections because the dumb relay circuit with no heart, soul, or brain says so. Just run the red light. Do it.
subhumans really cant think too far ahead into the future
That's actually not legal.
He crossed a solid line.
It also falls under "avoiding intersection control apparatus".
But you're a bus rider so are unfamiliar with vehicular laws.
Running a red light is one violation. Doing the life hack will net you, crossing double yellow, illegal u turn, evasion of a traffic control device and if the cop is feeling extra generous, wreckless driving
Not legal, called "avoiding a traffic control device" or "rat running". Very tempting in situations where you want to turn right on red but you're stuck behind someone going straight and there isn't a dedicated right turn lane.
>ignoring a law because it suits me
I'm sure you're a model citizen
And what are your odds of getting pulled over for running a red versus cutting through a parking lot?
Depends entirely on the cop. You're always getting got for running the red. If you mosey down the parking lot a bit and get back on, they probably won't bother. If you knife clean through from corner to corner they might.
this lol. didn't want to run a red because its le illegal but too stupid to know he committed several violations in the process. and he ran the red anyways since he didn't complete stop and since the cross road turned red before he got there he also ran that light too.

yall missing the point here

thanks anon that will be very useful when shtf and one wont be able to safely stop at the red light anymore without getting robbed.

remember kids when shtf red lights and stop signs have a completely different meaning. never stop at a red light. if theres traffic crawl 5mph bit never stop. if you do next thing you gonna feel is a gun in your chest telling you to leave the car
The light wouldn't apply to a special turn ramp thingee like that (whatever it's called) anyway.
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I pull something like this almost daily.
if you don't time the lights perfectly, then you just keep going, and there's a merge later on.
I get through rush hour traffic faster than the bikes with this little trick.
They ran the red anyways
Even more evidence of low IQ driving. That maneuver is worse than simply running a red as it takes more time to cross the intersection. I'd actually has to call the based department if they just sent it but they did that gay little move to truck them selves into thinking they did nothing wrong. Beta lashing out behavior. This is the same kinda cunt that will stand in a parking spot to reserve it.
ok schizo
Kek thas basically a roundabout
This only works if there's no traffic
wanna skip a red just blast through it if you dont have the intention of stopping anywat. Pulling this cope, any cop present will ticket you either for driving briefly on the wrong side or crossing a double or non dotted (depending on the state)
>if you do next thing you gonna feel is a gun in your chest telling you to leave the car
If it's the heckin' boogaloo shtf then just shoot them lmao
Did this only once, when i was learning manual and didn't want to roast my clutch doing a hill start from a light in traffic.
U-Turns are illegal city wide unless marked by a sign where I live.
I used to drive this same fucking road every day. Miramar to Belmont, brutal slog. Miss NZ though.
>I live in a fascist city
not my problem
there's this retarded red light near my work that has the timings all fucked up and the detection circuits only work like 20% of the time.
when i'm tired, after work, and it's not changing to green within a reasonable amount of time, and there isn't a single vehicle approaching in the protected directions (excellent visibility from the stop bar), i just go thru it.
if they want me to obey their shitty light they can call the company that maintains it and have them fix the detection and timings. it feels like whoever did the timings before set minimum green to the same value as maximum green.
If you're so free, then just run the red light.
i do the same thing. i start at 4am so hardly any cars on the road. i just don't run the lights with a camera on top. i think i done it a few times because the light wouldn't change and still no ticket.
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the camera on top of the signal post isn't for surveillance or ticketing, those are a type of detection method when loopwire or radar isn't feasible. sometimes you can flash your high beams at those if they aren't detecting you and they'll suddenly detect you and give you a green.
red-light camera enforcement intersections must be marked with a "photo enforced" sign
>and the detection circuits only work like 20% of the time.
I had the one just outside my neighborhood go bad like that. It would randomly decide to skip the green for the direction I have to approach it from for 2 cycles or so. Not always a big deal since I usually turn right, but then I'd get stuck behind the people that want to go forward. They fixed it eventually, but now the pedestrian crosswalk timers are fucked up and out of sync. One starts at 40 something and counts down, while the one on the other side starts at 15. When the one at 15 hits 0, the other one abruptly goes from 25 or whatever to 0 to match it. I don't even know how you fuck that up.
yea i've been seeing more and more of those pedestrian signals making no sense in the last few years. I think whoever sets the programming updates the timings for the light but then forgets the pedestrian signals. The pedestrian signals, admittedly, are more of an afterthought for a lot of jurisdictions. They're there for compliance but they would skip them if they legally could.
If you live in a southern state where pedestrian signals are kind of rare, I can definitely see the the guy who set the lights up just forgetting about them.
Red light technicians are usually just some brokie tradie who happens to have some electrician skills.
>next thing you gonna feel is a gun in your chest
Not when I've already got my gun in hand watching them walk up to the car.
he's in front of you, and that all that matters.
If that were true he would be using the public transportation system
Lmao that little stunt is like how jews try to trick God with a wire and a chicken.
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>satan when he realizes the chickens are uncircumcised
> nooo, I have to obey every law or mr shekelstein will say I'm bad
> I must obeeeey
kek, live a little, retard
kek amerimutts will do anything to avoid roundabouts

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