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/o/ - Auto

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why does /o/ hate new cars so much? Yes, theyre more expensive than used cars, but having the peace of mind from knowing you wont be left stranded in the middle of the road, humiated in front of your date or friends, or made late for work is worth it 100 times
She's stunning. What's her name?
/o/ hates new cars because buying a new car is a poor financial decision if you have any basic mechanical skills.

You don't manage to build wealth by throwing away 20% of your purchase by moving it off the lot. Buying cars 3-5 years out of date with 45-65k miles is the sweet spot for value/cost ratios.

A good chunk of /o/ also likes to modify or soup up cars, doing that with a new car that still has finance payments is a prime way to further burn money if your life situation changes and the car has to be sold/repoed.

Thus, the prime rules of smart car ownership 1: don't finance new 2: don't modify anything with payments 3: don't pay others for stuff you can do yourself.
i think that is just an Audi
still doesnt adress the fact old cars are unreliable by nature and will leave you stranded
retard coomer simp
Maybe because new cars are shit? Name a new car that isn't shit.
>do maintanence
>have AAA for the once every few years need of a tow
Or we could be faggots and buy the ugliest cars ever like OP.
her name is coal burner
None of the shitboxes i owned have left me stranded. Not even the rust bucket ranger with a fuel leak. You just pick bad used cars.
half of /o/ is 18-30yo broke loser americans of mixed origin

>humiated in front of your date
nobody would date em

>or friends,
they don't have friends

>or made late for work
they don't work
You're just rationalising your decisions.

Anyone with half a brain knows that these things almost never happen, and when they do it's because the owner is a retard that disregards any form of maintenance.

No, you buy a new car for another reason than the one stated here. Is it status? You wish to convince people you aren't a loser? Perhaps a female will finally have sex with you, you believe? Is it youth? You're still 21 so you think "flexing" is worth being out of pocket 800 a month for the next 6 years?
i don't,if there wasn't enough retards financing new cars used cars would go up like crazy
if your an average wagie who only needs to commute the best option is to buy a semi-new car with less than 50K miles straight up,now if your a car guy then the situation changes
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>humiliated in front of your date
i am 24 years old and i've never had a girlfriend and the girl i like barely ever responds to me on discord (that's right she gave me her discord not her phone number)
anyway my car is pretty reliable but the a/c evaporator is cracked and leaks condensate inside the cabin so i have to have a little plastic bowl there to catch the water. it works but i have to dump it out all the time which would be embarrassing i guess.
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You see this thing, OP?This is my 1.9 TDi. There are many like it, but this is mine.
It ran perfectly when I was eating cookies at your grandma's house, laughing about how much of a little faggot you are.
It ran perfectly when I was fucking your mother.
It still runs perfectly as I am boinking all of your sisters.
It will still run perfectly as will be pumping and dumping your daughter on her 18th birthday.
When I blow my final, geriatric, Viagra fueled load into your grand-daughter on her own 18th birthday, that shitty old Golf will. still. be. running.
unfathomably based
>the implication that brand new cars can't have issues
Anon, you're joking right? Brand new Toyotas are catching on fire. Hondas are having steering issues. Do I even need to bring up Kia?

I'll drive my 30-year old Suburban. Not one problem in 30 years. Simple as.
>humiliated in front of your date
If she won't help me push start my 37 year old RX-7, she isn't the one anyway.
new cars are mostly GAY as FUCK. Mostly.
How is this hoes pic still up? When I posted it a few weeks ago it was sanitized a few hours later.
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Seconding this.
The only car I owned that left me stranded was a 2004 Kia Optima, in 2019.
It spun a bearing.
>old cars are unreliable by nature and will leave you stranded
That's a you problem.
The thing I drive had a blown engine and was abandoned for almost a decade, and after I worked on it, it hasn't had a single hiccup in years.
Wrenchlet, any man should know how to not be stranded on the side of the road, by either preventative maintenance or impromptu repair
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>but having the peace of mind from knowing you wont be left stranded in the middle of the road, humiated in front of your date or friends, or made late for work is worth it 100 times

Natalie Mars.
it's lana rhoades
>clickbait booba
I could buy any new car I wanted. I still daily my 33 year old Camry instead. I know all its upcoming issues and can do preventive maintenance. It will never fail me out of the blue, only out of neglect. New cars on the other hand might fail out of the blue.
cope take, I've always had old shitboxes and have never been stranded once. What helps is a little thing called maintenance
They look bad
They sound bad
They’re boring to drive
They’re over complicated and an unknown commodity outside of warranty
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>having the peace of mind from knowing you wont be left stranded in the middle of the road, humiated in front of your date or friends, or made late for work is wo-ACK!!
All the Tundras are getting new engines I heard. Not too bad compared to others.
Tell Lexus to make the LS430 again, I love that exact body style and design. I like the new 500s as well but I genuinely prefer the 2000s styling.
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take care of your shit and none of that will happen
>humiated in front of your date
good filter to determine wife material
>oh no my car "broke" down ima need you to help me push start it
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>peace of mind from knowing you wont be left stranded in the middle of the road
i regularly see more nucars on the side of the road than 20+ years old cars.
No not true if you know how to shop and what kind of old car to buy.
>embarrassed in front of date
Fair enough, the only reason I would ever consider buying a new car would to be to look more put together
>late for work
Also not true, you could buy an old sports car for less than a new car and maybe even be early to work

The idea that old cars are inherently less reliable is an outdated one. If you said this in the 90s you would be correct. 60s, 70s, and some 80s cars simply were not built to last like 90s and 2000s cars have been proven to. Modern cars have actually started to dip in terms of long term reliability as well due to things such as hybrid drivetrains and modern tech, to the extent that I can confidently say my twenty year old Toyota with 90k miles that I bought for three grand could easily out last my dad's brand new truck.
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>peace of mind from knowing you won't be left stranded, humiliated in front of your date or friends, or made late for work
I'm not a wrenchlet dilettante, so this does not happen to me.
>customer states sticky substance that smells like monster energy drink spilled all over engine bay after last service
>implying I'd let any go to waste
It doesn't go anywhere near the cars.
>decent woman
>drives an Audi
>has some shit handbag
>clearly a whore

disgusting, 0/10.
Kys fag
Looks like it's an S3 too. Nothing stunning there
/o/ thinks that a 300k mile car will last as long as a new car and has never had good enough credit to get good interest rates and can't comprehend why you might finance something
>Name a new car that isn't shit.
Ford Super Duty, Mercedes-Benz G-class, Toyota Land Cruiser LC300, Toyota 4Runner, Nissan Armada...

Stop buying Chrysler
8% is not a good interest rate, silverstein
>he didn't buy two years ago and get a 2% interest rate before they went to shit
Survivorship bias
>It will never fail me out of the blue, only out of neglect
was almost true for mine. died in the driveway as I was coming back from work, which I guess is the best place to break down if it's gonna break down.
I hated that job anyway so I just called up the boss and said I won't be coming to work for the rest of the week
>Comes with a nannycam that looks at you and beeps at you every time you blink.
>Beeps at you every time it thinks it spotted a new speed limit.
>Beeps at you three times when you go over the speed limit it thinks it is.
>Fights you if you try to dodge a pothole even though you are staying in your lane.
All these features you can turn off by spending mere minutes in the infotainment menus... every time you turn the car on.
I wonder why people dislike new cars.
>brand new 70 hp hatchback $15,000
>2000 250 hp Porsche Boxster $8,500
You mean, a new car will leave you stranded when an ECU shits itself and there's literally nothing you will be able to do on the side of the road to fix the problem even if you have the skills and tools with you.
new cars fail way more often
new cars need more maintenance
new cars have software issues
new cars are not only more expensive but have a way bigger profit share for the shareholders
new cars are designed that you have to dismount the engine to fill up oil or water
new cars have plastic claddings under the hood because it needs to look better when open and fail at the same time at thermomanagement
new cars cant be repaired that easy or independend or even by other brand repair shops
new cars are way to heavy and the wear and tear on the chassis, brakes and tires is out of control
new cars are so long and wide that you cant park them in a city
new cars often look like shit, just look at what bmw does

I think I could go on for another 10 lines but I have better things to do.
this of course doesnt apply to all cars and models but the weird thing is, the bigger and more expensive, the more from this list becomes true.
2020s consumers mainly are victims and only need a status symbol and have no idea about the tech they are driving.
Cole Buerner :^]
I can one up you on that with my 82 mercedes 300D that likely spun a bearing when a summitracing AN fitting blew, did 10k miles, then started knocking hard definitely with a spun bearing and still got me 500 miles home. still runs btw
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>be me
>inspected cars at auction for a while
>work the shitbox & repo lot some days but sometimes see almost brand new cars there
>gets in 2023 Chrysler minivan with 8k miles
>transmission is slushy and broken
>car will literally not go into any gear or even park
>8k miles
>2023 model year and at the time IN the year 2023
LOL @ you newfaggot
If you think a new car is the end all be all to problems you’re just a retard with another thing coming, or baiting
>drinks 25 gallons of fuel in 60 miles
Worth it ig for less headaches, but the expense total evens out at some point I feel. They’re nice if nothing else. I’d love a 2 door Tahoe if I had money to blow on shit I don’t need
Darude sandstorm
The responses show a lack of life experience.

>just fix it on the side of the road
Here’s an anecdote. Me and a buddy were taking my Jeep to a trail ride roughly two hours away. Just about halfway there it starts over heating. He’s an actual mechanic (as in, works at a shop) and I’d done all of the work on the car myself. Just so you have an idea: I swapped the rear Dana 35 for a Ford 8.8, which included welded spring perches.That gives you rear disk breaks, so it’s a good idea to add a larger master cylinder. I geared both diffs to 4.56 and installed ARB lockers. It was a 4” lift that I installed. I swapped the NP231 transfer case for an Atlas II with a fixed yolk. And so on and so on. What I’m getting at is we both kinda know what we’re doing.

So we get off the interstate and pull into town. Now, without a few tools you generally don’t carry in your car (specifically an IR thermometer) it’s pretty tough to troubleshoot an overheating car. We decided the most likely candidate was a thermostat, but it was a total shot in the dark. It could have been the water pump, it could have been the radiator. Maybe all of the coolant leaked out and I just didnt notice. Of course we had to wait for it to cool off before we did anything.

So there we are on Saturday morning in an Autozone parking lot, spilling coolant on the pavement, hoping I don’t have to have my shit towed so I can actually trouble shoot it. The cops roll up and tell us we have to leave because employees don’t want repairs done on the premises. We convince them to let us wrap up, as it was the thermostat (there was a tiny bit of metal preventing it from opening).

So a two hour drive turned into a five hour drive and a big pain in the ass. Now replace “thermostat” with something a typical auto parts store doesn’t have. Or “Saturday morning” to anytime those stores are closed. Or “overheating” to anything that disables your car.

Pic is from ~2003.
>why does /o/ hate new cars so much?
Mostly the techbro features. I just like tactile physical controls and they're sparse on newer cars, and infinitely rotating dials don't do it for me. I'm genuinely considering commercial vehicles just to have it. Comfort features don't really matter to me at all.
>I'll drive my 30-year old Suburban.
Those old GMT Suburbans drink fuel like 9/11 didn't happen and people were asleep to jewish tricks. If you can afford to feed it, go for it. It'll run forever. It'll just shart out half your gas tank out the tailpipe as unburned fuel.
>implying I'd let any go to waste
Yep, spilling a drop of the Big Sip is a capital sin for energy drink enjoyers.
Good observation, as it’s not just gas from the tailpipe but also liquid from the tank.
Leaky plumbing is a proud American tradition I guess.
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Too many nannies and features I don't want.
If it were possible to buy something like a GT86 with the ABSOLUTE bare bones wheels, engine, steering wheel, seat, gauges, and a computer which ONLY controls the fuel, timing and idle of the engine I would seriously consider buying something new.

But it's not possible, and I don't want to pay for a whole bunch of shit I'm just going to rip out, and I don't want to go through the arduous task of reengineering the car to run properly after I rip all that shit out either.
>old cars are unreliable by nature

There it is. The most Idiotic thing I've read today.
I drove an E210 Corolla last year and it was basically an identical experience to the E120. i guess it's safer and fuel economy is slightly better? who fucking cares.
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Ive owned a 96 suburban and a 98 yukon. Both got 16 MPG highway like any suv made in the 2000s. They only got bad MPG in heavy traffic and winter storms I think the worst I logged was 11 mpg. But ive also had v6 Manual compact SUVs drop to 11 mpg in winter traffic
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they require replacing things, and mostly that requires knowing what symptoms are caused by what problem
the average wagie would rather make payments on a new $50,000 CRV than use their brain
>the average wagie would rather make payments on a new $50,000 CRV than use their brain
Fool and his/her money are soon parted.
my economy car from 2003 with 275k miles has broken down a grand total of 0 times with nothing but oil changes for the past 10 years
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what went wrong?
based blazer but you really need to give it a fresh paint job son
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>I did double anal & MANDINGO in one day

holy fuck this timeline might be the worst but it's also the funniest we could've ended up with
I can afford to pay registration fee of two 20 year old V8 cars for the price of one brand new turd thin oil block burner. For all that safety, emissions and MPG incentives the actual operating cost of a new car will cost more than something that was proudly made for driving in mind.
Ophiophagus hannah
>having the peace of mind from knowing you wont
that's the funny part, you actually DONT have the piece of mind because new cars are built so horrendously (in both build and parts quality) that it very likely just might fail like, or even unlike, an older car
3-4 gallons in 60 miles.

Is it a lot? Yes. Is it worth it to always be able to carry myself+6 passengers as well as tow a car if I need to? Yes.

I do also have a little Toyota that I drive day to day to save gas, but if it ever gives me trouble, I have the Suburban on standby.
Textbook projection.

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