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>buy a car for $4000
>coolant line $600
>transmission fluid line $600
>airbox $1200
>will need new brake pads soon
Fuck this, I'm never buying used cars again.
still cheaper than $25k+ for a new car. plus, after repairs your used car will still be worth about $4k while that new car will lose 80% of its value over time
>still cheaper than $25k+ for a new car.
True, plus what new car is $25k nowadays.
>he only buys parts from the dealership
What 10-year old hunk of German junk did you buy lmao
Skill issue
used car prices are still fucked. 6k for a 2004 piece of shit? what the fuck is wrong with dealers? Are they out of there minds?
>coolant line $600
>transmission fluid line $600
>airbox $1200

where did you take this thing to, a fucking Dealership?

You could've done ALL this work by yourself for a TENTH of the cost if you just went on god damn Youtube and learned how to do it.
It's the air box, not cabin air filter. I'm not messing with that.
>buy a 2002 Golf for €1000
>drive it for 2 years, no repairs or issues
>changed the oil once
>you are now up to date on my 2002 Golf

maybe you just need to............ git gud at cars
you're not messing with a god damn piece of plastic (and maybe rubber) air box?

holy fucking shit, it's a FUCKING TUBE.

buy a new one, take off the old one. all that holds it together are probably just a couple bolts and clamps.

what, you can't even do THAT?

what are you, a fucking CHILD?
buy a used car that’s about five years old. It’s depreciated enough that you get a huge discount over the new price but all the rubber and plastic isn’t disintegrating. Unless it’s a diesel then I would suggest buying pre emissions so you don’t run into EGR and DPF problems.
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It's bait, my guy...
base civic and corolla are still that price all day
Under $17k gets you a brand new shitbox Versa with a 5-speed manual and a N/A, non direct-injected engine that'll last forever. Just don't wait or complain about it or it's $45k+ hybrid+CVT cuckovers until the end of time.
stop giving in to the bait your retarded redditspacing nigger
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It’s only cheaper because your time is worthless to you. The real roll of the dice isn’t normal wear and tear anyway, but what the dickhead owned it before you did to it (or didn’t do).
Pic, which makes /o/ absolutely fucking seethe. Lots of other no-frills options as well. People never talk about them because no one wants to be labeled a poorfag. Most people would rather buy a used higher end car with 150k miles on it for the same price than something simple and pragmatic that will last 5x’s as long. The Maverick probably has the most utility for the price. The tow package is like $700 and adds a lot to it.
You can't buy a Maverick for $23000 anywhere.
>Your time is worthless
I am convinced that people who say this do not understand how mechanics operate
>rip hole in leg trying to kickstart ancient shitbike I've been breathing life back into
>Cannot figure out why it won't start
>Take it to independent dirtbike specialist since leg is healing anyway, no kick-starting allowed
>Has spark
>Fresh carb clean
>Factory jetting
>Fresh air filter
>Strong compression
>Just did valve check
He had it for three weeks and didn't return any calls or texts. Finally get a hold of him. Got it back in my hands for just a "diagnostic fee". He couldn't get it to start either. Started from zero, I had the exhaust cam installed a tooth retarded due to improper pretensioning of the timing chain when I did the valve adjustment. Fired up and ran GREAT in one fucking night. He could have had for who knows how long before he actually started working on it. Barring the injury, I would have had it running in one more night. You'd really rather NOT HAVE your vehicle for multiple days/weeks instead of spending an afternoon AND save money while doing it?
Never had that issue with a decent mechanic. Had the same dude for years and buy them pizza during Christmas. Good work, doesn't fleece me for things I don't need, and turnaround is decent.
Anon this honestly embarrassingly easy to do. Probably easier then trying to wrangle your cabin air filter.
He finally stopped trip fagging. No numb nuts /o/ isn't seething about the maverick, just that you're towing your 4k car and trailer with a tow package rated AT 4k
it's just mundane enough to not be bait, there really are people out there that think you're not supposed to touch the engine because you're not qualified for it
>coolant line $600
$10 part
>transmission fluid line $600
$10 part
can be deleted with $30 of parts, or replaced for maybe $50

You got hosed LMAO wrenchlet
why are you even posting on this board?
consider yourself lucky. around here, if you bring an independent shop anything EXCEPT a pristine and brand new Honda Civic, mechanics will flat out refuse repairs just because they think they’re about to open a can of worms.
>brakes? on a classic mustang? easy!
>hey wait a minute
>there’s bondo on this quarter panel…
>is that..a tiny bit of surface rust on the FRONT FENDER?!?!??
>hey anon:) wanted to let you know i’ll be refusing repairs on your 1969 Ford Mustang.
>o-okay what ha-
>why? oh anon. that thing is a hunk of junk. no offense, but why’d you even buy it?
>it looks nothing like the plebbitor shit i see online 24/7!
>you’d be better off sending that thing to a junkyard. again, no offense kid. she’s totaled. yep. can’t breathe life back into this. repairs for that bodywork are at least north of $3k!
yeah. i get these people don’t want to be “liable” for some random shit like a complete rust heap that can’t be lifted off the floor without poking holes in it, but the shit i’ve been denied for is laughable. mechanics in the southwest are too used to clean cars with 0 structural flaws and are borderline useless.
btw i know you guys are autistic and dumb as shit but no, i didn’t go to a shop to get brakes done on a 1969 mustang. it’s something i came up with off the top of my head.
but in reality it's more like
>bubbas truck with rusted out frame wants to turn into a body panel taco when put on the lift
>half the suspension falls off when lifted
>doesn't drive straight, engine has a rod knock and will blow within the next 6 months
>bubba's cousin's girlfriend's husband is a lawyer and bubba WILL SUE!
even worse if you get it from a used dealership. my car is 26 years old and was listed for 5500, i got it down to 5k, but after all the fees including the dumb ass 600 dealer fee it was 6223 or some shit. over the course of a year and a half i've put like 8 grand into it.
car was worth maybe 3k
i want a grand marquis so bad now but sunk cost fallacy is making me keep this thing, especially since it's basically rebuilt at this point outside of a cracked a/c evaporator case leaking condensate
>automatic windows
Been there, basically derailed my life for a bit
Well no, because they start at $24k. We learned about rounding numbers in the first grade.

But it’s true. Dealers don’t order stock of base models because they can convince people the price is good enough. There’s also the fact that no dealers charge MSRP and always add a destination fee. The cheapest Maverick near me is just under $26k. The cheapest Versa is just under $19k. Both are base models but they each have a few hundred in dealer options and a destination fee.

We use MSRP as a starting point for comparison. It’s a shocking concept for some reason, ostensibly because most of you have never purchased a new car.

>Everyone is the same person!
Get your mind right, schizo.
>airbox $1200
buy one of these fuckers and print one
>it'll melt
if you make it out of a meme plastic like pla, sure.
oh yeah. up until late last year or early this year (don't remember exactly) i had like literally nothing in my checking account. literally like 40 cents. i had pretty much maxed out my credit card and used what little i had in the bank to get the car, and from that point forward all paychecks were just dumped into the card to pay it off, but of course i had to pay for all my food with the credit card
i finally have like 4 grand right now but owe almost 2300 dollars because i took out a suncoast loan to basically rebuild the suspension
i think i'm finally done and can actually save money now
Black or Mexican?
You can get out of the pit anon, if she's a good runner now just chip away at it. Remember to peel your bananas before weighing them at the self checkout
i'm broke and in my early 20s give me a break
it's a 1999 avalon so basically nothing serious can go wrong now, i should be ok for as long as i need it
NAME the car shithead. Assuming all are the same is goofy and reflects failure to study and failure to do your own wrenching.

Buy new. and fuck all the way off.
Disregard, I failed to scroll down.

Drive and STUDY the thing then DIY it.
Up here in the north east if we can get the vehicle on the lift without the frame cracking we'll work on it. We get a ton of rusty pieces of shit that we work on. Southern guys might not be used to working on those kinds of shitboxes.
>doesnt know what to check when buying a car
>doesnt check wear items

>"why do i need to spend money on a car that someone was obviously getting rid of because it had signs it needed repairs?"
>>coolant line $600
>>transmission fluid line $600
>>airbox $1200
How? Are you a wrenchlet? Because these are paypig prices you give hot chicks so they blow you for a 25% discount.
Came here to post this.
You are retarded.
I wish I was your mechanic if I could get you to pay $2400 for two rubber hoses and a piece of plastic.
LMAO. First liberal meme I've seen that's legitimately been funny.
>Get your mind right, schizo.
Lmao. Don't you have a maverick to go pick up?
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>buy 15 year old car for $5,000
>have spent ~$25,000 over the course of five years of ownership
>initial purchase, maintenance, cosmetic work, cleaning, fuel, insurance & registration
>still cheaper than the original MSRP
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>get 2 20 year old broken work trucks for free from a friends company
>driven by management (apparently) because they're not beat to fuck
>not perfect, but don't look like demolition derby cars like most old as fuck company vehicles
>to date, about 6 years now, spend absolute max guesstimate 15k fixing, restoring and maintaining them
>Insurance is $50 a month each
>registration is $100 a year each
>milage ain't great but it's not 1993 8.1 lifted suburban on 37s bad at least
>reliable but have to fix little niggles that pop up every few weeks
>as you might expect from ex commercial vehicles that are older than most of the posters here with more than 600k miles between them
I curse the name Ford every time I have to fix some dumb shit on them, but yeah it feelsgoodmanasfuck knowing I'm not even 1/2 way into the msrp of one modern truck between 2 old ones and half a decade of keeping them alive against their will.

fucking dad said the other day to sell them for a new truck that's reliable and more efficient, I said absolutely but only if you pay the difference in the 10x more in registration, 3x more insurance and 5x more in parts when something breaks IF I can even fix it myself, all to gain 3 mpg and 5-10 free weekends a year. he didn't have a response.
>2 pound tow capacity
Kek no thanks
>tiny clown car
>weak as shit 122hp engine
>still worse gas mileage and less hp than a corolla

Just get a fucking 'rolla jesus dude.
get a prepurchase inspection and learn to fix shit yourself
Mazda 3 (both hatch and sedan) and CX30 are below 25k for starters

>inb4 its mazda
which plastics do you recommend?
also, p1p or p1s?
got a tundra because its half price of tacomas
>13k truck
>window motor
>2 radiators
>driveshaft bearing
now its almost a 20k truck :/
bro the fucking OWNER manual will have a section on DIY maintenance. if it's not a shit car, it will have this, AND it won't consist of
>this is a specialised part, please take the car to your nearest dealer to service this
I like the idea of the Maverick. Ford licensed several parts of their hybrid system from Toyota, including the eCVT, so it’s got that going for it (as an upgrade, I think). Turbo designs generally have cooling systems with a lower duty cycle so hopefully there’s some kind of solution with regards to towing with a non-hybrid. Also has a water cooled battery, which is a little overkill for a hybrid; they could have probably gotten away with air cooled. 4klb seems like a stretch, and an 8 speed transmission seems like a bad idea.

>no one’s seething about the Maverick
It’s one of the only new cars that’s gets dedicated hate threads. I think there’s one still up right now. Every time it’s mentioned people chime in to tell everyone how much they hate it, and it’s all low-tier shit.
You could buy a Corolla for the same price.
>measly 136hp
>no bed at all
>1,500 max tow rating (Maverick is 4,000)
There are only two trucks in the compact truck class.
just get a lease at the nissan dealership
You're breaking your father's conditioning that new always = better, keep up the good work
We didn't say to send it in stealership. Learn to wrench. And you can just research reasonable guys that do these things cheaper.
>pps, ppa, asa, abs
in that order and all cf or gf filled.
get the p1s. they are the same machine, but for the like $100 difference you get the nice enclosure rather than having to diy An inferior alternative, and an enclosure is required for all of those filaments anyway.
you got 0 tools, nu-male, ricer
in what fucking world does an airbox cost 1200? or did you buy oje of those meme carbon fiber cais?
>breaking your father's conditioning
lol not a chance. He's been this way for as long as I've been alive and he will never change, no matter how many times I dunk on him in scenarios like this. dude is a gigaboomer despite being 100% gen x.
meant for
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Can confirm
t. North East mechanic
eh, it is what it is, he's never going to change so I've stopped caring. I think he's also kind of out of touch since he hasn't had to own his own vehicle for the past decade or more because of his stature at his job. He currently drives a year old silverado fuckin LTZ for reference, so I don't think he fully grasps that nowadays just go buy a new car bro" means adding 60 to 80% of a house payment to your monthly bills for something that isn't an 4 wheeled appliance npc shitbox.
I also had to explain to him that the good used car is dead and gone. He said find something for 20 or 30 grand that's 5 to 10 years old and I'll help you pay for it. I went on Carmax and pulled up something reasonable that I might want, a 2016 Tahoe, and showed him despite Being a rental spec based model, having four accidents, six owners and 165,000 miles they still want 26 THOUSAND fucking dollars for what is realistically a like $3,500 vehicle. I asked him if he would buy it, he said fuck no. i said fucking exactly what I mean. *I* Wouldn't even buy it with *your* money, all I would be doing is buying another project except for 26,000% more then I paid for my current ones AND I would have to do at a minimum allllll the work I've already done all over again! He didn't have a response for that one either.
>He didn't have a response for that one either.
Probably because he realized you're not arguing in good faith pulling up a car like that because you want to hang on to that victim mentality. Where you even find a 4 accident car? I can pull up shitty overpriced vehicles all day, why ignore the good ones? Oh, cause it's gotta be harder to live today than it was for your dad. Got it.
>Probably because he realized you're not arguing in good faith
How is that possibly a bad faith argument other than "I don't like it and it doesn't suit my worldview"?
>pulling up a car like that because you want to hang on to that victim mentality.
Oh, because you don't like it and it doesn't suit your worldview, gotcha.
>Where you even find a 4 accident car?
local carmax inventory, as stated
>I can pull up shitty overpriced vehicles all day
Yeah, me too, its kind of tangential to the point I was making
>why ignore the good ones?
yes silly me for ignoring the 3-5 year old used vehicles with 40-70k miles that go for the 89% the msrp of the equivalent 2024/25s fresh off the hauler with 6 miles, but no service history (>implying it ever was, let alone properly) and no warranty! how stupid of me!
>Oh, cause it's gotta be harder to live today than it was for your dad. Got it.
you didn't happen to have been born, say, between the years 1947 and 1962, did you? Well unfortunately bill/rob/ted/joe/dave/mike, The days of Look them in the eye, give them a firm hand shake, and then pull yourself out by your bootstraps real quick Doesn't automatically get you a 65% discount and free floor mats anymore.
>he wants me to find a newer car, I know, I'll find the worst possible example in the trip county area that'll show him!
That's arguing in bad faith, and you did show him. That youre a dipshit.
I was born in 93,and all that stuff worked for me just fine. Got me my first car, my job, the ability to get good at my job and specialize, my house, and all 3 of my current cars. All that from a high school drop out with a crippling alcohol addiction.
Here you go then, find me a single vehicle here that isn't worth less than half of what they're asking and would have qualified in your opinion as for a good faith argument. ill wait.
If you can't tell from the link, this is searching for any 1/2 ton Chevy truck or SUV (not crossover), Nationwide (because now there's only 2 results within 100 miles of me), with a v8, any trim besides work truck, 2wd or 4wd, any year, any milage, any color besides black (I refuse to have a black car in the middle of the desert), up to 35k.


>inb4 yeah well you should have spent 85 hours searching every single used car site and every dealer site and Facebook and Craigslist post and every newspaper classified within 200 miles first!!!
Lmao, fuckin knew it. I'm not even clicking the link dipshit
>then do it for me!! Wahhh
It's always the final argument of the man child. No. I will not, because you've made it clear you haven't put any effort in yourself. Same reason your dad didn't. The incentive is if you find the car, hell help pay for it. You're a big boy now, you have to learn to do stuff for yourself.
>>inb4 yeah well you should have spent 85 hours searching every single used car site and every dealer site and Facebook and Craigslist post and every newspaper classified within 200 miles first!!!
Nice admission you out 0 effort in btw. My 3rd car, a mustang I got for 1.6k bucks, I got exactly that way. Took a couple months of looking while taking a shit and you'll find a deal too, but you'd rather shit post and gawk at tic tocs
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yeah saw that coming, no rebuttal, no argument, no nothing but name calling and baseless accusations. Typical, and pathetic. lol.
Rebuttal? Why would I? You admitted to my accusation lmao
Judge:you are accused of robbery
You:yup, robbed that dude
Judge:alright here's your sentence
You:lol, no rebuttal I win!
Nigga take a bus to work instead until you can save for a new car. Forget these morons and their low IQ opinion of buying used instead of new. New means you have 3 years of warrant and YOU know what’s wrong with it if something goes wrong. Do you have a girl? That’s the only reason to have a car in your 20’s.
Not him but you sound broke and in debt. Stop boasting faggot. Bet you have less than a grand squirrelled away.
>take a bus to work
just haha
Are car manufacturer marketing teams really on /o/ trying to make old cars sound as unappealing as possible to convince people to buy new cars?

I’ve noticed there’s lots of anti manual threads on this board, I think that’s just auto makers trying to make manuals seem bad because no cars even offer manuals anymore so they have to make it seem bad so people aren’t upset about it not being an option anymore
They’re trying to sway public opinion and make it seem unpopular
Do you live in Hicksville?
This, wrenchlets deserve every penny for being useless
I live Faggot-Owners-Only-Hire-People-Who-Live-An-Hour-Away-From-The-Job-ville
look at lithias investor reports over the years since 2018
their profits for their used car sales are through the roof
I think manufacturers are keeping supply low on purpose to drive prices up
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Don't forget when you go to a mechanic and say you just bought it and need a safety done

>They are literally bending you over and fucking your asshole hard. Without lube. Then passing you around to the boys like the cheap whore you are.

You need to go to multiple mechanics and even confirm yourself these "problems" - if any problems at all exist.


the aim for any shop is to fuck you hard dry and cum in your asshole that's the name of the game don't let them
Plastic airbox that takes a screw driver to remove the entire unit

>cost $25 at thr scrap yard
>takes 15min to swap out

You got suckered into paying huge labour's fees and I hope you got the receipt for the parts because they probably went and bought a used part for $10 (using mechanics discount) and charged you a fortune

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