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Why are Euro police cars so gay? Lmao
Yes our based trad american zog bots are better than their liberal european zog bots
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It looks very gay, but it has more acceleration than that car.
That looks sick desu
Even with a 6-foot-tall, 330-pound man on board, it has acceleration.
But even fully charged, he can only travel about 60 miles.
Why are Michigan police cars so gay? Lmao
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I present, the Dutch.
Why are they wearing WW1 biplane goggles?
They're chasing down King Kong.
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why americans are so obsessed with Europe ? european gay this , european poor that . It's like americans have inferiority complex
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the steering wheel's on the wrong side mate
In Europe the philosophy towards policing is more "state officials to maintain law and order" than "soldiers to keep the plebs in line"
yes. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_George_Floyd
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Protect Serve.
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>state officials to maintain law and order
Good to know that philosophy is working out.
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Subtle but IMO if it doesn't state what it is on the exterior then I will assume it's some kid with flashy lights.
Battenburg cars in the UK went for a while without the word Police on them, that soon changed.
Battenburg is colour coded, green and yellow hints at an ambulance but the text tells you so.
I guess pic isn't some dumbass kid.
"law and order" is when you get thrown in jain for racism because you reported your child being raped by pakistani migrants
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My cunts highway patrol uses Mazda 3s. I don't even know if they come with the 2.5 turbocharged engine( which is not available commefcially) or just the 2.0 NA.
I've spent an accumulated time of about 2 years in Turkey, and I have never seen traffic police do anything.
They find a sidewalk next a busy intersection to drive their shitbox onto, then spend all day smoking cigarettes, chewing sunflower seeds, and jamming to their music.

The only guys who actually do things are the Jandarma and the riot police.
at least it has four doors.
imagine being arrested and the coppers are like
>hold up let me pull the front seat back so you can get in
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Thats where the Black Maria comes in.
I can well believe that.
>gay; -.-
>gay Japan; :O, :D
>Black Maria
Huh, they sometimes call the police van a "Black Maija" (Musta Maija) in Finland.
They use those vans a lot, as one of their main tasks seems to be picking up drunks. The customer compartment in the back often needs a good wash with a hose at the end of a shift.
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God I wish we got the corolla wagon in the US. I visited EU a few months ago and saw a green corolla wagon like pic related
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>MI state cops have blueberry dodge chargers with hugeass WEEWOO-tier cylindrical lights on top
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less gay than yours, chuddy
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At least they used to have soul.
Not a bad car. Very spacious but also somehow compact.
European police don't arrest anyone. Only a few times a year when a boomer complains about brownoids on facebook.
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>Finpolice uses those vans a lot
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Germany also uses 3 and 5 series wagons but they are no match for kick scooters
those are some luxury cars the police confiscated from some criminals(engin polat and his dumb bitch wife dilan polat for example)
our police nowadays have hyundai tucsons with some volkswagen golf-caddy in between
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also as a side note in the long run the plan is to replace all the normal police cars with the togg(turkish government/erdogan clan bankrolled ev brand)
jandarma is basically the rural police(was a part of the military until the coup attempt)
>confiscate shit expensive luxury car
>has now to pay out the butt for maintenance
they are only used at touristic districts to be fair
for pr purposes
bumping this because add skoda kodiaq to this list too for the jandarma
because the police got the delivery of around 7000 cars literally as of saying this
jandarma got skoda kodiaqs
normal police got a mix of togg and hyundai tucsons coulndt figure out the rest because the footage barely shows the cars only erdogan screeching
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The carabinieri color scheme looks so much better
I think the Finnish police were considering those, too.
Their current custom vans are pretty expensive, and they drive them a lot (100k km / 62k miles a year isn't unheard of), so they wear down fairly quickly.
Not sure if switching to a VAG car would be an improvement for the servicing costs, though.
they already drive vag cars
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European police are literally a branch of the military, created by kings to put down peasant revolts
American police is publicly elected
niggers want to defund the police then cry about police cars being too gay, tnd
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heaven forbid parents teach kids what guns are so they don't play around with them when they find them.
>wow, are you trying to make your kid into the next eric harris?!!!?!?!??
These are KOBAN police cars, so especially rural police officers don't have to ride around on a bike (or scooter) in 21st century.
Also usually given to parking enforcement, so they can carry more than one officer. This is the typical American parking enforcement vehicle in comparison.
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the polish dont seem to be so easily fooled when it comes to purchasing things.
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In Japan, a cute police officer comes to get you in a cute car.
It's that car from Saints Row you have to blow up with RPG
I rather pigs have a car as shit as possible.
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Still smokes a Crown Vic, both in 0-60 and top speed, and in bends
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? cops don't deserve nice things
which to be fair isn't saying much
I hate them but the new giulia looks so good with that livery
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These "statistics" are incredibly manipulated, 20% of children do not die to firearms every year, that's like an 85% increase from 10 years ago (aka before they do blatantly started manipulating statistics). 1st of all, this "study" goes from age 0-19, not exactly "children" especially since 95% of gun violence is retarded "urban youths" gang violence in the ghetto. Of actual children in the US (aka not legal adult gang bangers) the actual homicide rate is less than 8% of all deaths.
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this, especially not on the taxpayer's dime
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Came here to post this. That car is sex, and that livery is like a tight latex suit that enhances her curves.
I truly do not get the constant fawning over this car's looks, the front bumper looks retarded. The rear looks good, I'll give it that.
oh shit
The supermarios are really REALLY proud of their decade old maintenance nightmares
>halogen bulbs
why not use horse carriages with candles instead?
At least you might be able to swap those without replacing the whole assembly.
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live action lupin the 3rd footage
America Number One! No other police state comes close!
I saw the cops at a train station in Mexico using BMW 3 series sedans recently. I was fairly surprised. They also had Mercedes Unimogs and Chinese trucks.
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There is a BMW factory in Mexico that produces the 3 series and 2 series. Some were acquired by police to test as replacements for the Dodge Chargers that will be retired soon. I think it could happen but only for special police and national guard. I don't think they'll go for the new Chargers with the turbo in block I6 when the 3 series is rear drive and built in Mexico.
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Also the Audi Q5 was tested as a replacement for the Dodge Durango and Ford Explorer when the Audi factory in Puebla was opened. Only a few were aquired and it was not selected, more Explorers and Mazdas were chosen instead. They did stop buying Durangos though because they fall apart unilke the body on frame Dodge/Ram products.
not gay anymore when they pulling you out :(

>european police were created by kings

>american police are publicly elected
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okay black polo, purple button down, or jean jacket, which one are you taking?
this is some crisis intervention vehicle for third world countries
Benny Hill music intensifies
>Kent State 2.0
they're the WhistlinDiesels of humanity
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fun fact, faux police liveries are completely legal in germany if you avoid the word "Polizei". But you can use the word in a different context, there's a cildren's book publish that drives around with a fake police car that says "Polizei Medien" on it.
This guy is just a dude that thought his M5 was too bland, text says "race control"
the current livery is worse looking but easier to spot
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>university police
>armed with military personnel carriers
do americans really

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