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4chan's /o/ board presents: Offroad General

A place for gentleman to discuss their 4x4 trucks/SUVs. No side-by-sides, ATVs, AWD vehicles, or dirt bikes allowed.

Previous: >>27963536
I already used home depot bolts for the pan and them being chinesium left me with one of the heads shearing off when installing. My leak isn't exactly major, but the stud idea would be clean. I could just order a set of grade 5 bolts and wait the same amount of time
Go to the hardware store and get grade 8
You don’t need grade 8 for an oil pan, oil pan torque should be like just past finger tight, it’s in inch pounds not even foot pounds
What the fuck are you doing breaking hardware on an inch pound spec
But motorcycles are fun offroad
you know what else is finger tight?
trim and dash panel screws
10 if they got it
I wouldn't be able to deal with the capacitive buttons on the steering wheel. One of my cars has capacitive buttons for the air conditioner and I hate it.
Interesting jeep on my local CL. Seems reasonably priced too.
that seems like a steal, considering it's also allegedly completely rust free
on the one hand, it's a highly modded project with discontinued parts and nigger wheels for almost 10k

on the other, the seller knows the word "litany"
Why oh why did they go through all that trouble and then put basketball wheels on that thing...

Nice Jeep though. Buy it, sell those wheels to a pajeet, and put some proper 15" steelies on there.
2004 was a tough time for offroad wheels
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the factory skid was too beat to shit and bent to get aligned with the mounting holes so fuck it time for new skid plate
More weight for the weight Gods
it's way beefier than the sheet metal skid but will still be way lighter than what is was with my old mongoloid bumper setup
I did like Humongaloid desu ne
want it? i'll trade it for some local jams and jellies
Hey Anon, do you know the difference between jam and jelly?
Kek it would probably fit my GX without much work. Maybe when I finally get out there
Do you know thw difference between preserves and marmalades?
no my useless parents only taught me about juice vs cider
If it's clear and yella', you've got juice there, fella. If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town.
based cider mill bro. post season pass
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The difference is that I can't jelly my dick in your ass.
just paid 1284 dollars for a winch+mount+install for a vehicle that literally does not exist yet.
I'm sure your pre-ordered Cybertruck will arrive any day now Anon.
How the fuck do I plan out a skid plate? Too vertical and it looks bad; too horizontal and juts the bumper out way to far. Should I integrate one into a tubular bumper, or should I just do something out of plate?
Just look at existing skids from manufacturers and copy what they did.
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good idea. I am rarted :)
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Just fixed my ninja blender by bypassing the safety mechanisms
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If you need to plot stuff out or mock it up, trace it out on cardboard and cut it out. I'm designing an air dam/wind fairing for the roof rack on my vehicle and I've done about 3 different designs with cardboard so far, cheap and easy.

I have one of those things, it cooks soup or blends shit up. I tried making cream of broccoli with it and it overflowed and now there's yellow dried milk between the glass and the base that I can't get out. Most disappointing.
I could be wrong but 7500 seems like a good deal for a YJ jeep. I don't follow prices much on them since I don't want to buy one currently.
the ol CAD. nice
Went to HF and spent $111. How'd I do?
I don’t like the harbor freight zip ties they only last a year or so before they become so brittle that they snap at the slightest stress
Spending money on good quality zip ties is worth it
Harbor freight does sell stainless steel zip ties which are very useful however
I've been using them for years and haven't had any issues. I'll have to monitor. The ratchet straps never last me long. This is my third time buying the orange ones. Excited to use a real OBD scanner. It was on sale. Been using shitty ELM327 clones forever.
The zip ties and ratchet straps both don’t last long, especially in the sun
I have 2 firehouse subs buckets in the back of my truck that I keep ratchets in to keep them out of the sun
The sun will absolutely rape them if they are allowed to sit out
how exactly did people live with the older hummer h1 models? i was reading online and apparently some of them had like 175 horsepower... in a vehicle that weighs over 6,000 pounds
torque figures were more appropriate iirc at like 290 lb/ft but even then that's not amazing
obviously hummers weren't really designed as daily driver type vehicles
i cant imagine what it would be like driving one on today's roads
I've only ever driven the hmmwv. It's super uncomfortable. I'm 6'4" and barely fit. The seat back angle is 90°. Wouldn't ever consider owning one. Can't believe people pay $50k+ for H1s. You can build a more capable square body for a third of that price.
they want to lick a combat boot, not a cowboy boot
I imagine they have the appropriate gearing to make the low power output work for a heavy vehicle.
Old Humvees and H1s were notoriously slow vehicles, this has always been a complaint of owners and military users throughout their life. They weren't meant as a go fast vehicle to strike and escape, military SOF has various other small vehicles that are better suited for this. It's never really been a secret but the general public just assumed they must've been powerhouses to lug around all that weight. A lot of light military vehicles are painfully slow, the Canadian G-Wagens have horrendous acceleration and it's almost non-existent you put on the extra armour kit.
The very last of the H1 (civilian models) are the most coveted because they finally got a decent turbo diesel engine that gives respectable torque, hp, and overall acceleration. IIRC they bumped it to 300hp and about 500 torques by the end of the run.

Keep in mind these vehicles had portal axles which really do chop your acceleration down too.
They also contracted these vehicles under older doctrines of field maintenance; the idea that a basic Private would be able to do simple maintenance without any prior knowledge. This meant kept the engines reliable and simple so they'd only require simple stuff (they weren't all that reliable in practice).
1 ton dually trucks in the 70s had 170hp
CRUISE at 65mph? With 5.13s? I don't know the OD gearing on this trans, but I'd do the math, before finding out the motor's screaming at 65 and redlining at 70.
The original models are a disaster. The one they gave to Schwarzenegger, had a 'vette motor swapped into it. I could floor one, a quarter-mile from the garage bay and it would barely get up to speed, by the time I was near the doors. The deployed guys hated'em, because they were extremely heavy and sank right into the sand. 5200lbs, completely stripped with no doors and 7200lbs up-armored.
I'll bet it's his mum
Not sure what I just watched
>7200lbs up-armored.
Maybe when guys were welding on any scrap steel plate they could find in the motorpool.
They're over 10k up-armored.
probably his poofter ass
I wish I was autistic and rich enough to somehow put a 4-cylinder diesel in a YJ Wrangler. It would probably be a terrible car, but it would make my dream of having some weird Jeep-Hummer mutt come true.
Only gay faggots diesel swap Jeeps
There’s a factory diesel XJ for sale in LA right now, they came with a Renault diesel, also most XJs in Europe are 2.5l diesel but that’s a VM motori
They definitely do well with a diesel swap, wrangler is one of the most popular diesel swaps on YouTube, most people on there do a TDI or a Cummins 2.8
Your wakeup call to plan your retirement. Call Zurich today.
A ton of people do TDI swaps. There's also 4BTs. Are Mercedes diesels four bangers or inline sixes?
>Are Mercedes diesels four bangers or inline sixes?
they're 5 and 6 cylinder, I put one of the 5 cylinder diesels in my Toyota, it's honestly too long and there's no room for a radiator fan
they also weigh a fucking ton, much better off with a TDI which is half the weight and makes twice the power and isn't as long
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is 5k to much for an 01 grand cherokee with 150k miles?
That's pretty dope. If I were that anon, I would go with the TDI then.
gonna have some jut in the jaw
Not if it's rust free.
I'd say that's about a fair price assuming it has normal wear and tear.
no rust and the paint is about as good as it gets for the age
I'd say that's a good buy, assuming there's no ticking timebombs.
4bt a shit
okay. I don't own one or plan on owning one.
Should I get a 3" lift for my 99 Cherokee? It really needs new rear leaf springs and I know how big a disaster trying to change them are.
If you have to change your suspension due to age or wear it's always a good opportunity to improve it. May as well lift it while you're in there.
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Only get if a lift of you want a lift. I changed out my 30 year old XJ leaf springs and it was one of the easier jobs I've done on it. Just jack up the body, support the "frame" rails in front of the rear wheel wells with stands and wooden blocks, undo the rear shocks, droop the rear axle down but mind the rear brake hose, and then it's just the shackle bolts and axle u-bolts. They slide right out. Piss easy compared to the front suspension bushings.

I put in some stock height replacements with a higher load capacity from vatozone. Easy job. Shouldn't take more than a day, taking your time. If you're changing leafs throw some new shackles on there too because the old rubber bushings will be trash due to age.
Forgot to mention I went around and hit all of the bolts and nuts with pb blaster a few times about a week before I knew I was gonna change em. If you do that they should all come out just fine
it ain't always that easy, one of the first XJs I had over 10 years ago all 4 upper shock mount bolts snapped off in the body and both rear spring bolts were so seized in the they had to be cut out with a grinder
the new springs and new shackles replaced all that but they still had to be chopped to get em out
that was the front lower control arms, which also had to be cut free
all the suspension bolts were completely rusted in place and I had a full garage with Milwaukee impacts and air impacts etc
Yeah now that you mention it I think I did have to cut one of the bolts because it seized inside the leaf spring bushing sleeve, but a little cutting ain't no thang. It's not a job until something goes wrong anyway.
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But I still remember the leafs being easier than getting these motherfuckers out.
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That just needs to be hit with oxy/acetylene and it’ll come out no problem
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cracked a socket with my beastly he-man tier strength. the gearwrench warranty is p gud. a replacement is already in the mail
y-you're strong
Its a 2.5L 4 cylinder turning big tires in a lifted jeep. The drag limited top speed is 80 Mph.
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Leverage is an amazing thing. Archimedes famously said "give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I still couldn't move your mother."
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>my new skids won't be here for at least a month
>and my current skids have actual holes in them
My skids are in a pile until I finish all these sick mawdz
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I really need to replace my steering and suspension after I get new wheels and tires
My intermediate steering shaft has loosey u-joints that I've been ignoring for about 10,000km now. It's a royal bitch to replace, probably have to buy a compressor and air hammer just to get it out of there. Debating if it's worth it or just pay someone to replace it for me.

Those balljoints look gooey and delicious btw. Like little marshmallow cakes.
Lava cakes mmm
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Repaired the door seal lip on the rocker. Those welds get covered by the seal so I'm not even going to grind em
You really want to grind it.
#1) The seal won't fit correctly. It has a metal core and you're trying to jam it onto something thats 3x thicker than what it's designed for.
#2) When the seal creeps from age (which will begin immediately), the portion that was over the weld will be deformed and and no longer mount tightly.
#3) It will cause a "pressure point" on the door and accelerate paint damage in that one spot, worse case it actually dents the door over time.
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i'm grinding the vertical welds where the seal actually seats. the rest won't matter.
>accelerate paint damage
based if true
>dent the door
based if true
>based if true
Is there a preferred wheel stud length? I need to replace a couple studs on my first 4x4. On my car I have some 3" ones for convenience and looks. Would those get all banged up offroading, and what do you guys recommend?
>Is there a preferred wheel stud length?
No. Replace with OEM size and move on.
roger that
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Can I take my completely stock,only mildly rusty 1993 4wd Suburban with cheapo Kumho A/T tires off-road?
I took a rusty 03 2wd 1500 WT long bed with ATs down some sketchy east coast trails for years. Bring 2 shovels
you just need to be hit upside the head with my massive cock
On my Land Cruiser I had to cut some of these out because they were rust-welded in so bad.
I'm a bit of a noob. I've got a land cruiser with a V6 petrol engine.
It's been running like a dream for a few months, but I let it stand for 2 days the other day.. then started her up to reverse out my garage, wash it, drive it back in. The next day reversed it out again to get to some shit in my garage, then drove it back in. That's the only moving it's done.
Today when I fired her up, it was a rough start and a rough idle. Engine not making its regular sound, more like its almost misfiring or something, but no codes came up. Did 2 laps around my street and she came right again, no issues since.

My question is - what happened? Is it because I started it 4 times from cold and barely moved it, so engine went a bit fucky? Like an under/over fuel issue? Or could it just be the battery? I'd expect the start to be a bit rough on a low battery, but why would it idle so shit?
The radio screen also was flickering a bit during this process of the engine behaving weird.
yeah the torch helps with that too, burn the center rubber out then use a sawzall or hack saw to saw through the metal ring, takes like 5 min to get one out that way I've done it literally 100 times
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What's everyone else doing today?
i got one of my cars appraised at carmax and will probably sell it to them for something new. now i'm eating a sammich made with spicy gabagool from trader joes
you never guess what ive done 100 times

In my art room working on some random projects. Very comfy day
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I just used a drill for the rubber, and cold chisel and 5lb sledge to smack the metal sleeve out. Getting the new ones in was even worse because I had to use a ball joint press, and the oil pan was in the way even with the front axle fully drooped.
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God damn new record. Forgot what EtOH-free super was like
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>19y old youtube videos
collected debris from the yard and burned it
about 10 loads left to go
the shit don't end
beer and fire is nice
What's the opinion on the R51 Pathfinder? The 4.0 v6 is way too thirsty so I'd only be considering the 2.5TD i4 or 3.0TD v6. Apparently for IFS IRS vehicles they can be lifted 3 or 4 inches and have decently strong cv axles. Anyone got experiences with them?
>4.0 v6 is way too thirsty
Hello poorfag
My back is way to shot to do that much at once
4.0 is the perfect 6 cylinder, this has long been the gold standard for displacement, torque, hp, and reliability. Poor people need to stop and think about their lives and if they really even deserve a stout, thick, girthy V6.
The AMC I6 4.0 and Toyota 1GRFE are literally the best 6's ever made. BMWfags don't even start with me.
Different 4.0
4.0 is peak 6 of all makes and models.

If you disagree you probably work for BigTurbo
I work for LittleTurbo
I don't like your tone, smarten up young man.
*gentle woosh*
>he doesn't know
Good luck crossing the canning stock route without a fuel tanker supporting you dickheads, real helpful
>4.0 v6
>too thirsty
i know I've only ever driven a 3.7 v6 but that thing was sipped gas as a daily compared to the 4.0 in my xj
I have a car with a 351 cleveland too, but an offroad vehicle shouldn't be too thirsty especially when travelling remote. Thanks for the great advice as always.
1985 toyota pickup with 22r (2.4L 4 cylinder):
17 or 19 gallon fuel tank.
18mpg city, 22mpg highway.
306-418 miles per tank.

1985 Bronco with 351w (5.8L 8 cylinder):
33 gallon fuel tank
11mpg city, 13mpg highway
363-429 miles per tank
I'd accept arguments for 4.2l and 300 cubic inch.
The 4.9L/300c.i. is a tractor engine.
I've owned a pristine version of both the carb'd 300 and an EFI 4.9 and the performance is exaggerated and the praise is unwarranted.
Sure it's a good engine that's reliable.
So is a Briggs&Straton lawnmower.
Almost every engine is reliable if you change the oil and don't drive like some asshat that thinks he's on a NASCAR track.
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>Escalade and GX470 have same bolt pattern
Neat I can test fit my Micky Thompson's on my new project car and get rid of those 22s
Pic semi related
Just bring a few jerry cans, even 2 × 20L cans will get you like an extra 300km of range
Would you believe no one has actually said shit about the R51 pathfinder yet except how much everyone loves Nissans shitty petrol V6s?
Those things usually make me want to barf but that one looks good.
Goes to show that wheels can make or break a vehicle.

I'm on a pretty long trip to Korea so I gotta phantasize about some trucks because all I got here is a rental Jetta.

on another note, I'm chillin on Jeju island right now and I am seeing some strange strange cars and trucks over here.

old ass Kia SUVs that look like decent softroaders.
I also spotted something like the Korean land cruiser but I don't even recognize the badge lol
I saw a farmer running around on basically an engine strapped to a truck bed, that shit look somewhere between Africa tier and badass.

feels exotic.
Damn nigga stop teasing us, this is an image board after all let's see some koreaboo shit
shut the fuck up faggot.
a 300 needs less maintenance than any other gas straight 6
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Since we're on the topic of based V6 engines, I think the 4.3 Vortec deserves a mention. It's basically a 350 small block with two cylinders chopped off. Had more torque than all of the other V6 trucks of that era. Highly reliable and easy to work on.
Bajas and Cyclones are megabased
Once I fucked a dyke who was a navy cop and owned a typhoon.
Based and STDpilled
Why the fuck are there no good fuel pump manufacturers left for older vehicles that have no OE stock fuel pumps still available?

The shit at parts stores? All junk.
This is exactly what I was talking about.
Please explain how the metallurgy used in the 300 was blessed by fairies so it doesn't follow the rules of the universe like all other engines.....
i have to agree with him, i have a '96 300 with mass air, i can hardly tell the difference from an '80 with the tiny lawnmower carb. sure it can get 20ish mpg if you putz around town, try and get it up on the interstate and go 65-70 and it drops like a rock to 13-15, an empty 18' trailer will bring it down to 10-12, and its wheezing and struggling to go over 40. My 5.3 tahoe mops the floor with it.
Build your own like BMWfags
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37s and AEV Katlas coming in the next week, cant wait to have a massive spare taking up ridiculous amounts of space in the bed lol
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>AEV Katlas

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