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Does financing count as owning a car?
No but debtslaves think they do because the bank let's them park it at their (the banks) house.
>t. mortgage haver
>have to pay property taxes or the government will take your house
Do we ever really own our real estate?
Not really. I finance my car and I will never ever end up in a situation where I can't make a payment. I could claim that for all intents and purposes I own my car, but that would be a cope because too many financially retarded peons see financing as a way to spend beyond their means and end up showing the world the ugly side of financing (i.e. OP's webm with the dancing brown person).
its kinda like contractual ownership. you can do whatever you want with a financed car as long as you pay the car note, but as soon as you don't the car is taken from you. it is worse than complete ownership where the car exists at your whim, but better than leasing which is actually just a year long rental.
Financing is possibly worse than leasing because a lease is a long term rent that you will never own whereas if you finance a car you have made a promise to pay for it and you may well end up losing it and still owing money for the thing you do not have.
>cashtards faces when they find out what happens after you pay a loan off
Do people just leave their cars in neutral or did this negro just wreck that BMW's transmission?
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>one less beemer
>one less jeet
blacks are based?!
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what kind of repo man works so slowly? he could have gotten assaulted a thousand times while he was loading that beemer on the bed. this is how pros do repo jobs
smooth af
That's like saying "I'm going to die someday so I might as well just jump off a bridge today".
/o/ is embarrassingly bad at finance
what's worse is pulling it by the tie rods. this car is fucked.
black repo men are like black cops. You're victimizing your own people lmao
Are all repo men black? It's actually a genius play, because they can pretend that it's legal theft to fuel their natural urge to steal shit.
>You're victimizing your own people
How so? Did the repo man make them not make their payments? Please expand your thoughts.
why is he so fat what the fuck
kinda crazy how kids who grew up acting like this on tiktok are now adults working real jobs and still acting like children on tiktok except its on the job now
bros tell me if I can afford to buy a 12k car with 2% financing for 48 months or maybe 60 but I'd like to get rid of the debt faster
I make 50k a year
>you can do whatever you want with a financed car as long as you pay the car note
You are required to keep it in good working order and condition. If you fuck it up and Mr Noseburg finds out he can demand payment in full. This is why jeep queers hide their jeeps after totaling them off roading.
Niggers hate niggers, idiot.
imagine enslaving yourself for 4 years for a measly 12k. what the fuck is wrong with you
Buy a 3k shitbox. It's all you can afford.
t. 48k/yr
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You can tell how many times this nigga has been fucked with
drama queen with his enslavement of 200 buckaroos a month he could end any time....
jews reproducing with whites is why the majority of all americans are in debt regardless of race
Not until you finish paying it off, no.
Mom's bf financed a $13k car 5 years ago and still owes on it.
That's what I do. If you don't have a bunch of other crazy debts and can comfortably invest the rest, you're fine. Just pay it off in half the term or less, ideally, and obviously don't borrow from anyone who will charge a penalty for early payoff.
Property taxes are county level, you can realistically get them repealed if you don't live near democrats. Also a lot of places waive them once you hit a certain age.
No and taxes are non-consentual.
It's pretty easy to make money by financing and investing the liquid cash you gain in the mean time
Wouldn't having the parking break on prevent this?
No but does it really matter? If the rate is low enough and the term is short sometimes it can make sense to finance a new car vs buying a piece of crap for cash.
Did the new pedestrian spray a fucking hose at him? What's that going to do?
It was implied he as repoing a car from a church. Black church takes all day, he was in no hurry.
2% would be stupid good
>asking retard question
Based. I love watching christcucks get fuckin owned.
Blacks are malicious towards every group on earth, especially other blacks

You’re talking about a race that murders each other over wearing the wrong colors
It didn't roll, it just slid
We also got wheel scrapage
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niggers don't think rationally like that
Shiet this hose has a gun shaped fing on it, I'mma shoot this nigguh
You're gonna be in debt your entire lives retards.
well if you look closely you can see him pull a foot long knife at the end. So he was probably trying to distract him so he could shank him.
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All of you need to sell your cars. Right now.
fina cap dey ass an shiet
Not his problem. Outsourcing in a nutshell
If you're making payments on something you don't own it. Bringing this fact up with "homeowners" really gets them upset but they can't say anything becasue they know you're right.
lots of people don't use the parking brake, they just rely on the parking pawl (holds the car in place when transmission is in Park)
if that minivan is FWD and the parking brake isn't set there's nothing stopping the back wheels from rolling
Most whites aren't aggressive enough to go in the hood everyday to and take cars from blacks.
nah thats just wrong. it wouldn't be called repossession if you didn't own it. you can do whatever you want with it even though you haven't payed off the loan. your ownership and financial obligation are only loosely connected by the fact that defaulting on your loan will lead to them looking to take the property you bought with the loan before taking anything else.
it literally reads that the finance company owns the car
possession is not ownership. Dude let me loan your garden tool. now i possess a garden tool but do not own
It also avoids the "whitey keeping us down" argument.
Just replace the tie rods if they really got fucked, not that hard
or they could use competent white people who actually know how to tow cars without destroying them, that's not that hard either
You possess it but don’t technically “own” it, as legally its considered property of the financing company. That said if you pay your shit off or buy it out you then legally own it. Its not inherently bad if you play your cards right and know what you’re getting into and can budget properly (and don’t do something retarded like paying another mortgage on some cuck truck or whatever), problem is like credit cards many are genuinely too retarded to be trusted with it without ruining themselves.
Ownership relies on the proportion of violence you are capable of dishing out to would be aggressors. Just ask every home and small business that got bulldozed against the owners will just to make another shitty road for example.
If I was a self respecting black person actually trying in life that had to deal with the lowlifes that turned entire neighborhoods into ghettos with their nogdom I’d make a slave owner look like an abolitionist too.
Nigga, you need to be fast befo the bulets fly. Tie rods are not worth your lyfe
>fast before the bullets fly
>take time to set up your camera and film a tik tok dance
True, you should keep paying rent until you die kek

Never forget this is the dumbest board on 4chan by a country mile.

There's no way you're getting 2% on a used car for 48 or 60 months. If you somehow are, yes, and invest as much as you can into well, anything that gives you more than 2% return.

Unsurprisingly, white trash can't comprehend the concept of collateral. Which honestly, is good, if you can't comprehend the difference between a mortgage and unsecured debt like a credit card or hard cash loan, you should really avoid debt as much as possible.

Look, this thread comes up weekly, and it's always the same arguments, because really, knowing when or when you shouldn't use debt is a somewhat subtle thing (it really isn't, but most of you are stupid) based on both what else you could do with the money and how much you make and whatever other goals you have.

Taking out a car note when you're making 250k/year is very different than at 55k, and taking manufacturer financing for a highly depreciating new car is very different than taking out a loan on a 3 to 5 year old used car with a solid maintenance history.

However, most of you are fucking retarded poors, so you'd be better off buying shitboxes and owing nothing.
>There's no way you're getting 2% on a used car for 48 or 60 months
I could, I'm an europoor and there are lots of "limited deals" like this with rates under 5%. They do have a pretty jewish monthly handling fee of usually something like 15e/month thougheverest

>However, most of you are fucking retarded poors, so you'd be better off buying shitboxes and owing nothing.
yeah this is what I realised and decided to ride the bus and buy a 2k shitbox when I see a chance
>You're victimizing your own people lmao
Literally what's wrong with that. If your people are shit, they deserve to be victimized.
and then what? i die, and you can shove my debts up your ass lmao
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Smooth and fast. You gotta be or else it'll go down like webm related
jesus. they're literally like insects. like when you're picking up firewood and grab the wrong log and all the fuckin bugs just come charging out of it.
nawww whites be callin us insects and they be picking up firewood paul bunyan lookin ass
If an HOA can take your house because your grass is too long then no your dont.
New planet of the apes movie looks good!
Pay your fucking notes then your shit won't get fucked with.
you can't finance a turbo'd shitbox into existance so maybe quit yapping little nigler
You seriously wanna see an uninteresting 30 second tiktok clip?
>Are all repo men black?
At this point, yeah. Used to be a lot more whitebois doing it until you weren't allowed to overtly deny loans to because of race. Eventually they got fed up with going into da hood/el barrio all the time and then quitting so repo companies started to hire more blacks and Mexicans.
It's more about not having to deal with LL that raise rent up $300/month every year and until they evict you or you're forced to move to an even shittier place to repeat the process.
Imagine financing an old caravan from the BHPH lot and not paying for it. You can just buy them for $2-3k cash. Those guys could easily pool that cash from welfare. Or if they wanted to buy it mid month, maybe some prostitution and drug dealing
why do black people call it a car note? it's not a fucking "note" of any kind. it's a car bill.
I'm assuming it comes from a note payable but I may be overthinking it.
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It's possible to buy a house that's not in a HOA, my man. Then you get to watch the salty old fucks on the block shuffling around yelling at people instead of being able to send their doofy little letters. No, I'm never going to edge my fence line or pull up all the wild tickseed flowers that line my driveway, old boomer that likes to cruise around at 5mph glaring at people. I rented a dumpster to clean out my mom's house when she moved, and her HOA would leave us daily letters for any individual thing that happened to be left on the lawn overnight
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Thanks, I needed a laugh.

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