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>in 10-20 years we'll be driving hydrogen cars! this really is the future, jeremy!
james gay wrong again
Remind me which of the them shills EVs now too
James, the guy on the right in the green jacket in op's pic.
Clarkson legit hates EVs, he claimed in the last grand tour special that's why they're ending the show, because he isn't interested in reviewing appliances.
Whereas Hammond seems disinterested in them. He's reviewed a few of them (mainly the supercars) but he doesn't like ever comment about them. Also he's a major classic car nut.
They still make them but they're irrelevant unless you live in California or Japan.
It's like finding out Australians ran thier cars on propane
Hydrogen embrittlement
We'll be driving normal gas and diesel cars from the early 2000s and earlier. Nucars will litter junkyards
Man Clarkson used to be able to tuck a shirt in without his gut sticking out a foot in front of him
what would he agree to review beside EVs? nobody makes performance cars anymore <$100000, i guess there's Mustangs lol
ain't liver failure a bitch
We will thank our Chinese overlords for manufacturing patch panels and even whole bodies to support the upkeep of 2000s and earlier cars.
Thats funny cause junkyards are littered with cars from 2000s and earlier
Plaid exists that beats every other performance cars on the road, under 2 million dollars and thats only ~80K or so
Ah yes, Plaid. The car that couldn't manage a single lap of Burgerking.
The usual suspects sharted all over the dozens of storage methods for hydrogen (only compressed and liquified hydrogen is allowed by their mafia), its many possible sources (almost everything that may contain energy), the many ways to use it (fuel cells, internal combustion engines, heat engines, direct combustion, a reducing agent, ...), any possibility of lowering costs, the laws and everything else because it triggered them.
Same for many other alternative fuels and batteries.
>powered by nuclear grid
>carbon fiber are safe and low pressure technology
No, Hydrogen indeed the future
It's just dumb as fuck lmao, not everything is da joos.
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SotN. Totally Jawsome. It's somewhat relevant to cars in terms of mindstate, rhythm, adventure, and aggression.
I'm too sauced to drive for the rest of the day but that's an option, I barely ever played it. The controls just feel a little off to me.
PS4 collection were great addition
Miss the boy
Nah, he right in long term
Gas compression h2 growth
any trash mean man treasure
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>shills EVs
They on xitter
EV benchracer spotted
Man of culture
You're on the right website!
Hyla keep growing.
too bad i can't screencap on those streaming services. many great reactions.
>not like this
Take it collage boi!
With petrol ban enforce, hydrogen might have viable option
If only DJ Trump and Jeff Bezo know about pink/red hydrogen method
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>Propane fuel cell
Never work
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New generation would drive them
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More like Brazil. They have a massive network for LPG
You can’t deny it, BOY!
That's a cute girl(male)
get in the dress shinji!
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Nice dating outfit
Grand tour cancelled?
>New generation would drive them
>that pic
I was born in the 80s and Evangelion came out when I was 5.
>full of aqua fuel

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