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Early thanksgiving tenere edition!

>cycle with a Motor
>Motorcycle pics for smilin, webms for gigglin
>tenere cult
>HONDA ftr vs INDIAN ftr
>vfr ugly top cases
>motorcycle anime girl(s)
>r9 dead on arrival
>ADV chads & dads
>Never buying used, Never buying new
>dont buy chinese, dont buy EV
>Earplugs go in da Ear
>MSF class alumni

STICKY: >>23526953
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/xu560p4q


>Twist Of The Wrist II
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_DyKJtrZ6w [Open]


>Hi, nice to meet you I ride a motorcycle

Season thread >>28041540
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Garbage thread, sure dbt is in the title but daily bike thread is not. Quit using fucking faggot baby talk, make this shit searchable.
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Damn that's a pic of my bike when it was still new
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First for 2 strokes.
Either in the body or in the name, include the actual word "bike" somewhere.
does it make slide whistle noises
>Cant type "dbt" in search bar
Ohhhh, you're nu. Gotcha
tfw nobike
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>tfw hasbike
Very nice
You're supposed to search dbt !
nigga looks like a pogchamp
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The headless motoman cometh.
blue frame gsxr?
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>skinny arms
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Any Bike is better than no bike
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anon why does you bike have a bipod on it?
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That's not a bipod, anon
ohhh crutches
the bandages make more sense now.
get well soon :)
Your first thought didn't go to center stand?
Are you the guy with the feet from the other thread?
Nah, that one is my buddy's K7 750.

Look, it's a bad picture and I hadn't worked out in a while okay? I promise my arms aren't skinny, okay? You have to believe me, bro.

Fuckin kek
How do you keep your bike up when you take the wheels off?
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All bikes are also guns, didnt you know?
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dubs and I didn't know he was a rider, how much based can fit inside a single human?
Should I get a dr650 as my first bike
the transmissions in those like to grenade.
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>dbt is so buck broken they think every demoralization post comes from a no bike
we-we-we'ree with the vipers...
What are we doing for the Halloween edition anyway?
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Being spooky
In 1989 I was 9 years old. I lived in Spokane WA with my Mom and my stepdad Mike. Mike was a firefighter in Spokane and a motorcycle enthusiast. He and I watched Ricky Johnson on his 1989 CR 250 on tv every chance we got and Mike ended up buying one. My mom and I would go out to the track nearly every weekend and watch Mike ride, I called him motorcycle Mike and he is the reason I am such a huge motorcycle advocate and rider today. Mike passed away this year leaving behind 2 daughters (my step sisters) at age 71. He left quite the legacy as he had ridden over 1million miles on a Harley when he passed. After retiring from the fire department he rode all over the United States.
Because of Mike and his influence on me I’ve been looking for an 89 for a long time. It would be an absolute dream come true if we could work something out. Please let me know. I would love to come introduce myself and see the bike. Thank you.

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>get new bike
>can't stop riding
>took a 30 mile detour on the way home today
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Been there anon, there’s something so freeing about the open road, a brand new ride, and a beautiful sunset to chase until your heart’s content
Wish you many more wonder filled miles anon <3
hate it when that happens
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Choose your fighter
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>Quit using fucking faggot baby talk, make this shit searchable.
Bruh, you gotta be retarded if you can't instantly find the thread

should i get this? comes to about 2k shipped usd 3k aud
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baiku is borderline cringe but ku is just fucking gay
>dogshit cheap to replace
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I'm curious about Harley. I have a bunch of Japanese bikes but people love these things. Do they really have soul? Might go cop this because it looks cool
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not a bike
Harley is bad designs executed with top tier quality. They tried making better bikes but it was more cost effective to keep selling 900lb gigabaggers and trikes to rich boomers until they get too old to ride.
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better than nothing, what do u have anon?
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>what do u have anon?
disdain for scooters

is your r1 out of the shop again? the lowside sounded gnarly
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>disdain for scooters
fair, although I rented one on vacation and it was pretty fun
>is your r1 out of the shop again? the lowside sounded gnarly
bike is fixed, currently waiting for insurance company, should have the R1 back soon enough

I could've fixed the engine cover (only crucial damage as it was leaking oil when hot & pressurized) myself and have a banged up bike, but since im paying unholy amount for insurance I let them fix everything
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>Garbage thread, sure dbt is in the title but daily bike thread is not.
>myself and have a banged up bike, but since im paying unholy amount for insurance I let them fix everything
would do the same, it just sucks, that the insurance takes so long and winter is upon us. last week i had to wait an extra day on a new s22 for the front while the tire sat already at the tire shop waiting to get done with. anoyed me to no end, because last time i just ordered the tire myself, saved a few bucks in the process and lost only a day instead of four of riding. knowing your bike sitting at the garage waiting to get green lighted by insurance must suck, even if those bastards have to pay the bill
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>paying $7000 more for a heavier version of the same bike with less torque & without fairings

for what purpose
That's a dentist bike for sure
You're dumb as fuck
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Why my oil gray? I got a new piston ring, new clutch plates and linings. I changed my oil at 300km at then at 500km. It's still gay. Why?

People are telling me it's clutch material but I don't buy it (my clutch plates aren't aluminum). I got a liquid-cooled 250 single, all stock except the clutch springs which are aftermarket and stiffer than normal.

Also when can I get back to using synthetic oil? I got 800km so far on the new piston ring.
if you confirmed it's aluminium, you didn't, then you can safely conclude that your engine is clearancing itself and you should restart
How gray / gay are we talking? Do you have any pictures? Some glitter is acceptable, but if it's straight-up mercury, something's fucked.

What's that mean? Also I forgot to mention that the clutch plates were aftermarket and janky and aluminum when I got the bike. I had the piston ring installed, changed out the clutch linings and plates (and oil, it was gray) after 300km with genuine Yamaha, and then I still got gay oil after 500km.
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How to solve this problem?

Sadly I wasn't able to take a picture, but it was similar to this, but not this gray (around 20% less gay). It was the same color after the 300km and the 500km.

The water pump seal on the radiator was also said to be close to giving up. It was replaced after the 500 (no oil changes yet since then).
I assume this is a troll. but in case you're dumb: you're missing an R. S1000RR --> M1000RR, the one on the right is the M version of the naked bike that's already cheaper and more street oriented than track focused
> Honda is offering you the chance to earn back part of your motorcycle license - up to €750 including VAT!
> Applicable for new riders on purchase of: NC750X, CB750 Hornet, XL750 Transalp, Forza 750
>Two wheels
Sorry buddy, but it is a motorcycle. And the 70cc kit i just threw in legally makes it one too.
get a transalp, I hear a lot of good things so far and the euro version has more power than the US one from factory.
Honda was offering 1k off MSRP during the summer months here for transalp only.
Honda knows their market, new riders that don't know any better
enough said!!
>Implying I even have my endorsement
I might, all bikes on this list are comfortable and have what I'm looking for.
But realistically transalp serves no purpose to me, there are no dirt roads and on-road performance of NC is hard to beat.
> implying there are any strictly better alternatives
NC750X would be my first choice if not for DCT. I want my clutch lever reeeeeeee
y tho
downshift rev-matching is fun. clutch and manuals seem like an inconvenience if you've never used one. once it's second nature you realize it's more fun than an auto or semi-auto. unless you're in rush hour traffic but also this is a motorcycle so you can just filter anyway
Ok, I see your perspective but don't feel it the same way.
On my bike rev-matching is so trivial I don't get my joy from it, I only use it to enrage cagies by rapidly slowing down without lighting my brake light.
I can't tell which one feels better to me, e-clutch or DCT, but for me both are more enjoyable than manual.
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Am i retarded?

>go to local parts store for oil for shitbike
>Just need 1 litre
>only selling 5 litres of the one i need
>ask the guy if he has any 1L bottles of 10w-40 motorcycle oil
>"10w-40 is 10-40 no matter if its bike or car oil"
Are they not different due to the clutch sharing the oil? ive always been told not to use regular oil
>"no no its just 10-40 it will work no problems"
"Are you sure this is fine to use?"
>"yes its the same oil no matter what"
Pic rel

I think he is full of shit tbqh anons, ive always been told to ONLY use motorcycle specific oil as using any old shit will ruin the clutch/everything

Quick google and i can find nothing on their website or anywhere for that matter that says its ok to use in a bike , luckily a family members car takes 10-40 so its not a complete waste , only £7 (under 10 freedom bucks)
Why the fuck did you spend money there after he lied to your face?
Of course motorcycle oil is different, car oil doesn't have to deal with clutch particles floating around in it.
Post the rest of your body.
Meh, it's oil. It's probably a little different, but at the absolute worst you're gonna get more clutch slippage than intended. It won't make your engine explode.

Try it out for science.
Ive been in the place many times over the years, thought the guy was trustworthy but apparently not, the car takes 10-40 so not a complete waste of money, i will take my business elsewhere from now on
Ill just buy the motorcycle specific stuff from somewhere else, dont want to ruin my little shitter anymore tbqh
oil really isnt THAT expensive, paying 50 bucks every 6000 kilometres for some premium fully synthetic goes a long way.
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Buy a later series nc700x and pocket the difference
kill yourself
Same, I had the opportunity to buy a manual one and didn't, but the ergos were amazing.
lol@ "fuck it i just throw some washers under the nut"
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I'm tempted. Help me, lads.
>only use it to enrage cagies by rapidly slowing down without lighting my brake light.
kek, damn you're stupid as fuck. what brand of bike do you ride? It's genuinely crazy how stupid you are.
a stripped 800$ bike in an ugly color?
>scrambler build with knobby looking tires
>kept indoors the entire time
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What's so stupid in wishing to be rear-ended?
this is one of the strangest bikes listed ive seen so far, looks amazing and an absolute steal for the price but just these weird pictures.

not worth the money but it still has the airbox so the builder wasn't completely retarded
Yeah hes full of shit and your gut was right
Probably a business that forced masks by thr sound of it, fuck that stupid gay faggit dont give him your buznuss

Homo, get out

You have to be 18 to post here, the rest nobody is going to read because we were busy frogposting while you were shitting diapers

>the people around me have no interest in motorcycles
Just like the people who are interested in motorcycles here have no interest on your age or coming of age existientialism that npcs and normies are fucking retarded and your blogposting was tldr
just use the factory recommended oil if you dont want problems its not worth saving a few dollars
does it still have the helmet compartment where a gas tank normally goes? looks like it. uh jk though didn't realize we were in the 50s for horsepower, gonna stick with like Africa Twin/transalp territory
captcha: GGAYX
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"friction modified" oil has slippery stuff that will make your clutch slip. Here in Burgerland we buy diesel truck oil at the auto parts store when they don't have bike-specific stuff. Like Shell Rotella. You can also look on the back of the package for "JASO MA" or MA2 rating. This is the Japanese motorcycle standard, where it's tested on an actual motorcycle clutch.
Is the tinnitus permanent guys
And it's going to get worse!
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Yes. If it bugs you, the appropriate treatment is hypnosis.
Close to 60 vs close to 90 hp — neither is "fast", both are fast enough, and the torx are almost the same.
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Just vibe with it.
we warned you to use earpro
me trying not to laugh when the 'tough guys' who 'don't need no pussy ear protection' find out the hard way
80-100hp seems like a sweet spot to me. i'm sure the 700x is still fun i just think i'm set on africa twin. that white cow pattern one makes my pp do things
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We warned you about the wind noise bro.
His point still stands though
What a LOAD of Bullshit
M version has a bunch of bullshit add-ons like carbon wheels. if you care about performance over aesthetics then don't buy the overpriced special edition with carbon. shrimple as. there's reasons it costs more but those reasons don't matter to everyone
I did use it but I got some reusable rubber earplugs with a low noise reduction rating which I guess just didn't do anything.

I have the high noise reduction foamies but I don't like using those because they work too good. They make the pre-existing tinnitus just sound deafening. I need some sound at all times in order to cover up the ringing.
I didn't realize that 113nm torque is less than 113 nm torque.
It's not only the wind noise.
Imagine the hearing loss of a typical loudfag.
are there any good bikes/scooters <110cc that can keep up with 80~km/h traffic? BC has strange insurance grades and <110 is a single tier where it's very low. I am not going on any major highways. seems like most bikes are 50cc and then they jump up to 125
I think they made some cub variants in that displacement.
oh it seems like those were called the passport in canada, pretty much only 80s ones around it seems. there's also the navi but that thing seems pretty uncomfortable for long rides + i'm 6'

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Is that fucking homosuck? The kids of today should defend themselves against the 00s.
people say to lube your chain with gear oil, wtf do you use to get it on? your hand?
from what i've seen bicycle people use. either a small plastic basin full of the oil and spin the chain while it's submerged in it or use a dropper.
surgical tube.
your cock
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I hate it that I find these impractical bikes sexy.
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Finally back on a bike after a year
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Use the oiler dummy
Nice tuna.
yo yo yo where the trannies at? baka
hope enjoy the saddle; she’s a looker.
Jesus copart is such a scam.
You wind up paying as much for "administrative fees" as the actual winning bid.
But they have so much crashed yumminess....
Drive car, relaxed, sticking to the speed limits
Drive bike, wheelies, speeding
Yin and Yang
For bikes most under 125 are trail bikes and are not road legal.
Honda dio and Suzuki address are 110.
But I think they top out at 80kph but you would want to cruise at 70kph. Source: Watching uber eats riders.
for me its reversed
Stands, soft slings and a hoist or patient lift (love my two patient lifts which work nicely to place engines on benches and engine stands), and cargo straps hung off the steel shelves in my biketainer which give complete access with no barriers.
This bike wouldn't look out of place in 1960, this bike looks nice today.
Why aren't there any non-retro designs that can survive the time?
what car / bike combo you got
The five speed solidmount Sporties are cheap (that one should be low 3s/high 2Ks so bargain), rugged and a breeze to maintain with very low upkeep costs (nearly all work is easy to DIY).

They're buzzy because they retain the solid engine mounts dating to the 1950s but I don't mind that (I have two 1997s, one bought to flip with a 2000 1200S engine and forks, and an 89" stroker scored for less than the kit with frame and engine case mods) and a third in parts. Avoid the earlier four speed models because they inherited the late Ironhead "clutchernator" alternator and trans door setup prone to failure.

I prefer mid controls but there are plenty of stock takeoffs for sale. My rides all get mids so I can deload my back on bumps.

Everything ya need to know about Sporties lives here and on related Sportsterpedia:


Get a factory service manual and parts catalog (no substitutions). The parts book complements the manual. This group is worth a dummy account.

https://www. FECESBOOK .com/groups/1465028990466294/

I download not just tech data for what I own but for all of a given style of drivetrain. Shit's free.

https://www. FECESBOOK .com/groups/1465028990466294/

Chop Cult is slow these days but has many skilled mechanics.
Ride bike on road, relaxed, sticking to the limits.
Ride bike on dirt, like an unhinged jackass.
Yin and Yang, without the faggy cage.
Looks like water intrusion. You can buy UV dye and a cheap blacklight at auto stores. Dye the coolant, ride with fresh oil and see what ya get.

Any fluid volume loss?
because fairings are ugly
I'm always chilling.

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>Adv bikes are meant to be jumped

that's someone nearly losing it over a whoop tho
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Does side mounted intercoolers mean ill have holes punched in them if I accidentally tip the bike?

>Newer rider, take it easy anon.
>Why aren't there any non-retro designs that can survive the time?
There are, you just have dogshit taste. We hit "modern" aero in like 2002 and so faired bikes from after that look basically modern. The only big change since then visible from the road is headlights switching to LED, which took a while to not be hideous.
Manufacturers STILL seem to have no fucking clue what to do with LED lights. Smaller for the sake of smaller, but they do it seemingly ugly as fuck on purpose too. The nu-Katana shows that simple lights can still work with modern design language yet nobody copies that bike including Suzuki.
I think the Italians have it nailed down. even the sport bikes
Postin’ again since nobody responded.

I took my bike in to an independent shop to get my front forks rebuilt back in August. I’ve called twice since then and they keep telling me they are “waiting on parts,” particularly the fork bushings. Should I believe them and keep being patient or just say fuck it and go get it back and do it myself? I understand that my bike is 20 years old so parts can be slow to come but this is fucking ridiculous.
just do it yourself, rebuilding forks is like one step up from swapping brake pads
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Why does Yamaha put tiny fucking gas tanks on all their new bikes? I mean the R3's is okay but the MT07, MT09, and R9 are the same size as that and the R7 is even smaller. A CBR600 has a full 30% more fuel capacity than an R9 and should have about the same consumption.
Instead of paying $250 at the shop to adjust my rear shock preload I decided to do it myself. I took these measurements in cm.

Wheel Free off ground = 58.42

Wheel On ground = 56.8325

My fat ass Sitting on the bike 53.34

I have looked online and see conflicting formulas on calculating the sag. These measurements are with the the preload on 4 with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the hardest. This is for a 23 honda cb500x. I am tempted to upgrade the rear shock. It seems quite easy with a center stand. I don't want to spend more than $500 on a rear shock though. I don't need anything fancy just something easily adjustable one that makes the bike more stable and plush.
Ordered a rear brake reservoir but the coating is incomplete. Should I worry about it flaking off or peeling over time and getting in the brake lines?
Do you need the fork oil syringe measure tool?
Get crashbar cage then
Is the vibration on those solid mount sportsters enough to make your hands and dick go numb? How long would you want to ride one on the highway in a single trip before significant pain or discomfort?
My fuel tank looks like it’s about to fucking explode with bumps all over the top and the only replacement I can find is like 300+USD
I’m killing myself
that tenny looks like its smiling
Dog Bless
I'm in korea and the delivery riders are absolutely nuts

craziest thing i saw was one guy taking a corner at speed, leaning the bike over, while one hand was off the bar holding his damn phone. he was looking at his fucking phone while cornering. absolute nuts
I get 38mpg with my CB650 but they claim 57.6. Is there anyone that can really ride such a fun bike so slowly to get that kind of mileage?
I've been riding my XT250 more on-road lately than off-road, and it feels perfect for the roads around here at that speed. It absolutely can hit 80 mph when it needs to.

I was thinking of getting an EJK and maybe a front sprocket upgrade to help its top end performance. Think I should go full-in on that idea? It is just an XT250 but honestly I'm not liking off-road around here as much as I would like. I think the trails just suck too much or are made for 4x4s.
City or Highway?
Pro gaming
The problem is 100% because of plastics. None of these old motorbikes that have plastic farings survive past 20 or 30 years without intensive maintenance to the plastic.
Meanwhile these retro designs survive forever because examples of sleek naked bikes will exist as long as bondo and rustoleum still exists.
Mixed, maybe half and half
/dbt/, will I have any issues replacing the tubed tires on my XT350 with tubeless tires? Do I have to do any extra work or am I stuck with tubed options?
How are you planning on sealing up the spokes?
Does someone make a collapsible bike lift set?
>Turbocharged 2 stroke
Wont that make less power?
So just like cruisers then. Most the cruisers, scramblers and retronakeds seem to stay around forever unless.
I figure E6000 would work.
Haven't heard of that, I've heard of people using the 3M 5200 marine sealant though. I say give it a try. What tires are you wanting?
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No that's my foot tapping the brake as I hit a jump
Is there a foolproof way to tell if your fork seal is busted? I saw what looked like oil after a ride a month or two ago and haven’t seen something like it since.
>Is there a foolproof way to tell if your fork seal is busted
oil leak
If you do this, doesn't it prevent you from turning the spokes to true the wheel?
well I don’t see any wetness but I have no clue what the stuff I saw back in September would’ve been otherwise
Why did you film going up stairs. Is this supposed to be remotely impressive?
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>implying any of the videos on here are actually impressive
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It was impressive
I'll consider the 3M. E6000 is just what I have lying around. I was planning to throw some Shinko 705s on there. I only have to worry about the front tire since the size I want in the rear is available tubed.
that is impressive
you're very good at yeeting your bike out from under you
Never had my dick go numb but I don't run thin seats. I don't mind riding them a couple hours but my back has unrelated damage. The rear suspension is 1950s swingarm geometry so a bit stiff stock.

I do wear riding gloves (because the first thing humans stick out to protect themselves in a fall is their hands) which are more comfortable.
I'm just hoping I don't have to do that. Had the bike for six years and haven't had to do it.
When in doubt power out
Just dig out the sealant around the offending spoke, adjust and reseal.

>I only have to worry about the front tire since the size I want in the rear is available tubed.
Just so we are on the same page, you know you can run tubes in a tubeless tire right?
you will get vibes mainly on the left grip and your pegs if they arent rubber coated. with a good seat you can ride all day, i have a thin one so i just reposition or take a piss/smoke/lunch break whenever it bothers me. a taller set of shocks will soften the ride and longer forks will make you feel more stable at high speed but worse at low speed
Ive seen some here yes, and filmed some impressive ones also
Like this one, the cops jannied me my opportunity for motogf bros
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I discovered that I can put an inner tube under a tubeless tire just now while browsing online. I don't now why I didn't find out about that sooner.
>None of these old motorbikes that have plastic farings survive past 20 or 30 years
Look at my Banshee that's been garaged and rubbed with with a diaper daily, just look at how this fender flexes...
Shit it broke.
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Sometimes its the views that are, like >>28045648
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do you ever wish that you were the bike anon?
Bros, I'm kinda stuck. I'm looking at VMAXs and Victorys for my next bike. I've ridden a Victory with the 106cui, and I really liked it. I have not ridden a VMAX yet. Not sure which would be the right choice. I have a lot of time to choose, and I could probably own both (not at the same time) eventually.

>1200cc V4
>shaft drive
>23 year production run
>lots of decent examples for around 5k
>cool factor of it being a VMAX

Victory (gunner, judge, highball, etc)
>106cui air cooled fuel injected V twin
>more than 100ftlbs of torque
>you can get sub10k mile examples for less than 5k
>super comfy

Even though they're out of production, the Victory seems like the smarter choice; but the VMAX is the more cool choice. but also a fuck-off huge cruiser is cool. Hell even the giant faired touring version are cheap too.
AAAAHHHH I would probably end up turning the vmax into a project like everything else I own.
I do not want men riding me
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That's why I wanna be a low cc bike like a cbr300
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You sure about that?
Can you still get parts for the Victory?
world's straightest harley rider
Victory Octane is for real men.
are ADV helmets really a meme or am I going to want that sunvisor when I'm out in the dust and dirt?
Put vmax engine into the victory and avhieve supreme victory
You know now what must be done, even in your own words:
>own both but not at the same time
Confusing, i know, but im also right, search your heart you know it to be true
All other suggestions and replies will be totally wrong and indifferent now to you
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The trick is to take the sunvisor off and ride your supersport with goggles, retro flair and aesthetics achieved
Anyone have experience with motorparts online?
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Polaris said they would be making parts for ten years from the end of production. That being said, I'm willing to gamble on getting my money's worth of use out of the bike before some catastrophic failure.

a-anon, you've lost it.
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just noticed faza has wings, this bike is so cool
Why the left grip specifically?
I understand that but I’m talking more about whether or not I should give the mechanic more time or be “that guy.”
Why would they be a meme? Sun visor is nice either for the sun or rocks getting kicked up
Face shield is big enough you can fit goggles into
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Get a VMAX and join me as one of the few riders on /dbt/ that isn’t a little bitch.
>Why did you film going up stairs. Is this supposed to be remotely impressive?

>go on /dbt/
>person posts vid of themselves doing thread related stuff
I must be on the Daily Busrider Thread today
Why does every motovlogger act like irl deadpool
not how it is in canada, anything essentially is road legal and it requires a license once it's above 50cc, either way my commute is a short one through 50kmh roads so low top speed aint an issue.
Lack of a father figure.
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>Get a VMAX and join me as one of the few riders on /dbt/ that isn’t a little bitch.
Have you done anything to yours?
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I finally broke down and ordered the missing trim piece.
Really ties the room together.
Why do you have passenger pegs when you don't have a passenger seat and they aren't even holding up your shitty exhaust
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bought my first motorcycle today :)
I have goggles for another MX helmet but I'd like something with a visor for highway speeds
NTA but now that I look at it a shorty exhaust would look great on it so you could really showoff that sexy blue swingarm
Congrats anon, KLR's are sick and it looks like hte previous owner has done quite a bit of touchups to it like the exhaust, guessing the carb, etc.
your right hand isnt directly on the bar but on the throttle tube
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I've always used rotella T6 15w40 for my motorcycle and I haven't noticed any issues with my clutch whatsoever. I recently purchased a new bike and my first oil change is coming up, according to the manual it seems like T6 15w40 would be fine but I've also heard banter that it's "cheap" and laughable to use Rotella.
Why would using Rotella be considered a bad thing? Is there a better alternative? What do motorcycle specific oils offer over it? There is a motorcycle right on the jug .-.
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Bros I just replaced clutch pack for the first time. It’s a wet clutch and I haven’t added oil yet besides soaking the plates a bit. It’s put back together but there’s a little drag if I put it in gear and roll it. Guessing that’s normal and due to new plates and no oil in case? I didn’t want to add oil and run it if it’s fucked and I need to redo it.
Took out free play so it’s definitely within spec there.
I’m just nervous cuz it’s my first time
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Because I do have a passenger seat and sometimes have a passenger, but I put the cover on there when I don't because it looks better.

Congrats anon

My buddy recently discovered the rotella t6 hack and it seems legit. I'm probably going to start using it once I'm out of what I stocked up on.
I left two bikes hooked up to a Y-splitter on a single 800mA trickle charger for 3 weeks, now neither one will start. If the charger was working properly, would this just result in each battery getting 400mA? Either that's not enough to offset discharge, or the cable was trash- this is the first time I've used it. Anyway, the batteries are both AGM and about 1 year old. Is it worth picking up a bigger dedicated charger and trying to get them running again? Every other dead battery I've encountered was several years old and just replaced, but 1 year seems a bit early to chuck these in the ocean.
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>Have you done anything to yours?
Nothing beyond just returning it to stock and making sure it’s reliable and runs well. When I bought it, it had dry-rotted Metzelers from 2008, aftermarket springs that were way too low in the back, drag bars that didn’t fit the handlebar clamp properly, and hadn’t even had its oil filter changed since 2011, among other issues. I’ve slowly been “restoring” it in the loosest sense of the term.

I’ve got some ideas in mind for performance mods but nothing soon. My next order of business is getting the cut-down seat it’s got reupholstered because the padding is nonexistent in it.

You’ll be hard-pressed to find one that won’t be a project but it’s so worth it every time you feel the V-Boost open up.
That's normal. Any bike has drag in gear rolling it with the clutch pulled.

And don't hate on my exhaust, it's trying its best, okay. I don't know why that mid pipe is rusty. Going to have to get some header paint for it when I get around to it.
Good grief you’re tiny lmao.
KLRs are amazing, you'll love it.
DAMN that global championship winning lightweight aluminium blue frame
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>faza has wings
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Carpet cleaner here, any cawfee enjoyers?
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so jealous of what you have bro...
>t. cawfee fanatic
I’ve never met a coffee drinker that amounted to anything in their lives.
What's better, sportster or dyna? I like how both of these look
Heritage softail classic
How is that better? It looks really long and heavy.
it cant last, stamped
I just like um.
this is a REALLY bad bike, NOT GOOD
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I believe in you faza-sama. Convince your gf to get into motorcycles, vroom vroom~
at least I amount to something in someone else's life =)
I have had a sportster, never a dyna. The only thing I didn't like about the sporty was I seem to remember having it around 3500-4000 RPM in 5th gear on the highway. It's not harmful, but would've been nice to have a 6th gear. Dynas didn't get a 6-speed trans until like 2006 though, just a little more displacement and different gearing maybe. I THINK that year of dyna is rubber mounted, and the sportster is rigid, so that will also affect vibration. If it were me I would love to pick up that sporty and do a bolt-on Hammer Performance kit, would be a really fun bike to fuck around with.
Check the VOG for info.

Also I don't see a chain conversion kit on that bike, but the rear shocks, seat, bars and "Flo" sticker plus the non-matching rear tire kind of makes me think that bike was used for stunting or at least a few sick burnouts.
6th gear is comfy on long trips
>My buddy recently discovered the rotella t6 hack and it seems legit. I'm probably going to start using it once I'm out of what I stocked up on.
I used it for 10k miles on my R3 and zero issues with the internals of the engine and all my oil changes came out clean. Same with my SV650 (only 2 oil changes)
Not exactly T6 but here's a post on the R6 forums about 15w40 T4 with actual test results. I figure you might actually get something from it with your master mechanic internal knowledgebase
>I believe in you faza-sama. Convince your gf to get into motorcycles, vroom vroom~
she doesn't have a license but I do intend on taking her for a ride-along this month, it becoming too much of a pain to have to take my truck everywhere and spend twice the price on gas
Plus it'll be fun to wear my old helmet again, still haven't bought stiggers for my new one
right on, well it's looking good. Putting everything back to stock is probably what I would do too before changing stuff.
sounds like I need to ride one.
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Hey FZ6 anon, how's the bike holding up?

I think it's time to start doing the valve adjustment on my zx6r. I don't plan on using it for a while.
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For my recent long rides I've brought a therm of coffee and fucked off into the middle of nowhere to sip
Its so nice especially when you leave really early
Comfy coffee posting
why would it?
henlo guys
can anyone here tell me what Honda the police are using in this picture?
It's an inline 4 but not sure about the rest of the bike
honda cb1300?
Super Bol'dor

No you can't buy one.
>Hey FZ6 anon, how's the bike holding up?
very very nice! I've hit the character limit twice now speaking on how much I love it lol. Aside from how heavy/large it is + the wide handlebars I really think this might be the perfect bike for me. Had a chance to testride a streetfighter recently and I'm really glad I didn't end up getting a gsxs, the lack of a windscreen is a crazy difference.
>I think it's time to start doing the valve adjustment on my zx6r. I don't plan on using it for a while.
I'm curious, with so many bikes how do you keep track of maintenance windows on each? I have to keep a notes list with all the upcoming service due on my phone just because I forget so often, I can't imagine keeping track of multiple bikes and a car.
(post zx6r with the head off when you get a chance)
>listening to music while riding
how to get killed 101
you couldved rizzed up that baddie no cap, but lil bro was not putting the fries in the bag, even the opps had to get involved
augh fuck holy SEXXX
aaahh why can't i have ITTT
This will never not be funny.
Bad troll is bad
It's called a joke. You're not supposed to think he really talks like that.
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That chart looks like mostly everything is in limits, I haven't heard anything bad yet about running T6. It's cheap and good, so why not.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it.
All my bikes have to have a windscreen, plus I think bikes just look and feel weird without a cockpit. Not a fan of nakeds.
I have a notepad on my phone with all the maintenance items and I'm so ocd (to the point of losing sleep over it occasionally) with the maintenance that I'm constantly checking the mileage whenever I get on one of the bikes to make sure it isn't due for something. Things like the chain, I'm always looking my bikes over to make sure nothing is wrong, I usually just go visually if it's dirty or starting to get dry.
Between all of the bikes and my cars, the mileage gets spread out enough that I'm not doing a ton of maintenance or repairs all at once.
>Post pics with head off
Will do. Here's my buddy's K7 750 all stripped down for a 20k mile service (everything, lmao)
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Another picture
Just because the engine's old and it has an ugly light in the middle doesn't mean it's a bad bike.
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>That chart looks like mostly everything is in limits, I haven't heard anything bad yet about running T6. It's cheap and good, so why not.
I've not heard any horror stories about it, I saw one comment from a diesel technician stating that when you eventually burn oil the added zinc will clog the cat but I feel if you're burning enough oil to clog the cat you've bigger problems to be worrying about
>All my bikes have to have a windscreen, plus I think bikes just look and feel weird without a cockpit. Not a fan of nakeds.
Think they've got a place as citybikes, they feel really nice to handle at lowspeeds and the lack of plastics on the front help if you like doing wheelies (like they're sposed to do) but I can't understand hypernakeds like the streetfighterV4 and s100r.
>I'm so ocd (to the point of losing sleep over it occasionally) with the maintenance that I'm constantly checking the mileage whenever I get on one of the bikes to make sure it isn't due for something.
I get that same anxiety about being late for a service but at the same time often find myself putting off completing the service out of fear of messing up the execution
>Between all of the bikes and my cars, the mileage gets spread out enough that I'm not doing a ton of maintenance or repairs all at once.
Do the planets ever align leaving you with 3 valve jobs across multiple vehicles? I feel like I'd always be worried about stacking up too much work on accident getting jobs done early
> Here's my buddy's K7 750 all stripped down for a 20k mile service (everything, lmao)
>Another picture
ugh, it's so nice to see bikes all stripped down. It's so visually pleasing to see inside and try and figure out what everything does. Thx for the pics, I like saving the maintenance ones a lot
Jeez you guys really drive home my wrenchlet status. Any suggestions or resources for expanding my knowledge? Tools and garage aren't a problem.
Nah, it'll just be nothing, nothing, nothing, power, turbo kick, guard rail.
Jokes aside I think he's expecting around 80 hp out of 300cc, but the dyno vid is not released yet.p2riy
What do you think of Electronic Jet Kits on stock EFI bikes? A complete meme? Utterly useless unless I change the airbox and the exhaust as well?
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That's a good service pic. What did you have the swing arm off for?
>Clogged cat
Only one of my bikes that has a cat is the zx14 and that will eventually be gone. I can't wait to hear that engine at 8-9k with no cat.
>Think they've got a place as citybikes
Yes, this is true. I just would never see a use for one with how spread out everything is in Texas.
>Do the planets ever align leaving you with 3 valve jobs
Kek, I fear this could happen, but I haven't been riding long enough with all of my bikes to run into that. I put most of the miles of my zx6r so far so and I know the valves are out of spec on it, so it'll be the first one of my bikes to get a valve adjustment.
Even if I had 2 valve jobs needing to be done, that's something you can stretch out a little bit on one bike to not have both of them down together. I plan on doing the adjustment late on my bikes anyway because they're usually in spec at 15k and you don't start damaging anything until the clearance is zero. My zx6r has 22k on this engine and they're only a little bit out of spec on the couple of valves I checked when I had the cover off recently.
>Thx for the pics, I like saving the maintenance ones a lot
No problem, have another (not as torn down)
I learn by doing. Start with small jobs. Work your way up, don't overwhelm yourself. Look stuff up as you go through the job to learn more about the system/parts you're working on. Watching in depth repair videos on YouTube is probably the most helpful resource I can think of as far as priming yourself for doing some actual wrenching. There's a video for just about every repair job out there on YouTube.
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>you guys really drive home my wrenchlet status
>That's a good service pic. What did you have the swing arm off for?
Not my pic, just one I saved. I'm a horrible wrench lol. Deepest I got into the thick of it was replacing my lower triple tree/streering axle
>Yes, this is true. I just would never see a use for one with how spread out everything is in Texas
Surprised you don't get up to any low speed hooning, what with all the empty land out in texas but highway ripping never gets old haha
>so it'll be the first one of my bikes to get a valve adjustment
weird to think about, you did like 2 valve jobs on your buddy's gixxers right? I coulda sworn I remember you posting about doing a valve job
>and you don't start damaging anything until the clearance is zero.
can you explain this a bit more? valves are something I've not a lot of understanding of.
> My zx6r has 22k on this engine and they're only a little bit out of spec on the couple of valves I checked when I had the cover off recently.
From how little my valves were out of spec when I took to get them done I'm honestly shocked how long you can go without getting them done
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Oh I remember you doing that. Shit looks sketch. Lol. But creative way to get it done.
>Surprised you don't get up to any low speed hooning, what with all the empty land out in texas
I do some low speed hooning but even that ends up with long straights that you can easily hit triple digits on. Unless you mean wheelies, which I am absolutely trash at. Kek
>weird to think about, you did like 2 valve jobs on your buddy's gixxers right
I did the valve adjustment on that 750 that was all torn apart, I haven't done one on my own bikes yet. I might start on the zx6r tomorrow. I'm all caught up on maintenance so might as well
>Can you explain this a bit more? valves are something I've not a lot of understanding of
It's the clearance of the valve bucket to the base circle of the cam lobe (when the valve is closed). They get tighter as they wear. If you let it go too long, eventually there will be no clearance and the valve will never fully close and it wears down on the cam lobe and also can push the valve too far open. I'll make a video showing it when I get into it on my zx6r
The manufacturers say every 15k miles for valve checks, probably to cover their asses, but it's very common for people to run the service interval at 20-25k because they often don't need it at 15k.
>Pic rel, valve buckets removed
+2 teeth on back sprocket, better tires, rimlocks let you air those tires down off-road, and the EJK.
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> Shit looks sketch. Lol. But creative way to get it done.
Necessity is mother or whatever . Hard to be picky about how sketch something is when you’re poor lol.
> Unless you mean wheelies, which I am absolutely trash at. Kek
I will slowly but surely psyop you into practicing wheelies
> I'll make a video showing it when I get into it on my zx6r
I oughtta just watch a full lecture on how the top end is supposed to work. I’ve seen countless videos by now explaining engines but they mostly focus on the combustion cycle but I never quite grasp the serviceable end of things
What is the bike for a man who wants a trunk, little maintenance but still desires lean angle?
+2 on back sprocket? First time I had heard that considered instead of hte front sprocket, I was always told that the difference back there was too small to be noticeable but what do I know, I've never tried it before. The stock bridgestone tires aren't really good for on or off road, they're just average for both, and rimlocks are a great idea.
A scooter
Love my chewna
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Thanks, I just gotta sort out the headlight now, apparently cracking was very common on these.
My current plan is using a headlight polishing kit and sanding the shit out of it, and then I hope the clear coat coat will fill in the cracks
That could be crazing if its polycarbonate
Trunk and lean angle work at cross purposes because weight high on the bike makes it more lowsidey.

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