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>be me
>trying to sell 25 year old shitbox on FB marketplace
>sorta rare, low mileage, but has some cosmetic issues
>get a ton of lowball offers but every once in a while I get a good one
>this one mexican lady says she's moving to my city from New Mexico (pretty far)
>offers me decent money, about 85% of my asking price, to buy the car
>tell her great, I will be free this weekend, ask if she wants to meet
>she says yes, but that she has to wait for her house to close before she can travel down
>okay that's fine
>week progresses
>"hey anon so my house didn't close, can we reschedule for next week"
>her offer is pretty good so I say sure why not and we reschedule
>even mark the listing as pending
>another week passes
>"so sorry anon! my house still hasn't closed so I can't buy it yet. but my realtor promised me the paperwork would be done by next wednesday!"
>okay whatever. this is the best offer I've gotten so far and I'm not desperate for cash. reschedule.
>another week goes by
>"yeah sorry anon my house still hasn't closed! realtors are really jerking me around here"
>this bitch has been leading me on for so long that I managed to get into a car accident
>tapped a guy going maybe 2 mph
>didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if the other guy would even make a claim
>zero damage to my vehicle anyway
>car already has dents and problems and she told me she wanted to do a full rebuild + repaint so it shouldn't matter
>another 2-3 weeks go by of this lady postponing the sale
>eventually she messages me asking about a new accident she saw on the carfax
>tell her it happened over a month ago and I wasn't planning on saying anything because the car has no damage
>send an image of the car, proving that it has no damage
>"Sorry I'm no longer interested"
>immediately leaves the group after jerking me around for a month and a half
I have other offers but jfc, what a waste of my time. Should I have said something? Wtf did that carfax say.
>drives the car he's selling
my bad i'll just walk 5 miles to work everyday
>mutts are afraid of walking 5 babby miles
you can’t make that shit up
why are you selling the only car you have then?
so i have a down payment to finance a new one?
i don't have time in my schedule to walk an hour to work everyday
so you're just gonna take time off work to buy a new car?
how the fuck aren't you getting this?
potentially. i'm a student so i work an internship part time. i also have friends who could give me rides. it shouldn't take more than a week to finance a new vehicle.
the car's been listed for over a month. obviously i'm not taking work off or bumming rides for an entire month.
noone wants to show up sweaty and dirty to work, bro
get a cheap bicycle.
my last bike got stolen. and i live on a hill.
Unless you meant a motorcycle, which also wouldn't work because I live in the midwest, so it snows and there's ice for 2 months out of the year.
>holding anything for anyone without a deposit
So a bike and a lock
my bike had a lock on it. i bought that huge $100 chain one that lockpickinglawyer recommended. they still somehow stole the damn thing.
Never commit for more than 2 weeks. Especially if it depends on selling a house or if it involves mexicans. Its one thing if you're selling a shitbox to local Mexicans for $700 and the guy says I dont get paid till next Tuesday, but if Tuesday rolls around and he says sorry amigo, my girlfriend stole my paycheck can you hold till next tuesday then you let him know that its available to others but if you still have it next Tuesday he can come look
The better the lock, the more people want to steal it. The best option is to get the shitty bikes from Walmart or target, rebuild them, spray paint them with whatever colors of Rust-Oleum is on sale, then wire up a shockamajig (mine is home made) to the handle bars. No one will steal some shit bike that electrocutes them
yeah i'm obviously pissed because I want this thing off my fucking hands and I've been unable to sell it. all I can do is keep dropping the prices. I'm already losing 5k in equity because I bought when used car prices were insane.
I bought my car at the top of the market too. But its a decent car, so not too big of a deal.

How much is your car Worth anyhow?
Bought for 9.5k.
Dumped maybe 2k worth of parts into it.
Trying to get 6k back. Originally had it listed at 8k but no shot I'm getting that much.
Previous owner was kinda retarded. I was a car noob. Definitely some dumbass "I know what I got!" type millennial who hyped his shitbox up as something better than what it actually was.
You bought it, so hes more of a salesmen than a dumbass. And you paid whatever high price. Anyhow FB marketplace sucks. Not sure if it works better, but I actually look at Craigslist and OfferUp, and I dont even have an FB account. I prefer Craigslist but I know paying $5 to list a car is hard to do.
Get an electric scooter and park it in your work's building.
>giving a shit about any buyer's story other than "on my way to the bank to pick up the cash right now"
>giving a shit about even that for longer than one day
You deserved to be jerked around because you're retarded.
>dealing with browns in the first place
We warned you br/o/.
Why do you retards think rare = valuable
t. future DeBeers employee
Idk what that means but I've got a 1 of 1 taser I made from a disposable camera when I was like 12 sitting at home. Rare find only 1 of a kind. For the low price of 1k dollars it's yours.
I already knew you didn't know what it meant.
Fine I Googled it. Seems to me debeers would push that rare does in fact = valuable so I guess you're just retarded. Want my thousand dollars disposable camera? It's rare!
You only get two months of frozen hell? Lucky.

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