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Welcome to 4chan's offroad general. ITT you post your 4x4. All opinions without truck posted are assumed to be that of a bus rider.

Previous: >>28048803
>tfw no Troller
>I seem to remember that truck, it was very rusted and beat
That's because your brain is fried from all the meth.
Forest Ranger still has factory paint on the underside of the cab and bed.
I don't buy junkyard trash like you.
Holy fuck leave it in the last thread
nta but tripfag drama is an incurable disease that will ruin every thread; just filter and it's all good
I just went back in the archive, yeah, it’s literal junk yard filler
Funny you say my rust free trucks are junk when that’s your truck
>found it.
>doesn't post pic.
>stands behind his own trash
You're a fucking joke.

Post my truck.
>Post my truck
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well this thread is off to a good start
im gay
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you're in good company, lots of Jeepers ITT
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just got this full time 4x4 toyota corolla. Trying to get some leaks fixed and suspension done in time for winter now. Gonna lift it a little bit on custom coils, just a moderate build, mostly for rippin around the snow
manuel or auto?
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4wdies need not apply 4wdei
>AT tires
>on all 4 wheels
>despite being 2WD

umad all wanker drive
>doesn't post pic.
If you just search forrest ranger it's just a rusted ass truck that's ready for the scrap yard
It's probably been crushed which is why we don't see it anymore
>Post my truck.
I'm good I'm gonna keep posting my jeep truck instead fuck I love this fucking thing so much
New transmission just dropped
Post that pic of you driving down the road in that piece of shit with no dash or instrument cluster or really any interior with the trash on the floorboard.
You know, that truck you "built" and are so proud of.
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I had one of those. It was a piece of shit.
I got that truck for free kek
Love that thing
Engine was shot when I got it
kek they gave Jesse a 4WD Tercel in Breaking Bad to symbolize his utter shittiness and broken down personality
Idk about the tercel. The all trac was cool because it's 70/30 AWD, then you engage a center diff for 50/50 4WD.
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This is the truck you found in the archive, right?
This is a "rusted ass truck"?

Just want to verify because as much as you love linking archives you seem to be avoiding it this time for some reason.
niggas need to stop beefin, especially with a gay tripfag ffs just ignore him
Jesus Christ that fucking thing is clapped out
And this dude has the audacity to call my truck junk
Dog fucker passes out and all the samefagging stops.
Who would have ever imagined...
it's because people just ignored him, he feeds off attention. he's like an energy vampire.
>passes out
wtf are you talking about, I’m cleaning my yard up and driving my truck around
Oh, my bad
>dog fucker goes to do yard work and all the samefagging to his posts magically stop
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instead of going wheeling today i had to replace a water heater .
Nah bro, you’re tweaking and have schizophrenia
The dude got btfo when he posted his piece of shit truck and he fucked right off
I would’ve been reluctant to post my truck too when the truck is worth the same amount as a single one of my axles
Anyone offroad with a quadrajet? i hear they're actually decent.
>factory paint with pinstripe
>minor ding on rocker panel (probably caused by a flat tire)
>no evidence of even a fender bender

You're seething because you have a shitpile collection and someone has better than you.
Brother, I have Dana 44 e locker axles, they cost around 5k each
Your truck is around 5k (I’m laughing as I type that, I’m just throwing you a bone kek)
More exaggerations from the resident tryhard
>hating on based ranger
token aussie here why are seppos like this
I’m doing a diesel swap on a 2001 ranger actually, along with a solid axle swap
>check out this truck I got for free.
>It's awesome and I love it even though its a piece of shit.
>this other guy has a way better truck but I'm going to try and talk shit because I'm a sociopath
You have severe mental illness.
The compulsive liar aspect is a major aspect of your issues.

Seek professional help.
Sorry for owning so many trucks I guess?
Well yeah he's got to turn also
Oh wow overpriced ebay listings, never mind you can find them at junkyards for 1/10th of the price
>sorry I have a bunch of pieces of shit
Find my Fullsize Bronco in the archives
And after that I might tell you what other trucks I own to look for (that aren't wrecking yard trash like yours).
Dance monkey, dance.
>you can find a JL rubicon at a junk yard
Holy fucking retard
so what about FWD cars?
Well shit ya got me there hoss
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So I'm out for tonight.
Like, you wouldn't believe how much time it takes to mow 8 acres of lawn on my 45.5 acre spread.
My back hurts from sitting on that zero turn.
Yes, I have a tractor with a mow deck and a brush hog but it actually takes longer to get around the trees
Yeah man you can find those axles in the junk yard
Kek, seethe for me poorfag
Oh yeah well I got an alley with broken bottles and fent residue, with zombified vagrants 28 days late style
You can buy a whole tj Rubicon for not much more than what you're claiming each axle costs but again every post of yours is some sad attempt at a flex for some reason, the opinion strangers on the internet who you'll never meet matters so much to you
Yes, I was also born and raised in Southern California.
Let go.
Move on.
>gets btfo
>w-why are you always trying to f-flex
Bro, the optic I took a picture of my jeep with costs twice what your truck is worth, and my nods cost more than this optic
Accept it, I blew you the fuck out
Speaking of which, it's time for night time lights out off roading, I'll grab some pics for you
manual. The one I got is a sprinter carib tho. RHD
niiiiiice that thing looks way better than mine lol
why was it such a piece of shit?
I'm starting to figure out that mine might be a piece of shit too. Pretty sure the only way to get a good one is to get one from Oregon or Washintgon
I hope you're right. Still gotta fix all the issues and get it lifted and the first snow was just today
Post the pic of your garbage truck you love so much.
I love this spot
Well at least you didn't try and flex with your coffee maker or phone this time so good job on that
Which one?
I've driven this one all over the western US, it's kinda boring compared to my other ones tho
Your skill is better than mine.
I bow to you sir
I have to say I love the interior on the modern wrangler though, it probably has the best interior of any car or truck I've driven, the screen in the console is huge and really high res so maps look amazing on it while you're driving
>and car drive the truck with no battery or alternator at all
How do you start it? Run a jumper cable directly to the starter? Push start?
I had a ranger once!
It was free. Ran well enough for the price
I have a battery, but it'll start totally fine without a battery if you bump start it
I do that with my dodge and my toyota all the time, I shut the engine entirely off and coast and right before I completely stop I just let the clutch out in 4/5th and it starts up
There's a small lever on my dash which controls the fuel injection pump manually
Now that one looks decent
This is the one I'm diesel and solid axle swapping
Very comfy jeep pic.
>looks decent
Had about 300k on it. Wasn't horrible desu. Only issue was it ran rough when I got it. Last guy only changed five of the six plugs in it. One was a lil hard to change out. Also had a bad wheel bearing on the driver side.
Ended up giving it to a buddy that was in need of a truck.
Think these two were the only pics I had of it
>gave the truck away
Young guy trying to get on his feet. I know that feeling and don't mind helping a man out who's just trucking through life.
No one here is that based
Based on what?
never in my life have I ever seen an anon so obsessed with a tripfag he's seemingly incapable of filtering
genuine mental illness
Ok that was a fun night
nta but you actually can, the pick n pull near me has several Rubis that were rolled

they have more jeeps than anything else because of popularity + jeeple not knowing how to drive, but they're pretty prolific. think about how many of those turds they sell every year, the world is littered with JKs and JLs at this point.
>pick n pull near me
What location, their inventory is listed online, I'll check it out
Also, refer to >>28058103
Rolled JLs don't go to the junk yard, they get auctioned off on copart
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The blazer shitbox superstore
Here's every wrangler in every pick n pull in the entire United States, 11 of them with the newest being a 2012 where all that's left is a burnt shell
Most being from the 90s
I never see them in the junkyards by me lol
Well yeah, he's full of shit, I've been visiting junk yards multiple times a week for decades, only ever seen one or two or three wranglers, not even new ones, old beat ones
He won't reply with what yard has the jeeps kek
i'm not doxing myself, sorry. don't really care if you believe me, just making the point that they do end up in junkyards. i worked for IMPACT auto auctions years ago and shops only bid on stuff they know they'll see a return on, if something has been rolled half a dozen times it's not worth their money to try to scavenge parts.
i was at my local yard a month ago getting a mirror for my impala and they had a grey rubi sitting on a flatbed right by the entrance.
>i'm not doxing myself
How is that doxxing yourself?
Everyone knows I live in Reno, am I now doxed?
dude it's not even an argument idk why you would get so upset over it. like i said Copart and IMPACT take rekt Jeeps from insurers and auction them off, sometimes they sell and sometimes they don't. if they don't, we contacted junkers who would still have to pay for them but they'd get them super cheap, knowing they're going to sit on a lot for years and people will just pick $20-100 in parts off them over a long period of time. there's a fuckton of YJs and TJs too. ironically the only Jeeps i don't see there are XJs.
>the only jeeps you don't see are XJs
Yeah, because those hit the pick a part, and the JLs hit these guys
And proceed to get parted out
Why feed the troll?
Perhaps "pic n pull" was used as a generic term.
I have multiple independent junkyards nearby and I don't know if the franchise lots are "pic n pull" or "pic a part" or what and it doesn't matter to me anyways.
And yes, there are wranglers in the lots.
We believe you big guy.
>guys there’s tons of JL rubicons in the yard with 500 dollar e locker axles
Damn, you should grab a set for your truck, they’re great axles
What truck do you drive again?
this. we have a bunch like Kenny U Pull and some private outfits but everyone just calls them pick n pull. idk why the furfag is sperging so hard about this, truly unhinged behaviour.
>completely stripped rear axle
>isn’t even a JL axle
Congratulations on being a retard
Where at?
they're all over the place, lots of them are local and don't have a website or anything. there was a salvage yard 10 mins from where i grew up and they had a shitload of F150s, especially 90s ones we'd pull from to fix my dad's '96 XL. they had no website or anything, just a local place you had to know about. the guy did towing as his main job so i think the salvage yard was just a side business for him. some are absolute goldmines though.
>they're all over the place
>didn't even know the difference between a JK and JL
Not by me sadly.
idk who you think i am but i'm not the guy you're mad at, judging by this thread you seem to be perpetually miserable and looking to fight with everyone.
i only learned of the one near my old house through word of mouth, it didn't even have signage out front or anything like that.
>idk who you think i am but i'm not the guy you're mad at
Oh my bad, I thought you were that guy
So which truck do you drive?
What are you some kind of gay prostitute?
List the differences in a JL axle and a JK axle
he can't because he tried telling everyone Danas are all the same, then later admitted the new Danas aren't as good as the old ones.
Aluminum knuckles, larger diameter tubes, the rear end is actually a full float, there's a shit ton of differences
Oh also the FAD which is able to be converted to cable control
That's a really cool feature
There's other differences as well but those are ones I remember off the top of my head without googling
the all-trac is overall a much more useful car than the turd-cell, but I like both of them. Problem with the turd-cell is that it's curburated and it's FWD when the 4x4 isn't engaged. It's like the old Subarus. The all-trac has a lower maintenance EFI engine and shares parts with the normal corolla, and it's AWD with button-activated 4x4. Only problem is I have learned since I bought it that nobody sells the springs anymore. One day, I'd like to get a JDM ae111g.
The full.floater that was introduced in 2024?
Yes, I didn’t say I had that but that’s one of the differences
What truck do you drive again?
Also I’m pulling another ax15 again today kek
I’m gonna have like 20 of these things
Oh so there's a bunch of differences on the 2024 but not for the diffs in the list that you posted or that you bought.
Got it.
No that’s the only difference between the pre 2024 and post
I mean you’re obviously googling it so you should know that
Feels good being able to just buy transmissions and axles all day and dab on notrucks like you with my engine swapped axle swapped custom trucks
I have Heavy-Duty Dana 44 Wide Front Axle!
And Heavy-Duty Dana 44 Wide Rear Axle!
I'm no mechanic. But they haven't fallen off yet. So that's nice
It's so weird how you had to mention the floater, but you don't have one and that's not the difference between the jl and jk but a difference within the jk line itself, and only covers 1 model year.
It's like you don't know what you're talking about and just read off some random blog when you were put on the spot....
>jk year
JL* you mean
Kek you don’t even know what you’re saying
A dude who owns no truck talking to the dude who owns a fuck ton and literally owns the thing being discussed
Just left the junk yard with yet another AX15
I love this junk yard they will position the car however you want it with the fork bulldozer
Grabbed another AX15 today
The crane I installed in the cummins is great for transmissions and axles and engines
Ahh, once again attempting to avoid the subject by shifting the subject to a typo.

A full floater Dana 44 is rare to say the least, the fact you mentioned it when it was a single year (and you don't even have one) proves how little knowledge you possess.
Anybody with experience would have instantly noted that it's not a common component. Not to mention it wasn't even correct to claim it was the difference between JL and JK.

And it's great you are proud of your trash collection.
Many people never find their calling in life.
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This general has devolved into a tripfag abuse general where cumster gets beaten daily. Jfc.
>proves how little knowledge you possess
You're proving how little trucks you own with every post (zero)
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Now my oil light beeps at me when it has oil. Not much longer now.
>oil light beeps
>light beeps
>when it has oil

vat is das mein neger
U know it beeps when the light come on right?
Mine doesn't, it just lights up
Well mine beeps at me with the light.
So it flashes and beeps at you to let you know you have oil? What the fuck kind of clown car is this Anon?

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This dude is based
Should I buy a used 4runner of gx460

Would also be my daily
I make $290k a year

I live in the rust belt
That's it?
I know it's modest, but it's enough for me and my dog
>I make $290k a year
>I live in the rust belt
Not based
For now. Soon 290 will be below the poverty line! Better start selling feet pics now
>I make $290k a year
I'm in the same ballpark and drive a shitbox from copart. 4runner is still overpriced.
Then fly to AZ for one. Theyre better than the 460s/5th gen 4Rs.
Get a body on frame Defender then
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FJC washer bottle fits decently enough. Have to make some brackets and move over the hoses. There's no low fluid sensor port on FJs so deleting that nanny light, not a problem now that the reservoir isn't in the fucking wheelwell and I can see it.
It will make changing lightbulbs not so great. Guess I'll use socket cap thumb screws on the bracket bolts.
One weird occurrence from removing the oem rez is now the tyre spray comes out of the bottom on the headlight/bumper gap so when I drive through mud it looks like the cars mascara is running.
>turning your car into a weeping troon

based and currentyearpilled
Shes a pure tomboy raised on sneedoil free 93. No estranol for her.
Really need to pipe the intake through the firewall to to keep it safe from water. Toyota put the intake right next to the wheel well so I'm just waiting for something bad to happen.
The FJ Crusiers have a cool intake inside the passenger wheel well, it's backwards to stop water from rushing into it when you're plowing through rivers. Snork is still your best bet if you plan to go boating, don't forget your diff breather too.
Yeah same on the GX but I had to cut out the fender liners to make the tyres fit so now its more exposed. People have bricked theirs doing the same. I try to keep it out of water over 2' and go headway speed. Venting it into the cab like Baja trucks looks less tryhard than a snorkel when my road only floods once a year.
I vented the dif up the filler neck in behind the gas door. Didn't know if it would smell like burnt gear oil if i vented into the cab like most people do.
>backwards to stop water
That's a little bit of a stretch but ya it definitely helps and makes a difference.
>keep it out of water over 2'
Glad my carb is like 4+ feet off the ground. If I get hydrolocked I'm beyond fucked at that point anyways.
>That's a little bit of a stretch but ya it definitely helps and makes a difference.
I think the general idea is that it won't scoop up water like a front-facing intake, they putt little "gills" into it to make it harder for water to slosh up and did some weird cyclonic thing that makes it even harder for water to get into your airbox. Probably restricts airflow like crazy which is why the FJs have a super noisy engine/start up WHOOOSH.
I mean the intake is like 4' off the ground I just dont want to get the carpets wet.
You will have other shit lower than 4' that will give you problems first anyways. Wiring looms and shit for your O2 sensors and tranny are water resistant at best, plus like you mentioned carpets/floors will get moldy as fuck and your car will smell like India.
True, I was only worried about water spray from hitting puddles at speed, for the intake.
Yeah it would be nice to harden off some of that stuff.
I don't think an FJ Cruiser intake is 4' off the ground.

I mean, maybe it's close to 4 foot and mine is just over 4 foot and it just feels like a world of difference because of perspective.
I'll have to measure mine tomorrow just out of curiosity.
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I guess its like 3.5', I'm only estimating. It's like right here
>Wiring looms and shit for your O2 sensors and tranny
What's an "O2 sensor"?

I'm obviously kidding but the worst thing that happens if all the wiring harness gets ripped of my frame is that my taillights and gas gauge stop working.
My carb might actually be at like 5'.
with non-prehistoric cars it means your engine goes into limp mode and possibly gimps itself to a point of not running at all.
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i make 250k a year and daily a geo metro. everyone already larps with a overlanding DD, there are no trails here in the south so i gave up on owning the shit a long time ago, if you got trails go for the lexus, but dont larp like a fucking normie
I'm fully aware.
My daily has a shitty plug somewhere and if I hit a puddle it goes into limpmode.
I have a scanner in my center console just to delete codes (repeatedly) on rainy days.
But I'm not going to put 300 miles a day on the prehistoric beast- I'll just deal with shitboxes for work until I retire (I make about $1,700 extra a month just on mileage).
I am a billionaire and walk shoeless everywhere, lower your tone.
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>I have a scanner in my center console just to delete codes (repeatedly) on rainy days.
fucking kek, I know this feel. OBD2, booster pack, and multimeter ride in my glovebox 24/7.
>there are no trails here in the south
I'm assuming you mean south east because south west is nothing but desert trails.

Make your own.
I have almost 60 acres.
The market got fucked since Biden took office but I just bought another 20 acres for about $3k an acre (a month ago)- which sucks considering I paid $1,200 an acre for the lot next to it 8 years ago.
But land is still affordable out in the middle of nowhere.

I actually found land in Arizona for $45 an acre less than a decade ago.
Obviously it was just worthless dirt and I have no idea what it's going for today but for just fucking around it would have been perfect.
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how do you not know what south means
Ya I'm at the point I can plug it in under the dash without looking, bullseye every time.
I pressure washed the under carriage to track down an oil leak today and pulled out of the driveway and instantly said "fffuuuuccccckkkkkkkkk, this is going to be a long drive to the parts store".
Had to clear codes like 11-12 times before it dried out on the drive.
But fuck it, I'm at 202k miles and making money off that car every day.
Nice does that thing have the undercoating? Total scam. The body is 80℅ recycled materials.
I bricked a transit connect tranny doing full speed pulls through a 2" puddle trying to impress a girl once.
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me and a mate gonna go offroading in our rwd lifted falcons kek he has an au ute im gonna ghetto lift and i have a proper lifted rtv front end tow pack spaced rear then put 31s on the back of both and hit the beachs tracks trails national parks
only have small 28s on her now
I'm from California originally.
San Diego is at the same latitude as Savannah.
Redding Ca (not even the most northern part) is at the same latitude as New York

So we have issues with Easterners and their "north" and "south", it's just hard to understand considering on the west coast it's just "us".
The only truck designed, engineered and built in the U.S.
Or was that the Tundra? (I just saw TRD and poated)
The south starts at DC so everything south of like Redding for you.
>built in the U.S.
Mexico, but close enough
>Had to clear codes like 11-12 times before it dried out on the drive.
fugg nigga you should just shrink wrap the connector or something that's ridiculous
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Who better to make Tacos than Mexicans?
If I knew which connector it was I would have tackled it by now.
Shit, there's some connectors I have to take the damn engine out to even see.
Buy Kentucky was a "northern" state in the Civil War.
And their lattitude is the same as San Francisco. Which is like almost middle California.....
thx for reminding me to do my bump stops
it has the 'distributor o ring leaks' undercoating and its a georgia car. i might step up to a mirage or prius c depending on what nonbinary gender im eventually assigned by the state

southeast, and im enjoying the part where property maintenance isnt my fucking problem right now because everywhere here has had sinkholes popping up for a decade but it literally hasnt rained since august. going out to the middle of nowhere and getting stuck there because my vehicle broke doesnt appeal to me, im not 25 and that's not fun anymore. i come here to see the occasional build and said getting stuck in the middle of nowhere
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>georgia car
My 60 whatever acres is in southeast Georgia.
Stop by whenever you want, we'll get the tractor out and make some jumps.
Bring a chainsaw, it looks a little different after Helene.
you should start a cotton plantation
Neighbors do cotton. It's blooming right now, drove by a fluffy field yesterday.
I prefer sun flowers or pecans personally.
KY will never be a northern state, just a traitor southern state.
It was an obscure reference to the Tim Allen movie Big Trouble, the Geo Metro's finest role
can it stop being 100 degrees every day? the suns on the horizon in my eyes all day and gives me horrendous headaches
>a traitor southern state.
As opposed to the treasonous founding fathers that were British subjects who rebeled against the crown (?)
Inherited a rwd Chevy Tahoe. It's all I got and I cant afford a 4x4. How do I off-road?
I agree the NQ should have been answered b4 ratification but the nigger lovers had to play kick the can.
A posi/locker out back will cover 75% of offroad trails.
then you cant afford to go offroad
inb4 Crown Vic posting starts
is this something an amateur can do or do should I find someone?
It's an advanced mod
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>tfw no 4x4 compact pickup anywhere near me for less than $10k
it's all I want lads. I just want to go offroading and hunting. I see a bunch of them on the road still, completely spotless, the 4x4 never used even once. everyone has one but me. it's not fair!

it's legit at the point where I could probably get a 2wd truck and convert it to 4x4 for cheaper than getting a beat-to-shit one with 400k miles on it.
It's complete faggot shit we can't get that little $10k Toyota truck they're making, bullshit chicken tax means we get exploding Toyotas only. Or dogshit American trucks for $50k.

Fuck this gay earth.
Just wait til something pops up bro, I just got a nice Comanche for 1200, just wait and then act quickly

no you didn't. don't just go on the internet and make up lies like that.
hehe classic
I did and the last XJ before that was 500
Just watch and wait
lies until proven otherwise. just pure lies.
It’s sitting in my driveway and the title is in my filing cabinet I don’t know what to tell you
Just refresh marketplace every time you wake up
It's honestly not difficult.
Many people are scared to do it because you have to use gauges and not just slap parts together and torque it down with an impact.
You'll need like 30 bucks in harbor freight tools and have to install, measure tolerance, uninstall, adjust, reinstall.
Can get annoying when you're slightly off (again) and have to take the carrier out for the 5th time.
But if you have an IQ of atleast 90 you can do it.
I don't know why you'd bother pulling the carrier just do a lunch box locker
All the kei trucks xoomers bought up are now on marketplace for $2k
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gayrb locker is the mod that's made the most difference in my truck by far. diff work is shit though i fucking hate it so i brought it over to a friends that's good with that stuff. if you plan on diy then bring extra beer and budget extra hours for taking the whole thing apart 50 times
Go find somewhere else to be.
We're all tired of you shoveling bullshit day after day.
Niggas don't realise it requires resources and flexibilty to pounce on a good deal. You need to have the cash*, a trailer and car ready. And you have to be able to make time to pick something up the day you see it. If you don't have access to that you need to be really lucky and find a deal nearby

*not really necessary anymore, I just use immediate transfers these days
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i have a couple bucket list cars, diesel volvo 240, diesel 1st gen maxima, diesel foxbody continental, B2 quattro... i usually see 1 a year and the seller knows what they got, $5k for a rusted out shell that doesnt run, but ive seen more generic stuff like sn95 cobras, turbo s130's, dodge raiders, be in great shape and have the opportunity to go snag it, i just dont care about doing this for money, i want what i want
Post truck btw
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Your truck bud
>tells some dude who’s poor to replace his entire carrier when a lunch box locker will do fine for 1/5th the price and you can toss it in with 2 hours of work
Absolute retard kek
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what makes you think its not mine bud? never seen someone not poor before?
>literally copy pasting files
Bro doesn’t know about file names on 4chan, I’m so tired of newfag phoneposters
sounds like poorfag cope to me
Stop posting my truck
kek, stop taking pics from the motor trend site
>motortrend didnt take photos of your truck
lol poor
Also, stop giving people bad advice like saying they need to replace their carrier holy shit I'm tired of notruck posters
I actually have cars I've worked on be at SEMA, that's the difference kek
I did a body off frame full restoration of a model A
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here's the daily, my dad is also president
Yeah, it was a pretty fun build
Took about a year
shut the fuck up faggot
does it do wheelies?
wife's daily
is someone sucking cock in here? without me?
>he STILL can't figure out how to do a tripcode
holy fuck man, just google it
Look at my model a build, looks pretty similar eh?
seethe lol
kek every one of my pics doesn't have any results on an image search, because I took them
feels good man
i built a model a too, this is now the model a general
No one fucking cares stop clogging the board
>stopping some random anon from wasting 1200 on a fucking carrier locker
>telling him to spend 200 on a auto locker that's cheaper and easier to install
>retard seethes because he realizes he's fucking retarded and wrong
Gotta love it
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nta but watching this lunchbox locker nigger live rent free in your head is entertaining as fuck
I took this photo
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I'm the lunch box enjoyer though
(other than my e locker axles)
No one cares how much cock you enjoy just choke and die already
you're just a fag sperg of the highest caliber though. do you seriously not realize what a clown you appear to be when you act like this?
>lol i trol u
Keep seething kek
>notoriously gay tripfag
>self awareness

pick one
Seriously dude.
You were caught lying multiple times in the same thread.
Everyone knows you're a compulsive lair now.
Posting pics from a shop you got fired from, of a vehicle you (might) have done some work on impresses nobody.
I never got fired from a single job ever kek
Neither have I ever lied, I’m enjoying all the (You)s, keep it coming
>the compulsive liar continues to lie.
What a shocker.

Nobody cares what you have to say anymore.
What job was I fired from?
nta but being a faggot is a full time job for you, i think it'd be impossible to get fired.

you've been employee of the month for +30 years now

but seriously folks let's give the Cumster a round of applause, he does post ORG content and has some decent rigs
Thanks broseph
no sale. fuck that retard.
That model t he build is real org material
>I never got fired from a single job
so you’re a quitter?
Why would you choose to be associated with the scumbag in any form?
Would you allow him to babysit your children?
Would you take him to parties and introduce him to your friends?
honestly kids would probably think a flamboyant man dressed in a dog costume is great fun
I decided I'd rather work only on my own cars, I don’t wanna work on other peoples stuff
It’s a waste of my time, I’d rather just hang out at home with friends and drink beer and work on cars and trucks, my own ones not someone else’s
I’m able to do so, why wouldn’t I?
Who the fuck wants to slave all day for someone else’s ride
but collecting welfare is dishonorabu
I’m not eligible for any welfare
>mentally ill gay man
>not eligible for government bennies

don't sell yourself short champ, you're exactly why the welfare state exists
I think my skin is a bit too light for that one
You're still here?
I'll have to stop by /arg/ and ask what's in the secret formula for the bug spray they used.
pretty sure he's banned, if he posts there they'll do global ban for evasion
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this threads a shitshow lol
I just live where there’s no bugs
Last time you said this I went and posted on /k/ then cross linked it here kek
post in /arg/
Ok I posted
Idk why you think I’m banned
Mods are asleep, gookmoot hasn't sprung for automation.
Whatever you gotta tell yourself
How about another reply
Tell us again about the free floater dana 44
Tell us about your truck kek
No no, this is about (you) remember?
Thats what you crave.
So tell us about free floater Dana 44's.
I’ll post it after you post your truck
You say this every thread.
I've posted my trucks.
Get new material.

Now tell us about free-floater Dana 44's.
I already posted the full float Dana 44 actually Kek, it’s the white wrangler
I ain’t pulling the axle out tho, that’s its home
you two should get married
He obviously can’t get enough of me
Tell us again "from memory" how a free floater Dana 44 is a difference between a jl and jk.
Because the 2024 wangler has it, I already posted the 2024 wrangler kek
What the fuck more do you want?
Post your truck now since I posted the full float 44
You already said that you DONT have the free floater Dana 44.
So which is it?
Having problems keeping up with your lies?
Need to go over to your neighbors house and take a quick pic of his jeep?

And tell us again how the difference between the JL and JK is the free floater.
>You already said that you DONT have the free floater Dana 44
I don’t in the XJ, those are older JL axles
Here's that time I went to INL with the neighbors jeep
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are those big engines used to power your dildo?
I am a big believer in its better to have and not want then want and not have. I don't plan on doing big offroad adventures, but there have been times I had to go offroad because of fallen trees and whatnot. With that said I was looking at the g80 and spartan lockers. What resources are out there for me to figure all this stuff out? Besides YT.
Which lunchbox lockers are good for combined use?
The secret to off-road and camping enjoyment is to just run what ya brung and not get caught up in extreme gear autism. Crown Vics can drive on forest service roads. I don't need adamantium axles and shit. Just give me the hills and the dog and the rain, a puddle to drop a line in and maybe pull some fish out.
But you should brung 2 shovels
upgrade it as it breaks. obviously these stupid steps got ripped off the first time out, and the plastic rear "bumper" exploded.
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forgot pic
how much of big cucks life have we cumulatively wasted making him argue in this thread all week?
He lives for it
my dog lives for rolling in and eating shit, i dont particularly envy him
>Crown Vics can drive on forest service roads.
I'd like to think nobody would that furry pedo
So with all the flood damage vehicles in florida/georgia/south Carolina it looks like I finally have a nice selection of donors to finish one of my longest running projects.
>I'm not going to post specifics or links because you assholes will bid on them.
It's kind of sad to see some of these vehicles completely covered in mud and just sitting in the auction yard.
They just end up at copart for the most part
>>I'm not going to post specifics or links because you assholes will bid on them.
Dumbest shit I've heard in a while, congrats
That's where I'm looking.
They have daily sales right now to to being flooded with inventory.
It was a fucking joke dude.
Is it really flood damaged if it's a jeep?
You know it would have wound up in the drink eventually anyways cause that's just a jeep thing.....
Elctrical gremlins attack!
I can't even imagine how bad the electrical system would be after this.
60 year old cars with 4 wires to the engine have major issues after a flood.
I'd think this would be 100% harness and electronics replacement to ever get it reliable again.
It's warm today so I'm going to clean and oil the frame of my truck. Toyota life
It takes two to tango, I just get tired of always winning
Spent the entire day yesterday chillin I the desert with no signal drinking beers with my friends, that was a good time
The iPhone satellite messaging is fucking amazing it works so good
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Mojaves are nice
Those are nuclear jet engines
Nice. Did you get a fogger head on a hose attachment for inside the frame rails?
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The magic jeep got caught in a flash flood once, years back. Water up to the hood. Electrical was fine after, but this is old jeep, maybe new jeep with more confusers wouldn't survive intact. But maybe it would. All I did years later was clean and pack all connectors with dielectric grease.
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>Not having your blower and intercooler on the hood
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this my stock XJ went absolutely everywhere before the ass rusted out of it had a kitted out GQ was a bucket, went back to a 2wd lifted falcon fucking thing goes everywhere
What happened to the magic Xterra?
Did the magic wear off of it?

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