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Is there any truth to the rumor that Toyota will be putting their turbo 3cyl from the GR Corolla into the GR86? A lightweight 300hp coupe with a manual transmission sounds like heaven.
>t. 4chan anonymous user
Sure, I see no issues trying to fit a inline 3 into a chassis designed for a boxer 4, a long with the extra cooling demands of a turbocharger
dat would be amazegasm

300 hearse-purrs for the GayArgh 69 finally.
small light engina to not fuck up the balance.
100% toyoda vs scatbaru enginerding.

bring it on
kill yourself
All rumors pulled out of some random auto "journalist's" ass so far.

While its definitely a possibility its worth noting that Subaru is and always has been the main manufacturing force behind the 86/BRZ platform. I drive a '23 GR86 and it has Subaru stamps on everything from the block to the driveshaft and calipers.

If Toyota were to swap to their own engine and kick the Subaru Boxer out then they would likely have to start actually making the car themselves which doesn't sound too cost effective, and I doubt that Subaru is necessarily willing to start manufacturing Inline Turbo 3 cylinders whether Toyota tells them to or not.

I think it's substantially more likely that Toyota will put the Turbo 3 into a newer more expensive car, such as the rumored GR MR2 or GR Celica.
Who cares these things are made for LS swapping anyway
How the FUCK is a 3cyl better than the current 4 banger? You have no tools do you?
barra is superior
>current 4cyl
Fell for the "true sports car" meme, probably an incel
>3cyl from the GR Corolla
Sounds cool, comes in a comfortable, practical, and stylish car (all of which women love)
>3cyl sports car
fuck sake just make it a v6 at lesat jfc
And then they'll charge double the price and make the manual some exclusive feature.
This. If the turbo 3cyl is going in, then Toyota would be building the next version of the GR86 themselves on a new chassis. Subaru will drop production and likely drop the BRZ altogether
...on opposite day
Who cares it's a fucking monster truck
3, 4, who cares if it makes 300 hp. I'll take the lighter engine if the output is similar.
It's true, but it will be only available with an automatic transmission.
With some sort of electric hybrid system too.
Yes it's true that it's a rumor
Automakers can be dumb but they're not that retarded c'mon now.
I know you're being ironic but you're literally a donut media fucking cringelord
Because the current 4cyl is an abomination of a motor that should've just stayed in Subaru's other fleet of soulless NPC cars. I'd happily sacrifice "muh balance" for literally anything else other than a boxer. A lightweight inline turbo motor that makes 300hp from factory is a godsend and should have been that way from the start as modern aftermarket suspension support and chassis tuning makes the balance argument of needing a flat-four null and void. I suppose it would have diminished the idea that these are cheap entry level sports cars however.
Wouldn't a small turbo engine with a shitty powerband wreck the original intention of this vehicle?

An LS fits in it with room to spare...
Roadster power bands don’t work in the vast 98% of the US. Most people don’t live next to twisting mountain roads nor do we have access to the low speed b roads of the uk where they are most at home. Better to sacrifice a bit of linear power and for better straight line power while still being very lightweight.
Toyota sucks
that engine is AMAZING.
my uncle works at toyota and he confirmed
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no Toyota is developing new 4cyl engines
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Anything less than 8 cylinders, if it’s not a Caterham or a Lotus, isn’t a sports car.
Not enough power unless they strap a turbo to it.
busrider logic
It makes sense for them to do it but nothing has ever been confirmed.
They are building a new 400+bhp 2.0 4pot turbo engine though and bringing back the Celica and MR2 with that new 2.0 turbo.
Initial layout and design elements for the 86 were presented by Toyota using its "FT" (Future Toyota) concept car nomenclature. The first was the Toyota FT-HS, which was presented at the North American International Auto Show in 2007. It had a front engine, rear-wheel drive layout and 2+2 seating and was powered by a V6 engine with hybrid electric assistance. In 2008, Toyota bought 16.5% of Fuji Heavy Industries, which includes the Subaru automotive brand.[8] Toyota, led by project leader Tetsuya Tada,[9] then invited Subaru to partner in the project, by co-developing the new D-4S boxer engine.[10] The offer, which conflicted with Subaru's reputation for high performance all-wheel drive (AWD) cars, was rejected. The project came to a six-month halt before Toyota invited journalists and Subaru engineers to test a developmental prototype. Following the test, Subaru agreed to become further involved in development.[11]
And it will be DOA because they’ll price it too high where it will have to compete against more powerful sports cars that cost the same with larger naturally aspirated engines.
Nigger I said the MANUFACTURING force, not the development process. You're welcome to come out here and see just how many parts on my car have Subaru stamped on them, because that's the company that makes the cars currently.

The Inline Turbo 3 has already been developed by Toyota, not as a joint operation between Toyobaru like the D-4S, and I very much doubt they'll be sharing it with Subaru.
The best thing Subaru could do is let Toyota take over on the engine. No one actually wants the boxer engine. I would own a gr86 or brz if it had a turbo 3cyl or even an NA inline 4 from Toyota in it.
I want the boxer engine. Its a Sabaru, just like the new Supra is a BMW. Neither of these cars are Toyota. Why do you want a Toyota engine in your Subaru, is Toyota not making any cars to your liking?
Because Subaru engines are dogshit.
>is Toyota not making any cars to your liking?
I'm inclined to agree even though I already have one and do quite enjoy it. Still I think any sort of new FR coupe produced by Toyota will likely be a new model entirely.
Toyota is never going to make another sports car on their own again. Anything that comes out is going to be some sort of collaboration with another manufacturer.
I would say the GR Corolla qualifies as a sports car, there is literally nothing stopping them.
The Corolla was an already existing car.

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