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Toyota Camry SE 2011

I have some kind of plastic oil cap that needs to be removed to change the oil filter

They told me the oil is already drained but they can't remove the plastic cap because it's too tight and it might break

They said they'll order it to arrive tomorrow and it'll cost $80 to replace in case it breaks

We decided to take the car now and they will add new oil and keep old filter

And we'll come back tomorrow to change the filter

Instead of leaving the car overnight with them which is sus

Are they bsing me about the cap.. it's been like 1.5 yrs since my last oil change

And they're claiming someone tightened it too much or something
happens all the time
t. ex lube monkey who's had to cut some of those off because they were already too rounded to crack loose with the filter cap tool
>1.5yrs since last oil change
>what could go wrong
Your mechanic should shoot you in the fucking head on the spot.
Yeah I'd believe it
t. Current lube monkey
Yes, it looks like dogshit. Better be safe than sorry.
>It's been like 1.5 yrs since my last oil change

You have no right to question anything mechanically related
This, pay the possible $80 on your fuel efficient and reliable car and stop complaining, just blows my mind how people can be uptight about basic shit on their daily car.
>it's been like 1.5 yrs since my last oil change
Another day another anon revealing his retarded nature.
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is that 80 gonna cover this second round of work and oil and the cap? they put in shit oil just for you to come back again and give them more money. did you look up how much that cap is? its around 30 for an aluminum one and you could of done it yourself
You dirtied your new oil running it through a filter because leaving the car with them was too sketchy. Major bruh moment
This, don't know how many miles OP's goofy ass has put on in a year and a half, but the filter might be in bypass mode at this point which is super cool, unfiltered oil running therough the engine, but at least OP saved that 80 bucks, that's just a real huge amount of money needing to be saved on probably the most expensive and depended on thing you own that isn't a house.
lol u faggots base your oil change on time elapsed rather than distance driven
Cars run rich as fuck when they start up cold Anon, you do that every day with short trips around town, you can contaminate your oil with gas and carbon within a few thousand miles
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>oil filter housing is designed to be consumable
new cars and imports in general are such a joke lmao
That’s a fine mechanic.
>Guy at work with S5 and aftermarket huge turbo
>Tell him I enjoy cars and like his engine
>Every day he starts up and pulls out of the parking lot/street/signal light at basically WOT on a cold engine
>See car on tow truck and ask if he's ok
>Yeah just have fuel in my oil I hope the motor isn't bad

Good luck Bruce you will need it
Lmao fuckin Bruce, dude
Yup, had to use the breaker bar to crack one of these loose today because the retards at the dealership quick lane tightened it with gorilla grip
Only ever had one of those break on me but finding them overtightened is all too common
The only other guy at my job who doesn't rape his car on cold starts is a black dude with 5 kids who drives a mitsu galant 3.8, similar type of car in similar condition to my own. Actually he's by far the safest and most consistent driver out of all of us.

One of my favorites is the dude who financed a 2018 Camry brand new and somehow still owes 12k on it. He lives 3 miles from work and has managed to put 14k a year on that car.
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>you could have done it yourself
Oh, no, he couldn't.
If he was even half a man he would not be asking stupid questions about what's happening to his shitbox at Jiffy Lube.
I still can't believe a grown ass man is being butthurt about the stupid cartridge filter thing on a Camry being broken and costing $80, like nigga ride the bus if you don't want to spend anything.
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What the hairline doin
>another 2011 camry owned by a wrenchlet retard
Are these threads all the same guy or is it just a coincidence? This is like the 3rd or 4th one talking about dumb stupid shit in the past month.
Worked at a lube shop and changed oil on thousands of these, every now and then I had to tell customers the same thing you were told. Make sure they're replacing that canister housing with a metal one instead of the same shitty OEM plastic one.
walked past a sales guy at work hopping into his late model camry. cranks engine and first thing i hear right after it turns over is it hitting 5000 rpm. no fucking wonder it sounded like a diesel when it went back to idle.
I think it's all the same retard. I've been noticing that too
they're not designed to be a consumable
but some retard oil monkey didnt learn(hahah) that those don't need to be tightened so god damn much
This, I couldn't taking a nu-car into a random quick lube shop with that stupid undertray with all the bolts, the possible cartridge filter depending on how much the manufacturer hates you, and an aluminum oil pan to strip out, those people are trying to get stuff done so fast, they will fuck your shit up, you pretty much have to take it into a dealer or a shop that doesn't sell super fast oil changes at the lowest price, at least an old car with a steel oil pan and a spin on oil filter is pretty hard to fuck up.

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