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Welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussion of racing and driving games. Join the series. It's free.

Previous thread >>28047118

IP: mumble.get-good.net
Port: 64738
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info, we're racing GT3 in VKOVGT3E, the premiere GT3 simulator for PC on Saturdays
Video games are for children, you're all fags.
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Posting it again.

Reminder that 5nm is more than enough force. Anything over that is just pure overkill.
The tryhards obsessed with super strong wheels need to drive a real car for once in their life. A real car can turn a corner at speed with one hand gently on the wheel, and it isn't fighting to violently spin full lock on the other direction at all times.

>inb4 cope about "muh detail" or something
You get more detail from a good set of headphones than you'll ever get from going from a 4nm wheel to a 15nm wheel.
it's good exercise if you're a dyel like the majority of people who drive
I only have a logitech g29, but it was shocking how hard it fought vs a real car on default settings on gt sport and gt 7
what if i mostly only drive old prototype deathtrap racecars
4chan now asks for your email?The fuck is this shit?
it was a way to slow down the shill botting on /biz/ and /pol/ (they've already found ways around it btw) and now everyone else gets to pay the price

buy passu btw
Just be a good boy with a static IP, let them profile you, and wait out your 15 minutes
Daily reminder if you don't have at least a 15nm wheel you suck at sim racing games.
I bet you're slower than some 14yo 3rdie with a driving force gt.
>chuubas play ass corse comp
>can only watch for half a lap before watching ACC's horrific AI driver steering assist pisses me off
I'm not expecting them to perfectly emulate Gran Turismo 3 but goddamn this can't be the best they could do.
Then in classic fashion whenever there was a chance something might have people actually pay attention to one of these games the servers shit and piss lel
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>that shitty ass fucking rig setup
>Chinkmagic trash
>Fanashit CSR pedals
>Gay ass Mario posters with horendous cheap amazon frames to top it off
AHAHAHA like fucking pottery
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This game is my entire personality. I don't even like jazz but now I pretend to.
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I understand.
>he didnt respect the wet candy canes made of lava
>15 nanometers
whats this, a wheel for ants?
So many shitter drivers in AC online it's crazy.
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>can give the carx chally steelies and a vq swap
we're so back
The grind in this game is atrocious and it lacks funny engine swaps, only having those 4 or so generic choices
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>the wrong part of the taillights illuminate when you brake, the center high brake light doesn't work at all
>can't have takeyaris
it's so over

the engine sounds aren't even very good either, i was expecting the vq to brap but it just sounds like a vacuum cleaner
how will i larp as an old japanese businessman larping as senna with only 5nm
shutokou battle '25 gameplay reveal next week
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Sadly, this is the type of redgov retard I have to share a thread with. Wish you'd stick to your dsicord if you're this unintelligent, uninformed, and too lazy to do your own research.
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>Sadly, this is the type of redgov retard I have to share a thread with. Wish you'd stick to your dsicord if you're this unintelligent, uninformed, and too lazy to do your own research.
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.
There's a lot of weird shit going on with the cars in general, they're somewhat inspired by their IRL counterparts instead of being them.
Like a lot of the BMWs have weird engines, the E36 M3 has an M50 instead of an S engine, the E92 has a turbo straight 6 instead of the NA V8, the S30 Fairlady has a V6 and so on.
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Unlike you I drive real cars in real life and these games are dogshit.
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ok retard
the ultimate showdown
v6 vs v8
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Why did you prompt the AI to draw a jew holding a baby?
Can't be, he doesn't have a ripped foreskin and baby blood dripping from his mouth.
Not yet he doesn't.
Maybe an esoteric question and probably not the best place to ask, but how do they decide how wide a specific curb should be? I started thinking about this, since on some tracks some of them will be as wide as the cars. I tried searching about this but just found some FIA regulations for F1 tracks, but on tracks like Watkins Glen they'll have these giga curbs, and the racing line basically just goes across them. So why would they not just make that part tarmac instead of a five foot wide curb
Don't try to find logic in NASCAR/ISC's decisions
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Nah man I need to find asnwers for this, I mean look at this absolute unit. That's no longer a curb, it's just a way shittier road
I don't know but I'm going to apply some basic logic:

All things that are unexplainable decisions are because of stupid people
There's a new LFA beingntested at the ring
You see you look at how wide it was last time you had to pour concrete and then you make it wider until you either reach paved runoff of guardrail. Why? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

If you want a deeper history, curbs were originally ACTUALLY FUCKING CURBS, and like on the road their purpose was to discourage people from driving off the road, in this case primarily to keep them from digging up the grass rather than from running down pedestrians. Over the years as cars got lower and stiffer and people started paying any attention whatsoever to motorcycle safety on European tracks (legitimately heavily serrated inside curbs and and steep ones in slide zones fucking suck for bikes) curbs got flatter for muh safety and unless you have like 6" 90 deg curb or the old tires buried in the ground people end up driving over them anyways. So much like the mythical "one more lane" mantra of car haters, race tracks did adopt a hopeless "just some more curb and they'll stop digging up the grass this time bro" approach to track "improvements" until the racing line on almost any given track is to have about 1mm of tire on the race track if they're even bothering to enforce it. (an oversimplification I've made is that the wider the curbs are the shallower they get because you can only have the back of the curb so much higher than the grass without creating problems)

At this point they're basically just like highway rumble strips to let you know you're at the edge of the track. The series that race at Watkins Glen in particular just let you drive 5 car widths off the track into the runoff every lap anyways.
Yeah I watched a race just now, the track limits seem to be "are you driving into a wall? If not, go ahead". So in practice they just have this rainbow speed bump on the track for no reason

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Guys, we need to gather our efforts to help our main boy Kira aka Kita.
Wasn't gonna watch the video either, but I did, and why is james constantly lying about having dated playboy and OF models?
Who is james and who is kita and who is this austin person
Austin paypiggied an OF model to give him attention and ended up trying to date him because hes a mentally stunted CTE ridden retard.
Btw whats up Austin!
James is the guy that made this video. One of the OGs of /ovg/ until the kicked him out of the shadow government for being Canadian. Kita is this kid >>28064843. He's the thread substance abuser. Austin is James.
try this schtick there.
Try some pussy, fat fuck.
liked and subscribed

We all get to be losers of equal value here at /ovg/
Norville aka Mandark aka Susan, Thread Mom Nobody Wanted is a swine, a charlatan, and he ain't my nigga.
just load up NFSU2 if that gameplay is what you want
looks about as realistic too

wait are you the guy who's trying to say a real challenger acts like that in real life in the other videos?
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>gay EAvil empire FnF ripoff turboslop needs 99 mods to not drive like babby shit

>simulation value 99% russian unity game with ripped forza models and autistic custom physics engine
>when your posts are so bad it doesn't matter whether they're serious or supposed to be trolling because both make you a mentally ill retard
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Is James still riding on the coattails of having being friend zoned by a scene girl 16 years ago?
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I see you standing there tonight
with an open heart, tell me if you feel alive
I see your name up in the sky
could you hold me tight, with tears up in my eyes
this feeling that I can't describe, can you let me know?
should we let this feeling grow, go
>not sharing a southern comfort with kta on a chally run
are you human?
smoke effects are pure kino in this
im so fucking ready (to be let down)
>simulation value 99% russian unity game with ripped forza models and autistic custom physics engine
when did slrr2 release
>and he ain't my nigga
Well yeah, unlike you I'm white.
I hadn't heard of that lmao. I only heard that one OF girl story and now the playboy one with this video.
Oh wow, a city with an actual traffic in an open world racing game
Based Viper GTS-R enjoyer
Ackshually that's the Competition Coupe, you can tell by the wing
it's the game's standard 3rd gen viper with the comp coupe bodykit.
you can even pick from IMSA or FIA-spec rear wings

>Aug 29, 2024
Ah so Kita is the annoying v6 white challenger guy
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>caused a newfag reddit autist to go totally insane and spam my own pictures all over the board constantly
>now people just do it to annoy each other for fun

reminder: i won
can I be a regular too
can I get a cool name like incelanon
Why is everyone here slow
The problem is you exist, you don't get to be part of some schizo's fanfiction /ovg/ universe.
I would buy the $150 giga deluxe version instantly if they put it on pc
I'll never be "good enough" at sim racing to impress you or people like you and I don't fucking care.
I have an IQ of 98
you need to do something autistic/retarded enough to get one
shadow government, more like....
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>schizo fanfiction /ovg/ universe

/ovg/ has the deepest lore
dropping in to remind everyone that project cars 2 was never bad
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Did 13 do something like this?
>its the current year
>nobody named a better game yet
he was right all along
GT3 homologation car, Akio Toyoda was super inspired by how competitive the AMG GT3 Evo is.
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no it was even worse, it was mid
sry 13 but you were over the line thats a foul
was it netcode or wtf was this
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car of the week is
l o n g
this lossless scaling shit gplaps shilled in his last video is goated, been playing psx racing games at 60fps for days now
rate my car i made it myself
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based drift city enjoyer
Sooo... Austin is upset because he was born an autistic loser and he can't understand why people would rather hang out around a campfire over ermmm... playing video games alone at 32?
swdc is too easy, you're basically guaranteed a free win if you drive semi-competently, ive never lost, compared to old sega racers where ive literally never won a single race
>lossless scaling
You just now realized that multiplying by 4 (and multiples of) retains the image quality or something?
Update: Polyphony Digital office has no interesting cars near it, just a bunch of taxi. Models are the Toyota JPN Taxi and the classic Toyota Comfort. When will they be in GT7?
noot noot
nah you can double the fps of psx games that ran at 30fps with ai frame generation, shadowplay doesn't like it so I can't be arsed to make a webm
This is what happens when you exclusively play autistic mods made by a basement dweller that can't even drive.
HEY i can drive
in beamng (basically, im the next colin mcrae)
Hilarious that it's 2024 and ovg are still playing shitty cracked versions of games that are 20 years old, because everyone in the shadow government is still running the same toaster they were in 2014.
Where else are are we going to find a sim with GT3s in it?
don't touch any heli sims anon
Well I wouldn't know. He's talking about substance addicted retards. No way of knowing if he's salty he has no friends, or if the people around him are actually not worth being around.
>90s themed season in fh5
>jzx80 chaser which came out in 1988 instead of the iconic jzx100 or even the 90
I find it so difficult to transition from arcade driving in FH5 with a controller to a wheel in a sim, it's like I'm unable to unlearn the shitty habits from forza and either outbrake myself on every corner or go so slow I might as well not be on the circuit
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nobody likes acc here
Don't they have an underground garage?All the employees probably park them there
woah dlss 3 (taa) for ps1 that's insain
forza ain't that bad in terms of general car dynamics, you're just having to learn the grip limits of that particular game, and to some extent this also happens if you're just going from a "sim" to another
pick up your braking points and experiment until you get it
>I find it so difficult to transition
Just take more hormones, sis
idonno FH5 feels like trackmania or something in terms of grip and responsiveness, like it's tuned up to 11 compared to motorsport or assetto corsa
yeah its pretty cool, looks better than dlss too
Calling it "ai" is a bit ridiculous as that itself is just a glorified kit of software doing the same thing TVs have had inside special dsp chips for 2 decades now. And i say this as a 4080 owner. Optical flow or AI fg or whatever else is a waste of computing resources and provides nothing that a "simple" interpolator dsp is capable of.
>poors with toaster don't like game that costs money and requires modern hardware
Checks out
it could be small chinese children drawing in those frames for all I care
no its just shit
your mom goes to college
But a 20 year old game with trash tier physics, ourdated tire models (tires advance and tire models need to as well) and graphics is good... just because?
Because shadow gov knows better than actual racing drivers and teams
Acc has no simulation value
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reality itself is gmotor with soft body physics and fluid simulation
Toaster owners play toaster game
the red squiggles under words mean you spelled them wrong.
Damn Kita you goin' crazy in that Syclone
to me, crazy taxi is just a regular taxi
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/ovg/touge was kino

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