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Annihilating the Veyron 20 years before it was born.
What color is yours anon?
Neither you, nor anyone on this board, owns either the Sledgehammer or a Veyron. Go be an autistic sperg elsewhere.
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ok i keep seeing this car being posted around, so let's settle this once and for all
was the top speed set by a special one-off car or was it just a standard callaway twin turbo that anybody could buy?
Mine is Barbie pink. After all, it IS a Barbie car.
It was meant to be put into production. But at $400,000 in today’s money it wasn’t a realistic proposition, so it is a one off, technically.
And it at least had road homologation , not to mention that it was a single unit ?
wait, so only one car was ever built? they never built any others?
As I said, they were going to actually produce it. There just wasn’t a business case for it. So yes, only ever one built. Maybe had they built it in this new era of wealth inequality, it could’ve been done.
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Yes , this is like single prototype , compared to 509 units of callaway b2k corvette
more important than the top speed, i've always wanted to know how it actually FEELS to be inside cars like these when they're going 400
i know that drivers that have reached top speed in the veyron super sport have commented that it felt remarkably quiet and smooth so i wonder how the callaway would feel
C4 is pretty raw as it is, although grounded. Probably like that but turbocharged *badum tiss*
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>those side mirrors
awesome, the guy that did the aero on this car definitely knew what he was doing
they look just like the 911 GT3 RSR side mirrors but 10-15 years earlier
i'd love to watch a documentary or speak to the guy and just know how he came up with his solutions
The 80s were beginning to go that way, it's just that nobody but a car nut would care for a 400k car with plastik interior and chebby build quality
If they redid the bodywork to be hip-er, and completely tore put the interior for some custom Italian shit it might've worked, but the price would then be even higher
Look guy, I like a c4 as much as the next guy but a 5k rpm redline ain't it
the only way you can annihilate something by driving at exactly the same speed is if you're going the opposite way in the same lane
LT1s rev to 6K, LT5 does 7K.
>is vaporware in your path
>went 254 mph in 1957
Callawaysisters we got too cocky
It exists, and was on BaT pretty recently. Not that you have the money for it, busfag.
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>broke the sound barrier
>in 1946
eurocucksissies, we got too cocky.
Nice false equivalence. They built 7 X1s but the Sledgehammer and EX181 were one-off prototypes.
what's one off about a C4 Corvette with some hair dryers thrown on? you could make something similar yourself.
The sledgehammer wasn't a prototype. It was a full-production representation model that they simply didn't follow up on.
I can't even begin to compete with that autistic OP talking about a car that might as well not even exist there are so few examples.
Peak cope.
Sorry we're not discussing your local transit bus models anon, some of us enjoy talking about more niche vehicles. >>>/n/ might be more up to your speed.
I accept your concession.
Is the bus idling in the room with us right now OP? Is that why you're getting light headed and swinging at shadows?
You don't have to engage me or my thread if the Sledgehammer causes you such distress, Anon. Tons of other threads.
It doesn't cause me distress shitposter-coon, but the simple fact a thread died because you made this one is enough to annoy anyone with taste. This thread holds less value than a nigger's turd. You are /v/ermin and should be treated as such.
>he coulda built more he just didn't
He made one prototype that never made production

Then it wouldn't be a Callway sledgehammer, it would be some other non production one-off tuner build. I'd call it the Cunnygay Fagslammer.
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Why do people think throwing turbos on corvettes is some kind of unobtainium thing? people just get so mad that these european super cars are put on a pedestal, and then some dude can boost a vette or a trans am, and do exactly the same thing. and still have a car that can be driven anywhere the european super car can.

the Callaway isn't unique. its another boosted small block among boosted small blocks.
>Then it wouldn't be a Callway sledgehammer, it would be some other non production one-off tuner build. I'd call it the Cunnygay Fagslammer.
It's called the B2K option and it was in full production.
Right, because all the truck seething posts, the USG/mcdonalds spammer, and millionth post about econoboxes from the last century are worth keeping around? Keep seething Anon, you're only bumping this thread.
how is it one off when countless other people have thrown turbos on vettes before?
There's a way for me to post and not bump the thread but you're too much of an election tourist newfag from /v/ to know about that. This board is insanely low quality, so in your defense you think more shit should be heaped on the pile? Fuck right off retard.
you're bumping the thread by replying, and then the non-saged poster replies back, bumping the thread again. you would be doing yourself a favor by not seething, but you can't help yourself.
Anger management lessons would suit you better than wasting your time on a thread from an alternator rewiring forum for a random experimental car from the 80s. Thanks for the laugh anon.
Sledgehammers produced: 1 (one)
Production records: 0 (zero) - ineligible.
Reminder the Mclaren F1 isn't eligible for production records either because it was modified (raised rev limiter).

its not even the fastest naturally aspirated car. that title belongs to a Chadmaro.
>he doesn't know how sage works
You'd respond to yourself to keep your shitass thread off of page 10. What fucking difference does it actually make? You want a consolewar shitpost thread but car flavored, you're a nigger from /v/ where discourse died a long time ago.
bot post
See what I mean? You're a pathetic fag who would die if he wasn't getting attention. Hopefully you kill yourself after you troon out you latchkey kid freak.
NTA buddy
Tell me you're a 4pass faggot without telling me. Who solves a captcha to make two useless posts back-to-back?
relax bud, i get youre some sort of SEAmonkey or something but white men like me can solve basic latin based captchas quite easily without much effort, even if its just for me to call you a bot
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Hand on steering wheel in your response or I know I'm dealing with silicon valley's jeetiest LLM
I buckbroke the bot
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impatient coon, also nothing in your picture identifies it as yours
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People like to ignore the fact that people were building turbo small blocks, putting them in stock-bodied third Gen firebirds, and getting close to 300mph in the '80s. In the '90s, the builds matured enough to break 300.
The Callaway was notable for potentially being available through dealerships as a factory option, which can be viewed as a testament to its reliability and street ability compared to all the hot rods that were faster but had to be torn down every few runs.
Am I a coon or a SEAmonkey? Make up your mind. Notice how the shitskin uses the back of his hand to trick the viewer into thinking he's white when he's not? Poor form son, and get out of daddy's vette before he gives you a black eye to match your mother's.
you asked me to do something, I did it. way to move goalposts retard. at least you have a car, more than I can say for most here
any reason youre still seething or??
No it's actually my grandpa's or dad's car, that's what current lore says about me. It's weird how they'll let me take pictures of the car all over the country and at the drop of a hat but fuck logic and IQ n sheeit.
woman reply
i have no idea who you are or what lore you're supposed to have, ill assume in good faith its yours
I have an incredibly tiny COCK

Bejitabro btw
what do these people think 'stock-bodied' means, that no part of the body was cut away and the only changes were things being glued on? or is 'body' just american for 'chassis'?
i dont browse this board sufficiently enough for this to mean anything, ill keep it mind next time a porsche is posted and someone seethes for 30 replies
He seethes for 8 hours posting naked anime children
>being nervous about driving in a straight line in a fully enclosed cabin vehicle
kek what a bitch
We need a video of you getting up to 200MPH on public roads
i would rather he/she/xir/them did that then derail threads
Of the people who have told me about their modern day driving experiences with C4 vettes, is that their passengers who aren't used to being in cars that old are often scared when these things pick up speed.

The C4 Corvette was designed in the early 80s, and its chassis, despite being cutting age for its time, makes the car feel like kind of a sled rolling down a steep mountain when moving.
They took picrel from the factory, put a roll cage, frame braces, custom suspension, and flat hubcaps on it. Third Gen trans ams produce less drag than the Prius designed 20 years later with much more thought and computational power put into the aerodynamics. It's a really easy car to get above 250mph compared to anything else.
they appear to have removed the spoiler at least
It's just painted black. Only change I see is the cowled hood, and, although it's not that one, they did have a slightly similar hood available from the factory. It's a super common aftermarket mod that's not expensive or anything special.
The callaway guy built it, did a top speed run, then put it in a garage and never drove it again. It sold like 30 years later with literally 5,000 miles on it.
This one retard will tell you it's the greatest road car ever even though the owner curiously never wanted to actually drive it on the road.
there is a documentary
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Redline is 5500
Why do you censor your fingertips? Anybody that steals the identity of a C4 owner can only lose that exchange.
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The McDonald's F1 did a top speed run, wasn't even driven to its destination, put in a garage, and it was never driven again. eurocucks will tell you its the greatest car ever, but curiously neither that car that did the top speed run, and the one that won le mans was ever driven again.

also curiously not a single Mclaren F1 owner has ever taken their car up to its top speed. why not?

must be a piece of shit.
also this Camaro did a million miles. Chadmaro bros, rise up. the Camaro is definitively the best sports car ever made. why else would it have so many miles?
>Not production
I suppose so.
I'm just glad my autism doesn't cause me to sperg out as badly as OP
Soviet game him a complex
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>clapped out salvage title C5
>ebay turbos
>duct tape and cardboard aero
ez 200mph for less than 10k
i didn’t report it, otherwise i wouldn’t of directly responded to it. find some other ghosts to chase.
OP isn’t the one who went on a seethe rampage
Corvette is for gay faggots
Corvette sucks
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>Drives a car for girls

>Calls someone else a faget
>CHADjita out of nowhere
Should I proclaim the score RATkufag?
Is that for a diesel or...?
C5s cost 50k in australia
grim, i’ve seen them for 10k usd in cancukistan
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>thread about american butthurt

240z profile has a better story.
what's the story?
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Plenty of people drive their Mclarens well beyond 5000 miles anon, there's no need to be so butt devastated.
none of those cars that are being driven is the one that reached 240. you might as well say "plenty of people drive their C4 corvettes, so that counts for the sledgehammer, which is a C4 corvette".
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>normal C4 corvettes count for the sledgehammer

There he goes!
Look at him cope!
>normal Mcdonald's F1s count for the one off record car
anon for god's sake callaway took a 240hp car and modified it to make 880hp, mclaren connected the ECU to a laptop and unticked a box in a menu to disable the limiter, you CANNOT be saying these things are the same
see>>28072935 Callaway did something anyone can do with small blocks. how many people have removed the rev limiter on their F1?
I believe you mentioned earlier that the sledgehammer was originally going to be serially produced as an official trim package available for order at corvette dealerships, like other callaways? that didn't happen because the cost of the base car plus the modifications added up so that callaway would have had to sell them at twice the base price of a porsche 959 in order to make a profit, so no, not something anyone can do, you disingenuous little jew
I didn't mention shit. there's more than one person in this thread. if its not something anyone can do, why are there so many high powered small blocks out there?

if its so easy to raise the rev limiter on an F1 why hasn't any of its owners done so?
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, of course many people can turbocharge their corvette, not many of them can turn it into a callaway sledgehammer
and I suppose F1 owners are mostly happy just doing 231?
>he still hasn't posted posted photos of all the thousands of 900hp turbo C4s which are apparently everywhere
>many people can turbocharge their corvette, not many of them can turn it into a callaway sledgehammer
A callaway sledgehammer, is just a turbocharged corvette.
here's another. in addition to the Top Gun cars, and that 300 mph turd gen, that's like what, 6 or 7 cars so far? still waiting on all these F1s with their removed rev limiters.
>literally no other car manufacturer has a more skewed gender ratio in favor of male ownership
>call it a girl car because you're poor, slow and gay
Haha classic
Wow, 6 or 7? Crazy that so many people are slapping turbos on their vettes. Can your average one do 231 out of the box?
How come the Corvette has never won LeMans while the F1 has?
The Mclaren F1 can't do 231 out of the box, either. meaning it was never the fastest production car.
the article you screencapped lists it as the fastest production car in the world in 1992 because it could do 221, you fucking talking lump of hamburger grease, and it came 'out of the box' with a reprogrammable ECU that could enable it do 240 through a settings change requiring only a laptop and a connector cable
meanwhile a callaway sledgehammer features
>custom performance exhaust headers
>custom performance cylinder heads
>custom performance conrods
>custom performance pistons
>a custom performance crankshaft
according to this brief article you hoped I wouldn't find https://www.imsa.com/news/2021/05/12/sledgehammer-when-callaway-built-a-255-mph-c4-corvette-the-world-took-notice/, which along with all the other changes made it twice as expensive as a porsche 959, as I just said and as you just elected to ignore
>Pit car in track mode
>Retard think that makes it non-production

Why are corvette fangirls like this???
>the article you screencapped lists it as the fastest production car in the world in 1992
it wasn't, because the Dauer 962 was faster.
>and it came 'out of the box' being unable to reach its claimed speeds unless you have Mclaren reprogram your car and change your gearing
so its not capable "out of the box", retard, lmao. and despite how easy you make this sound, not a single owner actually had it done, whereas i just posted several posted small blocks.
>meanwhile a callaway sledgehammer features
how expensive do you think all the other faster corvettes and turd gens are? do you really think it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get power out of these things? most of the Callaway cost estimate is him having to pay his employees to do the labor.
Cope and seethe about it lmao
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LOL gm was turboing them 50 fucking years ago you know nothing /o/
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the ECU was reprogrammable 'out of the box', so considering only that it was capable of 240 'out of the box'. the wikipedia article does not give any sources for its claims about the mclaren F1's gearing so I'll need some from you.
>i just posted several posted small blocks
you posted
>6 or 7
corvettes and firebirds which master tuners spent years gathering the finest performance parts that all the greatest race car engineering firms in the world had to offer and combining them with each other in perfect balance to bring them up to speeds comparable to those of mclarens, bugattis and koenigseggs (in a line) alongside absolutely no data about how much this might have cost them, out of a total of 358,180 C4 corvettes and at least as many third generation firebirds ever sold. I don't see how this proves much of anything.
>The car can be sent to Mclaren and have its ECU changed out of the box, so considering only that major inconvenience, its capable out of the box
aka, not actually capable out of the box.*
>you posted 6 or 7
You've posted 0(zero) costumer F1s that have their ECU reprogrammed. if its so easily done out of the box, why did no one do it?
>corvettes and firebirds which master tuners spent years
No they didn't. even GM themselves could produce 800 HP engines and were giving them to the likes of Mclaren, Lola, and anyone who wanted to race corvettes in IMSA, like Greenwood. it didn't take years to produce these parts nor find them. people have been drag racing and doing bonneville runs for a very long time. how do you think this was happening for so long if powerful V8s were somehow unobtanium in america of all places (kek!).
>1992 (starting with the prototype they were still testing on and weren't even street legal yet)
the car with the claimed speed of "221 mph" is a 1994.
>Top speed? The Fl runs into the 7500-rpm redline in sixth at 221 mph—but it's still accelerating. Gordon Murray, the F1's designer, is convinced that with taller gearing, the car is capable of at least 230 mph.

stay BTFO!

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