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this video made my pp hard for some reason
*yaps from trunk of miat*
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low effort /mg/ OP
>petite women are sexy
yeah no shit
au contraire, mon frere. perhaps it is just too high concept for you simple-minded buffoons.
you see, it's meant to evoke a sense of minimalism and attraction.
the text of the OP lacks useless clutter, just like a miata.
the girl is sexy, just like a miata.
this is the perfect /mg/ OP.
jaffa calling
>ywn get your foreskin torn off by a miatagirls braces
I'm glad you all have a space now.
Stay here
>t. All of /o/
>yesterday was a shit day at work
>sunset is painting a beautiful sky when I get out
>open the top
>commute back home
>every bad feeling swept away
>today commuting to work
>let the engine sing for me a couple of time
>get at work happy and rested
Fiata is the best material investment for my mental health I've ever made.
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> remember trying to convince you a couple of months ago, posting tobacco interior Fiata pics.
So great to hear you're happy with your new car. I feel somewhat vindicated for all my shilling.
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>car wouldn't shift
>check easy things, then drop trans
>clutch is installed correctly
>decide to fuck with the clutch pedal, cause why not at this point
>it's setup like everyone says to set it up: a little bit of freeplay
>can still push slave piston in by hand, so the hole at the CMC isn't blocked
>decide to add a lot MORE freeplay
>now I can shift freely
what the fuck.
This general has been up for years
seeing these interiors gives me FOMO BAD for an ND or Fiata. They're so comfy.
Really like how the Fiata has textured door tops. Look much more comfy than ND's painted ones.
Good to hear it's on the way to being sorted.
here's your cheap Miata bro https://www.apexmotorstacoma.com/details/used-2016-mazda-mx-5-miata/105904395
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>coming home from work
>dusk is setting
>listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_sgYvyqiI0
>me, my Fiata, the road, the sky, the music
I would have never imagined I could experience this much kino.
She looks like she fucks truck guys (and BBC)
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Anyone ever offroad theirs?
Not on purpose
lmao @ trackfags tougefags and onroadies
i've always driven cars that are at minimum 10 years old so this somehow feels too expensive and out of reach even though i can technically afford it.
You got a spot a couple hours from anything with no light pollution to speak of? Drive out there, kill the lights, kill the dome light, make sure the car has no interior lights on at all, close your eyes for about a minute, then look up.
The earliest ND1s will be 10 years old starting in March next year
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I'm surprised at how much even older ones still go for.
Prices on everything are just fucking fucked.
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Music to unwind to.
straightest miata/fiata driver of all time
>shipping a used car
buying a used car without seeing it first seems risky. has anyone in this thread tried this? do these services provide any kind of recourse if there are pre-existing issues you couldn't see on the site?
>car been at tinting place since 8am

Cmon man it's a beautiful day and the rain yesterday just made me that much happier I went ceramic and not carnauba
suppose it depends on where you buy it from. I've seen 7 days no questions returns. I think carmax and carvana have 30 days...?
A no name dealer...that's a tougher one.
Can confirm CarMax gives no fucks if you return the car within their terms. It was like 15 years ago I bought a Millenia S from them and brought it back like 4 days later over a "gut feeling". Only put about 100 miles on it but back then it was I think 300 miles or 7 days.
Finally back. Damn, have to keep the windows up for 5 days now
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she cute but not fat enough
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Somebody's posted a competing /mg/. Such childish behavior.
Fuck it dude, let the jannies clean it up. Till then theres more miatas.
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basted all it needs isa tube bullbar and widdle atv winch kek!
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thoughts on anime wraps?
Miata's were built to personalise.
>some dude
gay and lame
>waifu/harem/big tits/giant robots/spaceships
based and superb
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Spend the day cleaning and treating the underside of the ND. I hope the pic isn't too lewd.
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Looks minty!
A thoroughly mediocre show printed on a thoroughly mediocre car. If you're gonna wrap the car, you need to at least make some more visual mods, otherwise it's like lingerie on a girl with no assets. Sure it's nice, but it feels like something is always missing.
i did this with when i bought my miata. it was from a cadillac dealer on a trade in so that took a lot of risk out of it and they fully certified it. there were a few issues that the pictures did not cover but luckily they weren't major. biggest thing is not being able to see the underside where there was more rust than expected. if you can go see and drive it at all, do so.
I need to cut giant holes in the hood for my vents, but the paint is brand new. Can I get away with a shit ton of painters tape all over the hood before cutting? I have no air tools so looks like electric tools only
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Sure, that will work, but you'll hate yourself when it comes time to pull it all off. Do yourself a favour and tape newspaper pages together, then tape that over the edges of the hood.
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Car looks good lowered like this and with a hardtop.

Gonna raise it a bit later this week though once I do my alignment and corner weighting.

P.S, buy Supermiata Tecnas, they're the best. I WILL shill these coilovers.

(Also why the fuck does /o/ have a 15 minute post timer.)
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>Also why the fuck does /o/ have a 15 minute post timer.)
Phone poster detected.

Also, no idea. Kinda bullshit but glad I'm not the only one.
Do the NB windblockers help at all with reducing wind?
ND wheels look good on the NB
>phone poster detected
Um, aktshually, it's site wide anti spam and was introduced like a week ago even on pcs. It's in the FAQ I think.
I would love a hardtop. How high are your wheel arches from the hub center? I have flying Miata coilovers and not too keen on getting them again.
Huh, fair enough. I assumed it was just mobile based simply because I have no issues on my PC, but anything on my phone is a 900 second wait.
Do YOU come with the car?
I definitely come in it.
Cover the windows. Sparks etch into them.
lifted miatas look very fun and cool. Mazda should take note of this and sell a variant
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Miata resort in Italy

>There’s an NC in the collection, but you’ll rarely see it. “We never use it,” Mancini said. “No one wants it.”
NC bros are truly oppressed.
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Bros... Will this be better than soul red? Ive been wanting green for the longest time
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Why couldn't they get this out sooner FUCK!
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Okay help me out please. Once my lease ends on my car im getting a miata, in a year or so. This will be my only car. 100% I dont want an RF. I dont like how it looks, I dont like the fake window. I dont like the smaller trunk space. I dont like the added blind spots. I dont like the 12 second process of the RF. These are my grips. The soft top is pure sex and im getting one. Aside from it being more secure and durable, are there any reasons why i shouldnt take the softop with all that said?

Another thing, Should i go for the GT with its QoL features and comfort, or the club with bremble and recaro package? I really want the recaro seats. Theyre way more comfier than the leather standard seats. But comfort and longterm, what would be best you think between the two trims? I just want some input to help me decide when i finally take the plunge.
are those momo/nardi wheels worth not having an airbag...
if they made a awd lifted rally car with a baby turbo/sc id buy it
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Previous owner retrofitted a factory MOMO wheel, and I like it.
More reasons to get a soft top over an rf. Lighter, weight distribution, cheaper, more convenient to open and close.

But if you don’t have a garage all that doesn’t matter.

In terms of noise the rf has worse wind buffering top down and window down. I haven’t looked but surely there must be deflectors sold similar to the supra. It’s not great in the soft top with top up window down at Highway speeds eother.

IMO get whatever has the recaros plus the Bose sound and adaptive headlights
>IMO get whatever has the recaros plus the Bose sound and adaptive headlights
I thought the adaptive headlights are only in the GT and recaros dont come in the GT. Bose is in both club and GT
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I need some advice
I was looking at getting a 2024 Miata sport yesterday from a local Mazda dealership.
This is my first time buying a new car (my dad bought me my last car and it was used)
Firstly I don't understand MSRP. The website says that it starts at ~28k but if you go through the process to build a car without adding anything it's like 31k which is about the price the dealership showed me. Why is that?
Secondly, the guy at the dealership knocked off 1.5k for me. Is this a good deal or could I have done better?
Lastly, they tried to sell me on a warranty for 3k for the powertrain but from reading the website it seems like that's already covered for 5 years without buying anything. is my understanding correct? I'm not buying a warranty on a brand new car either way but I should be covered even if I don't pay, right?
oh you! tee hee

if you plan to keep the car for a long time, the soft top will eventually need replacing which can be pricy. the RF will be marginally quieter with the top up as well.

clean and neat. very nice!
>the soft top will eventually need replacing which can be pricy
Right yeah. So thats my dilemma, does that potential future issue make my points about the RF having those lame features still make it worth it over long term?
If you ever decide to track it at an event that requires a roll bar, you'd be shit out of luck with the RF. Not compatible.
See like this i didnt know. The RF adds more weight and is more expensive. I dunno man, i think afterall i do just want the softtop. Whats is the lifespan of a softtop?
About 10-15 years, maybe more if you're lucky. The original vinyl top on my 2000 NB was only replaced last year because it had developed a pinhole air leak at highway speeds, not even a water leak. The canvas ones the ND comes with (and what I chose for my replacement) should be even more durable, especially since they don't stiffen up in the cold like vinyl which stresses it more if it's raised or lowered. The canvas ones should be washed with soft top specific cleaner (not expensive) every 4-6 weeks, and all soft tops regardless of material should receive UV protectant after washing too.
Where do you live because I get about 6 years out of my Robbins canvas tops in Alabama. I don't dare put a vinyl one on.
Texas, no garage
tfw houston nigga
my top is ruined. the frame of the plastic window ripped, I need to find a decent hard top and buy one or...buy a vinyl or canvas soft top...and install it or pay to get it installed. No good hard tops in fucking houston right now, all the way in austin and shit no thanks.
At least my car is garaged. the next soft top, if I go that route, will hopefully last longer than 6 years...
I just put down the deposit for my brand new miata
I know the 2025 is probably coming out very soon but whatever I want my car now now now now
how expensive is insurance for a miata?
Wait for the green if they put it on an suv they’ll put iton miata
>Wait for the green if they put it on an suv they’ll put iton miata
Not sure that'll happen, I think the only reason the CX50 got it is because it's built alongside the Corolla Cross in Alabama which also comes in that green. Miata production is in Hiroshima.
I want one so bad, i should've bought one instead of the mazda 3 turbo I got a couple of years back.
how do you like the mazda3 turbo? seems like a good car and they're nice looking. but that between a miata...
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>rear beam axle
I love it.

It's a comfortable car that is surprisingly fast, the weird engine that runs on regular gas puts out a crazy amount of torque off the line and it feels like no effort to get up to highway speeds, there is a power dip around 4000rpm iirc and the engine starts to show first signs of struggling at 140km/h. Still a few seconds later and you're easily doing 180-190km/h. Really feels like a premium car and not the econobox that is actually is.

The car is a boat though, heavy bitch with tiny tiny brakes and the turning circle of the moon. I blew up the rear differential at 25,000k; the 300ftlbs of torque is too much for the cheap components to handle. And the paint is paper thin, every chip on that lovely metallic red feels like a gut stab. I park at the edge of every lot because of it.
Does the ND Miata have cheap components?
Are you literally me? I bought a mazda 3 turbo hatch last year and realized i actually wanted a miata.
Its great, only downside unironically is, its not a miata. If i could have two cars 100% itd be the 3 and a miata
how old is this car? Why's there already little spots of rust?
>Why's there already little spots of rust?
Nips, for all there good ideas and engineering, are completely incapable of rust proofing their vehicles. Rust proofing is their kryptonite.
What rust? I've seen brand new cars unsold on dealer lots with worse surface rust. Do you mean the exhaust? Factory exhaust components rust the instant you drive it on the roads anyway, even in non-salt states.
You can see what looks like the begins of rust on the drive shaft near the diff. Just a very light smattering, but present nonetheless
This is part of the reason why I'm a bit hesitant on buying a Miata, but I live in Virginia where there's not THAT much snow but they still salt the roads
oh no!
>on the driveshaft
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literally who cares. any components in any part of the country if it's just that cheap black paint over metal that isn't even primed or treated starts to rust pretty fucking quick but it doesn't matter because those are usually expendable pieces or stuff that won't deteriorate anyways. I could find rusty components on cars here in houston but none of it is frame members or body panels so it doesn't matter. Cheap metal bits that have that grill type black paint, yea, that falls to shit. It's expected. w/e.
It's honestly crazy. I think Honda and Toyota are OK but Mazda is the worst. I never hear about bmw's turning into rust buckets. Maybe they turn into repair pits well before then and are just scrapped at that point.
>Does the ND Miata have cheap components?

From my limited research, weak transmissions. It was fine for the old engine, but the new more powerful one is killing synchros and if you turbo it then you're fast tracking the tranny failure by like 50x.
And rust on the brake rotors, too! What a piece of junk!
what color is most prevalent in japan
Miata specific? Wish I knew, but Mazda's been pretty tight lipped about information like that for the ND, whereas we know exactly how many of each color there were for NA/NB. I would guess white, black, grey, and soul red would be the top 4 but it's anyone's guess what order.
>whereas we know exactly how many of each color there were for NA/NB
What are they. Man i just wish mazda didnt make these new miatas with thin as fuck paint
>Honda and Toyota are OK but Mazda is the worst.

I heard older Mazdas rust but what about newer ones??
I think they went too hard on gram strategy on the transmission. The case is pretty thin, relatively speaking, and I've read that flexion in the case is what's killing a lot of them. Mazda has revised the transmission several times now, but I really think the best thing is to use the NC's 6MT transmission. They used that in the Fiata.
doesnt sound like a cool resort then. the nc is a much more capable platform than the 1st/2nd and 4th gen miata. any arguments about weight gain are a meem too since its like 50lbs heaver than a "loaded" NB yet way stiffer with much more sophisticated suspension. The difference from na/nb to nc is huge, the difference between nc and nd is fairly small. dont forget the nd cant take boost for shit and the nc can make 300whp reliably with off the shelf parts that have warranties.
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Fiata wins again!
too bad about everything in front of the transmission
i think there's still quite a big difference from nc to nd. primarily the weight and engine. weight is self explanatory but you do get more room in the nc. i agree that in day to day the weight difference isn't really a big factor though. the nd2+ engines aren't much more powerful than the nc but they are way more efficient.
how would the engine power affect syncros? don't those only get worn while shifting when you wouldn't be on the throttle anyway?
Are people just driving them like retards?
What's wrong with the engine? AFAIK it's reliable. For me its plenty powerful and even a bit too thirsty, but as I said multiple times before I didn't get a Fiata for its lap times, I got it for its design.
I've done it twice. The first time, I got a company (don't remember the name - found them online) to test drive the car and give me up-close pics of any issues. Then I shipped it myself.

I know it's risky, but it was for a second car - a fun/weekend car. So, I took the risk. It turned out okay.

Second time was earlier this year. I went with carmax. You have to pay the shipping cost even if you don't buy, but you aren't under any obligation to buy. Also, they have a 30 day no-questions-asked policy.

There was no haggling so I feel like I paid more than I would have if I could have just made an offer. But, I paid a fair price according to cars.com and other sources.

pic is not my car.
junkyard supercharger soon
timing belt and water pump now
>turbo 6000rpm 4cyl
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Anyone in /mg/ that applied for Mazda's 0% APR financing?
Given the information in this post, do you think I'll get accepted for it >>>/biz/59166809 ?
I didn't mention it in the post but my down payment is 24% of the value. Would increasing it make it more likely for me to qualify?
I really despise the concept of interest so I will do whatever it takes to avoid it.
cool it with the anti semitic remarks
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>buzzwords without argument
carbonmiata seatbelt guides replaced the originals today, and the clutch pedal was modified last week...
...to accommodate my stature, or lack thereof. now the seatbelt doesn't saw into my neck and I can move the seat nearly all the back and still push the clutch to the floor. clutch extender has taken 0 getting used to despite what some have said.
Blizzaks and an alignment in 2 weeks, FM door bushings and stubby antenna have been ordered, and the spyder grille I'll probably get in January or February. I'll consider exhaust within a couple months after that. going to try to give it its first proper wash tomorrow, I'll share pics if so.
I just 3D printed one. I don't know how this Shit got past Mazda QA. I'm just an average 5'10" and the seat belt was in my neck all the time.
>I'm just an average 5'10
No one that is 5'10 says theyre 5'10. They always say theyre 5'11.
is this for the nd? the pedal heights are so screwed up on the nc. i adjusted both the gas (rearward) and clutch (forward). stock ergonomics are so strange. when i drove a coworker's nb they were fine.
the fuck do I get out of lying on the internet?
My doctor measured me, the military did also, they put it on my ID. I guess it's my autism I don't understand.
I wish I had the ability to print them somewhere given they were $100 per pair from CM. I agree, I'm much shorter than you and I had the same exact problem which seems to have been eliminated with the new guides. you'd think given our range in heights the engineers and testers would've been similarly affected
ND3. it's got a deep-ish clutch that likes to be depressed a little further in 1st and 2nd than the other gears and I like to be able to push the clutch to the floor comfortably. it's shocking how much difference bringing the clutch pedal 2 cm closer has made to me, I'm now 4 notches forward from all the way back with the steering wheel pushed all the way forward and totally comfortable. not many cars adapt to my goblin form so well.
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I would love some stiff ones. Carbonmiata makes the na/nb with the old school mazda logo which really clashes. I found a 3d file on Etsy for like 5 bucks and printed it at work. The NB has a loooong reach from the mount to the seatbelt exit, and when I pulled the seatbelt it just fuckin bent down on the seat and rubs the seat. Glad I only wasted 5 bucks, I would love to have a set in CF/FG or something.
I'm make the same face if she was sitting on mine too
>had some financial success recently and it's got me eyeing used NDs
>freight train miatas in the straight with my 05 2.4L auto camry
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Yes, yes you are.
took a few on the outside last weekend at MSR. you miata boys too precious with your machines.
i've heard soft top miatas are especially loud on highways. i expect it to be hard to hear with the top down but is it bad enough that i can't even listen to music with the top up?
do the club/gt bose speakers make a significant difference vs. the sport trim speakers?
i dont have very high standards for car audio but music while you drive is fun.
I drove 1000kms with windows up and top down and it was bearable you could hear music mins you mine has Bose
Have you ever considered the way to Amarillo is but a small jumping point from the port of Nepal? It's quite the journey, but few trains have ever walked that far before.
Im 5'10. Ive gotten three different measurements at the doctors. Also at the dmv lol.
Gat damn
Anyone day 1 buying the 2025 miata mx-5?
Did they announce it yet?
RF or ragtop?
RF for picking up guys
Ragtop for money saving
Rf is good looking man...
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I'd get the RF. I mostly keep the hardtop on my NA.
Pic of a Miata at SEMA with an LS fitted with a Lambo top hat. Not a fan of this engine setup.
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Looked it up. Now I understand.
How do i cope with the fake window. Id get 5% tint to match it anyhow but knowing its fake is saddening
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I totally don't care about that. It's just a trim panel.
NO ANON IT SAYS LAMBORGHINI AND WHEN I SAID THAT WASN'T TRUE THEY SIMPLY TOLD ME THAT I WAS POOR, ENVIOUS AND NOT A REAL CAR ENTHUSIAST. I'd be surprised if they even got it running, since the jig would be up the second it turned over.
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>surprised if they even got it running
Correct. Non runner at SEMA.
>It's just a trim panel.
styled like a window though...
>How do i cope with the fake window. Id get 5% tint to match it anyhow but knowing its fake is saddening
just dont buy it, if you buy it you are actively telling them fake shit == good
So the mechanism doesnt get in the way. You could remove the trim and cut a lexan window into there. But, what would you be looking at? The rear glass intersects that area.
>But, what would you be looking at?
mazda should have figured that out. i wouldnt mind seeing a bunch of hinges and shit, anything is better than a fake window.
Windows are really heavy. Mazda maybe didn't want to add extra weight up high. I'm sure the designers tested it with glass.
the whole roof mechanism is an exercise in adding additional weight, they could have done so many different things but they gave you a fake window. do you pay them money for it and say "yes, please more" or do you say "no thank you, not for me"
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Goddamnit lol. Perfect, what better place than to have a car that does not run.
Buy the ragtop then retard.
no shit
enjoy not being able to listen to music on the highway cause of the noise retard
I don't have this problem in my NB, top up or dowm
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sure bro.
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Maybe you should get your hearing checked, dude. Or at least learn2 into a windblocker, bonus points if it's the version with speakers.
I drive with my windows down on the highways and have no issue hearing my music among the wind lashing.
Oh my God I had this when I was learning to drive. Being short is great in a miata but fuck I felt like a dwarf buying this.
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So, that Ferrari replica based on an NA Miata that was posted last thread? It's up for auction here at the NEC. The Z3 rep is also here, but hard to get pictures.
im not doing the fake window thing dude
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stubbin on these hoes
Can i get a side view with the stubby to decide if i should do the same
Long antenna is fun and makes me happy seeing it. Fuck shark fins, fuck stubs.
NC's are kind of growing on me, bros...
>rarest Miata
>stronger gearbox
>tall people can fit
>age is right at the point where it's not old enough to be a classic and not new enough to retain it's value
Rarest Miata is Fiata
too bad most of the prices near me is just a hair from ND1 money. Not many in the market...
I need someone to grab their shift boot retainer from a 90-97 and do a scan so we can 3d print some .
>tfw financially unsuccessful wagey that just bought a new ND
probably not a smart choice but I'm having fun
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I'll share 3 others I took. 1/4
I respect the levity of the goofy RC antenna but it's not what I'm going for. kind of want to get rid of the shark fin too
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This back window, faek.
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Put an orange triangle flag on it and keep it up
>Coolest vegetable is a tomato
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Man these cars look good
First mods are going to be...?
Dildo shifter
thanks anon
I've got a few in mind, nothing major right now. a second set of wheels to put my summers on (I hate the stock wheels), probably a hushomatic exhaust next year. I haven't driven it nearly enough to push the limits of the suspension and engine tuning/boosting for the ND3 isn't available yet, so it'll be some time before I start looking at that stuff. plus I haven't wrenched since I was forced to keep my car running over ten years ago so it's going to be a process
just waiting for the mishimoto/bad dragon collab to drop
This is brilliant, and I'd absolutely do it, but I fear the induced fluttering will wear the antenna down.
>Sold for: £8,438
Radium fuel rail ORDERED.
More than I thought it would go for. The interior on this thing was horrendous. Like a serial killer wearing the skin of an NA interior.
Having seen how Mx-5's rust in the UK, I'd want to have gone over it with a fine tooth comb.
>drives to distant, secluded location
It's not a window, It's a b-pillar trim.
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god damn those new wheels are fucking atrocious, what the fuck was mazda thinking
They look better in silver.
See: >>28091960
I wonder how much the '25 wheels cost
not a good as previous one, but definitely better. two tone wheel look like shit no matter what desu.
I personally went for the GWR one. I'm 5'7 and made heel and toe much more comfortable.
lucky 7s
this means i will come into big money soon
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another reason to get the club with brembos. Why is club the best trim bros?
Wheel gap niggers should all be hanged
I would prefer the models without the big brakes. You can't fit 16" wheels over the Brembos
i gotta quit watching savagegeese man. has me itching for an ND
If I want to buy a brand new ND3 RF GT, what should the down payment be? I am willing to pay like 300-450 a month for 3 years
this is in the US
A loan of $15,000 at 6.8% over 3 years puts you right at $460/mo.
loosely estimating, the MSRP for an ND3 RF GT is ~$37,000. Down payment of $22,000.
So whatever the total sales price is, get it down to $15,000.
Get Recaro seats option while you can since that company is kill
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>Pic of a Miata at SEMA
Another one
not a single body panel fits right and the door is straight up a different color, I'd be embarrassed to drive that to walmart let alone a car show
why would you take a pic of this piece of shit out of all things kek
>tfw you're just a baby and only have one tooth
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That's why I just got an offset front plate mount for mine, miatas look especially retarded with it centered and I've heard of NA/NB not cooling well with the bumper opening blocked by a plate too.
Saw a rare yellow nc with hard top but my pos iPhone camera isn’t working cos I dropped it.
Man I am thinking hard about going 2 tone interior. I really like the black and tan interiors on NB and would like to do that on my NB also but interior bits are fucking expensive
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I can't unsee it, thanks
do u have local guys in your city that part out cars?
it's nice having a dude who always has shit on hand and isn't looking to put me over the barrel like ebay has become. fucking ben's used parts and snsmazda or whatever charging what they charge is crazy
i was getting so fucking frustrated with my piece of shit NA6 constantly blowing head gaskets earlier.. then as i walked away, i remembered why i never wanted to sell this thing. why does this car have to look so sleek, br/o/s?
I'm in that phase of hating it with my POS right now. Thank god it's almost winter so I can't get mad at the A/C compressor being broke. Just need to swap the fuel rail...and tune it myself. Hoping to fall back in love with it again.
>Just need to swap the fuel rail
Why? What do people gain from this?
I'm paranoid. It's swapped and the go to method for fuel is a quick disconnect with a rubber line + clamps. I couldn't pull it apart with my hands but I don't fucking trust it. The swap will allow me to use normal barbed ends.
And it looks cool.
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Mx-5 35th anniversary still not released yet, but I notice Mazda6 no longer available.
I'll be honest with you, I thought they stopped making the 6 a decade back.
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It's still listed here at Mazda Australia.
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2000 NB, cylinder 1 misfire at idle from cold, goes away as soon as you raise the RPM off idle. I already dry compression tested it, and I got 185/195/175/175 1-4. No apparent vacuum leaks. No change with new spark plug wires, and the plugs are a year old and look fine (code did not move to a different cylinder when I swapped them either). Doubt it's a coil pack as it's a wasted spark system and it reports no issues with #1's paired cylinder (#4). I checked the crank sensor gap and it's in spec with all 4 nubs. My fuel trims are 0 short term and 4% long term. I've got 63 PSI at the fuel rail at idle. The valves were adjusted last year and are all still in spec. What is wrong with this thing?
>Doubt it's a coil pack as it's a wasted spark system and it reports no issues with #1's paired cylinder (#4).
It's probably the coil pack.
I'll swap them over then and see what happens
2nd for coil pack. My old corolla would misfire at low low rpms, changing the coil fixed it.
Mazda is for gay faggots
Mazda sucks
I see some jealousy creeping into your posts again.
Thank Christ I bought a Eunos, I couldn't imagine how awful my life would be if I were both gay AND a faggot.
I swapped the coils side to side, I still get a P0301. Did not move to 2 or 3.
I still reckon it's the coil pack. Trust me, bro, I'm a stranger on the internet.
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Bros, my ND2 has had these lights in the dash for months. What the FUCK does it mean? All the lights are functional, nothing's out. I assume it's something sensor-related, maybe the auto high beam sensor since that "A" icon comes on when you use auto high beams. I don't use that shit anymore so I don't know.

Told the dealer about it at the last oil change and they were fuckin useless, told me they couldn't figure it out but they "reset the code, all set anon :)" only to find out nothing changed whatsoever.
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Is the windshield camera blocked or dirty?
im enjoying my new nd3 but after looking at the miata.net forums i'm worried about transmission issues. why do they have a whole section dedicated to nd transmission issues...
Does he have his hairdryer and dildo in the cute little bag on the back?
Sorry I had it in automatic mode when I took the picture. I'll shift it into "M" next time.

It shouldn't be, I've washed the car and cleaned the windshield multiple times since I started getting these lights.
Please tell me the chick on the right is a dude. That would make this image 100 times moah funny.

Muh Lesbian "Dyke" n MTF Lesbian couple. Wait this is suppose to be about miatas. Jannies can suck my wingwong.
talk me out of getting a nd3.
I don't have a house and I already have a company car.
Ordered a set of fuel injectors to yeet at it, my symptoms do seem to like up with a leaky injector.
>snapped egr valve bolt
Fuck this gay earth. Now I have to remove the intake and drill it out.
I got lucky and got mine out with vice grips
Man I'm trying but it's just tearing up the threads / bolt now.
Fuck it. When I get it off I'm putting the flat top on. I'll have to tee off a vacuum line and make the fpr share with megasquirt but at least I'll get it running faster and it is a better intake.
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Malaysian show car
page 9 bump
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I just bought mine. I've only ever owned a 2016 Impreza so in comparison this thing is too much fun. I get it now. I'll get a better picture soon.
Only lanklets think petite women are sexy. Us manlets like tall women because we know about the importance of eugenics over personal feelings of dominance
Fuck if she asked me to get down on my knees and start licking her heels i would do it in a heartbeat
Surprising number of Green/Tan combo miatas on here. Most I see IRL are red or blue.
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Nice colour. You should pop off your wheel centers and spray a fresh coat of silver on them. I've seen the bone plastic part disintegrate from UV.
Nice color
Hello fellow emerald mica bro
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My headlight shake.
But the structure looks solid and nothing feels loose.
Where else can I look?
How do you like the vent window mod?
NGL I'm jealous with envy.
Not worth the $500 I paid to be first 250. It works, air moves. Cons very much outweigh the pros.

>Frame around window contacts window, I have to pull back the frame slightly to close.
>Everything was designed with right angles everywhere, there will be more wind noise
>You lose visibility out of the window because the frame. It's a small window but you would be surprised.
>The closing mechanism is missing a much needed taper. There is the main ramp but it needs another side ram as I have already taken a chunk out of the plastic
>Got it black anodized and it didn't take 3 months to look like the bronze in the picture.
>Requires new door seal

But when I drive with top up and windows down, the buffeting at my shoulder gets moved to behind the seat/roll bar when I open them so that's nice.
Thanks, I just got it repainted and ceramic coated, unfortunately it was raining all day.
I'm learning to drive manual on my brand new! 2024! MX-5 Miata! Sport! and I have some questions.

I didn't know about this until I bought it but the tachometer has a digital display in the corner that tells me when to shift gears. Is it accurate? It seems like it wants to shift too quickly based on the feedback I'm getting from the car if that makes sense.

Secondly, how do you slow down ? I'm seeing a million different methods but I'm not sure which is best. The most common one online seems to be downshifting in order until I reach first gear. Its probably because I'm not used to it but i feel like I don't have enough time for that if I'm in 6th gear since I need to gradually release the clutch pedal each time.
My dad told me I could just put it in neutral and brake which is super easy but apparently this is dangerous since I lose control of the car? I assume it wears my brakes down faster anyway.

Can I use android auto wirelessly? I wouldn't use it much since Bluetooth drains my battery but if I don't have a working USB cable in the car for whatever reason it would be nice to have.

If I use my handbrake to start the car uphill is that going to wear it down too quickly?

And I'm sure this will come with practice but I feel like a retard when it takes me ages after the light turns green to cross the intersection.
>park under trees
>bird shit
>scratched paint from falling twigs/leaves, other debris

>park away from trees
>car is too hot

which one?
you need to learn how to revmatch downshift and skip gears

so you might be approaching a stoplight and be in 6th
clutch in, blip the throttle and select 4th, let the car slow itself down then select 3rd or 2nd as you roll up to the light, finally coasting to a stop in neutral. you should stay in gear at all times, not only does it mean you can power out of a bad situation but it also assists braking. also it sounds cool. generally if what you are doing does not sound cool you are doing something wrong.
I suffer with the heat because it's hot enough here I'd still be hot parked under the tree, and you can get rid of 90% of the heat in seconds by blasting the AC and dropping the soft top anyway
>tachometer has a digital display
That's for max economy. Rev more for fun.
>Secondly, how do you slow down ?
I brake in gear until it almost labors then back gears, I almost always skip gears on downshift, almost never blip.
>If I use my handbrake to start the car uphill is that going to wear it down too quickly?
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Depends on the tree. If it drops pollen or sap I'd steer clear.
Is there any risk of damage if I fuck up rev matching?
and is this the correct order of operations?
>clutch pedal down, neutral, gas pedal down, shift down, release clutch pedal
I'm not sure if I really understand it to be honest and I'm kinda scared of fucking up my transmission more than I already have during this learning process
if you don't blip doesn't it stall? how does it work?
How could it stall? The wheels are going faster than the engine, they'll just pull it up to speed.
Handbrake starts shouldn’t be necessary as the Miata has hill hold that can’t be disabled.

When slowing down you can go in neutral but remember you’re losing control of one aspect of your car, depends on context of why you’re slowing desu. Something you’ll learn as you get more experienced. Can stay in gear and just slow down, can downshift and let the engine (not the clutch) slow the car down if you think you’ll need to get up to speed shortly after. It’s rare to ever need to down shift into first
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saving Miata thread!
Miata bros how are feeling about the announced hybrid model coming in late 2025/2026?
Couldn't care less, I already have the miata I want.
I don't care, I'll stay with my Fiata as long as there's fuel and I have money to pay for it. Worst case scenario I'll do an EV conversion in a couple decades.
Why did Mazda decide it's first hybrid in USA would be a Miata and how long until they have an unfortunate accident?

>Hybrid Miata spec series
Please no.
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It's not their first hybrid here by about 15 years. The CX30, CX50, CX70, and CX90 are also available here as hybrids.
I don't consider that a Mazda, even though it is badged so. We all know it's a Ford.

According to wiki the first hybrid Mazda sold was the cx90 plug in in 2023
The Ford Escape/Mazda Tribute/Mercury Mariner CD2 platform is an evolution of the GF platform Mazda designed for the 626. It does use only Ford engines, so at best it's a 50/50 effort that can't be blamed wholly on one manufacturer or the other.
does it really? on my drive home today I was uphill at a stop light and my car rolled back a little when I stalled. is mine malfunctioning?
I plan to keep my Miata 20 years after it's eligible for an antique plate (but I won't get one because I don't want to only use it in parades)
Where does it say that? I have antique on my RX7 and drive it everywhere...
do you live in illinois?
Park away from tree, get windshield sunscreen blocker.
Park under the tree and get a car cover to protect it from bird shit and sap etc.
If its the partnership with Toyota sharing the hybrid tech they have perfected then I wouldn't mind checking it out at some dealership and test driving it.
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Well you didn't post source so I'm going to say fake and gay.
Stop reading automotive clickbait fed to you by google
>if you don't blip doesn't it stall? how does it work?
No, goes up from idle to mid revs and the engine continues to deccerate the car.
Hill hold works for about 1.5 seconds. Use regular handbrake on steep hills until you become accustomed to the car.
i heard they're bringing back the NA headlights for the NE revision
it depends on your state
no, but a lot of states have rules like this
We have antique/hotrod reg where you can only use it for posted events or getting it serviced. People rort the scheme by 'going for service' whenever they want.

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