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What happened to all the sticker companies that used to sell cool/lewd stickers?

There are a couple of sites still around but they haven't added any new stickers in years.

Surely there must be plenty of sticker sites with new and exciting products. Does anyone have any companies they can shill?
all died from covid
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this photo makes me sad
There's compiler of stores that used to get posted, some of those stores are still active.
The janitors banned a lot of them because they were advertising commercial sales without ads. It was LPG's fault since he took sides as a janny with some of the sellers that bought ads.
theres a shitty e90 at my workplace lot that has anime ass on it, I want to key it so badly
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Hate jannies, simple as
lot of legacy stores starting to take orders and suddenly
without giving refunds
I still have like a dozen WAT stickers to slap on cars
4chan just isnt the place for this anymore
the culture has shifted significantly
Hows that
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stickers are cringe and normcore now
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This is a Chadmobile
Shifted to where? /o/ is pretty supremely fucking dogshit now but idk where else to go.
Telegram is best, are there any /o/ groups there?
people grew up and developed some self-awareness and realised that plastering your shitbox with weebshit is cringe and bluepilled
Still better than the rest of the entire internet... That says a lot.
whomst? and fujiwara doesn't count
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I recommend following vendors on instagram and there is a barely limping on discord that is basically useless. I recommend using taiyos website https://taiyoracingcompany.com.ar/goodies/clover/
Good luck.
Correct, see-
hentai stickers were always terrible and would make any healthy male want to punch you, no matter what you believe about cultural shifts
I don't care. I never had hentai stickers but what you say is completely irrelevant to my post. I am commenting on shifts on this website not how you feel when you see a sticker on a car you unhealthy creature.
There's a difference between normal stickers and porn stickers, and what they say about you as a person, when you can display that garbage in town without shame
I don't disagree? I said I never had hentai stickers on my car, even. I am saying that there has been a shift away from anime on this website in general, regardless of lewdness. You need better reading comprehension and I am saying that with genuine concern and care.
>I am saying that there has been a shift away from anime on this website in general,
that's mostly because modern anime sucks ass more than changing tastes
The fad is over, it's not cool anymore.
Bejitabros...our hero
When you flamed the anon who complained about the e90 at his workplace, you looked like the typical hallway monitor fag. Work on your presentation.

The real issue is anons deciding they need to go into a thread they knowingly dislike. Not to say that /osg/ had many anons alive, the last 5 threads were all bumped off before auto sage. There's just no interest in this hobby, stickers and /o/ in general.
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Thanks anon, I appreciate your contribution
just go to stickermule and make your own
i made some intel rust inside for the lols ive yet to give out
is antinull still going? i quick discord long ago
You mean used him as an example for the fact the site has changed. You can't fucking read, go back to night class. If you think that's "flamed" you must be one sensitive faggot.
I disagree, the site has changed tastes dramatically. However modern anime does suck and look like shit.
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I made a sticker store and this seems like the time to post it - nevershift. store
Use code 'osg10' for an additional 10% off a site wide 20% sale.
I let the original WAT Racing site die earlier this year, after running it for well over a decade.

People care so little, not only was the domain not drop-caught, it's still unregistered today. This board is sadly very dead.
a lot of the /k/ patch stores have stickers
i don't even listen to eurobeat anymore and i still regret not grabbing any of the mirror-finish powered by super eurobeat stickers
that's far from normal, that truck is probably gonna wind up on one of those predator-catching videos lol
I stopped because I don't want to risk another ticket, most high-intensity music to be honest. I gotta take it slow
Do you still have your s2000?
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>jannies are now at odds with osg
>~10 people selling stickers for $5

you have got to be kidding me are the jannies retarded? are they not allowed to ping a mod with a basic question or something? I can't think of a legitimate reason for banning a known quantity well behaved general. They even started PAYING for ads here. Those vendors have respectfully walked on eggshells for years and they've remembered their place well.

fuck you janny, you've genuinely damaged the living culture of this board with this one
No, sold it on BaT last year. I currently have the original Prelude (makes 400whp now), an Alfa 4C, and a CT4-V Blackwing.
sad isnt it i tried for a solid decade to organise meets in aus everyone was a tard and ruined it didnt even bother after that fuck them they all got vaxmaxxed
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I remember seeing a WAT sticker on a partout car listing a couple of years ago.
Shame, I remember needing to have my beater towed over a decade ago and I vividly remember being shocked that the tow truck driver recognized the WAT sticker and knew what was up. That was back in a time when even my non-car friends that lurked all would have WAT stickers on their cars as well, it was like a sign that you "knew" if you had one.
I managed to go to a few local /o/ meetups a bit over a decade ago as well, we'd squad up as autists to roll out to regular car shows in the area a few times. I even got to go to the unveiling of some Ferrari model (F12?) that I literally found out and got invited to off of this board, along with unveilings of some other less-cool cars. One of the last attempts at planning a meetup was going to be a day of karting, but this was years later right before coof, and after coof all those other autists/anons/tripfags have all disappeared.
I might be better off than I was before, but damn I wish the car culture stuff was as cool now as it was back then.
The times have changed along with opinions. Post-covid weebs are killing everything that could be associated with japan.
General populace gets stuck on every little thing and think under the assumption that their opinion will be handled as fact.
Nu-subhumans around here talk shit claiming they'll damage other's property when the reality is they're too afraid to even go outside and live their own life.
When I was a kid, there was a car a couple streets from my Jr. High that had ~7 inch cut out of a pornstar with her nipples and pussy censored with stars, It looked like the dude just cut it out of the magazine and glued it to the inside of the glass.
Me and my friends walked past that car nearly every school day, No one gave 2 shits about it.
>jannies are now at odds with osg
Nah, its more like there is too much bait posting for the thread to even function. Why make a thread when you know it'll be turned into shit.
Incel thread
Kys newfag
We (collectively) started making stickers when we were 17-22 and now we're 30-35. My friends from 00s /o/ have kids that are driving now. Some of the stickers I originated are probably in their 3rd generation of being ripped off by other stores. If you want stickers try making some, do something new and fresh.
I wish there was more animu stickers that had an FK8 Civic Type R. It's like the most anime coded car of the past decade and theres near nothing
A lot of the bait posting is sour grapes from newfags who missed out on what was, genuinely, an amazing time in history. The conditions necessary to create a lower barrier for entry for interest in cars is gone as well, and I think that's the biggest factor.
You can't really get a cheap Miata, or cheap anything, anymore, at all. Modern cars - and by modern I mean everything built since 2020 - are more infotainment centers with iPads than they are automobiles. CVTs everywhere. Turbocharged tiny engines boosted to the point of destruction so that a tiny 4-cylinder engine can propel a 2-ton vehicle to 65 mph, leaving no room for anything else. And then there's the South African Car Bomb menace, who btw now has a direct line to the president-elect.
And let's not forget inflation, and wages not keeping up. The average price of a new car is $49,000. That is insane. What's more insane is the average used car price being $25,000. Imagine a zoomer trying to get into cars and being smacked in the face with that kind of price tag. Zoomie is paying pre-Biden new car prices for a 2-year-old Camry with 40,000 miles.
From where zoomie is standing, looking at really nice cars he will never be able to afford on his tiktok and instagram reels while he works at Domino's, the bitterness is understandable. Doesn't mean he should be spamming /o/, it just means that I understand where he comes from.
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back the fuck off?!?!
yes, you are one of the newfags that doesn't understand hiding your power level. you are the change and the problem.
havnt seen this happen
this, the whole board isnt as fun as it used to be. not much enthusiasm around here anymore, so a general like osg hasnt been properly active in a few years
Glad that shit died
Can't believe how terrible that place got since i took a break and revisited after a few years
What was once cool anime + japanese automotive inspired stickers just got ravaged by coomers who wanted copy pasted big titty anime bitch sticker to put on their gay ass normalfag car
You don't need someone passionate who's decent at photoshop and experimenting with materials out of their bedroom on expensive equipment for that. You just need a sweat shop and a .png and you can plug it into the million of sticker websites out of china and get it in a week. It looks like dogshit but coomers don't care. Who cares about aesthetics when it's "an ironically bad eyesore"
instagram (i'm not joking)

but that anon is right, 8 years ago you used to see OC memes posted here then they were reposted elsewhere, now its made on twitter and gets reposted here
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That's been a sad thing for me to come around on. I miss the days when oc threads were somewhat common and they'd get filled up (on all boards). Now some of the longrunning threads are only alive because people bump them out of pity. That's just what 4chan (and the internet as a whole) has turned into over the last decade. Not much to do but hold steady and hope it reverses.
For what it's worth, I did try my hand at making stickers too. Got a handful of designs out, sold a fair amount, met some cool people and all that. I only ever wanted to just sell to /osg/ people and never really looked to make money from it, so once the threads became barren, it just made me sad to work on stuff. I have toyed with the idea of buying something to diecut vinyl and pretty much running a no-minimums shop for people who just want one offs of their designs, but there's not even anyone left for that.
>sticker out of focus
Man, I'm really good at this photography stuff
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Still kicking.
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Did a track day exactly. Ran into Ford issues so didn't finish but I had so much fun I have to go back.

While Waifusquad is no more, I have been working on Yasoku Publishing. I have a lot of cool new stuff coming soon, and I feel like this is what I've wanted to do for the longest time.
On one hand I really dislike furry stuff and anime girls on cars, but yours make it work. Very aesthetic Mustang, anon. Would walk past it and make fun of it to my friend while secretly wanting it for myself.
This is a retarded question but does anyone sell any anime automotive tape to cover up shit temporally. I want my car blemish to be covered till i can fix it. pls no bully
I only found about these threads this year and bought before the general went down

Oh well
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these threads dying makes me sad, but it's not really a sustainable economy as people have finite space on their car to slap stickers over it. binderfags notwithstanding

don't recognize this, but I'm a newfag on /o/. you don't have a shop anymore, do you?
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Nah, that's not one of my designs. I'm pretty sure it was one I picked up from Triple Cat Deluxe. Now that I think about it, I don't think I have any of my own stickers on my car right now. If I end up getting a cutter, I might end up making a spine of all my own stuff (or the banner I've been putting off for years) but that's more wishful thinking. For what it's worth, I'm pretty new here too and have only been hanging around for a bit over 2 years. I still maintain my shop, but it doesn't have a whole lot on it these days so I never really mention it anymore
>people have finite space on their car
Yeah, that's the other big thing. There's only so many things I can put stickers on. Eventually you just need to resign to being a binderfag. I do have a minifridge that I've got covered, but not sure if I have any pictures handy of that one
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I would say it's not furry but to each their own.
Anyways, this is the design with the final art for my 1972 mustang.
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yeah, I'm starting to toss shit over my tool chests, but other than redoing my rear quarter, I'm happy enough with my spine that I'll leave stuff on until they start to rip. it's hard to justify forking over money for something I'll likely never use and just squirrel away. I'm also disappointed that most people just focus on fotm anime and coomerbait stuff. not hating exactly, I just don't like it, nor want it on my shit

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i dont feel so good...
I'm sad that the general is lost. Bought a few that I've never stuck on anything, as I don't have more than one sticker at a time on my vehicles. I may never use them now, and just keep them as mementos of old /o/.
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I have stickers from 2015 that have shrunk because of age. Life is too short man. Put the sticker on.
Same. I never bought a sticker because I hadn't bought my project car yet, but when I bought the car the general was gone. I should have just bought the stickers first, but I'm retarded.
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Cheers, anon. After being lazy and leaving the spine unfinished for the better part of a year, I finally filled it in with the round one a couple weeks ago. For whatever reason, I'm a little hesitant to put too many stickers on my toolbox, so I only have a couple.
Here's the fridge I mentioned earlier. It looks a bit schizo with the diecuts added on top, and the stickers are all from a pretty narrow window of time, but it has a sense of charm to me.
How long have those been baking in the sun, good lord, they almost look like they've been torched. Funnily enough, I've a picture somewhere where its almost the complete opposite. I had a car burn down, and the thing is torched and the body all started melting, but the one sticker that was sitting an inch or two away looks untouched.
For me, I'll buy stickers that I plan on using right away, but I'll throw in some more stickers that I just think look cool. This way, you're still using them and not just hoarding, but you also have a bit of a collection in case you want something new
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>How long have those been baking in the sun, good lord, they almost look like they've been torched.
The ones that have gone black are multilayer die cuts that I laminated, and I think dust n shit made their way through, as other stickers i made with oracal 651 around the time look normal. The wrinkles are because im a lazy nigger and didnt do much in the way of prep work. Makes me think about how back when, there would always be a guy posting about applying stickers and an argument about it every thread
> I had a car burn down, and the thing is torched and the body all started melting, but the one sticker that was sitting an inch or two away looks untouched.
Feel like i saw that pic
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every normalnigger has redbubble anime stickers on their shitbox now
Animefags ruined it by making it coomer cringe.
>taiyo gran turismo sticker starting to disintegrate after barely 2 years
>every other sticker fine except minor fading
fucking taiyo
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How should I make the text look better? It always just looks like it was kind of pasted onto the background.
No, but ironicfags did.
i love the cute little triple cat
4chan in general has been losing a lot of traffic. Younguns go to Reddit or tick tock or whatever now so everyone here is so old. Cars are expensive as fuck now and everything new sucks.
anime tourists, really
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I've still got 2 of these Misatos from pre-pandemic /ovg/. They're starting to warp and bubble though. I'd never put stickers on my car.
>every normalnigger has redbubble anime stickers on their shitbox now
RIP, I'm the type of scum that throws my stickers on my bed scanner right after receiving them.
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On a red that dark, the text either needs to be white on the inside or have a much larger, defined white edge area IMO. I dig the overall idea however. I hate to use them as an example, but I think it's why that faggy hypebeast Supreme brand uses white inner text surrounded by red in their infamous logo.
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Damn, you're right.
It's got too be cool weebshit and not ironic weebshit. It's a very fine line to tread.
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Blackpill truth. Instagram is the only way to really keep in touch with vendors now (for me)
A couple of stickers are cool, and can be funny. When the ass end of your car is completely covered in stickers than you have a problem.

Also, political bumper stickers are cringe as fuck, regardless of side. No one gives a shit who you voted for and all it does is give me an excuse to not stop and help you when you're broken down on the side of the road if you voted for the one that I didn't like.
My car doesn't break down because I take care of it. I will now put political stickers on my car.
This isn't only /o/, what killed 4chan?
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>(ugly slow gay) *sticker idea
Election migrants in 2016. /pol/ could no longer contain the political faggotry, and like jeets, it spread everywhere, infested everything, and made a mess.
Just recently was hoping to make a purchase for this christmas and it was still live. It's a shame you had to close it. Means that the stickers I have leftover are now priceless.

Any plans on sharing the files so we could print them ourselves?
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Plebbit closed their containment subs down and it ruined the internet, probably intentional
Where is a good place to find more WAT stickers outside of the vendors listed in the clover link? I think they're funny.

Actually where the hell do people go in general to get decent stickers that aren't anime weebshit?
>if I ig ore it maybe it will go away
I need another jahy sticker.
i have been busy and havent made threads in a bit
and also no new designs, slowly trickling out the imoutodreams stuff and working on keeping stock / shipping 3d printed parts
the watracing.com is still up, and i didn't close anything
im not even gonna start anything on this, watracing.com is still open and alive
I was trying to find the copy-pasta for the thread, does anyone have it?
here is the google doc of vendors I maintain

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We already put deadhead stickers in our cadillacs and we don't look back
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Anachronistic political bumper stickers are peak
Imagine how kino 2016 trump stickers on 2010's pickups will look in 40 years, or how funny obama stickers on old priuses will be
Ah shit, did Fujiwara die again?
>website KIA
He never existed to begin with, only to scam you guys who went back to him a second time with your money.
He’s gone. Were never gonna get another “if I ignore it” sticker.
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Then who was sticker on the back of my car?
I like the Nanami sticker but no idea where I'd put it.
have any good stickers?
so thankful I bought 5 of them from him a while back. I figured he might go MIA, so it seemed like a wise choice
>he doesn't know
it's weird he did the jahy slaps but not the super eurobeat ones
The ones with the OPM girls? He did those.
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nah, these (and the holo die-cut ones)
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Does anyone know what kind of quote you can expect for the flight tags some of the stores sold if you were to order 50 of a simple two color design?
probably something like "that looks gay"
I would do sinful things for that BD tag.
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Gonna try to keep my engine bay easter egg one alive for as long as possible, it’s held up stunningly well to the heat
Mine has survived a year on my rear windshield. I hope it lasts.
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he made those. I have one floating around my tool chest

better than mine :tup:
didnt that one guy get murdered as a result of a towing truck turf war
WAT o_0
Sounds like he's talking about this shithole. Also the police just watched instead of doing anything. Like 6 trucks slamming into each other until they were all basically write offs.
>police flee
yeah, that checks out

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