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Happy Veterans Day. ITT we discuss offroad vehicles, trails, and how freedom isn't free. God bless the troops, and god bless your transfer case.

Previous: >>28071157
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i want a smol element for camping and froading but boomers won't sell them
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Hooning so hard one of the exhaust tips self clearanced
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So get an Aztec
My friend has one of these with tiny BFG ATs and a roof tent on it, it’s fucking terrible at off roading
yeah you definitely need a 4" lift and 35's to drive on gravel roads and desert pathways in your XJ, no way an element could possibly do that.
These are quirky and fun but that tent is a meme. If you look at the space it affords vs. just sleeping in the Aztek itself, there's no need to stick the tent on the ass of it. All you'd be doing is letting in a shitload of bugs and scorpions to kill you.
Veterans day is a scam. I'm at work with no Applebee's :(
Naw dude.
That extra 15" is the difference between sleeping in the fetal position or stretched out.
And if you're going to get a fucking meme aztek then embrace it and be king of memes with the tent.
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>tfw my console doesn't turn into a cooler for soda pop
My Bronco does.
Even has a factory drain plug.
Last time we went out he started bottoming out and getting stuck on literally nothing, he had to turn around
Shit was funny
I just got a free steak at Applebees and I got a free sub at firehouse subs, feels good
Are those tires even any good?
is it Yeti branded so people know you're not poor?
I have a 4 year old set on one of my XJs and they have like half the tread left and they’re starting to dry rot badly, they squeal really bad and they’re getting hard as fuck
I just got another set for one of my other XJs too, I like them but yeah I think the sun here kills em quick
I drive a lot and they have no chance of ever wearing out before they get hard and rotted
It says "Ford".
It's the stock center console.
have you tried other AT's like general grabber? those in particular have a very similar tread design
use tire conditioner, I got 7 years out of KO2s that I ran 365 days a year in sun, rain, snow, all conditions.
Yeah one of my other XJs has general grabber ATs, they seem to hold up just as well as the BFGs in my experience but the BFGs definitely look cooler if you care about that
i dont, bfgs are just the most expensive AT and if they're like everything else in the world, budget competition has caught up if not surpassed them

do other tread patterns work better or is that the superior pattern?
Mad jealous. I'll celebrate when I get back stateside
ATs are the no-seasons of offroad tire. Not as good as an MT on the trail, and worse than all-season on the road. ATs are a compromise.
You live where it doesn't snow
it doesnt rain often here in the south anymore, but when it does everything turns to slop, we get ice for about 1 week out of the year and dont have any trails, all of the offroad terrain i expect is compact and loose dirt.

i could probably get away with all seasons, the size im buying is a pizza cutter 225/75r16E
shit opinion from a literal fag
Both of them seem to get similar traction off road from my experience, cannot complain either way
I like snow!

Mountain trail?
Alrighty. I read up more and most people want the more flexible tires. At a stock size does it matter?

$60/pc for the used load range E tires, $150/pc for the new SL rated tires. Can't find used SL's.
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>reddit likes these tires
lul just go wheelin you nerd
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i have a work opportunity to go to TN for 6 months to make some easy money. anyone know what trails are like around there?
why would you buy used tires
Fucking schitzo.
You've literally bragged about getting tires from the junkyard.
>when the compulsive liar can't keep up with his own bullshit....
What tires did I get from the junk yard?
I bought 2 brand new sets of BFG ATs in the last 4 years for my jeeps
Both sets from Costco
Also got a set of 35in patagonias
Having run both Terra and RidgeGrapplers for years now;

there is basically no noticeable loss of snow control/grip going from the Extreme weather rated TerraGrapplers AT to the exclusively rock/dirt/sand focused RidgeGrapplers MTs, and the ride quality and ride noise decreased and all the rock damage the ATs were taking hasn't repeated on the MTs.

TL;DR skip the ATs and get a good solid MT if you're doing anything but mallcrawling and highway gooning
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ride quality improved and ride noise decreased*
How are your 2 sisters doing?
I should have banged one of them when I had the chance.
Hot little pieces of ass.
$125 for a set of 90% BFG MTs
utires has not sent me a tire more than 2 years old yet. most of my shit sits or gets turned within a year so i'm not paying extra for shit i dont get full use out of, it keeps my hobby profitable.
>not 37s
there's not any trails that aren't in my backyard here in central ky, i would love to find an atv trail or something halfway interesting. when it snows ill spend all day just driving where they didnt salt it, everyone's too busy shitting bricks so i have the icy roads all to myself
that's pretty good I just go to Costco and buy tires
it just werks
>it keeps my hobby profitable
uhh what, when is off roading ever profitable kek
wait 125 for an entire set of BFG MTs and this guy >>28097737
is paying 60 dollars each for tires?
you need to tell him where the good deals are because he's getting ripped off
being a car whore, there's nowhere to go offroading here

>2 sisters
lmao man is off a perc

love utving, very fun and unique experience.
Post your sisters.
It's a small world, there's only a couple of you genetic mistakes in vegas.
>love utving, very fun and unique experience.
Same, RZRs are fun as fuck
Yeah the whole set, fb marketplace
Ohh! I get it. You're trans
>looks comfy
try nutbush city limits
it’s not his sister but he posted his gf and she was one of the hottest ever posted on 4ch
That generic mystery meat special?
The only thing attractive was that she was thin.
I've seen hotter selling popcorn at the movie theater.
You have shit taste.
Oh what a shit shoot. Roll dice for getting a reply before he sells it if it's not a scam.
Gotta have a waifu watching it all day for you
Go get you some water.
you get what you idiot lmao
what size were the bfgs?
Your tires are small and you're a poser
POV: our "small tire" tracks on the dune from our built turbodiesel GC while while you either busride or buy the biggest use tires you can fit on your block-lift mallcraller worth 6k or roll around in an XJ worth less than the tires themselves
You're so new and try tryhard :)
Crazy how all you do is type meaningless insults and not post your modified offroader out in the world

I bet that's because typing is free. <3
Tldr. :)
holy yap busrider
Dance, nufag, dance
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your level of obliviousness is incredible
And the monkey continues to dance for me
Is that logandale?
I been out there dozens of times fun ass spot
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>worth less than the tires themselves
I only paid $510 for chink tires and they're still worth more than my blazer :-(
your autistic man trying to be an anime villain impression is spot on


I like your blazer.
10/10. Quality poster in my book.
Would jeep wave at
Thanks dawg. The only other people I see driving blazers look like tweakers. I'm sure people see me and assume the same. Sometimes it feels like I'm doing a tweaker LARP.
I get that man. I have a jeep. Most jeep owners are larp specialists
Not enough ducks, must be fake
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just the one someone gave us at a motorsport event

Also; a cat
What's the story with this jeep? I don't like how the front suspension skidplate is discontinuous with the front bumper skidplate. You want a flat continuous undercarriage for sliding when you have full independent suspension. This looks like it would slide right into the front suspension assembly from the front skid plate.
That skid plate looks like it’s just supposed to protect the radiator and shit, all those other components behind it aren’t fragile and hitting on a rock wouldn’t really hurt them
I see a sway bar and the cross member that supports the engine, both of those are solid as a motherfucker and not really at risk of taking damage that would fuck you
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It's a bummer we don't have any posters here with serious rock crawling rigs. Nobody ITT ever posts anything like picrel. Don't think anyone who posts here even owns a truck capable of doing serious rock crawling.
You should start by posting yours kek

Deceptive angle in the shot. The front skid hangs considerably below the skid behind it. There's another plate that goes on to bridge it, but we ordered everything LAST November and several plates ONLY just arrived in the last few weeks. Lots of places don't carry stock and literally only start to produce them once enough have been ordered.

Pic related, more plates in the corner of the family room waiting to go on this weekend, as well as one of the new control arms. We upgraded them last year but those had bushing issues and the bushings are already starting to go.
Mostly because we're not done throwing the plates on or upgrading it, pumpkin.
Dude I'm on a flood plain.
I can scour my 50 acres and MIGHT find a rock the size of a baseball (I did find a nice piece of rose quartz about the size of a golf ball a couple years ago).
If im going to travel somewhere for fun I'd rather take a banshee to the dunes than a rock crawler to the mountains, just not my thing.
That's why we have things that can do both, but specialize on dune/desert running.

I only really care about getting over rocks to get over mountains to explore. I don't find it deeply gratifying to just drive up over every boulder I see to know I can. We're offroading to find places to explore and climb.
Why? Build a tens of thousands dollars rig that you have to tow to a location with another tens of thousands dollars rig, spend hours sitting in line at your organized meet watching everyone drive up or over [thing], usually in some arid shithole like Moab where you sweat to death in the sun, maybe break something in the thousands of dollars range, then go back to your hundreds of thousands dollars RV. Video games do it better and you don't have to interact with tweakers that can't spot you worth a shit but they're event organizer's [family member] so you can't call them a nigger.

The mods to my truck aren't invasive so I actually get to enjoy driving it on the street and to places, ALONE. When it breaks it's a couple hundred bucks tops because it's still off the shelf oem parts, and I don't have to go cross country for a challenge.

You don't need 44" tires to go somewhere where you don't see another human for a week.
Rock crawling is not in style. Overlanding is what is bringing in most new offroaders now.
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Ok that's based
I like cats n ducks!
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having so much trouble finding proper offroading spots around Osaka, everything is fucking paved to shit or private property
Sometimes I wish I lived in undeveloped bumfuck nowhere with easy trail/mud access
Pic related my JB74 having some fun on a 100 x 100m patch of dirt and mud 2 days ago
Have you tried asking 2chan's version of /o/?
that's one way to disguise serious rot
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Some men just want to watch the world thrive
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oh shiggy diggy i found myself them $150 bfg's
That's a good deal for just the wheels. Steelies at the junk yard are $40/ea.
here wheels with tires are $21.99/pc, and if the tires look like that they're required to mark them down for not being road safe
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those have another 10k of life in them easy
>here wheels with tires are $21.99/pc
fuck off we're full
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Not quite
I should ask my friend who works at Costco tire dept to save the take offs for me
Serious? Thats in great shape for here
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Go to Hokkaido, you can do whatever you want there.
Saw this lil fella on my travels today. Thought yall would appreciate it
i appreciate it, but I am also mad.
the jimny is out of stock in the entire country (france with no capital F).
it goes out of stock in less than 2 weeks every year. shit sucks man
We don't even get um in murica. So it's fun seeing them all over here
Yeah if you know what to look for you can the see that the
>rocker is completely gone
>front fender is rotted out at the rear
>cab corner is gone, with some hackery going on to "fix" it
>rear fender is entirely bondo around the wheel
and now that i'm studying the picture more, it's got a retarded hood scoop, a fucking household door latch above the door handle, the front of the bed is dented to hell (heavy unsecured load hit it)

she's fuckin mint bruh
Like I said shes g2g for another 100k. We cant all live in sunny NM
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>g2g for another 100k
What you can't see is that the floor and cab support is completely rotted out. This truck is only good for street driving. if you wheel it, it will fall apart
pictures like this really make me feel better about the rust on my vehicles; i can honestly say it's basically all surface level and treatable even after 13 years. niggas lettin their frames rot through like that deserve to crash (into a minivan full of illegals)
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I got to spend more time on the Jeep today. It started out shifting perfectly fine then after about twenty miles gradually had began acting up, which shifted my thinking straight to electronics. I graphed the data that was available and the governor was duty cycled at about 0%. Pressure never exceeded 93 kpa which made no sense. It should be slipping and burned up by now. Google bad governor symptoms and everything I experienced from losing forward when cold to slamming into 2nd at a stop came up as a result. Funny how googling the symptom brings up nothing at all. Being low on atf threw me for a loop, but I suppose I know exactly what to be researching this next week. Had my fun pushing trees over though
am i just a retard for not trusting ifs utes? ive always had cruisers but they're too fucken expensive now for what they are but i keep thinking if im actually going off road with any speed the cvs are a liability
my jobs a farmhand and its bushfire season so driving full retard is a daily occurrence
>frames rot through like that
what you're looking at is the cab support. the frame is in the background behind the loom.
all that rot will eventually allow the a-pillar to droop, cracking the windshield and making the door sag, etc
yeah you're just retarded, majority of daily trucks in the world are now IFS and they work just fine. rear axle remains solid where your tongue weight/payload are concentrated. SFA is only beneficial if you're putting insane weight on the truck or need tons of flex for rock crawling. otherwise the front diff is a hindrance that gets caught up on shit.
If you're driving through bushland at any haste you're going to snap a cv if you hit a big enough stump
>t. rfsq
SFA is far less likely to bend stuff if you bash tires hard like a bastard.
yeah SFA is preferred by unskilled retards, I agree.
If you use it for actual work stick with SFA if you use it as a weekend warrior go IFS
I like jeeps
The only reason major truck manufacturers switched from SFA to IFS is due to NVH (and soccer moms driving them).
If you don't at least respect the toughness and durability of trucks with leaf springs and live axles, you're a pussy and a retard.
>actually weaker is better because it takes more skill
It’s called a safety margin brother, something white people came up with
no one is debating strength; they stopped using them in most applications because they were just not necessary. they added no benefit to the user while adding several drawbacks. IFS works better for daily drivers, especially considering 99% of trucks are driven with 1-2 people in them most of the time.
as if anyone gives a shit what a literal faggot thinks
May I see your truck?
Just wanna make sure I’m replying to someone with a truck before we continue this
If you wouldn't do it in a subaru don't do it with ifs
>no one is debating strength
>they added no benefit
No one buying those trucks will benefit from having an SFA, what part of this don't you understand? If they are going to be really pushing their truck they aren't buying an F150 anyways, everyone knows this. You can still get SFA on commercial trucks so idk why you're so butthurt over this topic. Normies will never, ever have use for a SFA. Just look at the sperging furfag, he screeches about SFA constantly yet he drives his lifted crustbuckets on smooth gravel roads that tourists take their Ford Fusion down.
Trucks went to IFS the same time that testosterone started dropping. It was the first indication that Western Civilization was in decline.
Actually we just went out in my friends Tacoma and had that bitch 2 wheeling on literally nothing
It cannot flex at all, I got out of the truck and started rocking it with my hands pushing on the floating tire Kek
Shit has zero flex, downright dangerous to drive that truck on anything more than a gravel road
Also I drive the shit out of my jeep how the fuck am I supposed to record myself off roading lol?
Noticing you didn’t post a truck, sad! I guess you don’t have one
Yes, it was around that time men stopped working so many blue collar jobs and started getting office cucked. We're not in disagreement over the emasculated trucks of 2024, many buyers are opting for V6s even when V8s are offered and it's sickening.
TL;DR shut up fag no one likes you
>another no truck loser is shitting up the truck thread again
sigh it's so tiring being better than you
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>you will never own a truck
>you will never own a gun
>tfw have tons of both
feels good man
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No auto sear?
keep posting grandpa's shit as if anyone cares
there is no grandpa here, I just like ARs
you're fuckin old, dont lie
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yeah he's like 42-43 and lives in the same house as his parents and grandparents. it's sad.
You're off by over a decade and I have my own place lol
none of my family lives with me and the property is mine
The thermal I took this pic with is worth more than your non existent truck (if it did exist)
>no wife
>no children
this isnt the flex you think it is
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Your homosexual proclivity doesn't surprise me, but since we're being honest
Don't have one
I'm without one of those too
>nobody on /k/ has guns now
>but /o/ does
what happened to /k/ anyway
Ukraine, the reason I don’t post there anymore
>nobody in /dbt/ has bikes
>/nobody on /k/ has guns
>nobody on /org/ has 4x4s
it just be how it do
cummy got banned from /k/
I posted there 4 times today
>268 KB
You dig up an ancient picture because... your firearms were surrendered years ago?
I've had that pic a long time :)
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Hey org gonna dump 2 pics, basically my all terrains which I've had for a few years need replacing, it's actually the rear left is the worst by a big margin and front left second worse.

I want to know what causes this bizarre kind of wear pattern and how to avoid it.. Basically the rear left has a few diagonal stripes as wear patterns and the front of *each* pad is high and the rear is low.

I ran these on road at 32 psi for most of the time and I'm thinking that's low for these kind of tyres? more recently I went to 38 psi.

Also we turn right a lot here at full lock.. eg roundabouts, and I have a rear LSD which can cause accidentally squealing of the rear outer Tyre (rear left) which I'm sure has some role in this

Pic 1
bet you and Crummy go way back too :)

but enough argument
night frens
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Pic 2
Front of pad high, rear of pad low. Admittedly I've done a shit load of mileage and never once rotated the tyre's etc
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Pic 3
Front right (driver side) which looks pretty good overall also has the high front/low rear pad wear but you can't easily see it by eye unless you're really look for it.

I actually wanna get the same tyre's again, but 3 new (I have 1 full size new spare) and keep the front right Tyre as the new spare.. as by the time I need or could use a spare they are probably gonna be worn down again.. eg this time I rotate and if rear left gets sus I can swap it out with the worn in spare
It's an argument I've had my picture a long time?
too much or too little camber can cause this, but sometimes it's also a result of your driving habits. if you don't rotate them a lot and have an open rear diff one wheel may inherently get ground down more (stop flooring it you spaz).
Rear diff is LSD and squeals that worst Tyre alot since the tyre's were new. Front diff is open. Literally have never had an alignment or done a rotation.

Pretty sure it's causing a lot of road noise too, I'll see how much quieter it is when I replace them with the same tyre's again, i think I may also need to replace the rear wheel bearings but Im not sure yet, jacked it up and quick hand check and there's no play

Then get alignment with toe/camber done
It's like old faithful, you can set your clock to it.
>dog fucker gets butthurt
>starts posting "I'm better than you", "you don't even have a truck"
>continues to blog with non /o/ related content.
What an insufferable cunt.
No wonder he has to move so much. He probably burns out his welcome in every community and becomes a pariah- I doubt he's any different irl than on the internet.
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your association with Crummy is an arguable offense
>wake up
>40 new posts in /org/
>namefaggots derailing the thread again
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>wake up
>40 posts filtered
life is ok
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cash screams wealth whispers. showcase yourself some more
are we gun posting?
what is this ugly ass gm monstrosity with 4x4 buttons on the air vent? is this one of those azteks with awd?
Chevy used this style of 4x4 buttons in like all of their trucks
Center column shifters are annoying and take up space. Especially transfer cases.
No idea about that. I was just bone posting.
But you do you I guess bruh
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Took old shithead up the beach again almost got bogged in wet sand low tide fun way to exercise dog and dab on utv wankers
Uneven weight distribution of the vehicle can cause this too, if there's a problem with your suspension it'll make your tires wear oddly.
God was wrong for creating you.
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>off by over a decade
So you're either older than 53 or were diddled as an 11-year-old? Maybe you're just full of shit entirely
We've already proven he's a compulsive liar.
And the correlation of childhood molestation > homosexuality is extremely high so you're more than likely correct on that point too.
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>childhood molestation
Fuck, I wouldn't even wish that on my worst enemy
It ain't so bad I got to suck on big titties
Doubt any of those shithead boomer tyres would cut through sandy bog and muddy seaweed and have a LSD tho
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New meats are in. Time for some snow (blowin) wheelin.
You guys ever dig yourselves out with a mattock? Saw a jeep with one attached to the side yesterday, it was a gaudy LARP rig by the looks of it but it still has me thinking.
Dude what?!
Even fucking Packard had LSD options in the 50's.

I hate zoomers who think everything before they were born was some wooden axle ox cart.
You think we landed on the fucking moon but couldn't figure out traction in sand?
Educate yourself.
Columbus sailed the ocean blue nineteen hundred ninety-two
Yeah I have a German surplus one and its awesome
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i just use a plain ol shovel
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Well I sold her. Found another liberty guy local who bought it.
F or S?
Probably S for the reacharound.

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