apparently the previous owners thought that you can keep the same transmission fluid for 25 years
>>28103184well it has been working for 25 years hasn't it
not his problem
>>28103184Worked well enough for him wagie, clean up the sloppy seconds.
>>28103184if it aint broke dont fix it
>>28103184>apparently the previous owners thought that you can keep the same transmission fluid for 25 yearsyou actually can
>new transmission time why didn't you change the fluid before now, instead of just trusting the previous owner had done it?
>>28103673I assumed a replace transmission light would show up on the dash, instead the tranny just broke down on me in the middle of a parking lot.
>>28103685Back in my day, the bait used to be believable
>>28103184If I know im going to sell to a retard in 25 years I dont change my fluids.
>>28103184I'd wager 95% of cars on the road never had their transmission fluid changed
>>28105217well, according to best available stats, ~65% of Americans have a car that's only 5 years old or less, which means that there would be very little reason to have serviced the transmission under normal driving conditions. Still, I take your point because the average age of a vehicle is much higher at 12.5 years and I bet 95% of those cars are running some dark-ass fluid.
>>28103685>I assumed>with someone's used shitheaprookie mistake
that's a honda drain plug. if there is a V6 connected to that transmission, it was going to explode no matter what.
>>28103184I thought the thumbnail was an abstract bizjak composition