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When you see a beige car, do you think poorfag? I'm kind of fond of them myself.
It looks like a yummy baguette.
Yes i think poorfag
But thats because the cars are old
But for some odd reason theyre bringing back poorfag-beige on the 2025 civic
Unless it's like a LS400 or a W126 or something. Then it's based
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It's kind of like a color, but not a color.
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No, I like beige. Non shouty colours are a modern trend.
Yeah, I'm pretty convinced anyone in a beige car is dependent on the food bank.
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This is how i lived + a desk
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A British Camouflage colour you can order by number.
No, I think oldfag. Poorfag immigrants don't like driving cars like that anymore.
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I like the metallic champagne/jewish racing gold, it looks good on an angular car where the metal flake can be accentuated
the only actual beige cars I've ever seen are like some fords from the late 80s which were painted a "cream" color that eventually ages into an unsettling "flesh" that makes the car look nude.
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Beige cars look awful to me, save for a handful of exceptions
>When you see a beige car, do you think poorfag?
Not really. I used to zog and the senior officers that drove the same car since they were a butterbar 24 years ago are fucking loaded.
Shit, that's me, but I don't even have a mattress. I just use a surplus sleeping bag and a cat plushie I won at the arcade.
I think Indian uber eats driver
Beige Corolla
Camry beige was a horrible trend.
That's a novel place to put the plate.
Flat dark earth is my favorite color
NPC grey is worse
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I remember hating it at the time during it's peak in the '00s but I miss it now, since it was at least a more premium-appearing, metallic shade that hinted at luxury especially since you'd see many luxury cars and SUVs rocking the beige.
Nowadays buying the "premium" color on a luxury car means getting your $100k car in fleet-truck white which IMO is worse than even the NPC gray trend. Everything has to be cheap gloss white with black trim now.
either poor, poor and based, or just based
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>do you think poorfag
I guess? I just think of my first car, Saturn SL1. It sure was a honking pile of shit, but I have a soft spot in my heart for it. Unlike the hard part in the seat it had because some lardass that previously owned it took a chunk out of the cushion trying to slide their hippo ass out of it.
It's a middle aged Indian lady, I've literally never seen any other dmeographic drive them
nigga your interior beige shut the fuck up goofy asa nigga
I just think it's an old person's car.
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I unironically think brown and some shades of beige are the coolest and most under rated car colors, as it doesn't blend in with the mostly silver / white / black traffic of today, but it also doesn't stick out like a red or blue. Its interesting and different but not drawing attention to itself like a bright flashy color.
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BL had a shit load of beige paint, it went on everything. Some peoples homes ended up beige.
My brain thinks
Creme, woodgrain, a calming desert, plush leather. Someone who has things to get done but has no need to rush. An enjoyer of comfort so to speak even if that only means externally when your eyes rest on a car in such color.

I understand why east indian fellas love the color.
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when i was a kid i didn't know what was beige. a teacher asked me to go get a thing out of her beige car, but i was so stupid she told me forget it after i opened the wrong car, seems nobody locked their cars back then. Too afraid to ask what was beige.
I guess Beige is flesh coloured for white folk. Some woman will turn up and be pedantic and give you the correct Pantone Number.
Beige interiors are nice.
Poor? Its a grandpa color.
matches your hearing aid, for the discerning boomer
Lol my grandparents have a beige Camry
>a surplus sleeping bag and a cat plushie I won at the arcade

Pics now! I want to see this because it sounds humble and neat.
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When I see a beige car, I think of my grandma and grandpa. I grew up in the back of a gold/beige looking Town Car and that shit was super comfy.
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Agree. Brown is under-rated.
I've always called that color mustard. Very seventies.
I will cuddle you.

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