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anyone else a delivery driver for amazon? i hate my life and don't want to go to work tomorrow. and my lower back hurts
also like 95% minimum of my coworkers don't speak english and are retarded
A delivery guy stopped me in the street yesterday, named me and my home.
One less missed delivery for him.
He recognised my car.
I'm not but how are the Rivian trucks
we don't seem to have them in florida yet. or at least not where i am
but from what i hear they're the best
Hey op. I'm in a tight spot where I might need a new job soon.
I'm looking to do Amazon delivery.
I used to work at FedEx out of high school
And I love driving
How much does Amazon delivery pay?
Is OT available?
Are you full time?
What are the health benefits like?
Is the work fair?
pay depends on region/state. right now the minimum in florida is $20/hr i think. some places it's 21, or maybe lower, etc.
OT depends on your dsp, but it's usually available regardless of dsp during the prime weeks and peak season. shit tends to dry up during a bit of the summer.
yes i'm full time
the health benefits depends on dsp, but generally are gonna be crap regardless
the work is not really fair, sometimes complete bogus. also you can't be too good or else you'll get raped every day (mind you still getting paid roughly the same as the idiot latinxs getting easy routes yet still needing rescures).
why dont you apply to the job like a normal person and find out
Maybe he doesn't want three rounds of in person interviews and a psychological assessment only to be ghosted for being White?
Could be worse. You could work for UPS.
Have you tried wearing a weight belt under your shirt?
Are you young?
Try UPS if you can. That's an actual career path and not dead end like Amazon.
You start loading trucks but you can make your way to driver if you stick with it. The guy I know who drives for UPS makes like $150k a year.
I thought that's where the money is?
It is. Being a driver for UPS is hard. You basically have to earn your stripes to drive for them.
the aches and retarded coworkers are normal, but where I am the majority of my coworkers speak english well.
Absolute dogshit build quality but they perform better than the steps or primes.
Eat through front tires but thats not my problem
If you love driving why don't you consider becoming a cop
*State Tooper

>and my lower back hurts

What is it with first worlders and lower back pain when they have to something remotely physical? I know guys that load trucks with 94.5 lbs sacks of cement all day long and all week long and they are more concerned about the dust rather than the weight.
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From what I've read the only people who like driving for Amazon are the people who get to drive the Step Trucks. You get extra pay, it holds more, has more shelving, and a lot of the deliveries are ezps business shit where 1/4 of the truck is one stop.

So, maybe see if you can get step truck certified OP. Those vans seem awful for 350+ box routes. Step drivers also get done quicker
Also step truck drivers get respect on the road. Nobody respects the vans
he said he loves driving, not idling
very good point
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hell yeah
I don't understand why anyone willingly works for amazon when they're well documented by absolutely everyone that's ever worked there to be just about the worst possible place to work. it is just that it's piss easy to get a job there? is thhat the only reason? because literally any other retail job will pay roughly the same but be slightly less miserable. When walmart is a better place to work than your current job, it's a very good sign to just fucking quit.

Even if you want to be a delivery driver for some ungodly reason, ups fedex and dhl pay better and have better work conditions.

>because literally any other retail job will pay roughly the same

Id rather dig holes with a pick axe and shovel all day than work storefront. In fact thats what i did. Its not like i am afraid of people or a sperg, i hate being stuck between a karen type person and the doctrine of a retail outlet.
I tried it for a month but it wasn't for me. Didn't help that my DSP was shit.

Avoid Amazon or FedEx Ground, they operate via contractors which means you don't work directly for the companies but rather for 3rd party contractors.

They pay you per day rather than per hour and they will exploit that fact by giving you 200-300 stops in a single route/day, you will hate your life

If anything UPS > FedEx Express > USPS

UPS tops at around 100k-120k and Express tops less and takes longer to reach but its easier work, no heavy shit
that's fair, I'm just saying there are equally easy and mind numbing jobs you can get that won't make you want to kill yourself quite as much as amazon.
not a single dsp at my warehouse has a step van. it's behind as fuck
Amateur dolly loading technique
Is it true that you have to wear a diaper? That's hot af
Yes and I used to do FedEx as well.
I hate working for both.
The flex app is aids and they've been removing a bunch of quality of life features that I can't for the life of me see why they'd do that.
Also if a pin is too far from the door I'm instructed to call driver support to move the pin but instead of fixing the coordinates or expanding my geofences the pajeets being the lazy barely paid shitheads that they are, they just mark my problem stop as delivered giving me a POD infraction.
Probably walking off from that fucked up company once peak ends I'm sick of driving for money and I used to take the FedEx GMC cutaways over 100mph without any consequences. Scamazon gives me infractions whenever I go 5mph over.
i just don't understand why amazon gives you the option to mark a package as delivered to customer but gives you an infraction for doing so
Are union jobs worth seeking anymore?
>The guy I know who drives for UPS makes like $150k a year.
Are you sure he isn't working 80 hours a week and never sees his family? Is it really worth it?
>ghosted for being White
its a 3-5 year wait to drive a truck for UPS.
>*State Tooper
Why would you want to sit around all day on the interstate handing out citations when you could work for a town and actually arrest criminals
Anon wants to be a cop; that job no longer attracts men of integrity who want to make a difference, it attracts men who peaked at "high school bully" and just want to go back to abusing people.
Sitting a lot. Chairs with backrest tend to cause people to relax their lower back, which results in the lower back getting pulled tight by all the other muscles. Then when you get up to go do stuff, you lower back is sort of stuck being stretched by everything else so it can't properly stabilize your lower spine.

I recently learned about all this because I started relearning piano and my lower back was fucked up because it wasn't able to stabilize for long periods of time while playing. After a few weeks of practicing a lot and a trip to the chiropracter and doing some excercises, I feel great and can play for hours without any discomfort.

Vid very much related.

Really the root cause is that science™ identified stuff that puts a lot of stress on certain parts of the body. Then science™ then created gadgets and techniques that mitigated the stress on that part of the body, which resulted in weakening it and resulting in injury when you're doing something.

That channel I posted "Kneesovertoesguy" is because it's common in sports and stuff to be told to not let your knees go over your toes because it puts a lot of stress on your knees. This wound up resulting in people getting more knee injuries because this practice ultimately weakened their knees, which happened to that guy.

Another classic example is shoes with "arch support" which again just weakens your feet and increases the likelihood of getting injured.

The science™ is slow to admit it was wrong because there's tons of peer reviewed papers saying that knees over toes is bad and puts stress on your knee and lots of medical textbooks say it as well.
Those Rivian trucks are all over the place here in S Florida
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UPS has pretty much union style benefits and pay after you get deep in the system and full time, like 5+ years. I've heard the guys get paid about 50 dollars an hour around my area, which is a rural shit hole in the northeast so it might be higher in larger population regions.

Makes sense.

My brother in law is American and one day I said that my back hurt and he immediately said i needes better shoes to support my lower back. I was like "No you cunt, someone dropped the end of a 2x6x16 between my shoulders and cut me the fuck up yesterday".
What other jobs are there like this?

Fedex you need to buy the truck
Ups it's a 5 year wait
Amazon just sucks
Private currier?
I work for a small company that delivers food to restaurants. Usually 10-30 stops a day. I don't hate it.
i've been desperately searching for driving jobs that pay similar. i just can't find anything
medical courier

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