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Let's go gassies, time for your weekly humiliation ritual.
my costco never has this problem even on the sunniest of boomer galore camping trip pre-fillup days. stop being so urban >:(
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Let's go sisters, time for your daily humiliation ritual.
Must be an urbanite issue, becuase I have never waited for fuel in my life.
Same. Though I have seen stations with 20 pumps totally filled up. Generally about half of the pumps are blocked by unoccupied vehicles while the driver is buying junk food and lottery tickets.
Weekly? Bitch I drive a Viper, more like daily.
Literally never waited for gas in my life

Cope and seethe
I live in a major city and have never waited for fuel in my life either.
I've seen lines like this at costco when a friend of mine has gotten gas there; I don't put costco gas in my BMWs though.
literal NPC hub, people lining up for half an hour (and idling the whole time kek) to save $3 on gas
imagine being not only that stupid but also that poor
Bitch please, I only need to fill up once a month.

Once every 3-4 days for me.

I drive a lot
I have my own tank of diesel at home I fill everything off of, it's in the barn
Horrible advice. We're full city slickers, stay in your shitholes.
Every 2-3 weeks for me, but I mostly wfh and have a 36 gallon tank. Also don't be a retard and go when normies are getting out of church and you'll be fine.
go at 6:30am when they open or 9:30pm when they close
spending 3 hours on a saturday at costco to save $20 combined on groceries and gas is literally considered an fun outing for urban dwelling retards.
Shell or Chevron for me, thanks
I miss having this. we had gas and diesel on tap
It just magically fills itself right?
Yes. You usually have a bulk fuel delivery truck come and top it off.
20 years of driving, never once waited for gas. Gas at the nearest station was $2.59 / gal today.
You evfags are sinking pretty low. Shameful display.
Not my problem
I do this with my trucks they love it
The amount of red nosed meth mouths in dirty clothes that come into my shop for injector cleaning because they don't have the mental capacity to run their oil through a coffee filter before dumping it in their tanks is astounding.
Are you retarded bro?
I've been doing this for literally 5 years and it's been fine the entire time
Try not owning shit ass engines
Lol, I get CNG ain't nobody at the CNG station
>I don't put costco gas in my BMWs though.
Ok Hoovie.
Cite your evidence for such.
If there was any validity to your "beliefs" of degraded quality then they would have been sued and / or there would have been a noticeable decline in sales.
All gas comes from the same refineries and same supply pipelines
t. used to haul gasoline
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>same refineries and same supply pipelines
10-4 good buddy!
Different brands do use different additives tho, Techron for example is added at the loading rack if you’re doing a delivery to chevron
He doesn't know about the mom and pop gas station that sells bongs and crack pipes but has gas the same price as costco.
>added at the loading rack if you’re doing a delivery to chevron
So I'm assuming by weight, since the tanker is probably on the Scales?
How do they ensure a proper dispersion?
Purely anecdotal but I had random misfire issues with my Silverado and at the time I exclusively used Costco gas to fill up. Like the car felt like it was stalling sort of misfires. Hear Costco uses shit gas from a friend. Start using Chevron and on my second tank I kinda had the random misfire thing going on but it never did it in the 2 years since I made the switch. Now I exclusively fill at Chevron
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>Lil zoomzoom thinks that is hardship.
*laughs in 12 gallon gas tank*
Lol, have you guys seen his new bimbo?
Man, that is a good looking truck.
Oh yeah, punch buggies and CVCCs definitely had the last laugh.
>Man, that is a good looking truck.
Isn't it?
I can't take credit it's Peterbuilt Anon's >>28089367
>Lol, have you guys seen his new bimbo?
No but I'm sure gonna go check now lol
>I had random misfire issues with my Silverado and at the time I exclusively used Costco gas to fill up
I believe ya anon but am baffled that no official investigation has ever taken place.
I still don't get the costco gas meme. I've priced it out and even refueling my big truck tank when it's almost dry (which I never do) I still only wind up saving like $15. If I refuel at half a tank it's a $7 savings. Waiting in line idling for 15 minutes to save $7? Why?
>Waiting in line idling for 15 minutes to save $7? Why?
Some sort of endorphin release is my best guess
>YEAH! I just stuck it to The Man!
No you didn't ackshully...
You idiots live in some lefty fag metro if it takes 15 minutes to gas up at costco.
Costco's gas isn't cheap enough to wait around for. The car is efficient enough that it makes practically no meaningful difference in expense.
>punch buggies and CVCCs definitely had the last laugh
They always do. People who don't consoom very much are barely affected by the swings in supply. They may not even notice it.
I live in the suburbs and Costco's gas stations are packed all day long. People idle for half an hour just to save up on a dollar on gas. They probably burn a dollar just idling.
Are there actually people on this board that unironically like electric cars and hate regular cars?
Me, but I consider electric cars to be regular cars. They're the base—the benchmark. Gas cars are just worse at being cars.
I don't use gas often in my Volt but it still feels good to know the gas I'm using is the cheapest.
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Is THIS your son?
>why we goin to costco n shit?
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>tfw no gassy broad to fill up
My Costco only has like a 10-percent chance to have a line. If there's a line, I just skip it and go to Wawa instead.
I like them both but for different reasons.
Electrics definitely make for better daily drivers though.
This, once in a great while all the pumps will be occupied at the gas station I frequent, in that case I drive 1000 feet to the next one.
This has happened perhaps 3 or 4 times in my life, I'm 32.
Feels great not having to go to a gas station like twice a weeks anymore
get a smiths card, do grocery shopping there. get like 40 cents off per gallon everytime i gas up
>twice a weeks
damn what are you driving? i only fill up once a fortnight with a 3.5L v6. when i see prices dip i just fill completely
Ram with a Hemi, daily commute is 60 miles minimum, more when I'm seeing clients. I'm driving anywhere between 20k to 25k miles a year
I'll wait at costco gas any day of the week, real gas stations are nasty and AT BEST there's a homeless guy asking you for fucking change or something but mentally doing the calculus of whether or not to mug you or the next guy.
Who are these semen demons?
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That neck scares me desu.
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> 2 trannies 1 car
Do the pickle rick wrap already
>there's 2 whole ass charging stations in town
>at the ford dealership
>'out of order' signs on them

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>humiliation ritual
Mine takes 10 minutes not 10 hours
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the best part is that even sitting in a lineup like this waiting for gas, then fueling up, still takes LESS TIME than an EVfag pulling right up to their giant electric dildo stand and plugging in their washing machine with wheels

i love fueling up in the summer with my 4x4, it has an exhaust leak and it's really loud. just make shitloads of noise pulling up while some teslabitch is sitting off in the cuck corner waiting 2 hours for his shitbox to have enough juice to drive down the block.

saw a guy with a big Dodge 3500 Cummins parked across 2 tesla spots this summer, he was inside getting smokes and the EVfags were MAD AF when he got out. he just smiled and pulled off after getting in the truck and lighting up a dart.
>implying any one of us has ever been in a line like that at a gas station
leftism in a nutshell. their entire ideology hinges on convincing you that your lived experiences are wrong. lmao good luck with that
I lined up like that once years ago when there was a gas shortage and surge in prices. It was when gas went from less than $1/liter to like $1.30/liter in a span of a month. Shit was fucking retarded. I just filled up with premium the other day, it's almost $2/liter now.

I'm Canadian and we have massive oil reserves too. Hopefully Trump will help get the Keystone XL going and we can all benefit from cheaper gas and less reliance on saudis.
You put a giant bomb in your barn?
Diesel isn’t volatile retard
We have oil reserves, but almost all of our oil is refined by Americans. Every nation should strive for energy independence and relying on Americans for that is fucking retarded
It is when I mix it with fertilizer.
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>Implying I’m not skimming excess gas from the piping of my trailers without cracking the internals when I stop to scratch my balls midway on my run
I haven’t paid for gas in about a year lmao. Better than just having it recycled at the rack by the next guy.
Pic related, training a new guy a while back. Told him to bring a jerry can too for himself heh.
That’s not what volatile means, lemme help you
Some gas stations have their fills on uneven ground and you get lots of retain, and the vapors condense on the walls of the trailer and drip down after you unload and drive around a bit
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That sounds like a problem for the next guy. Dump those 15 buckets in the hatch at the rack, wagie! Hahahahah
It’s really a problem for the gas station kek, they paid for the exact amount and get less, should have paid more attention to make the pavement around the fills level
That shits gotta add up to a lot of lost fuel over the lifetime of the gas station
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I’m not some O/O peasant who gets paid by the load so I don’t have to give a shit. I dump ‘er, flop my hoses to clear ‘em and fuck off. If there’s retain, the next guy can deal with it lmao. I’m goin’ home to whack off and eat pizza.
Stop being weird for a second and check out these ta-tas!
It ain’t really an issue if there’s retain that shit is irrelevant
What’s an issue is doing locals and dealing with city traffic all day in a city filled with Ns and Ss if you know what I mean
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>meanwhile in reality
I think one too many PBRs have made your brain wet.
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Excessive retain is my way of punishing the day shift wagies. I sleep well knowing they have no choice but to walk a dozen buckets of car juice down to the recycle bin at the rack in -40 while I’m at home settling in to a warm bed with my cozy post-fap vibe.
Kike posture
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Gam Gobbels from the Holocaust
Funni shak
I would simply tell the kindly negro no thank you, I charge at home in my garage where disgusting black hands can't touch my vehicle.
Are you retarded?
Diesel is not a volatile chemical, volatility and flammability are completely separate and not one and the same
Volatility is in relation to a chemicals susceptibility to evaporating and its vapor pressure, it’s flammability and explosiveness are completely unrelated to that
Also, diesel and fertilizer is not a volatile mixture, neither components are volatile in nature, volatility is evaporation, an explosive doesn’t evaporate, entirely new compounds are formed when an explosive is reacted, new compounds are formed, learn the basics of chemistry and reply again
Are the names at the bottom their real names?
>fill up tank
>10 bucks
life is good
What are you getting so angry about, [SHITEATER]? You really need to get a handle on that incendiary rage before people start thinking you are unstable.
This is a less than 10 minute wait.
I usually shitpost and relax while I wait for my turn to pull up.
What a fucking moron.
You don't even have the most basic grasp of a concept they teach 12 yearolds.
>As each component of crude oil has a different relative volatility, they will evaporate at different temperatures.
is gas tax california raising 14c from 54 to 68c or is california prices raising 68c???
>claims to have been a fuel handler
>doesn't know that Diesel is a volatile compound
Chalk it up to just another lie he got busted on.
Compulsive liars always get tripped up in their own web of deceit.
Can't. Boobs should stick out farther than neck.
Diesel is not crude oil, it is a refined and distilled petroleum product, in the refining process the most volatile fractions go into different levels of the fractional distillation tower.
The diesel level of the tower is relatively non volatile compared to the shorter chain hydrocarbon fractions.

You will notice all the diesel transfer tanks say no gasoline, diesel only.
That's because gasoline is too volatile to safely store and pump, but diesel isn't.

Diesel is far less volatile than water even.

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