So I was driving today and I caught a glimpse of a late-60's limousine that I for the life of me (and my old ass dad who I was spit-balling ideas with) couldn't not figure out what I had seen. The best I can describe it was like the front end of a Plymouth Fury (vertically arranged double headlights) mixed with the car from Reel Big Fish's Sell Out music video (same wheels too).
>>281056142 or 4 door?
>>281056584 door limousine (old school, not the stretch kind).
Cadillac Fleetwood Limousine?Ford Galaxie?Pontiac?
>>28105718The front and back of the Fleetwood is way too long compared to what I recall. Honestly the Galaxie might be the most likely answer but it still seems a bit off to what I remember it to be (although all I had was a glimpse).
>>28105614probably a custom job
>>281056141929 Duesenberg Model J
>>28105785Yeah definitely, just thinking what the base model could have been.
Mercury Comet?
Oh God I forgot to say that the emblem on the front looked like the Cadillac logo but looking up Cadillac of the era looks nothing like what I saw.
>>28105614Maybe a Fairlane?
>>28106652Kino, underrated muscle car.
>>28106669damn, seeing the mini chasing the galaxie as it went through the chicane was fucking fun
>>28106652Imagine cruising around in the back, drinking cocktails with the windows down, and blaring The Reverend
>>28106627Bingo I think that is exactly what it was.>>28106669I love how old muscle cars (especially ones on bias ply's) go through corners.
>>28105614Coulda been a custom airport limo. I think Dave Freiberger just picked one up on his channel, or maybe Roadkill Garage.
>>28106686There has to be about six litres displacement difference between those two. I love the Minis drift.