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what went so well?
It was a fairly smart albeit expensive design that took well to abuse.
The price was offset by not losing half of all the fuel you shipped to africa due to leaking containers.
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Jerry can was an amazing improvement on pic.
It is more convenient than small metal barrels
Wartime makes everything as streamlined and efficient as it can be. WWIII would save the west
What exactly would it save in the west? The dying practice of restricting freedom of speech and increasing overseas involvement in conflict?
It's not gonna make the mre pizza taste better anon
nukes turning everything into dust will save the west?
it would only save a country like WW2 USA that capitalized on geography and selective involvement to become a dominant superpower. europe was throttled by half their infrastructure and millions of men being bombed into dust.
I don't know, ask germans.
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Possibly the greatest invention since the tank.
I have some OG german ones from the 70s and they are still good to use.
Ah yes, Europe, notoriously throttled post WWII by becoming way more rich than they were pre-war
The US then fucked it up for decades by ignoring the reverse engineering and creating the Blitz can. The Scepter cans are way better than the jerry can in my opinion, they don't rust.
>mre pizza
It's only okay if you've eaten Lunchables regularly as a kid.

Personally, I prefer the Tuna, Chunk MRE. I can trade the snack items for better things and waste very little of it.
Just think. Instead of people buying 1 metal can to last 50 years, we now have to buy a shitty plastic can that doesn't pour well, can't vent, and the delicate mechanism breaks regularly so you can spill gas everywhere. Yeah, thats more environmentally friendly.
Oh and every single plastic fuckall gas tank you buy all has some proprietary child locking system that chokes 90% of the flow and snaps at your fingers when you close it.
I can't believe they discontinued the buffalo chicken wrap MRE for that garbage.
i liked the pizza mre, it was pretty nice. would've loved to try the hash brown with bacon one though
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Can you "free" Americans not just buy a normal nozzle like this? Or have these gone the way of the kinder surprise?
is it illegal for americans to buy anything but obama cans?
They just copied german design
All Canadian Scepter products are useless pieces of shit. I'm 100% confident Scepter lobbied to make well-designed gas cans illegal and I ONLY ever seen scepter in every store that ever sells gas cans.
I've never used that one from them but scepter makes the one where you move e safety piece of plastic then jamb the entire nozzle to the receptacle and dispense gas. It just spills everywhere and the plastic pieces break easily. They also just don't pour as well. The $120 gas cans and metal spouted ones are the only way to go. We have a minefield of slightly cheaper chinese imports so you also have to discern which gas can is good out of the expensive metal ones too.
plastic is gay
yeah its a pretty bureaucratic law
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>fairly smart albeit expensive design
yes and the chinese made it cheap

you just get them on ebay

wavian cans are too nice to leave unattended
Jerry cans are so historically important in their meticulous design. There’s lots of fascinating vids.


>seam sticking out

Enjot loosing all your fuel before getting there
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level with me anons, is the made in USA one really worth the price premium?
If you're a boomer yes. Vevor seems to generally make good stuff, lookup some reviews before trusting some anon (me) on the internet. Many people though tthey were saving a few bucks by buying the chinese clones only to hate them. Shit like pre-rusted inside, leaking when pouring, and other shit.
>Exposed seam
And worse, but back in the 30s the chinks had a bit more to think about than just jerry cans
>recessed seam drastically reduces the chance of splits from impacts
>easily stackable
>secure, camlock lid
>side impression allows for flex from temperate expansion
>handle design allows for multiple carrying methods while staying reasonably comfortable
A better question is what didn't it do well?
Europe had issues with famine for years after the war ended, their agricultural output was decimated and they were largely reliant on American aid for survival. Britain didn't really recover for a long time which is why they still eat beans on toast and mushy peas, they had food rationing for years. The Marshall Plan and allowing Germany's infrastructure to be rebuilt plus several decades of hard work are the reason Europe is doing well now (until they start a nuclear war with Russia). All of that for the low low cost of the best men the continent had to offer and creating worldwide communism.
Shits illegal in Cali.
Cool. Nta.
Look it up, farm guy on YT reviewed every commercially available jerry can in the US.
No. The chink cans are made out of thinner steel, are not coated on the inside, don't have the breather tube to prevent glugging. and the seam isn't recessed.
The recessed seam is especially important, since it's the weakest part of any fuel can. The chink cans will leak if you so much as bump the seam into something.
If you google up some rover parts stores, they sell Wavian cans imported from Europe for $55/ea or $200 for 4. They're stamped petrol and come with a "for non-potable water use only" sticker.
Just buy the racing can or a Scepter can from milsurp or Canada.
project farm reviewed these. just go watch
thanks for the helpful tip!

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